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Penelope (RaptorJesus)


Nov 12, 2008
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Penelope wipes the haze from her eyes and from her head. Looking around, she is in a very unfamiliar place. The walls seem to be carved right out of the rock. It appears to be an entrance chamber, but to what? And where is the entrance...

It suddenly hits her. This is the Temple of the Kul-Mesh, a radical necromantic cult that preys on the young women in the surrounding towns and villages. Through their twisted logic, they are the holy beings, with the rest of the world shrouded in darkness. Once they abduct someone, they are never seen of again. Some say they force the women into slavery. Others say they are forced to reproduce more cultists. Still others fear they are merely slaughtered.

Not wanting to know which is true, Penelope stands up and decides to move. There is a grand hallway directly in front of her, and two smaller hallways to her left and right. Brushing the dirt off of her stockings, she contemplates her move.

Possible Actions: Pick a hallway (Grand, left, right)
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Curled up on the ground, Penelope lightly purrs from where she lay on the ground. Groggily coming to, she rolls over to her front, stretching her body like a feline, letting out a grunted meow. Getting up on her knees, Penelope folded her arms upwards, over her chest, hands covering her mouth, as if she was trying to hide behind them.

Her eyes silently scanned the area around her, her blue eyes taking in every little detail. She does not realize right away, the place she's in. What she does realize, is that while she was taking a catnap near the water, she had been abducted! She feels a little frightened when she thinks about where she had been taken to. And even more at where she had been placed. She figured kidnappers put people they steal in cages.

At the thought of being put in a cage, Penelope shivered. She loved to fly, and a cage sounded terrible and scary. Stepping lightly, Penelope continuously looked all around her, afraid of what might pop out of the shadows. She wasn't sure which hallway to go through, so she proceeded straight, through the grand hallway before her.
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Penelope cautiously walks down the hallway, fearing someone might jump out with a cage or net of some sort until she comes across a large, gold gilded set of doors. She looks around and decides that this is her only option and pushes them open. It takes all of her strength, but she manages to open them enough to squeeze through.

Looking into the room she hears a large crash behind her. Spinning quickly around, startled, she sees that door has closed behind her. She runs her hands across the doors, hoping to find a knob or lever to reopen them but is startled when she hears a strange, almost aquatic, voice behind her. "Kitty Kitty! I like kitties!" She spins back around and peers into the room, looking for whoever said that. There is a door to her north, but there is what she can only describe as an alter between her and the doorway.

She approaches the alter when she sees a large, green mass shoot upward out of it, forming a female humanoid shape. "Why kitty have wings!" it asks angrily.

Penelope tries to come p with options. She might be able to make a dash for the door, but there is no telling if that door is locked too. She could try to reason with this slime creature, or she could just bash its brains, or whatever slime has, in.

Actions: Attack (STR check), Flee to the door (STA check), Reason with it (INT check)
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Walking into the hallway with such rich materials used for doors, Penelope couldn't help but let a wide smile shape itself on her face. Her blue eyes glinted with greedy lust at the golden doors. "So pweetty!" she exclaims. Putting her paws on the door, she so much wanted to just lift it off the hinges, and take it with her. But instead, she thinks of what other treasures might be behind it, and pushes it open with a grunt, finding difficulty in the task, before squeezing both herself, and her large breasts through.

Eyes going wide as the door slams shut, Penelope lets out a startled mewl, turning to the shut door, immediately running to it, and trying to pry it open, looking for anything she could grab. But when she heard the strange, aquatic voice behind her, she froze, folding her arms again, a traditional habit she gained when she felt threatened during her youth, as her sisters would often go for her larger breasts when they desired to tease her.

