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SIM [Peachaboo] Sexy Exile

^Hey guys, sorry for the delay! The demon fights are maybe more like it, that's right. They will basically work in a similar way, but I already thought about what interesting gameplay twists or additions could suit it. It's still a bit down the road so I can't really tell you more, I'm afraid. We'll all just have to wait and see ;P

I see! Well, I am curious to see how those could turn out, although I will still admit, I'm not sure it'd be quiiite battlefuck. Though I suppose, for the demon girls, your character is trying to do more then just not cum too soon, as it is right now in the tutorial... (though a shame you just get a screen saying you blew your load too soon, instead of actually blowing your load...)
No, you're right, it won't really be. I meant it will be similar to the current gameplay but probably with a few additions or changes that are maybe a little more "in the spirit of" battlefuck :D About the cumming, of course we thought about that, but we rather wanted to reward winning, so you will get to see the cumshot then. The early load of shame is not to be spoken of (or to be shown) ;P
No, you're right, it won't really be. I meant it will be similar to the current gameplay but probably with a few additions or changes that are maybe a little more "in the spirit of" battlefuck :D About the cumming, of course we thought about that, but we rather wanted to reward winning, so you will get to see the cumshot then. The early load of shame is not to be spoken of (or to be shown) ;P

Aah I think I see what you mean, it won't really be like battlefuck, but the idea of the girl actually trying to make you blow early, well...
A fair point, the trick to H-games sometimes is you only want to reward success! But on the other hand, failure has its own fun appeal to it...
We are indeed thinking about different ways of making the losing screen more "appealing" in the future. Not like a reward, but something a little more interesting and personal to the girls. :)
Progress Update November, December & January

Hey everyone,
look who's back after a somewhat bigger pause: The monthly progress summary! Only that it's three months this time ;)

We haven't done one of these in the last two months because we had our mid-December and I spent lots of time bug fixing, optimizing and answering questions all around the internet. We've seen a huge increase in support which still leaves us speechless and brings us so much closer to our goal of being able to work on Sexy Exile full-time!

Now that it has become a little bit quieter again, we've started to advance the development of Date Mode, but more on that below. I will try to keep it shorter than normal because it's so much stuff ;)

Art Updates:

- Lineart, finished Artwork and Cumshot Artwork for 2 XXX Scenes
- Lineart for two stickers as well as one finished sticker
- Portrait stages along with some more character info

(First girl to be created by a user (our first $100 patron). Read more about changes to Create-A-Girl after Alvah under "Patreon Updates")
- Introduction and sketches
- WIP portrait stages

- Dialogue background art for the street she lives in and the apartment building. Both are included in our public demo.

- Christmas Special with Nikki and Anaela (girls voted by patrons)

Development Updates

- in mid-December

- Several bigger and smaller updates including major performance tweaks, multiple control optimizations, balancing, a retry option, refresh rate fixes for monitors over 60Hz and much more

- Prototyping and writing for Date Mode in progress, WIP insights and footage posted to Patreon stream.

Patreon Updates

We were contacted by Patreon and asked to remove everything NSFW from our page description. While that is annoying but not that big of a deal, we also had to remove the Create-A-Girl Raffles. Because the first Participant got in as a guaranteed reward, we will finish what we started of course. It will take a while, so we wouldn't have had a raffle anytime soon anyways.

Still, to make up for that, we added a new "Create-The-Girls" reward to the tiers of $30 and more, that will give all those patrons the opportunity to give us their input and ideas for upcoming girls in special surveys and polls. Next Goals

- The Majority of art for Baby is done and we will send out the high res downloads to qualifying patrons as soon as the rest is finished, too.

- The next somewhat bigger goal is to create a prototype for our Date Mode and test it with our beta-access patrons. This prototype will be 100% function-over-form, so it won't look like much, but it will contain all basic mechanics to get a better feeling of how it might play in the end. As mentioned above, Cucu has begun to write some dialogue and texts for the date events and I will soon be able to begin implementing them.

