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Peltas Five Space Station

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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In the backdrop of space itself, a huge space station sat. She was lit well, and her energy readings could be detected for dozens of light years by even the weakest of sensor arrays. She was a renovated station that had been abandoned by a race known as the Ancients millions of years ago. She had lay dormant, doomed to a lonesome eternity of floating in space until the Alverans came along and reactivated her. Two years later, she was a major hub for the forces of the Milky Way once more. She served as a meeting point for many during the Ascendant Empire and Ori wars, and has since been renovated with powerful Alveran Technology, although some of the Ancient's systems were left in place due to their higher efficiency.

Now, she plays host to another meeting. This time, to discuss the possible location and potential attack on the rogue Gou'ald Nirrti.

((This is the site for ALL characters who are currently a part of the alliance. If your character is a longstanding member, this is your starting point. You may choose to already be here, or have just arrived. All others, a thread covering a large expanse of the galaxy will be up shortly for you.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Within the station, while awaiting the arrival of the others attending the meeting, Coraxus thought back to the last time he'd been called to Peltas V. Back then he'd arrived in a ship the size of a city with an entire Tiberion fleet behind him, ready to send hundreds of thousands of men into battle against the Ori. His new ship, considerably smaller and crewed by only 4 people, felt somewhat inadequate as he thought about the battles fought against the Ori and the parts his fleet had played in them. Still... some would argue that the threats faced by the people of another universe weren't worth risking Tiberion lives for, so perhaps it was better this way. Besides, he couldn't imagine facing another threat like the Ori so soon after their downfall. That said, if whatever new threat had surfaced justified calling another meeting here, then it was significant enough to warrant concern.

Fortunately, the call had gone out while Coraxus was on an excursion in this universe, so he'd picked it up. He might not be as much help as he once had been, but without anything more important to do (for the time being) he felt it wouldn't hurt to lend a hand with whatever was going on.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

As Coraxus sat, he could hear footsteps approaching. After a few moments, he saw a woman who he might recognize. She wore typical Alveran clothing, and stood at almost six feet tall.

It might take him a moment, to remember the name, but the face still hadn't changed after all these years. The woman in question was Julia, direct superior to Siphon and Talok, who actually had called this meeting.

"Hello Coraxus, it's been quite some time since I last spoke with you. There is some time before things get going, I was wondering if perhaps I could talk with you and your wife about something that may interest you?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Always a pleasure, Julia."

Beside Corax, Lilith nodded in greeting. Vulkan looked up but said nothing.

"Of course. What is it?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia smiled, which was rare to see from her, at least so openly.

"Well, we got word back a few days ago of an unexplained power reading on a planet in the Pegasus Galaxy from a Tokra ship. They weren't able to investigate it because the reading was coming from under three miles of ocean, and it seemed to have a scattering field or a shield around it. Readings indicated a stargate as well. They sent us what they had and we've looked it over. I've asked Siphon to head this up as we've got no one else we can spare at the moment, and after running by what we had through him, he thought you folks might be interested. I know he mentioned the stories to you Coraxus, so I will be as blunt as I can be given my ... excitement."

She took a deep breath, then looked at them again.

"We believe we may have found the location of Atlantis."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

(Note. The ship referred to as the Aurora in any of the following posts has now been renamed as the Al-Sora.)


A brief summary of the Etherian's entry to and involvement in the Alliance.

During the formation and rise of the Alliance, many nations and races were drawn together suddenly and unexpectedly. Whilst many of these entered a new age of co-operative interaction in inter-discovery, there were of course also those who merely quietly returned to their own business once the crisis had been averted, and ultimately remained relatively unknown to their new allies. Of these, none more so that the Etherians. Though officially holding a seat and voice in shared Alliance affairs, their representatives were rarely seen, and had never once spoken upon the issues of the other civilisations, nor been called upon or asked anything of their own. Seemingly content to simply keep tabs on the general state of affairs, and detached from the day to day politics of the galaxy.

To tell the truth, no one actually knew where these people came from. They did not trade any goods, did not hold any stocks or virtual properties, did not patrol a known territory, and had no known holdings whatsoever. They had entered the previous war under strange circumstances, when a lone Etherian fleet had requested urgent aid in combat against the Ori. The battle had took place in orbit around a lifeless world belonging to an ageing star, in a sector that was by all accounts strategically irrelevant to Ori's known interests. The Etherian's vehemently refusing to retreat as if there was no such option. The call for assistance had gone straight to the top of the Alliance, and the order to respond had followed almost immediately. The Ori we're defeated, and the small Etherian fleet soon departed to a place unknown. Whatever was won or lost that day has remained as speculation to those present, but before their departure the expressly grateful Etherian's promised to repay the debt in kind.