Turning to the alter, she blinked at the green slime shaped before her. Her ears folded back, feeling threatened by the slime woman. "Um-I... I don't know... I like to fly, so... Please don't take my wings..." she requested of the slime girl. She wasn't sure if she really should run. She wouldn't know where she would be going even if she did.
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

(I'm assuming reason with it? lol)
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

(Luck roll 8+15=23 vs. 20; Luck wins +3)
(INT 5+7+3=15 vs. 13; INT succeeds)

"But... but kitties don't fly..."
the slime girl said. "I.. I don't understand." Penelope could tell that the slime girl was becoming increasingly upset. She stepped back a few steps and watched the slime girl, hoping to see some sign that it would let her pass. "Kitties don't fly! Kitties don't fly!" the slime girl kept saying, becoming louder and louder with each chant. Penelope decided to make a break for the door. She makes it to the door and turned back just in time to see the slime girl begin to glow. She watched as the girl dissolved back into the altar. She crept into the next room, not wanting to see what would happen to the strange green girl.

Once again, the door slams behind her. She looks around the room for doorways and actually finds two that are open. They were both across the room from where she now stood. This time, she saw a huge mass of tangled vines throughout the whole chamber, thin enough to see the other side, but too thick to just walk or fly through. What was even more shocking was that the vines appeared to be alive. Not like a plant is alive, but writhing and moving, much like one would assume an animal would.

Penelope only sees two options. She can force her way through the vines, hoping that the vines are weak enough to break free as she moves through them. Her other options is to slash an opening with her claws and actively clear a path, but she knows this will probably be more tiring.

Actions: Force through (STA check), Slash through (STR check + possible fatigue debuff[-1 all stats for one turn])
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Penelope's ears flicked with curiosity for the slime girl's reaction. Though they went stiff, along with her pointed tail, when the slime started freaking out, unable to believe a feline could fly. Triangular shaped ears folding back, Penelope started to feel a little frightened. Keeping her eyes on the alter where the slime resided, Penelope crept along, back pointed to the wall, before slipping quickly into the next room, giving a statled, 'eep~!' as the slime began to glow.

In the new room, Penelope recoiled, back to the wall in shock upon seeing the squirming vines. Feeling trapped, Penelope shook her head in denial. "This place is wrong..." she whispered under her breath, afraid of the images in her mind imagining her getting strangled by the vines, or impaled, or worse. This made her dreadfully afraid of the vines.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, she slowly edges towards the vines, heart beating heavily, fearfully, shaking a little, before she shut her eyes, screaming as she charged at a full run, trying to shove her way past the vines.
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

(LUK 15+10=25 vs. 26; Luck fails)
(STA 15+5=20 vs. 31; STA fails; LF: 36-11=25)

Penelope ran screaming into the vines. Almost immediately she was stopped cold. The vines were much stronger than they looked, and while a few snapped, most held firm. The one silver lining was that, though she was trapped, she could see that the doors were much closer than they originally looked. She surged forward, and heard a few more vines snapped. This gave her confidence as she continued to press all her being against the webbing of writhing vines.

The vines were thorny, but not overly so. Penelope could feel some scratches, but nothing deep enough to draw blood. She had made it about halfway through when the first vine wrapped her leg. With a shriek she tried to pull away, but this only tightened the vine's grip. Almost as if on command, the vines began to wrap around their prey. One finds itself around the poor catgirl's hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail, pulling her head backward and upward.

Before long she was fully immobilized. That is when the vines began their more diabolical work. the rough texture rubbed against Penelope's nethers and breasts, abrading the fabric of her panties and bra. She could feel them through her clothes, and despite her fear, her sexuality was taking over her body. She could feel the moisture in her panties already. She shuddered under her first orgasm before the vines had finished their foreplay.

By the time she regained her composure, she could feel herself already building for another climax, but she also felt something different. Managing to look down to her pussy, she was shocked to see that the vines had tore a hole in the front of her panties. Before she could react, one vine forced its way into her wet lips, fucking her and immediately bringing her to another climax. At this point, the vines release her arms and hair, focusing on her below the waist. They rip several more holes into the ass of her panties before penetrating her there as well. She climaxed several more times before she felt the vines loosen their grip ever so slightly. She took that opportunity to surge forward. By some miracle, she pulled out of her stockings and flew forward, out of the vines, landing near the open doors. Vines throw her shredded stockings out at her, almost as if they were disgusted. They were badly shredded and soaked in her own juices, much like her panties, but were still wearable.