That's it for today.
Thank you for your time (and maybe even support <3)
Cucu and Zanzo
Patreon's stance on NSFW stuff has gotten a little silly, I swear... still, nice to at least hear you're still at work!
also tried the demo for the first time, had quite a bit of fun !
best of luck to your endeavour !
Thanks, guys, we'll keep at it!

^^ Yeah, you're right with that. It gets a little annoying. They could just easily add an age verification for such sites or an additional disclaimer page when going to an adult site, but no, just don't show ANYTHING sexual or Nudity, even if it's fully censored. :confused:

Seems like a fun game but it gets a little harder over time. Would be great if there was a gallery option where you can battle each character and its different parts separately.
Something along those lines will follow later, to which extent will be determined along the way. The second stage is quite a bit harder than the first atm, the difficulty will ramp up more slowly when there's more content. :) We made that decision to show what a more challenging stage could look like.
Hey folks,

checkin' in with an update on the development of Date Mode! Let me tell you, I‘m hard at work getting all the mechanics in place and thanks to the awesome support from our patrons, I am able to skip a job or two every now and then in order to have more time to work on Sexy Exile. We still need to earn money otherwise, but it already really helps a lot :)

Therefore, I managed to make some good progress: I basically reworked my play card system like three times now as it wasn‘t as flexible as I want it to be. Finally, it‘s now possible to easily create all kinds of play cards, from simple „move 1 step forward“ types all the way to „randomly choose to move 1-3 steps in a random direction and lose 50 points OR move one step back and choose between two possible bonuses“ and such.

Design-wise, those can look pretty confusing for now, as I only use letters for visualization so far, but rest assured, we will do all the graphics stuff and such later to make sure it‘s easily understandable. So here is a VERY WIP prototype screenshot just to demonstrate some different card types:


Again, please don't get confused yet, these will get a proper and comprehensible design later on. At the moment, "@" and the spiral in the center both mean "random", while "#" and the checkbox mean "choose". The white letters are the effects, H for heart, B for broken heart and S for shield. They don't actually do anything yet, so I will talk about them later.

I also managed to get most of the standard event logic done, events being what happens when you land on a certain field of the board. Those can be short dialogues or stories that pop up and can occasionally include one or more multiple choice questions. I also want to add a few really tiny mini-games like a wheel of fortune and maybe something that needs a little bit of dexterity or logical thinking as possible events to get a little more variety. Depending on the event and/or your skill/luck, you then win or lose points, get buffs or debuffs or determine which way you go at a junction. At this point, events work fine but are just plain text on a solid color background, so there's not much to see, but for those of you who are interested anyway:


Okay, I could have been a little more creative on this event's text and choices, but let's keep that for later, also ;P Needless to say that nothing remotely resembling design has been applied yet.

There's a little bit more, but I will talk about it when there's more to show. Oh, I also made a thingy that shows you where you will (or possibly could) end up when hovering over a card, but with the latest redo of the card mechanics, that's broken at the moment and fixing it is not a top priority right now since it's more of a visual aid than a core mechanic. So that too will have to wait for next time :)

Also, we're thinking about taking a bit of time to do some animating, soon, since it's been a while and we don't want to fall short on certain tier rewards. D:

Back to work now, have a great day!
certainly looks interesting, altho i'm pretty sure trying and playing it will answer most questions a lot of us have :D

what worries me most is that it looks like i could miss out on certain events, only seeing half of what you actually did write and put into this date =/

Hey guys, it's time for our monthly progress update, so here we go!

