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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

walking alongside Aya she smiled to the woman at the mention of Siphon and Sho

"ahh so you know both of them then...how have those two been up to? its been such a long time since really seeing anyone i kinda had to come catch up with whats going on. Also i dont know how i would do with a stasis sleep...i get ancy enough just sitting in one place."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Aya thought for a moment then shrugged.

"Well, from what I've seen it looks like your sister is trying to keep my husband out of trouble, and has been since long before I woke up again. As far as the stasis, you don't even feel anything once the pod activates. Think of it like going to sleep and waking up ten thousand years later."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

She laughed slighty at the comment about Sho keeping him out of trouble

"yeahhh sho is gotta do that ya keeping...wait what? did you just say husband?..we are talking about the same siphon right?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Aya shrugged.

"Siphon/Talvesh, though I knew him as Siphon Velnaros. Yeah, we're both um ... well let's just say we're older than your species is. We're both Lantean."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"oohh nonono i get the older thing..the whole married thing is what i'm hung up on...last i knew he was with Daina. damnit Sho way to keep me in the loop on these things."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Aya shook her head.

"I have no idea who she is or was. I'm sorry I can't help you there. Anyway, here's the gate room again, are you ready to travel?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

A confused look crossed her face but she gave a small shrug

"i'll just have to ask Siphon whats up when i see him again..and yes the sooner we get to Atlantis the sooner i can hug my sister to death"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Smiling slightly, Aya instructed the gate controller to dial Atlantis, and once the wormhole established, they were on their way.

((Thread Change!))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The chevrons on the gate will start blooming to life as the eye starts to move. Soon enough, the iris fills and a second or so later, Sho will step back through the gate from Atlantis.

Once she's away from the Stargate and it's shut down, she'll find someone to direct her. "I need someone that can get me an ear to top Tokra brass and I have information for whomever's working on the plague situation. I also need a drink."

((Happy, I need a press conference and an American cheeseburger. Cheeseburger first.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

It seemed luck was with Sho from the moment she arrived.

She'd barely even finished her sentence, when Julia, and Colonel Grant walked into the gate room. It might take her a moment to realize who he was, Siphon had set him up to be Zaleia's contact on Earth, in the event Zale had ever wanted to hunt for her sister, or join them in space. Seemed like it had worked just fine, which was good. Especially since this was only the third time she'd have met the guy.

Julia replied to Sho, catching her attention if it hadn't already been caught.

"I can get you a line to them, though they should be in orbit with Talok at Tollana now. Anything you have for that plague might help the Tokra as well, they think they may have something that could help, at least for a time."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Sho will give a nod to the officer, not exactly being on the most friendly of terms with him but not having any reason to just ignore the man outside of pressing business. "Let's add to that. Sarnael was tinkering with the information that Siphon brought and he thinks he might have found something that'll slow it down some. Not wholly a cure, but if it slows it down long enough, we might be able to roll one of those out. Though, we got anywhere we can copy this thing? I don't like there being only one packet of data in existence here. After that, let's just get me that call and we'll go from there."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, we'll copy it to the station database. Come with me, we can upload that at the same time as calling the Tokra ships."

Colonel Grant nodded respectfully to Sho, but said nothing for the moment, business taking precedent. As they finished up, he asked Sho, "I overheard you wanted a drink? What do you want, I'll bring it up to the office for you so you can get those calls started faster."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Multitasking, gotta love it." Sho will head after Julia in order to contact the Tokra and pass on the information. At the colonel's offer, she waves her hand, dismissing her previous statement. "You don't have to do that. I'm good. After this, maybe, but business first. Then Baccardi."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Smiling slightly, he nodded.

"Understood. I'll be around for a little bit, so if you need anything, or want to ask me anything, check around the mess areas. Good Luck."

In short time, Sho was seated in front of a terminal, a connection estblished to a Tokra ship.

"I am Lantash of the Tokra. You have the ear of as many council members as we could get on at this time. The request appeared urgent, so please, go ahead."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Thanks," she says in parting, giving him a friendly smile before trailing after Julia.

