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Peltas Five Space Station

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Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"I'll enjoy two," Sho replies with a laugh and a wave before heading out. As she catches sight of the colonel, she'll pause to wait for him. "Aye, Zale got to Atlantis just fine. I'm currently leaving her there to run amok while I handle business back here, but I think I'll be heading back shortly. No rest for the wicked, after all. Plus I don't trust Zee not to blow something up, either purposely or accidentally," she adds with a laugh.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

The Colonel chuckled.

"I hear ya there. Glad she got there. So how is the city anyway? I am hoping to get the chance to travel there myself, but you know how things are always busy."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"We're still working on getting her up and running, but habitable, for the most part. Pretty sure there's parts that are still waterlogged and without power, but where we need to be, we're fine. I'm still looking for the transporters, considering crossing the city by foot could take all day," she chuckles, giving him a sympathetic look regarding the busy comment. "Never a dull moment around here. Some days, I'm grateful for that. Others, not so much."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

He nodded.

"Yeah some days busy is good, others I think I may go gray a few years earlier."

He started to say something else when Sho would suddenly hear a muffled voice from his earpiece. He fell silent, and after a few moments his eyes widened slightly.

"You are absolutely sure? Right, I am on my way."

He turned back to Sho, a stunned look on his face.

"We just got a call from Earth. Apparently they found a frozen woman inside the Antarctic facility. She may be Lantean."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"You were saying?" she chuckles as he relays the information. "Another one?" she asks, really without thinking about it. "Well, probably don't want to keep Captain America waiting. Are they bringing her here or are they sending a team?"
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

He shook his head.

"No, we're checking that out there, they're in the process of thawing the body out enough to examine her. Trying to transport her here would be difficult, and potentially danger ..."

He cut off again as his ear piece squawked again, and he listened carefully, eyes widening.

"By all means yes, do that. I'll be there in five minutes."

He turned to Sho, a stunned look on his face.

"Well chalk another mysterious thing up we now may know about the ancients. They started to thaw her out, and one of the doctors noticed the pupils contracted when she shone a light on the eyes. She's even got low level brain activity. Sho, the woman is still alive somehow. Do you want to join me?"

By now he had already stood, what was left of his meal forgotten.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"I'll grab some carry out. And, well, they were pretty much masters of keeping people in stasis. Maybe that's what was going on rather than actually being frozen. Gate room?" She'll pause. "Maybe I'll drag Ian along. I don't think he's ever been to the poles."

Provided that's where the colonel is going, she'll meet him there, because, well, red wizard needs food badly. The suggestion to include Ian likely depends on time and any remarks the colonel might make to that regard. Either way, she's in, herself.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

He shook his head.

"She was in a block of ice more than a mile under Antarctica. It has to be their uncanny healing gene. Get Ian and meet me at the gate in 5."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

"All right. I'll see you soon, Colonel."

She'll part ways with him, getting something to eat on the run and then heading for the domestic portion of the station. Finding Ian's quarters, she'll knock until the door slides open, revealing the Australian stretched out on his bed, currently laying a book against his chest.

"Ah don't trust that smile."

"You know me too well. Adventure ahoy. You in?"

"Depends. What are we lookin' at?"

"I'd say want to go visit Sandity Claus but it's actually the South Pole we're headed for. Guess the Antarctic team found what might be a Lantean buried in the ice. They're thawing her out now. Real Captain America type stuff."

Ian sits up, marking the page and setting the book aside. "Figured we couldn't go a day without somethin' excitin' happenin'. Lemme get mah bag. Ah'm in on this."

"Yeah. In the meantime, I can fill you in on what's going on with Atlantis. Some good, some not so much."

In due time, the two Earthlings are chatting quietly, their faces sober. Though Sho will dispel the mood with the announcement of her sister's arrival, which makes for an interesting run of expressions on Ian's face.

"She's grown up some. Don't panic."

"Easy for you ta say. Yer not the one she electracuted."

Sho just flashes him a grin and heads over to the colonel. "Reporting for duty. We ready to go?" She gives him a two-fingered salute.

((Sorry. Had a "Blegh. Writing." moment for a while. Also, yes, I know I spelled 'electrocuted' wrong. Accent.))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Colonel Grant nodded.

"We're set, dialing Earth now."

The gate began lighting up symbols, and eventually the wormhole established.

"We're gating to the Antarctic gate. Thanks to Siphon, we've been able to designate two different gates for the same planet. I still have no idea how he managed that, none of our people can figure it out either. I guess the saying is true, sometimes things are just a little beyond your ability to understand."

Stepping through the gate, they would end up eventually on Earth.

(Thread change!)
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Arriving back at the Station, the Al-Sora emerges with it's subtle snap of bright white light, it's visible image suddenly warping from an illusionary stretched appearance to it's true shape. Arranging the correct docking procedures and making appropriate communications to people aboard the station, it glides serenely as ever back into a docking position.