Art updates:

- After reworking our rewards last month, we had our "prophets" and higher tiers make their first decision: They could choose from two exclusive sketches for Baby's third XXX scene (she tries anal for the first time).
The winning sketch has since been turned into a proper line art which has also been posted, while the final artwork is as good as done.
- Baby's second sticker has been finished and posted. Cucu also recorded the process and we put out a time-lapse video to illustrate the making.
- We posted the special collectible version (aka cumshot version) of her second XXX scene for according patrons​

- Being just two people that are mostly limited to working on Sexy Exile in their spare time (not as much as before, thanks to our awesome supporters), it's not always easy to pick priorities. After doing only game design and coding for the last months, I took a few days to do a new animation for a change. I would love to do more of those regularly, but they do keep me from progressing with the game itself at this point, so I will return to coding shortly. Anyways, I animated Mayu's first XXX scene - a Blowjob - and posted it last week. I'm pretty fond of the outcome and I think I'm getting the hang of it more and more :) I'll most likely do one more animation while the license is active.​

Coding updates:

- I'm gonna keep it short, this time, since I already wrote an in-depth update on Date Mode about a week ago. You can read it above. I have not been able to code too much more that would be worth mentioning since I was busy animating, but we advanced with the first draft of date content for the prototype. So we'll talk about Date Mode some more soon :)

Other news:

- Our youtube account has been suspended without a warning D: I gotta admit, it was probably my fault for uploading stuff for our patrons that wasn't exactly SFW because I thought it wouldn't matter as long as it was set to unlisted. Joke's on me.
It's pretty annoying because we lost quite a bunch of followers and especially views (meaning relevance) on our trailer and stuff, but what can you do. I've since opened a new channel only containing the safe stuff, so feel free to check it out and follow us. I also uploaded the two soundtrack pieces from our XXX Demo, give them a listen:



I'm just now transferring all the unlisted videos to our server to make them accessible for our patrons again. Costs a bit of time, but should avoid such trouble in the future.

Alright, that's about it for now. I'll be around :)
Have a good start to the month, everyone!
Thanks for keeping us updated, i really appreciate all the transparency and insight into your work as well as your plans for the future !
Hey, it's Zanzo!

Let me fill you in on the latest developments (ha!) regarding Date Mode!

As mentioned before, it's all a bit stressful right now for Cucu and me with important other jobs and Deadlines, but it's all coming along quite okay nonetheless. I got to 95-98% with both of Mayus remaining XXX Animations but mixed up the expiration date of my license so that I wasn't able to put on the finishing touches and export it yet. I will renew it one of these days, but that means I could either do some more animations as long as it's valid - which will slow the coding down again - or I "waste" quite a few bucks for like an hour or two of actual usage... Pretty dumb, I admit I fucked it up xD

So let's not waste time here :p

I came up with a system to actually make Date Mode a bit challenging without setting a hard limit for turns you can make or making it all too random and punishing. You will now pay a slowly increasing amount of affection for each turn you make, while each event you already triggered is replaced with the "Wheel of MISfortune", that gives increasing penalties with each turn. That way you have to keep moving towards the end of the board, but you're still able - with the right amount of tactical finesse - to take the occasional step(s) backward in order to pick up a few more affection points.

These mechanics are already implemented, if only in basic, non-visual forms, i.e. the Wheel of Misfortune being more like an "instant Randomizer of Misfortune" ;)

Cucu also outlined a lot of possible events and dialogues for the Date with Mayu, which I have partly already fed into the prototype in order to get a better feeling of what it will play like later. I think we're on the right tracks! On top of that, several general types of events have been added - all dummy graphics as always - like affection gain and loss, turn cost reduction (star), info & multiple choice dialogues and also gambling/random/minigame/whateveritwillturnouttobe-thingys.

You can see all of it here:

Note that the small dots mark positions without any events (for now), while the bigger dot to the left is something that hasn't got it's own icon yet. For a little bit of insight, the values on the top are:

- t: the turn you're in
- tcr: turn cost reduction. 1 means full cost, a star would reduce it to 0.9 (=90%) or for example
- tc: the actual turn costs. In this case, the next turn would cost 10 affection. A full affection bar could be like 500 affection for example, but the numbers are all temporary and will be properly balanced in the process

Okay, I think that's enough for now, gotta get some actual work done D:
Hope you enjoyed the update!