"Hey, even reaching one of you is good enough, but nice to know we won't have to repeat ourselves too much," Sho says with a bit of a chuckle. "For those that don't know me and like formalities, this is Shoni Meheven, currently serving out of Peltas Five. In short order, we'll be uploading information on the virus that's been spreading around. While it doesn't contain a cure, it's a good jumping off point, not to mention it might be able to help slow the thing down, which will give folk time to work on one." There's a pause for any questions and comments before she continues. "However, the main reason that I'm contacting you is two-fold. There's something else, besides a cure, that needs your attention. A way of detecting a particular type of assassin that Anubis apparently likes to make use of. I realize this whole thing with Nirrti probably has you scrambling, so those of us currently in residence are offering Atlantis as a safe haven, both to work and because we believe Anubis doesn't have the means to win in an assault against the city, at least for the time being. It needs work to make it comfortably habitable, but as a fortress, we're good."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

There was a long pause after she mentioned about the Ashrak technology, and the city being used as a base.

"We can make it habitable in short order, that should be easy. Completing our Ashrak counter technology however may take some time still. I will ensure Freya is focused exclusively on that, as it would appear we may need it sooner than we had hoped. If Anubis knows about it, given what intel we have on him so far, it would indicate either the Harcesis child is already mature, or Anubis already has spies amongst the Tokra, or perhaps elsewhere in the alliance. Considering how secret this project was until today, it would seem most likely if there is a spy, they are among us, possibly even now. From what Vartani told us, I would agree with you that Anubis doesn't yet have the means to win, or attempt a battle against Atlantis. If he did, he most likely would have tested his weapons and shields against it's defenses earlier. As for this disease, we may have a temporary solution, but we will of course review what you have sent us. We have devised a serum known as Tretonin. It is derived from the blood of a symbiote. In theory, it could be used to temporarily boost the immune systems of those infected with similar healing abilities to a symbiote, but they wouldn't last for more than a few days a dose. It was originally to be used for those who had been a host, who's immune systems were destroyed beyond the repair of even a ribbon device. As you know, the Tokra do not use the Sacrophagi ourselves, and even if we did, sometimes the damage done is beyond even it's abilities to regenerate. Tretonin however would act as a synthetic immune system for those in need of it, and has already shown results. I believe an apt description would be to compare it to medication from your own world, the kind that you are dependent on to regulate areas of your body that do not function properly. Of course, we can't go around making the entire galaxy dependent on it, which is why it would only be temporary. If used too much, the normal immune system might shut down, making them dependent on Tretonin to survive. I believe we may be able to come up with a variant that could last a few weeks, at least long enough to hopefully find a permanent solution."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"Well, let's just say that my knowledge of the device came from a rather unique source who knew more about Anubis' workings than your own, but probably best to be cautious, simply because if this is completed, it changes things up for Anubis and he's probably not going to like that. As for the cure, take a look at what we've provided and if you can relay some of your information back, I can pass it along and see if we can't come up with something that you can manufacture without the unpleasant side effects." There's the soft drumming of her fingers. "I'll also pass word to the Atlantis folk to expect you. We'll see about getting you the coordinates and go from there. Anything more you need from me on my end of things? Or, well, us on our end, I should say, since I'm apparently a mouthpiece," she chuckles.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Lantash shook his head.

"I think that should hopefully cover everything. As soon as we have the coordinates, we'll pass them along to our ships. I'll send a data stream with everything we have so far, added in with your own data on this disease, and hopefully between all of us it works out. I've been informed the Ori are also involved in trying to help, so we will send this information to them as well. Thank you Shoni, we'll keep in touch."

The channel cut off, and she was left to pass on the word of things.

In the meantime, Aya had returned to the station, and accessing a long range array of her own, she set about contacting who she needed to.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Once the call disconnects, Sho leans back, running her hands through her hair and just letting out a noise that may be frustrated or may just be something of an exhale. "I'm going to trust you lot to pass this information back to Sarnael in Atlantis, plus to let them know to expect the Tokra's arrival. I think I'm going to see about that drink now, maybe grab something to eat. It's been a day."

Provided she isn't needed, she'll take her leave and head for the mess, looking to see what's on the menu.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded to her.

"I'll take care of it myself. Enjoy a bite for me will ya?"

There's a small grin before the other woman gets to works, leaving Sho to get her food.

Once she arrived in the mess area, she'd see Colonel Grant wave slightly to her, walking up.

"Did your sister find you alright?"
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