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Peltas Five Station


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Peltas Five sits on one of the outer arms of the Milky Way Galaxy, an old Lantean designed stations posted near a massive Space-Gate similar to the old Ori Super-Gate. This gate, which connects to the Triangulum Galaxy, is guarded by the station and the numerous ships that patrol the area.

The Station itself is massive, easily the size of a small moon, and designed to house countless people. It's filled with rooms designed for meetings, with holo-projecters in each room. It also has a number of external docking ports for ships, as well as a 'hangar' to hold ships that need repairs in a dry-dock situation. The station has been under Alveran control for the last twelve years now, and serves as a focal meeting point for all the races in the inter-galactic alliance.

((Everyone currently a part of the alliance would have been summoned here for a meeting, so this is where we'll start. You can have them coming into dock, looking around, or just going straight to the meeting room if you like. Conference Room Six this time.))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Slightly off from one of the station's docking bays, there was a slight prismatic flicker, which resolved into a small personal-sized ship. Roughly the size of an Al'Kesh, the darkly colored ship landed in the bay, and a pair of figures exited the ship. Victor Ravion, the owner and pilot of the ship, started across the bay towards a hallway, followed by his "co-pilot". Who was, in this case, a robotic black panther, sized at the moment to be about waist-high to Victor.

As they left the ship, Victor muttered. "Ravage, try to behave this time."

"I'd rather not have a repeat of my little episode as well."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

As Victor and his companion docked with the station, they might notice off to their 'right' a massive ship, one that wasn't familiar to them at all. It was huge, yet seemingly sleek and built for power, with multiple weapons ports visible on the bits they could see pointed towards them. It appeared to be of similar color to the Alveran warships, but it dwarfed them, and had to be close to twice the size of one. Entering the station itself, shortly after their little conversation finished, they would see Siphon come on board the station as well, stepping out from an airlock like door that seemed to lead to the docking port the behemoth ship was parked in ....

For the moment, it appeared Siphon hadn't seen them.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor glanced out one of the windows, and shook his head a little at the massive ship. "Fph..."

Ravage glanced over at his organic companion. "One of these days, you're going to have to teach me how to make that sound."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Out in space once more, an Asgard ship entered the system as well. acquiring permission to dock and settling into the docking cradle provided, the entire ship controlled by a single figure standing on the bridge, slightly hunched and wearing a tattered, dirty-looking cloak, leaning on a piece af steel crafted to look like a gnarled wooden walking staff.

Striding onto the bridge, Ariana adjusted her leather duster, glancing at the viewscreen and seeing the station. "Thought I felt us dock. You coming with?" She asked.

"I felt it better to remain with the ship, and complete upgrades on the Falcon while you're busy." Alberik responded, turning to look at her, hints of metal showing underneath the cloak.

"Suits me." The woman agreed. "Still don't know why you wear all that, though." She added with a snicker, pointing up and down at the cloak and staff fashion statement he was making.

"Suits my character. Besides, you'd miss the old man image, since I've stopped using the projectors." The AI responded, mirth in his tone. Ariana chuckled and waved him off, leaving the bridge and heading for the airlock, heading into the station itself.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

On the station proper, two of the longer standing resident freeloaders were prepping for the meeting in two decidedly different ways. Ian was currently finishing up a meal in the mess. Past experiences had taught him to get one in before a meeting because some things you just didn't face on an empty stomach. Not to mention meetings usually meant they were heading out in some capacity and Powers above, he made sure to at least get one good meal in before all Hades broke loose. Once he was finished, though, it was off to the meeting room.

Shoni, meanwhile, was in her quarters, enjoying the downtime before having to once more unto the breach. Her fingers were tapping back and forth over the surface of her tablet when suddenly, a messaging window popped up. "Hai there!" Normally, it wouldn't have bothered her, but given that she was in the middle of a game, timed, no less, the amount of swearing that came out of her mouth would make a sailor proud. "Guess they're here, which means I should get going." Tucking the device away, the plan was to head to the mess for a drink first and then go see what latest crisis deserved their attention.

