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Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets - REALLY Old Version

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Yeah, I'm at it again. Deal.

Here's the basics this time around:

*Setting is very loosely based on the world shown briefly in the Drowtales comic " ". While this is technically going to be Sci-Fi, it's pretty much just going to be framework for the setting. Keeping it simpler. Also, when I intend for the bulk of this to take place on one planet...There's not going to be a real need for ship tech to be at the fore, you know?

*The plot will revolve around a sudden epidemic of a psychological disorder that causes the victims to lose all interest in everything, and enter an extreme state of apathy. Player characters will be working to try to solve the crisis. Player characters will also end up basing out of a single facility. This building will have two wings, one set up basically as an observation facility for those who end up suffering from the disorder, and then a dormitory-esque wing where the player characters will eventually end up living. Player characters will also have some manner of defense that prevents them from developing the disorder.

*There may be additional elements being revealed during "gameplay". Most of these will likely be sub-plots. One such sub-plot will be the player characters finding out about their defense, and attempting to determine what their defense really is.

Further details will be edited in as I get them sorted out, or deem enough interest is reached.
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Not a whole lot of interest so far, but I'm going to go ahead and post some more information on this...

*Rough* Timeline for RP

1,000 years prior: Guardian Incident occurs on Earth. Two months later, the Halsey Corporation, a leading technological firm, forms the Sociological Examination Committee (SEC) in response to a growing epidemic of an obscure psychological disorder. Three months after that, the disorder is termed "Acute Antipathological Disorder" (AAD).

18 years prior: Koike Shiraishi is born on Earth.

6 years prior: A text is put forth by the Halsey Corp. Medical Division detailing the symptoms of AAD, and possible treatment options. The text is viewed as revolutionary, and the author, known only by the family name of "Shiraishi", is given an honorary Doctorate of Psychology.

1 year prior: Humanity makes its first contact with a race that calls itself the "Drow". Due to the militarisic influences of certain politicians, and the commanders of the expidition that makes contact, a war nearly erupts. It is only averted by Halsey Corp. openly giving technological data to the drow, and publicly opposing the political decisions involving the contact.

10 months prior: The first trade agreement is reached between humanity and the drow. Halsey Corp is given several of the trade concessions by the drow.

9 months prior: In one of the less built-up towns on the drow homeworld, a sudden epidemic of what appears to be AAD is recorded. Halsey Corp begins constructing the Pathos facility, designed to resemble a 20th century hospital with minor adjustments. The group also begins offering assistance when an earthquake damages the town, just before the construction plans are finalized.

2 months prior: The Pathos facility is completed, and rumors begin circulating that Dr. Shiraishi himself, current head of the SEC, may be placed charge of the facility.

1 month prior: Drow Intelligence services pick up news that Koike Shiraishi is going to be heading for the Pathos Facility, along with two companions. He is believed by them to be the son of Doctor Shiraishi.

Game Start: Koike Shiraishi and his companions arrive on the drow homeworld, and head for the Pathos Facility.

SEC personnel equipment list:
Identification Badge - Your standard clip-on plastic card with a photo ID.
Communication Headset - Basically a modified Bluetooth. Linked to a comm server located in the Pathos Facility.
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RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Intrest is shown. I doubt I be able to get most of this game with all the techno babble.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Intrest is shown. I doubt I be able to get most of this game with all the techno babble.
Lack of understanding of technobabble isn't going to be and issue since...

While this is technically going to be Sci-Fi, it's pretty much just going to be framework for the setting. Keeping it simpler.
This has primarily been posted in an attempt to draw in some of those who might be interested, but aren't big on the high tech stuff.

The area that the RP will be in has been stated to be a less-developed area. So, architecturally, most buildings likely be more akin to the average modern city...Including the run-down parts. Also, most of the available equipment for the players will be local or improvised, so no fancy energy pistols or whatnot.

Pretty much the bulk of the Sci-Fi elements will be story-based background details. If you're reading this and really want a higher-tech RP, I'd suggest checking out Rule 34's "The Dividing Line". This is really going to be more geared towards improvisation and creative thinking than high technology.


Time will factor into RPing somewhat, with four major breakdowns.

Early Morning: Characters will wake up, and there may be some minor discussion or planning over breakfast, at the players' discretion.