The Al-Sora and her crew sailed onwards serenely, on a steady heading towards the Peltas Five Space Station, as per the summon. They had dropped out into normal space at a fair distance, to allow a relaxed time frame for correct friend/foe recognition of the vessel and it's abnormal energy signature. It wouldn't do to be mistaken for a clumsy attempt at a stealth run against the station after all.

"This is the Solace Class emissary vessel 'Al-Sora' of the Etherian 1st Fleet, to Peltas Five docking control. Requesting permission to dock." broadcast to the station in a feminine voice, and proceeding to follow protocol to gain access to the station. Ayla found these alien docking routines considerably more hassle and far less relaxed than those of her home, but it was understandable, and simple enough provided you played along correctly. Like a honey bee doing it's dance, lest it be shooed from the hive and shot from the sky.

< "Ellisia, we shall be landing shortly. You may wish to wake Marik before we arrive. Oh... also, would you kindly ensure that my errant sister does not slip out of the ship behind you on your way out? I can handle her protests, but I'd rather not have her roaming the station during the meeting." >

To this Ellisia simply smiles and nods from elsewhere on the ship, and collects her uniformed cloak to make ready for landing. As the docking gear and gangway extends to the sleek white ship, it would find no airlock or fitted docking clamps, having to resort to ad-hoc subroutines and some manual work from the station crew. Luckily though the vessel seemed to possess excellent fine control and spatial awareness, guiding itself into the grip of the station cleanly. Only when the gang way sealed against the smooth featureless hull and was pressurised as requested, would a crack of light appear upon the hull, expanding to create a door way, or portal of sorts. Stepping forth from the light came three figures, draped in , with Human faces. Two men and a woman. The woman strides forward into the station proper, with the others following at her shoulder, and addresses the floor staff to introduce herself and obtain her destination. "Ellisia Alvante, acting emissary for Etheria."
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ellisia and her fellow emissaries find themselves greeted by an older woman who, if they're familiar, is dressed in Alveran garb, so she could be one of them or she could be human. Hard to tell by first glance. She waves off the docking crew, allowing them to get back to their duties. Once Elissia gets a good look at her, though, she may have a spark of recognition at the woman's face from time spent on Earth: Sho, a mostly human ally who was usually knee-deep in the thick of it right alongside Siphon and the rest of them.

"Lady Alvante," she says with a smile, the expression and her tone betraying that she recognized the other woman as well, "allow me to welcome you and your crew to Peltas Five. I believe we are still waiting for a few more of our allies to check in, so in the meantime, I've been asked to show you to quarters where you might rest and relax before Julia or one of the other higher ups can come and touch base with you, provided you're agreeable, that is." She spreads her hands in something of a welcoming gesture, then sweeps one hand in a "follow me" gesture before leading them further into the station.

She pauses briefly to relay a message, likely to said higher-ups, though there's familiarity tinging the formality of it all, particularly in the "As if you somehow missed it, our Etherian delegates are here." After that, she'll continue leading them on, bringing them to a fair sized room that seems to double as lounge and meeting hall, given the furniture found within.

"And looks like I can stick around to possibly answer any questions you might have or see to anything you might need, given no one else seems to be shuffling in at the moment." She'll pause for a moment, thoughtful, and the smile returns. "It's been...ages, it seems. How have you been? Looking to be doing all right for yourself."
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

It wasn't long before Sho and Elissia heard someone approaching. Soon, a face they would all too well recognize appeared, and when he spotted them, his eyes lit up just a bit.

"Elissia, wonderful to see you again. Thank you Sho, things have been ... busy to say the least."

The face, and voice, belonged to Siphon himself, and while he seemed in good health, there was something in his eyes that suggested something about him was not the same as it had been the last time Elissia had seen him, yet there was also a careful optimism to him that she hadn't seen from him ... well, ever.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Ya don't say. Well, now that he's here, I get to stop playing hostess, to an extent." A grin plays over the woman's features. She still lingers, though, obviously either to follow along with Siphon or to take over again once he hurries off, given he's often moving in three different directions at once.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Atlantis? That's... the lost Ancient city-ship, correct? I imagine that's got Siphon in good spirits."

Vulkan seemed fairly apathic, although Lilith appeared interested.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"Yeah he's pretty excited, he's only been searching for it ever since he found texts indicating it might exist over a hundred thousand years ago. He thought you folks might be interested in joining him, he's heading up an expedition himself. Still, it's bittersweet for him. He was hoping to share if he ever found it to share that with Daina."

Julia trailed off at that point, saying nothing more, which might lead Corax and the others to believe something was amiss.

