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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Just jab me if Ah start noddin' off while we're talkin' ta the boss, a'ite?" He'll head in and if Siphon doesn't feel inclined to take the lead, he will, or at least put in his two cents. "Biggest thing is we figured out a way ta maybe scan fer the anomalies and how ta shut them down when they do pop up. Course it prob'ly involves gettin' a cleah shot at the thing with stuff between you and it, but bye-bye portal if ya do."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia was silent for a long moment, processing things.

"So let me get this straight. You may have found a way to actually pinpoint them the moment they open, and you found a way of collapsing them?"

Siphon shook his head.

"Not collapsing no, but using a Zat gun seems to destabilize the anomaly to the point of causing it to lock for lack of a better term. It shrinks it, and creates a solid barrier around it, preventing anything from crossing it. More tests will have to be done to ensure this has a long lasting effect, but it's a start at least. If we can find them before anything comes through ..."

"Then we can stop even the Klarnell from coming through one if we can get to it fast enough. That's worth celebrating over, later though. If you three didn't know, we got a rather interesting gift just before your return. It seems there might be a rebel faction of Klarnell in existence, opposed to the ideology of the rest of them, a faction that wants a peaceful solution to things and doesn't believe in perpetuating their numbers the way the others have been. From what Draven sent us, it appears these rebels slipped a virus into a Klarnell warship, a very advanced one no less, causing the ship to pilot itself here, to this galaxy and lay dormant. Evidently, something happened to the crew as well, because they were nowhere to be found. We're still concerned about it being a trap, or a trick, but so far from what I've heard reported back, everything seems legitimate. There's a lot of information on that ship, including some regarding the anomalies that will take time to process."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

After making his report, Ian's been somewhat slouched in the chair, his head tipped back while he listens to the others talk. At least that's what it looks like he's doing. His eyes are closed. There's a good chance he might be asleep.

That illusion is shattered when he pipes up. "What's ta say they didn't program the ship ta turn around eventually? Ah know ya been doin' checks on it, but have ya looked inta the piloting program? Someone might not take too kindly ta us pokin' and proddin' around on that ship."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"All indications are we have complete control of the ship. Still, for the time being, we've removed the technology that allows it's propulsion systems to work just in case. That ship can't go anywhere unless someone replaces the devices. Surprisingly, their basic propulsion systems aren't all that complex."

There was a pause as she pulled out a data pad, and handed it over to them.

"We found this in a hidden room at the Antarctic outpost as well, we already tried to establish a connection. The Stargate tried to draw so much power it nearly blew the whole place up."

Sitting on the pad was a Stargate address, though it might take a moment for Ian to realize that it was a nine symbol address.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Good ta know, if Ah evah have ta take one apaht on the fly." He'll take the pad, not really looking at it right away, because, well, explosion. "No blowin' up the Ahctic. We kinda need that."

There'll be a bit of a glance down and he doesn't really seem to think anything of it, until he does try to pick through the coordinates. "Somethin's off heah."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Vanessa blinked slightly as she noticed it.

"It's a nine symbol address. I've never seen or heard of one before though."

Siphon shook his head.

"I read about it briefly when I was sifting through systems on Atlantis. It's supposed to be a code for a Stargate pre-dating the ones we've been using, or that existed in this galaxy before our arrival. It's also supposed to be a long distance away, much further out than anywhere we've gone to yet, but beyond that, I'm not sure. Maybe later I'll remember, but for right now, I've got nothing else. If it needs that much power though, it may need to be a type nine planetary core, power it from that. Remember we did that for our dimensional gate way?"

"Yeah, I was thinking that. Once things settle down we should try it."

((Vanessa in in Orange here, Julia in Red))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Thing's ahn't evah goin' ta settle down," Ian jokes. "But Ah can undahstand not wantin' ta play around with somethin' that might make a planet go boom when ya can't put all yer attention on it. So what's the plan now? Looks like ya got a mission in the works."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded glumly.

"A rebel wraith hive attacked the Tollan, released the same disease we've been tracking across two galaxies now into their atmosphere. What's interesting though is that Talok said the Tollan's Ion Cannons had no effect on the hive at all, and the Tollan he spoke to, Nareem mentioned detecting Draque and Ori technology on the hive."

Siphon sat upright at that, blinking as if to say 'run that by me again?'

"Draque and Ori tech on board a wraith hive? That's no ordinary rebel ship, or rebel. This guy either has help, or he's been really busy for a while."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Think it's the same bloke from Meerton Six? Figured 'em for bein' a bit dodgy, but had more impo'tant thing on mah mind at the time."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"That would be my guess from your report on the missing device. A Hive like that though would give off a unique power signature when detected, so at least we know what to look for now on long range scans. Still, it's a bit unsettling that they could attack anywhere, not to mention that they have an exact layout of this galaxy. He must be getting help from a native of this galaxy somewhere, the rebels have never managed to even get here before, now this one shows up? We need to investigate this further. Bad timing as well with the Klarnell threat in the mix too."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Sounds about pah for the course. So while you're lookin' inta the disease, we're lookin' inta the plague-bearah? My readin' ya right?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon blinked a couple of times, then grinned slightly.