Morning: Will most likely be short or glossed over, simply because I intend for most of the characters to be, in effect, late teens.

Afternoon: Likely one of the more used time periods. This will probably be when most of the character interactions take place.

Evening: Again, probably not used much. Character interactions can still take place, and other things might crop up.

Other time periods might show up on occasion. As for jumps between time periods, I'll handle that. If no one has anything planned for a specific time, I'll just gloss over it. If there's something going on, the next sequence will wait until that's done, unless it starts taking three or four real life days, then I'll jump time ahead.

This is done, primarily in an effort to prevent confusion or delays in something.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

I'll place my holder here, interest shown, and availability is open.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

I'm going to go ahead and post character sheet information, as well as an example character.

First off, I would prefer that players make characters in their late teens. Also, humans are going to be extremely distrusted, with the Halsey Corp personnel being tolerated due to the intervention, and their knowledge of AAD. So, most players would be better off playing drow characters.

There will be a slight advantage to doing so. The "defense" mentioned earlier is somewhat more common in the drow. This means bonus for playing one.

Finally, if I feel that something isn't clear enough with a character, or needs changing, then I'll send a PM to discuss the matter.

And on to the character format and example:
Gender: (Male or Female)
Species: (Human or Drow)
Physical Description:
Personality Description: (Need at least a starting description. This will have an affect on the "defense" that your character will have.)
Other Background Notes: (Optional.)
Name: Koike Shiraishi
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Phsyical Description: Roughly 6ft, with a light complexion and silver-grey shoulder-length hair. Dark green eyes. Will either be wearing a plain black suit-style outfit, or all black with a dark green overcoat.
Personality Description: Quiet, contemplative, cunning, and intuitive. All of these terms can be applied to Koike's somewhat fluid and complex personality. A strong interest in studying other cultures is also present. Also present is a seeming total lack of fear, which has caused some of the Halsey Corp. personnel to jokingly refer to him as "Old Fearless".
Other Background Notes: Koike Shiraishi was diagnosed with very mild ADHD as a young child. Rather than going on any form of medication, alternate methods of controlling it were chosen. This was helped by a fascination with historical music from Earth, so he is often seen listening to music when trying to do something, such as studying. Aside from his music device, which is often hidden in an inside pocket, the only other item of note is an old-style pocketwatch. Only Koike's father's name is know: Kaito Shiraishi.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Character sheet set on my end, Wolf and I have already spoken on other details.

Name: Angus "Jack" O'Neill

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Physical Description: 6'8" weighs 260 pounds, built like a linebacker.

Personality Description: "Jack" is both physically and mentally tough. Most of this comes from his football playing days, though some question if he also has had any kind of professional training from other sources. He's a rather nice person until you piss him off, at which point your best bet is to simply back off. The few who have directly challenged him to a fight will swear up and down Jack has a 'demonic' side to him, his strength and quickness unmatched by anyone thus far.

Other Background Notes: Played high school football as Tight End, is quite strong as is indicated by his size. He is extremely brilliant, to the level of being able to create items from virtually nothing. He also prefers to go by his middle name Jack when spoken to, rarely, if ever using his real first name.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Character sheet set on my end, Wolf and I have already spoken on other details.

Name: Angus "Jack" O'Neill

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Physical Description: 6'8" weighs 260 pounds, built like a linebacker.

Personality Description: "Jack" is both physically and mentally tough. Most of this comes from his football playing days, though some question if he also has had any kind of professional training from other sources. He's a rather nice person until you piss him off, at which point your best bet is to simply back off. The few who have directly challenged him to a fight will swear up and down Jack has a 'demonic' side to him, his strength and quickness unmatched by anyone thus far.

Other Background Notes: Played high school football as Tight End, is quite strong as is indicated by his size. He is extremely brilliant, to the level of being able to create items from virtually nothing. He also prefers to go by his middle name Jack when spoken to, rarely, if ever using his real first name.
Name: Gil Sakata

Gender: Male (woo, penis)

Species: Human (Woo, penis)

Physical Description: 6'1 with naturally curly light blonde hair and red eyes. Built small and thin, he doesn't have much fat on him. Nor much muscle, for that matter. He wears a white classy shirt with a red tie and black blazer most of the time, with a music player and large headphones on him often. Alternative clothing includes a normal t-shirt with a black leather duster and jeans, and tuxedos of various colors.

