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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

She wasn't quite willing to believe that everyone had disappeared, either, though she also wasn't sure that they'd simply disappeared. Stretching the kinks out of a night slept awkwardly, Cara finally reached down to offer the other blonde a hand up. "My thoughts exactly. I'm going to try to head to my car... it's down by the parking lot for the park... want to come with?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna happily waves to the people in the room as she looks around, smiling, "C'mon! We can go outside now! Who wants to go to main street with me?" She laughs as she stands there, "Let's hurry!~ I don't want to be the last one out there, plus if I'm quick, I can clear out the arcade and then we can grab some lunch!" She stops waving and looks around, waiting to see if anyone wanted to come with her.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci listened to Shiva. She sighed at her suggestion and said, "So you guys think they disappeared, huh?" She stared at her cot still sitting cross legged now. It seemed like everything she feared was just confirmed. If people were disappearing under military surveillance then nobody out there probably made it through the night. Still looking down she said in a weak voice, "Yeah... maybe we should get out of here... Hey what's your name? I can't call you Shiva's kid forever."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

J-Jen. She replies shakily. If... if it h-helps any, I w-worked at the l-local library. I've r-read most of the b-b-books there, so I kn-know a f-f-fair amount.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa stops shaking Rosie, but moves her hands to the girls shoulders, gripping them tightly. "Everyone's gone," she hisses quietly. "And I saw something outside." She looks around the room, then back at Rosie. "I think we should get out of here. I left my bike outside."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Cat stands at the doors and looks around for a moment before shaking her head. I can take care of myself, she tries to convince herself as she heads out. Supplies first. Maybe find a grocery store or something.

Cat goes to leave
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

She wasn't quite willing to believe that everyone had disappeared, either, though she also wasn't sure that they'd simply disappeared. Stretching the kinks out of a night slept awkwardly, Cara finally reached down to offer the other blonde a hand up. "My thoughts exactly. I'm going to try to head to my car... it's down by the parking lot for the park... want to come with?"

Buster also absentmindedly spoke as he was scanning the room. "I've got a motorcycle myself, but if you think it's safe that we travel together, I'd be more than glad to follow you." His sight darted towards her hand when he saw it, dropped his head a bit and shook shook it as if trying to get rid of an image, before reaching up towards her. "I can't believe that they all just took off."
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Upon seeing the support of the two women around her, she stops using the wall for support, and stands straight up on her feet. And looks to Kaci and Jen, "Hmm..." she begins to wonders, her voice a quiet, calm whisper again, "We should search what the military left behind... These people likely did not disappear on their own... We might need weapons..." she suggests to them, and silently starts to search everywhere military activity took place, where the guard(s) at the door were, and even so far as to go out of the building, and search around the Humvees as well as other military property for anything, word, anything of value...

( Shiva searches the Hall inside and out, weapons first, everything else that would be, by nature of common sense, useful. )
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna's smile slowly drains from her face as no one responds to her, infact, a woman even goes as far as to walk past her and out the door without even acknowledging her. She begins to tremble slightly as she looks around the room, her hand slowly moving towards her bag... towards her weapon... she would... she stops as she looks angrily around the room, her expression filled with hatred as she screams, "Well screw you all too!" She turns around and kicks the door open and storms off towards main street.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

I...um... ok. Jen says, following after Shiva. The other woman seems to have some idea of what she was doing, so Jen decides to try and stay with her. Hopefully the woman would be able to help Jen stay safe from the lizard men who have invaded her home town. Jen makes sure to keep an eye out for anything the others might use as well as any books she might could bring with her as she stays close to Shiva.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Clasping his arm and hauling back, she grunted agreement. "Seems too quiet this morning. I'd appreciate it if you came, just till I got in the car. Where are you parked? I'm heading northwest, maybe we could kinda caravan that way until we found out what the hell was going on." She grinned, though the expression seemed somehow flat. She couldn't believe that anyone would just take off, either... but she wasn't always prone to trying for the most logical reason, either. All she knew was that it'd be best to get out, now. Of course... she had no idea that there were blockades set up at the exit. Unlike Shiva, she'd been in town when the military'd swooped in...

Scanning the remainder of the townies, she noted two girls heading for the main doors. Cat she recognized by the girl's whiteish hair (oh, the terror of bleach in the hands of teenagers...) and the chocolate lab puppy at her feet. The other, (Leianna), she'd had no experience with, but the way the girl was shouting and waving and laughing, Cara didn't think she had a clue what was going on.

Rolling her eyes, she raised her hand so that Leianna would notice her. "Hey, girl," she prompted, heading towards the doors herself after she'd picked up her guitar case. "I'm not heading to the arcade, but if you want we can walk you down the steps at least." Her first impression of Leianna was that the young woman was either extremely naive, dense, or perhaps just bull-headed... but she had visions of the younger blonde running off down the street and running into... whatever'd done that howling last night. Cara wasn't entirely hard-hearted!