She contemplates the condition of her stocking and panties, debating what to do with them before choosing which door to take. They both seem to go deeper into the temple, but they don't look like they enter the same room.

Actions: Pick a hallway (Left Right)
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Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Grunting, and trying to paw her way through, Penelope gave a painful yelp as one thorn scratched along her arm, and a scream as her hair was pulled back. She mewled desperately while struggling in the vines, reducing to a pathetic whimper as she was restrained, spread eagle, by the mass of vines. She panicked, thinking that this was the moment that they'd wrench her body in half, as they slowly curled around her sexy curves...

Feeling a thorn poke her breasts, she gave a startled meow. A pair of vines had curled around her large breasts! The dull thorns that poked along her nipples caused a pair of tents to form in her bra. She looked down at the molesting vines with pink cheeks, blushing from the sudden rush. And her blush only grew to a deeper red when she felt another vine squirming between her legs. She squeaked a little as a sole thorn ran it's way up and down along her womanhood. Feeling her excitement grow, she felt the vines actually being gentle with her as they fondled her.

She wondered if, when the slime girl approached her, she planned to touch Penelope in a similar way. She did appear quite beautiful, and she loved kitties... Penelope felt herself regretting, even just a little, not having the pleasure of fucking her. The memory of the slime's feminine form made Penelope even more horny than she already was. Her body no longer struggled, and her cries clearly told stories of how she was enjoying herself. Imagining the thorn to be the woman's finger, rubbing along her sensitive nethers, Penelope rocked her hips in tune with it's rubs, feeling the sexual excitement build rapidly from her lewd thinking. Her cries grew louder, and louder, until her body spasmed, her mouth suppressing a cry of orgasmic joy as she came to a blissful orgasm, love juices squirting all over her panties.

Panting, Penelope smiled weakly, staring at the wall. Feeling a part of her fabric tear a little, she looked down curiously, to see the vine about to penetrate her. She wasn't about to fight it. She just threw her head back, crying happily as it squirmed into her petite pink lips. The dull thorns poking at her sensitive spots, Penelope immediately released another climax, soaking the vine in her sexual fluids. She was enjoying herself, and wouldn't mind getting raped a little more like this. But when she felt another vine poke at her butt, she yelped a quick meow. "T-that's my BUUUTT~!" she screamed at the end as the second vine entered her ass.

Strangely, the mix of pain and pleasure felt incredible. She had never been fucked in both holes at the same time, or even her back end for that matter. Breasts bouncing each time the anal vine pushed it's way in, Penelope quickly orgasmed yet again, unable to help but let the vines treat her as their little sex slave.

Hanging nearly by her legs at that point, she didn't even notice that she was slowly slipping out of her stockings before it was too late, and she was falling down a short distance to the floor, right on her noggin. She fell over to the ground in a comic fashion, slightly dazed from the fall. Her pair of stockings landing on top of her head, thrown to her by the vines, she groaned in a pathetic manner. Standing up, she held her stockings in her arms, giving the vines a dejected look, before looking to the floor sadly, slipping her stockings on quietly as she headed for the closest door, the one on the left.
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Penelope mewed quietly as she cleared the doorway. Once again the door slammed behind her, though this was becoming somewhat routine. Standing between her and the door was a large, green ogre. He stood about 9 feet tall and from what Penelope could see from the bulge in his loincloth, he had been expecting her. "I heard there was a kitty in the dungeons." He said, smiling. "I like kitties. I like petting them, and feeding them, and..." his voice trailed off into a simple smile. He held a large club in his hand. Looking around, Penelope also saw several more clubs lying on the ground. Whether this meant there were more ogres somewhere she did not know.

Penelope has three options. She can outright fight the ogre. Barring that, she can submit to being his "kitty" until she can find a weakness to exploit. Finally she can make a dash for the doorway in her torn clothing, hoping to beat him to the door.

