RPG [PCを窓から] 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

The second change is that talking with the golden head you have now two more menus, one with 8 items (from 0 to 7) and one with four items... but even with translator aggregator I did not understand what the hell they do.

They control the state of the two other girls. But messing with them seems a bit buggy.

0 Before meeting
1 After winning the battle in the sewers
2 After the event in the sewers
3 After winning the battle in the enemy camp
4 After the event in the enemy camp
5 After winning the battle in the stronghold
6 After the event in the stronghold
7 After the final battle

0 Before meeting
1 After the event in the sewers
2 After the event in the enemy camp
3 After the event in the stronghold

Where "event" means rape :p
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

thanks, I do not see how this could be used, but thanks again. ;)
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

The game certainly needs some more work.

For some reason, there's no real way to tell if you're doing damage. enemies move back a tad when you hit them, yes, but there's no sound or graphical tell to say if you did damage or not. There's promise here, and the game would be much better if they made this small fix.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

The game certainly needs some more work.

For some reason, there's no real way to tell if you're doing damage. enemies move back a tad when you hit them, yes, but there's no sound or graphical tell to say if you did damage or not. There's promise here, and the game would be much better if they made this small fix.

Actually every enemy blink red when hit. Maybe the blink could last a little more but if I had to ask for some improvement, I'd rather ask for some other Game Over screen (at least one for the Secret Boss) and for voiced effects.

But in reality I do hope that the success of MoM motivates the author to move on the next project.

The quality we obtained for such a small price is enough for considering this deal closed. At least for me. ;)
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Actually every enemy blink red when hit. Maybe the blink could last a little more but if I had to ask for some improvement, I'd rather ask for some other Game Over screen (at least one for the Secret Boss) and for voiced effects.

But in reality I do hope that the success of MoM motivates the author to move on the next project.

The quality we obtained for such a small price is enough for considering this deal closed. At least for me. ;)

Even if the flash multiple times, spamming the attack button doesn't do much. You need to wait atleast half a second before attacking the enemy again. And the flash is visible, and you can hear the attack hit (or get blocked) aswell.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

This game was awesome. Super awesome.

Just one question. I've got the knight, wizard, marionette and "none" outfits... I'm missing one, the one on the far right. (I also haven't encountered the "boogeyman", probably related.) Where do I go to get this (these)?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Version 1.02 is out.
How does one procure the new version, exactly? Is there a patch on the dlsite page or the blog, or does someone who bought the game have to reupload it?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

so i'm using the wolf codes (/c /x3 /kf /ks2) but i'm not sure which thread i'm supposed to be using to get all of the text.

anyone got any tips?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

This game was awesome. Super awesome.

Just one question. I've got the knight, wizard, marionette and "none" outfits... I'm missing one, the one on the far right. (I also haven't encountered the "boogeyman", probably related.) Where do I go to get this (these)?

You find both of them in the Castle Sewers. To get there, you have to hit the switch in the left side of the castle to open the left entrance's gate. Once you've done that, just exit the castle and go left of the main gate.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

so after some reading here im certain that i have the older version, no ones uploaded the one with the update yet?

and another thing i hit the switch in the castle but the castle gate didnt open..
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

so after some reading here im certain that i have the older version, no ones uploaded the one with the update yet?

and another thing i hit the switch in the castle but the castle gate didnt open..

There's two of the switches in the castle. Did you hit both of them?
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

Wanted to pop in and say that I like this game as well, and for people who translated what happened at the end..

TYVM!!! :) Helped make the game real good for me.

Dw, bought this game as well xD I like buying good games lol. I can't decide between wearing the knight suit or black leather suit because those two is my favorite.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

He updated his blog. Looks like he's working on a new game.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth) - Glitches!!

In my short review, I say this game gets a nice 8/10.

Why not 10 of 10? Um, well sorry to say but there are four glitches in the game I've found out and think I will report to the maker personally when I get a chance. Dunno if the rest of you who play as well know about these fatal-four but:

Bug-1: When trying to get an item and if a wrong key is pressed, the menu appears and the game gets locked. Nothing can be done further other than to close the game. :confused:
Chance: Frequent!
Case: Serious!

Bug-2: When smacked out of a room by an enemy, the protagonist is stuck in pain and she can no longer move; all controls are locked and she's frozen stiff on the spot in front of a door. If nothing else is around, this can mean the end unless resetting the game via closing down. (this happened in the Omake room, the Goblin King boss kicked the poor girl out of the door and she was stuck with the "Ouch! :( " face and could no longer move after he kicked her outside!) Even the menu is inaccessible for her at that rate too!
Chance: Rare(?)
Case: Serious!

Bug-3: After dealing with the possessed girl (or traitor?) who is the True Last Boss a second time in the same area she was last seen, the screen will fade black and no ending will be shown, only the protagonist's stats, yet she can still run around..... in darkness???? This can be countered by reloading a saved data file since the menu is still accessible.
Chance: Frequent!
Case: Minor.

Bug-4: There are times when attempting to save game data, the system will be stuck in a deadlocked mode and freeze. This happens every so often in a while.
Chance: Moderate
Case: Serious!

Were it not for these glitches (yet are natural), it would get a full 10/10 score, but that's just my review and experience of this nicely done game in due. Does anyone else also experience these glitches, even one or more?
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Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth) - Glitches!!

Two of those bugs are actually caused by the same one: attempting to press an attack/item command while bringing up the menu will freeze the game, most likely because of parallel processing screw ups involving the menu.
Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

He updated his blog. Looks like he's working on a new game.

I'm buying it, whatever!!


I used google translation on the post.
Not sure about it but it seems more that he is considering more options, given the success of more than 5000 downloads.

If I understand right, one option is to do a new game, the other is to add some bonus scenario to MoM and even do some spin-off (that's right... give the others marionettes some love too!).
If I'm not right, I blame google!
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Re: 迷宮のマリオネット (Marionette of the Labyrinth)

How does one procure the new version, exactly? Is there a patch on the dlsite page or the blog, or does someone who bought the game have to reupload it?

i'd like to know this too since i never really got an answer to it.

also i beat the boss in the castle but now its just kind of at a dead end, i go to the cave behind the castle and once i get to the room with the 2 rocks nothing, i go to the ruins area and i still cant get in there....wtf...