((Figuring Corax and them have no idea what has happened)).
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Though initially responding with merely the typical polite head bow, the hovering feeling of recognition soon snapped into place, and Ellisia adopts a smile upon seeing the familiar but unexpected face. "Shoni?" she remarks with a pleasantly surprised expression. "I can't say that I expected to see you here. Our thanks to you for the welcome." She says making to follow on into the station proper. "I am well myself, and yes, it's been quite a while hasn't it. By your calender, it must be about... 12 or 13 years now? I have thought about wishing to return to visit those memories at times, although things at home among my people having been... comparably hectic, since I left Earth. It's good to see you again. Is that Alveran attire?" She replies, a casual semi rhetorical question added after.

The sound of approaching footsteps drawing her attention to the side next as another familiar face emerges. "Ah, and the same to you Siphon." She says with another smile. "I am indeed curious to hear of what this is about. And before we get any further, allow me to introduce here my comrades from The Order, Marik Osavra and Thanus Hauthuum." Said motioning to each in turn, with a polite bow of the head from each man respectively. The younger silver haired knight allowing a friendly smile with his bow, whilst the other continued to maintain a stony and unreadable, professional visage.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sho's smile grows as recognition dawns. "Give or take, but yeah. You're looking well, especially if they've got you in charge." As Ellisia mentions the hectic lifestyle back home, she laughs some. "Hectic? What's that? We know nothing of hectic." At her question about her clothes, she nods. "When in Rome, as we say on Earth. Figured I ought to look official today, what with everyone coming in. Catch me in a couple of hours and I'll probably be in jeans and sweats." Another laugh.

She'll return the nods of the other two knights, smiling at both, despite Thanus' stoic visage. "So, Siphon, how many more we waiting on? Is Thor coming in? I know he hasn't shown up yet."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon bowed his head respectfully to the two other knights as they were introduced, then spoke again.

"I have no idea regarding Thor, the last contact we had from him was that he was investigating some strange energy readings coming from a planet that shouldn't have anything on it. Sivok called ahead with news that they were answering a distress signal from the Vorians, according to him they were under an orbital attack. Bad timing considering all but a few of their ships are out on important issues."

There was a long pause, and then the faintest hint of a smile crossed his lips.

"However, I have something the both of you may like. Elissia, Sho, I know I mentioned it by name to you a few times, and the stories so I'll cut to the chase. Julia has asked me to head up a small team through the gate to a set of coordinates we have. Long story short, based on the readings and information we have ... We think there is a very real possibility we've discovered the resting place of Atlantis."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"And knowing Thor, he won't be back until he's satisfied." She looks a little distressed regarding the attack, but given that he doesn't seem exceptionally worried over it, she lets it go for the time being.

As he announces the news, she swats him on the arm with the back of her hand. "You've been sitting on that news and you didn't tell me until now? Bastard," she mutters with a bit of a crooked smile. "Yeah, I can see how that's big news."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon shook his head.

"Actually that isn't the reason the meeting was called. I only found out about the Atlantis part half an hour ago from Julia when she briefed me."

He let out a small sigh before continuing.

"As you might be aware Sho, a while back Nirrti attacked the Vorian and Velokian summit meeting, and Vanessa and quite a number of other people were taken. Since then we've been searching but nothing had come up. Until two days ago we got an encoded transmission from a Tokra who managed to imbed himself in her network. We're awaiting confirmation, but if things check out and there is no reason to assume they won't given the source, we may have located Nirrti's base of operations and have a chance to strike at her and end this crap once and for all. Talok will be leading that excursion."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"So you say," she teases, her mood shifting as he starts talking about Nirrti. "I am not the one you should be telling this to, but, if you want, I can go get Ian while you take care of Elissia. Though if we're covering that at the briefing, I know he'll be there anyway."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon thought a moment.

"I'm not sure how much longer I will be around here, and I think he might rather hear the news from me than Talok. Because of his natural voice it's hard for him to convey emotion or the like sometimes."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Corax's expression changed to one of concern.

"Daina? Did something happen to her?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia was silent for a short period before replying to Corax.

"You could say that yes. About a year ago she and Siphon were testing a new drive that was in the experimental stage. The ship she was on exploded the second it made the jump. She didn't survive as far as we know, and Siphon seemed certain she was dead, well, was after he recovered. As you may have known they shared a mental link with each other. The sudden cut off from that and the way it happened ... it nearly killed him. It took him and Talvesh more than a month to recover from that, and even now I'm not completely certain that he has. It is part of why I want him to head the Atlantis mission, I don't want him jumping into too heavy of things just yet. A full out raid of Nirrti's base ..."

She paused then looked at him.

"How much do you know about the issue with Nirrti already?"
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