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Peiquok Town Hall

Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Leading the wounded Lillian inside the now mostly empty hall, Shiva's head started to swirl once more, and felt herself nearly losing balance, just like yesterday.

Thrown into panic, Shiva quickly lead Lillian over to the closest wall, and sat both her, and the military woman down along the wall, as she moved a hand to her head, whimpering, "Oh, god... it's happening again..." she whined, "I have to get out of this town..."

She was sitting down on the floor, right next to Lillian who was forced down next to her due to the support she was forced to lean onto Shiva, as the white haired woman whimpered along the wall.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Lillian, grunting as Shiva drags her down to sit, gives the pale woman an exasperated look. "What's happening?" she asks, unsure of what tangent Shiva's gone off on, but not really liking getting dragged up the steps and into the hall only to have this happen to her. She raises an arm feebly as a man in his late thirties or early forties comes over, also in military garb.

"Sir, we were attacked just outside," she tells him as he asks her to report. "Big four-footed thing with a bunch of teeth and a really long tongue. No idea what it was." If it wasn't for the fact that she's bleeding and looks like she's seen far better days, the man looks like he'd not believe her.

"Right, I've been trying to radio for help, but so far nothing," the man tells Lillian, apparently disregarding that Shiva is nearby. The time for secrecy has passed, apparently. "We'll just have to see if there's a way out of here on our own. I'm rounding up the people who are still here. Can you move, Mendoza? Who's this?"

"I'll be okay, sir. This's a medic, was gonna help me but she started wigging out..."

The man gets to one knee, looking Shiva in the face. "You need to pull it together, ma'am. We're going to try to get out of here. You going to be able to hold on long enough to get back out there?" He's hefting his rifle, obviously mentally preparing himself to do battle once they're out of the building.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva took a deep breath, and swallowed a lump in her throat as the man asked about her well being, "I..." she began slowly, and uncertainly, "I'm not sure..." she answered honestly, before shaking her head in an attempt to fight the feeling, "But, I think I'll still be okay... For now, but I'm not sure for how long..."

Shiva takes a deep breath, and places her palms at the sides of her face in an effort to get a grip on her mentality. After slapping some sense into herself, she leans over to Lillian, and proceeds with what she promised to do.

(Even though Lillian is fine, and I'm just doing this for the sake of role play, if you feel you should take the kit away for doing this, I'll understand, though since she'll be treating it for infections mostly, I'd rather not think that I'd use the entire kit...)

Shiva casted a glance at Lillian for a quick moment, and said, "Don't move too much," before lifting the bandage a little to check the severity of the wound. Upon seeing she was still bleeding to a minor degree, and the wound is not too deep, Shiva simply hurriedly draws out a clean cloth, and wets it with a little bit of the clean water from inside the kit, and began to dab the wound gently, as not to sting Lillian too much while cleaning the wound. After making sure the wound no longer had dirt, or anything of the kind inside the series of cuts, Shiva drew out the disinfectant, and dabbed it on another, new cloth after disposing the other, and started to gently, quickly, as well as thoroughly treat every open cut with disinfectant.

After cleaning, and disinfecting Lillian's wounds, Shiva took new bandages from the kit, and started wrapping them around Lillian, making sure to put a lot of pressure on every spot she covered, until Lillian's wounds were completely treated, and on the safe path to healing perfectly.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Lillian, watching Shiva carefully and biting her lip when the pain is too much, eventually tests the new bandages out. "Thankyou," she tells Shiva, feeling the difference already. "That'll do, I think. I hope."

The man had already gone to collect those few people who had decided to remain with him while Shiva was working on Lillian, so the soldier got carefully to her legs. "How're you doing, though? We need to get the hell out of here."

Shiva notes that a familiar face is coming in through the open main doors -- Kaci, most likely come to check in on them.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Approaching Lillian Kaci said "Here," then gave her her radio not waiting for a response. Not realizing Lillian had new bandages on she went over to Shiva and asked her still curious as to what her intentions where taking Lillian away so fast, "What'd you do do her?" She then waited for a response from Shiva seeing that since Lillian looked fine it was probably nothing bad.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

As soon as Kaci, or anyone for that matter, looked back to Shiva after she had finished healing Lillian, the pale, white haired girl was blushing embarrassingly while sitting against the wall, and if one payed attention, or recognized the facial expression, Shiva looked to be sexually excited...

The white haired, red eyed woman seemed to snap out of a trance as all attention focused on her, which only further served to make her blush. Although, for some reason, her legs wobbled a little, Shiva quickly stood up, and addressed the concerned individuals around her.

"I... I'm fine... But...-" she added in, taking note that it was likely the infection she contracted that was making her lose her mind, "But I need to get out of this town... We all do..." she stated the obvious.

Upon Kaci's entrance, and asking of what she did to Lillian, Shiva looked over to the sweet, raven haired girl who was so kind to her, "I just... Disinfected and slowed the bleeding of the wounds..." she said shyly.

(How's about that medkit? I still have it, yes?)
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Shiva and Kaci
((Shiva still has her medkit -- since she didn't use it for anything other than OOC purposes I don't think it makes sense to take it from her!))

The corporal nods simply to the trio, then begins to round up those who have remained behind. It looks as though everyone is filtering out of the town hall now, at the male soldier's request.

"Thank you for that," Lillian tells Shiva again, "let's get out of here, then. We may be able to radio for transport once we reach the exit."

((Feel free to keep posting in here or to move out into the Main Street thread again.))
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Ryu looks around the hall, thoroughly confused. Everything looked so... odd and disoriented. In any event, he was glad he never changed out of his suit and kept his sword with him. A slight chill in his spine, he took a few deep breaths, relaxing. It would take more than this to freak him out. After a moment, he began looking around, surprised at the lack of people in a town hall.
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

Ryu can vaguely remember hearing military sirens and being hustled from his activities towards the center of town, but after that, everything seems to go blank. The town hall seems dark and run-down, as if it hasn't been looked after for years and years.

Ryu Searches
9+6 vs 14, Success

Looking around, Ryu finds a first aid kit hanging from one of the walls, though the place does seem truly deserted. One of the doors out into the street has been left wide open, though he can't see beyond that, given everything beyond seems to be enshrouded with heavy, dark fog. It's hard to tell that it's late morning out there, given the conditions!
Re: Peiquok Town Hall

While normally he'd have a problem taking something that wasn't his like that, the building seemed all but abandoned. As such, he would grab the first aid kit and take it with him, deciding to go through the open doors and and outside of the hall, sighing to himself at realizing he forgot his flashlight, though once outside, he'd look for his bike, thinking he'd likely used it to get where he was, even if he couldn't quite remember.