((eta: Bah, ferfracksakes, I had started posting before you did, Loli... >_> I didn't see Leianna's newest post. Want me to retcon and edit out the part where Cara notices her, or do you want to change your post?))
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Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Kaci silently got up from her cot and followed Shiva around and looked for stuff. She didn't say a word and seemed to be distracted. The new predicament has made her realized her parents are probably gone with all the rest of the people that seemed to disappear.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leianna's expression changes as she hears Cara, she turns around, all the anger gone from her face without a trace as she smiles happily, "Yay! Let's hurry then!" She points out the door and walks out, any hint of her being upset somehow gone, "By the way, my name is Leianna! What's your name?"
Re: Peiquok Town Hall


Rosie rubs her head, groaning slightly. "Oh, no." She finally notices that everyone else is gone as well, face ashen. "Alright, yeah... lead the way."

Cat and Moxie exit the Town Hall for Main Street

Shiva, Kaci, Jen and Morgan
Shiva searches the hall
2!+7+4 (Awareness) vs 14, Failure (Critical fail, -2 to search attempts on the next roll)

Though she does her best to look for weapons in the town hall, Shiva seems to be distracted just now, perhaps by the others lingering around her or by her own worry and need to get out of Peiquok. All she manages to spot seems to be what's in front of her: namely, cots, chairs, blankets, and spoiled leftovers on the table near the stage.

((Bad luck! Let's say that she hasn't searched beyond the main room for now, since a 2 for the ENTIRE town hall along with just outside is a bit harsh.))

Jen looks for books or supplies
7+9+2 (Awareness) vs 14, Success.

Jen, on the other hand, notes a first aid kit tucked away behind some jackets hanging on the wall, as well as someone's pocket translation dictionary from french to english.

Leianna, Cara and Buster exit the Town Hall for Main Street

((Feel free to continue your conversation in the Main Street thread!))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Jen makes a small joyful noise and hugs the dictionary to her along with the town minutes. Clinging tightly to them, she moves over to Shiva. I found this, do you know how to use it? She asks, showing the first aid kit to Shiva, her joy in finding another book distracting her from her fear long enough to speak normally.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Melissa eyes up Rosie, looking worried as the girl rubs her head, remembering her own strange headaches. "You alright?" she asks, while taking Rosie's hand and leading the girl to the front door of the Town Hall. Cautiously, Melissa opens the strangely dirty and worn door and peeks out, scanning the surrounding area for anything out of the ordinary. She also checks to make sure her motorcycle is where she left it. The thought of being stuck in the town with that creature sends a shiver up her spine as she thinks back to what Rosie had been telling her the night before.

"There's something very wrong here," she said quietly. "Last night this was a nice little village, now it looks like no one's lived here in years. Do you remember anything else that your grandfather told you?"

(check surroundings for creatures, search for motorcycle)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva looks at the first aid kit, and nods at Jen, "Yes..." she whispers, slowly taking it from Jen's hands, and (Holds it? straps it onto her back?) and thanking her, "Thank you..." she whispers, before turning to Kaci, "Kaci... Could you take a look around... I think I missed something..." she whispers in request to the raven haired girl.

( Cover for Shiva's bad luck, Neo! Have her search around, and find us some weapons! )
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Morgan stretches and rubs her neck as she sits up on the cot, blinking sleepily, "What a weird dream..." She looks around the hall, confused, "Where did everybody go?" Focusing her attention a little more, she stares around the room doing a quick headcount, noticing that both Melissa and Rosie seem to have vanished, along with most of the soldiers.

She tries not to panic as she stands up, walking over to the biggest group that she sees (Kaci, Shiva and Jen) and asking, nervously, "Um... excuse me. Did any of you see people leaving already? A blonde woman in a leather jacket?" She doesn't quite believe that the military would have pulled out in the middle of the night, but isn't ready to think about any other possibilities right now.

Shiva, feeling at a loss of hope from having no weapon in hand, shakes her head at Morgan, as she was not paying attention to the few dozens of people around her, "No... I'm sorry." she answered Morgan, before turning back to Kaci, awaiting a reply.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

( Cover for Shiva's bad luck, Neo! Have her search around, and find us some weapons! )

(( I thought I did search but he gave me no search thingie D= ))

Kaci nodded at Shiva and started searching without saying a word. She looked around the parts of the building that Shiva didn't seem to bother to look around and planned to meet up back with Jen and the others when she's done searching around the building.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

So, what now? Jen asks hugging the two books she now has to her chest. Keeping looking around in here?