Personality: Although he definitely has had emotional issues in the past, he's learned to control his anger. Even still, he gets pissed off very easily. He's also somewhat cold, and quick to fight. Through all these problems, he's still a kind person at heart...well, when calm. He can be friendly and nice, but can be also a bit evil at times. These qualities, coupled with his somewhat creepy laugh and odd looks (red eyes don't help), many people tend to avoid him. He's learned how to use long range weapons such as guns and bows, and is skilled at bringing up the rear of a group and shooting a gun or a bow from afar. His quickness helps avoid close combat encounters, and is good for running away.

Other notes: He was in the archery club for his entire high school education, and he's self-learned in the art of gunmanship. He learned how to take apart, clean, reload, and shoot most types of guns, but he is most skilled with a .44 caliber revolver or a sawed off shotgun.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Alright, I'm in. Will be filling in the details over the next day or so as I find the time, or the effort:

Name: Senra "Bell" Belladonna
Gender: Female
Species: Drow

Physical Description: 5'7", lighter skin and white hair. Wears glasses for reading, computer work, and such. Hates wearing uniforms of any sort, usually wearing outfits in purples and blacks that don't leave a lot to the imagination.

Personality Description: Outgoing and a fair bit of a tease, Bell is all about having a good time, even at work. She'll sing along to music while she's working, sometimes driving others nearby to distraction, though she sings quite well. Always friendly, she often drags people she just met out for parties on the weekend. She loves attention, and hates when she has to compete for it.

Other Background Notes: An expert with computers, she runs her own small business, contracting her skills out to various companies and even the military on occasion. She has spent the past 6 or 7 months familiarizing herself with Human computers, hoping to expand into that area as well.
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Okay, I'm going to be starting this sometime later today.

A couple of notes. The location used is going to be on a small-ish island prone to storms, and sometimes the storms get a little on the nasty side.

Also, the Pathos Facility: The Treatment Wing is going to consist of two floors, and be roughly set up like a nice hotel. Coming into the front lobby from the main doors, it'll be on the left.

The Dormitory Wing, where the characters will live after joining the effort, will consist of four floors. The first floor will house kitchen, dining area, and a lounge. Second floor will be set up for male rooms. Third floor, female rooms. The fourth floor will be the meeting room, as well as Doctor Shiraishi's office and room. Coming into the front lobby from the main doors, it'll be on the right.

The room that the player characters will be staying in consist of a decent sized room, with a walk-in closet, nice sized bed, and attached bathroom.

In the opening post that I've written, and will post once this is started, I've called the facility "comfortable". That is not a joke, or meant to be an exaggeration.
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

...Might want to double-check that. I don't see any typos...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Once again...The Wolf of Shadows is checking RP interest.

Huh, that's wierd, guess I was mistaken ;)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets

Oh, and I'm going to try to get either scans of floor plan drawings up, or if I can create them in one of my programs and save them as pics and then upload.

Either way, there should be some manner of visuals for the facility soonish.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets

Oh, and I'm going to try to get either scans of floor plan drawings up, or if I can create them in one of my programs and save them as pics and then upload.

Either way, there should be some manner of visuals for the facility soonish.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets

Shrike, you've got clearance to go ahead and describe wherever Bell is going to take the guys. You can also handle any NPCs you deem necessary.

However, one thing. I've decided that I want things to go a bit slower than they have been, since there may be some who have interest, but feel that they might not be able to keep up. Thus, I do not want to come back from my Ghost Hunters watching tonight to see a whole bunch of back and forth posts. No excuses.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets


*glomps GM priviledges and eatzez them*

Oh wait, I was supposed to use those, not eat them, right? Oh well, works just as well from the stomach :)

Also, no back and forth stuff, got it mon capitan.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets

Some back and forth is acceptable, but keep it to no more that six total posts. Three per person. And try not to chain several together.

Like I said, just trying to slow this a bit so that if there is someone who is considering joining, they won't get scared off by rapid-fire posting that could get hard to keep up with.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Pathos Investigation OOC and Char Sheets

I know what you mean, no worries. I will do everything in my power to make this RP more... appealing to people who might want to join ;)
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