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Hope everyone is having a happy easter! If not, hopefully this will help a bit

Dev Diary #23: Progress Update March

Another month, another progress update! Here's what we did in March:

Art Updates:
Our Unicorn Lady got her third and last XXX Artwork in which she explores yet another way of sex. Guess which hole she uses this time... Cucu also finished the special cumshot version of it. I accidentally overlooked that there was still a sticker left to do when I promised to send out Baby's HQ Artwork packs to the associated tiers, so I did so anyway. Our "Prophets" and higher then chose a subject for the said missing sticker, which Cucu is now working on.​


We made some progress on this cooperation with our first "Maker" patron and posted her portrait stages from fully clothed to naked. Two of the background images for her backstory and dating situations are also currently being worked on and have been shown in line art status.​

Coding Updates:
As I just posted a bigger update two weeks ago, I'll just fill you in on what happened since then.

I put aside the work on the actual frontend game code for a bit because it became tedious to create and especially edit the dating board and its events by hand. To help with that, I'm currently coding kind of a level editor tool which allows us to work on the dates on a graphic interface. It gets quite complicated to make it save and load to and from a format that I can then properly interpret in the game, but it will eventually save massive amounts of time and will also enable Cucu, who is doing virtually all of the writing for Mayu's Date, to work on the level as I'll continue to push towards a first playable version. I'm making great progress with the level editor currently and already posted a screenshot of last weeks state . I'll do another update on it within the next week or so and explain it a little more.​

Writing Updates:
As mentioned above, Cucu is currently doing all the writing for Mayu's Date and she already has a good number of events and dialogues outlined. We are planning to include three possible locations in the date and a lot of situations and possibilities are already assigned to those. I'm pretty excited to see how it will be to play through them.

Alright, there you go. As always, feedback and questions are greatly appreciated :)

Take care
Zanzo & Cucu
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Dev Diary #25: Progress Update April


Granted, we missed the opportunity for a proper April fools joke, but we did lots of stuff in April nonetheless:

New Release Upcoming!

What started as a technical test to see if and how easily we could add additional accessories and alternatives for a human dick into our animations ended up being simple and successful enough to be shared. Currently in Early Access for our patrons, we will publically release Mayu's first XXX Animation in a Gallery-Type viewer with a few such customization features on next Friday, the 18th. ( )

Art Updates

After the Easter special, Cucu went to town on a rework of Mayu's portraits. Those were the very first she ever did for Sexy Exile and needed to be brought in line with our current state of the art, even if it wasn't for the fact that we picked to low a resolution back then. I then put the finishing touches on Mayu's third XXX Animation while the second one had to wait for a background overhaul. Lastly, we showed a preview of the release mentioned above and its contents.

We're having some trouble reaching our "Maker" patron who is designing Alvah with us, so we'll likely have to put her on hold for a bit. We could, however, finish one of her backgrounds, which depicts a beautiful coastal town.

The almost forgotten third sticker for Baby came to exist, featuring some especially naughty action with our cute unicorn lady.

Coding & Content Updates
Cucu is about done with the first writing iteration for Mayu's Date. It still needs to be proof-read and we'll have yet to see if it will all work out when playing it, but it's great to have it ready. Meanwhile, I have been busy building a level editor tool for myself to stop date design from being awfully tedious for having to set up all the data structures by hand. It works fine so far, I'm currently implementing the dialogue editing features, before setting up a mechanic that can convert the data to a format I can then process in the game and vice versa. When that's done, I'll continue working on a beta version of Mayu's Date/a section of it. Of course, I also put some of my time into the upcoming release, but having that done enables us to do stuff like that more often and without an awful lot of work besides art and animation, so we'll see how it'll be received.

Back to work now~
Zanzo :)