((Figure that works a little better and why do I have a feeling that's Ravage's way of saying 'Hi' to her because she probably gives him shit for it.))
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Siphon continued on his way down the corridor, turning at the proper junction to head for the meeting room, and in the process crossing paths with Ian. Slowing up some so Ian could catch up, he shook his head.

"Don't suppose they told you, or you overheard as to what crisis needs our attention this time did huh?"

Meanwhile, elsewhere on the station, a pair of attractive women walked into the mess where Sho had just arrived. The first she knew was when she heard two different voices call out a greeting to her. The first belonged to Vanessa, while the other belonged to Aya, who looked to be back to almost normal again after her ordeal eight months ago at the hands of Mirvik, a rebel wraith turned god knows what, other than a pain in the rear end for everyone.

Still elsewhere, two ships suddenly emerged from hyperspace, and cruised into a docking port at the station. One belonged to one of Siphon's long time friends, Talok/Nevish, and the other was clearly the massive Draque warship Scalerious, belonging to Sivok.

They entered through separate areas, Sivok proceeding directly to the meeting room, the first to actually arrive. Talok meanwhile found himself suddenly in the same corridor as Ariana, recognizing her, or at least he thought he did. Chancing it, he called out to her.

"Hello again ... Ariana, was it not?"

If she turned to look behind her, she'd see Talok, who was a wraith, something between a human and a bug cross.

((Pretty sure that's everyone who's STARTING at the station. Far as I know, Hardware's character and Guyver's will be coming in a little bit later on for various reasons. Also, Copper, if you don't know what I'm referencing with regards to Aya, shoot me a message on AIM or by PM and I'll give you a quick rundown, can't remember if I talked to you about it or not.))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor and Ravage continued on towards the briefing room. Once there, Victor grabbed a seat, making a slight acknowledgement of Sivok, although not immediately saying any more. Ravage, on the other hand, sat down on the floor next to Victor, resting his head on the table and remained silent.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

The woman turned, giving Talok a smile. "Good to see you again, been a while." She answered, wracking her brain for a second. "Talos, right? I take it Siphon gave you a call as well?" She asked, motioning for him to travel with her, heading towards the meeting rooms.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Talok ... attempted to return the smile, then remembered his face didn't quite work that way and chuckled instead.

"Talok, close enough. Not exactly though. I did speak with him, but to my knowledge it was Julia that called this one. Siphon didn't know what it was about, and made pretty fast tracks to get back here. Evidently he's been working on finalizing some new ship of his, I think he flew it here this time because it's finally finished. All I know is it's name, and that it's supposed to be huge compared to what we normally work with around this sector. He ever mention anything to you about the name Nasara?"

Sivok meanwhile nodded back at Victor, an amused look crossing his face at the sight of Ravage. As quickly as it was there, it was gone, and as he sat down he added, "I don't suppose you have any idea as to why we've been pulled here today do you?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor shrugged. "Not sure. Likely something big, though."

Ravage raised his head up. "It's probably something related to the Mirvik situation, given the numbers and who all got called."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Ian shook his head. "Likely somethin' world-shatterin'. Y'know, typical Tuesday aftanoon. Shall we?" He'll fall in stride with Siphon and head for the briefing room, giving a two-fingered wave to those already present before taking a seat.

Back in the mess, there's the typical girl-greeting-toned "Heyyy!" from Sho as she hurries over to the other two. Hugs will be exchanged, and pleasantries. "They pulled you guys in for this, too? Must be pretty big."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Sivok made a sound that came across as either a groan, or a half growl.

"We're going to have a hell of a time convincing him not to blow up the entire star system if it is because of Mirvik ..."

After a short pause, he looked back to Ravage and added "and when the hell did you figure out how to crack Alveran codes?"

Siphon snorted.

"It's always on a goddamn Tuesday isn't it. These apocalypses need to leave Tuesday alone."

Vanessa and Aya both nodded.