"Actually, we might be able to detect them before they attack. Back during the war we attempted to interface stolen Ori tech with Draque tech, as well as our own. We were able to with marginal success, but it gave off a unique ping that could be detected even from sub-space. If this wraith hive ship has tried the same thing, then in theory they should be giving off a similar ping. We might be able to track the ship if it's within the sensor net of this galaxy, and ambush him the next time he drops out of hyper-space."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"That's your bag, not mine. But if yer wantin' ta take the fight to him, y'know I'll lend ya a hand."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Siphon half shrugged.

"Let's see if we can detect him first. If we can, then we'll launch a small attack, at least to confirm we can track him. Then the next time he drops out, if we haven't already taken him out, we can hopefully end this. Primary targets should be hyper-drive, and weapons. If we get lucky and find him planet-side somewhere, all the better, but I'm not counting on that."

Julia nodded slowly.

"We'll see what we can manage on that. I'd like for you to check with some of our allies in Pegasus, see if they have anything regarding this wraith that might help us. When you have, you may want to look at the specs yourself on the anomaly technology we recovered from the Klarnell ship, or into that ninth chevron."

"Works for me."

He turned to Vanessa and Ian, and added, "unless Julia needs you two for something, I'd say go get yourselves a well deserved rest."

Julia only shook her head to that, smiling slightly in response.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Ian nods. "Shut-eye it is. You'll know where ta find me." The statement is punctuated with a yawn and a muttered "Sorry." Once they are officially dismissed, he'll gather his things and make a line for his room, intending on grabbing some rest and more aspirin until needed again. (Unless someone has other plans.)
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Some time after Siphon had departed, and Ian went to sleep, the wormhole activated. Jacobs came through, carrying the body of Henry. After dialing out and taking him back to the Tokra planet, the wormhole activated again, and Zaleia stepped through with a human male from Earth, with the name Colonel Grant on his uniform.

"Welcome to Peltas Five. We should probably look to speak with Julia, chances are your sister isn't around here right now. Things have been crazy lately, so I'm not sure where anyone is at the moment. Would you follow me please?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

having arrived from the wormhole Zaleia would move away from it what she figured was a safe distance then stop to look back at it for a moment. the trip through it had been familiar and alien at the same time. After that she heard the colonel talking and just nodded her head along with him as he spoke but was really taking in the surroundings of this new place.

"alright then... Is julia the one in charge here? lead the way i'll be right behind you"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Grant only nodded before heading off down the corridors. Eventually they reached an office, where Grant asked her to wait outside a moment.

Entering himself, it was maybe two minutes later when he emerged with two women, one who was dressed in attire that screamed of her being in charge, and the other in clothing that seemed ancient in every sense of the word.

Julia smiled at Zaleia, even as she spoke.

"Colonel Grant tells me you're Shoni's sister? Welcome to Peltas Five then. I'm afraid Shoni isn't here at the moment though, she's in the Pegasus Galaxy dealing with a few issues on Atlantis. I was just catching Aya up on that. Fortunately for you, she's heading back to Atlantis shortly, so you could travel with her if you like."

After a hesitant moment, Aya extended her hand, almost seeming as if she wasn't familiar with a hand shake gesture. Zaleia probably would get the impression that Aya was definitely not human, or at least hadn't been around humans who shook hands for very long.

"Aya Morioka Velnaros. I'd be happy to show you around the city and take you to see your sister Zaleia. Whenever you are ready, and Julia gives the OK, we can go."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Giving a huff Zaleia expecting to wait for probably 10 minutes maybe 5 at the least she was pleasantly suprised it was only a couple when the Colonel came back out with two new women.

"yup unfortunately i have to claim that troublemaker as my sister. Its quite alright though i really wasnt expecting her to be at my first stop."

Turning to Aya she smiled and would take the womans hand and give it a nice friendly shake.

"Its nice to meet you! is it okay if i just call you Aya? And also i would love a tour of the city! I'm also traveling rather light so i'm ready to go whenever."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia seemed to laugh slightly.

"Go then, and good luck. I'll let Aya bring you up to speed on everything you need to know."

Leading her back towards the gate, Aya smiled.

"Sure, everyone does. I'm sorry if I seem a little off, I kinda only just came out of a long stasis sleep not too long ago. Partly thanks to your sister and Siphon."
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