Actions: Fight (STR), Submit(CON), Flee(STA)
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Heaving a small sigh after jumping from the door slam, Penelope's ears perked upright at the ogre, and almost immediately, her arms folded over her breasts in a similar manner as before in a protective manner. A small whimper escaped her lips, while a few tears of fear formed in her eyes. "Penelope hates this place..." she cried quietly, "Why does everything want to do bad things to me..."

Standing there, legs bucking, the shadow of the ogre getting closer to her, filled with intent, Penelope suddenly screams, crying as she started off at a sprint, eyes closed, afraid of even looking at the giant ogre that wanted to abuse her as she made a mad dash of escape.
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

(LUK11+15=26 vs. 17; LUK succeeds; +9)
(STA 10+15+9=31 vs. 20; STA succeeds)

Somehow, even with her eyes closed, she managed to blaze right past the ogre. "Wha-" is all the ogre can mutter before Penelope rushed through the doorway and into the next room.

She looked around the next room and was confused. Somehow there was a massive subterranean waterfall that fed a pool in the middle of the room. Not seeing a doorway, Penelope was faced with a startling fact. Either this was a dead end and she was not trapped, or the doorway was hidden.

Surveying the room, Penelope has two choices. She could swim and see if there is a door underwater, or she could navigate the narrow ledge along the perimeter of the pool ans explore behind the waterfall.

Actions: Search the pool of water (STA +wet[-2AGI for 3 turns]), Shimmy along the ledge to the waterfall (AGI +possible wet)

(Notes: the debuff for the pool is certain. The AGI debuff is based on your LUK. Also, if your test passes, that's where the doorway is, if it fails, it's the other choice. In other words, your choice doesn't matter in finding the door, the check does)
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

(Pfff-, debuffs just mean it's easier for sexy, female monsters to show Penelope a good time. >:p)

Her hair went stiff the moment she nearly toppled over into the water. Penelope's heart skipped as she took several steps back in fear of getting wet. But after standing in the room for a moment, knowing she couldn't go back, she had to wonder that there must be a door somewhere. But, she had no idea where. Swallowing a lump in her throat, and letting out a high pitched whine, Penelope fearfully, and cautiously made her way to the side of the pool, grimacing at how close she was to the flowing water...
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

(LOL, THAT'S the sprit!)
(LUK 8+15=23 vs. 11; LUK passes! +12, plus No wet if AGI passes)
(AGI 20+10+12=42 vs. 41; AGI passes)

Perhaps it was Penelope's cat-like reflexes, or just her immense hatred/fear of getting wet, but she is able to make it to the waterfall without slipping in the slick rocks and falling into the pool. She circled back behind the waterfall and found an opening. Happy she didn't have to go for a swim, she entered.

Entering the room she found an ornate, arcane laboratory. The walls were willed with bookcases of ancient tomes. Fires and boiling pots of exotic liquids littered the room. Scanning for the exit, her eyes came across an almost comically dressed person. In a long, flowing robe and a tall pointy hat, he clearly looked the part of a wizard. "Ahh, young cat-creature. Come closer." He said, motioning to Penelope. "I have heard of your travels in this place and am intrigued. For you see, while I have heard of your kind, alas I have never looked upon one with my own eyes. We must perform tests at once!" Not happy with the work "tests," Penelope pondered her options...

There are three ways Penelope can defeat this wizard. First, she could outright fight him. He is rather old, but is his a wizard. Secondly, she could seduce this old man. Finally, she could attempt to convince him that she is not work testing.

Actions: Attack (STR); seduce (CON); Reason (INT)
Re: Penelope (RaptorJesus)

Penelope blinked at the wizard, not sure what to think of what he meant by saying he wants to run tests. "Tests? Penelope doesn't understand." she told the wizard from the third person perspective, something she was prone to do. Suddenly though, she smiled, pouncing towards the wizard, so that she was right in front of him. "You want to have sex with Penelope!" she announced, thinking she'd predicted what the man wanted.

Putting her paws on him, wanting to push him back into a nearby chair, Penelope fervently tried to get herself onto him, as forcing herself onto a human being was not something she was a stranger to.