"Yeah, well I live here anyway so it didn't take long to get the memo to me, still have no idea what it's about though."

"It's good to see you again Sho. It's been too long, although I do wish it wasn't under impending hell from whatever we've been called in for."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

The pair took a moment to give a quick "What?" look at Sivok, then Ravage did as close of an approximation of a shrug as he could manage. "I spent several million years as a recon and intel specialist. Is it that surprising that I'm good at what I do? Or that I habitually monitor communications?"

"Not to mention you were patched directly into the station's computer a few years back..."

"Did you really have to bring that incident up again?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Sivok did what appeared to be a great impersonation of an eye roll at Ravage's comment, then blinked when it registered the questioning looks on their faces.

"So ... you have no idea why Siphon really wants that shit head dead then? Oh boy ..."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Victor shook his head. "We've been busy trying to do some recovery work, retrieving relics and whatnot, trying to get Lauter fixed up... When we're not calling in some support when we find some of dipshit's guys being stupid."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Sivok this time let out what was definitely a groaning sound, shaking his head.

"OK, long story short, Mirvik took Siphon's wife Aya captive about 9 months ago, and had her for roughly six months. She was pregnant at the time, and what he did to her caused her to lose the child, not to mention the fact he tortured Aya and nearly killed her. Oh yeah, don't mention this to Aya, it's a bit of a 'heated' topic with her. Anyway, Siphon kind of went crazy and murdered one of Mirvik's men, and after finding Aya and realizing what had happened, he's been looking for Mirvik. He'll be looking for an excuse to literally annihilate that planet from orbit. He just might have the firepower to do it too now."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Talok ... attempted to return the smile, then remembered his face didn't quite work that way and chuckled instead.

"Talok, close enough. Not exactly though. I did speak with him, but to my knowledge it was Julia that called this one. Siphon didn't know what it was about, and made pretty fast tracks to get back here. Evidently he's been working on finalizing some new ship of his, I think he flew it here this time because it's finally finished. All I know is it's name, and that it's supposed to be huge compared to what we normally work with around this sector. He ever mention anything to you about the name Nasara?"
"Aaah, that's his beast of a ship outside, I caught a glimpse when we were coming in. Seems right, I suppose. And Nasara, hmm..." She paused for a second, mulling it over. "...I could be wrong, but I don't think he has. Fill me in?" She asked, rounding a corner and stepping aside near the wall to let anotehr group pass in the opposite direction.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

"Tell me 'bout it. So, think it's another apocalypse? One more an' Ah get a free cookie from the mess off mah punch cahd." He grins.

"You and all of us being summoned for the damn thing. I hate when they surprise us with intel. It's never anything good. Like a birthday party or shore leave. It's always saving the world." She shakes her head. "Regardless, good to have you back, hon." She'll give Aya's arm a light squeeze. "Shall we? Not good to keep the end of the world waiting."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Station

Talok stepped aside as well, and after the group had passed by he responded.

"So THAT's what he meant. OK so the ship must be named the Nasara, damn, Siphon wasn't kidding when he said he was building a monster of a ship. My understanding is he built that thing himself, and it's been undergoing some secret project even I don't know about."

There was a small pause, and he shrugged.

"I know the name Nasara. Beyond that, I know it was the name of some woman either he or Talvesh knew centuries ago, perhaps someone Talvesh's former host was close with, not really sure. All I know is that the name definitely means something to the two of them. Something meaningful."

Siphon chuckled at Ian.

"If there is, this time it's got a rude awakening coming. Do you remember a while back I mentioned I was working on a new ship, and I was hoping it'd be ready soon? Well ... it's done, I brought it here. When this is over, I'll show you around, I think you may like it. Have my own crew now too."

The two women nodded, Vanessa remaining silent while Aya and Sho talked.

"Glad to be back. Never thought I'd say it but ... I missed the craziness that this place provides on a day to day basis. But yeah, let's get moving before they think we fell into one of the maintenance shafts or something."

That elicited a bit of a laugh/snort from Vanessa, who was doing her best to keep a straight face.