It's crew had all had a comprehensive discussion during the journey back, as well as having contacted the Etherian council and military leadership regarding the proposed mission. Now they needed to meet with Aya and Siphon, to see how things would proceed.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

By the time the Etherians arrived and boarded the station, much would have transpired that as of the moment, they would be unaware of. They might become aware of that when Julia met them at the station 'dock' port herself with a tired look on her face. If Ayla was with them, she'd ask for her to accompany her for a few minutes, to show her something that she needed to look at. If not, she'd ask for one of them to get Ayla for her first. Either way, she'd also make mention that Siphon was going to be delayed, and that Aya was looking to speak privately with Elissia, and would be waiting for her near the food pantry on the outer arm of the station.

((Easiest way to do this I think haha))
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Both Ayla and the trio of knights would emerge from the ship to great Julia. A small silver orb would also been seen floating along behind Ayla at roughly head height. It's surface bearing what looked like a few subtle engraved lines circling a focal point on what was perhaps the front of it, and running back to form segments along it's surface. Subtle blue seams of light would be seen flowing in calm waves along the lines.

"Greetings once again Julia. Please lead the way." Ayla would say. Ellisia would either remain with the group to see what Julia had to say, or head off to meet Aya, depending on whichever Julia felt more pressing or appropriate.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded slightly, pausing as she noticed Elissia's 'hesitation.'

"Go on ahead and check in with Aya. Between Ayla, Thanus, Marik and myself we've got this covered. Besides which I'm not even sure we could fit a fifth person in there. I need a bigger office."

Assuming she went off, she would find Aya sitting at a small table, looking out into space, her back to Elissia. Despite this, Aya seemed to sense her approach even before she possibly could have seen her via reflection off the 'window'.

"Please, sit down. I have a couple of things I'd like to ask you, and then I believe I have some catching up to do for both of us."

In the meantime, Julia had led Ayla and the other Knights to her office, and once inside she sealed the doors.

"What I'm about to tell you, and show you ... only the four of us, and the on duty comms officer know about right now. Depending on what happens in the next few minutes will depend on how much more public this becomes. Half an hour ago, we detected a very faint, badly damaged communications on a modified sub-space carrier wave. When we first cleaned up parts of it ... well ..."

She paused for a moment, then shook her head as if clearing her thoughts.

"We thought the transmission was coming from your ship. At least until we tried to trace where it had come from, and cleaned up the time log on it, which tells us when the transmission was sent. We still can't trace where it came from but ... you sent it Ayla. You sent it ... almost 2,000 years ago."
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Arriving at the indicated food pantry Ellisia would soon find Aya waiting at her table with the exterior view. Heading over she would come to stand behind a chair to greet Aya, "Greetings Aya. You wished to speak to me?" she says, accepting the offer to sit with a simple polite gesture of thanks. "What is it you'd like to ask?"

- - - - -

The rest accompanying Julia to her office would head inside and take their places. The trio listen attentively as Julia explains the reasoning for the meeting. A look of surprise and hints of confusion register on all three of them , with even Thanus raising an eyebrow. "Two thousand years?" Ayla speaks, "Surely thats... how certain are you of this? This... I'll admit, I'm not sure how to react to this. What kind of transmission is it? May we examine it for ourselves?"

Considering the recent events and secrets they had been uncovering, the implications of how this message might have occurred was fairly obvious, but certainly unsettling.
Re: Peltas Five Space Station

Julia nodded.

"I'll do you one better, I'll play what we've been able to clean up for you. I do warn you, some of it's pretty badly garbled. Two thousand years of traveling on this frequency nearly erased it. We're lucky we even detected it at all."

Pressing a button, the transmission began to play, breaking up in places, but in others, it was clear still. It was clear as well that it WAS Ayla speaking as well.

"... Am Ayla Iasha-voh. If you are ... succeeded in sending a message 2,000 years through ... ce, and across half .... There was an incident when we tried ... home. We're not sure where ... important I must warn you about .... the Borg, they are a true threat ... nanite technology using race, they assimilate ... becoming one of them. We suspect they may be on their way to Earth, and other planets we know, as well as Etheria. They are highly adaptive, and capable of regenerating ... what we know of them in this file ... meantime, we've settled .... Novus Begnas. Siphon has ... hopefully you'll have some ... was worth it.

After a moment, a large symbol appeared on the transmission screen, and the entire recording stopped. Pressing another button, Julia added in "the rest of the transmission is completely gone, degraded beyond all hope of ever recovering it. In fact, this may be as clear as we're going to get it. We still don't know how this was sent 2,000 years ago though. One thing is clear, the other you was pretty worried about whoever these Borg are. I'd be happy to give you a copy to have your own people try and clear it up but ... I have to stress that I doubt we'll get much more from it."

Aya was silent for a moment, perhaps deciding where to start.

"Well, I suppose I should start with the mission you'll hopefully be accompanying us on. How much if anything have you already been told?"
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