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SIM Loli [ぺぺろんちーの] ゴブリンの巣穴 (RJ291561)

Append 2 is stated on dlsite to be released on 1 September.
Voices has been updated into the game.
Checked Peperoncino's homepage, they are recruiting for character design for APPEND 3.

New girl on twitter, a guardsman.
2nd DLC is out as announced. Only two new characters, in exchange voices have been added for the rest of the original cast.

If there is a 3rd DLC (None of their previous works exceeded 2) then it proves just how well this game has done. Not many games reach the 20,000 sales mark on DLsite, even taking long discount periods into account.

For those who bought it: You'll need to download the latest versions of the base game and the 1st DLC. Merge those two, then apply the second DLC. Failure to use the updated versions of the base game and DLC1 will show an error message asking players to update their game to the latest version.

Get it all right, and the version numbers will be 200827, 200827 and 200831 in descending order on the bottom left of the title screen.
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DLC2 guide:

Erda: +1 DEF

Appears after Sofie's stage is unlocked. Once she's captured Jayda is next on the hit list.
Fills an important gap as an alternative to Melanie.
Since she only drops the base level female meat on death, either get her killed as a virgin or use her as a "regular".

Asterea: +1 MGK
暴風を纏う鷹: All enemy wings damaged for 0.9x caster's magic stat.

Easily the "final boss" of this game. Extremely satisfying if she's beaten when she attacks the nest.
She'll appear after the dark elf is beaten and her stage taken out at least once after she's captured.
Defeating her will extend the run deadline by 10 days (thankfully the 5 turn invasions don't get worse beyond the day 80 wave).
Players who have defeated the DLC1 Goblin Slayer variant will not have a problem against her.
Warning: Defeating Asterea will lock players into the DLC 2 endings. If Asterea is killed before day 77, the other endings are once again available. Players wanting a fast run will need to fulfil the requirements before Asterea attacks.

Her skill is an upgrade over Ricadonna's, but as of this version I've only seen it spawn on units twice despite getting her to mate until she turns lewd.
Her lewd threshold is 72 sanity points, unsurprisingly she's even tougher to break than Patricia.


収穫祭: Lose when defending against Asterea.
観察遊戯: Finish Day 90 with Asterea and Erda lewd.
性義の系譜: Finish Day 90 with ALL heroines lewd (this is impossible without the use of human meat. Once all the heroines are unlocked, be careful not to overdo the goblin breeding and lose a turn trying to cut the numbers down).
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Man tried to clear my backlog for DLC 1 ending while having DLC2.
Wonder what went wrong. Can't get DLC1 endings despite making Iris, Zoe and Sophie Lewd.
Then i tried lewding Zara, Joanne and Patrizia.... no luck either.
Here is my full save for the final dlc:
That 2nd ending was truly mind-blowing lol
And after watching it I think it's gonna be the final dlc
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. Asking for or alluding to links to game downloads is prohibited. Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
Anyone have the latest DLC update?

Edit: Nevermind, registering dlsite gave me a coupon to buy the DLC.
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I haven't gotten around to getting and playing DLC 2 yet, what are the new endings?
The narrator is Asterea and this story is a historical saga she tells to her children. I think it's quite appropriate as a true ending of this game.
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Well thats disappointing.
3rd is has no new girls, just more place to plunder, meat shield, wolf rider....
"I was in deep cover, posing as a lowly goblin warrior, at first they didn't accept me; because I was 5 foot 9 and couldn't speak their language. But in time I integrated, I took on a goblin as my wife despite the fact that there are no goblin women. Worked my way up to chieftain. Eventually we waged war on another goblin tribe. Never seen so many tiny goblin arms waving around. The bloodshed was unimaginable. I lost my goblin wife; every goblin I knew died. The tunnels overflowed with goblin blood OHHHH BEST DAY OF MY GODDAMN LIFE... Anyways watertown, goblin slaying, Swooord maiden gotta go" - Goblin Slayer.
I hope we get to wage war on other goblin tribes and steal their breeders.

That was beautiful, man.
The narrator is Asterea and this story is a historical saga she tells to her children. I think it's quite appropriate as a true ending of this game.

It's also no surprise the 3rd DLC caters to the multiplayer aspect of the game. With such a huge player base, incorporating more gameplay bonuses makes sense since it's impossible to write in new heroines.

With that final ending, all of the questions relating to the goblins, their history and physiology have now been answered. It's well done, and it's good to see the creator getting rewarded for his creation (the base game is in the all time top 20 of games sold on Dlsite).
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Necroing abit APPEND Number 4 announced on twitter. 2 new heroines.

To be delivered on 10th November.
Since the thread got bumped,
I was curious if anyone had actually beaten the challenge mode? I was considering giving it a try but I can't find much info on it and don't want to waste my time if it's literally impossible and completely RNG (say, not getting anything other than base green goblin until turn 20 or something, and even then its a single hob.)
Since the thread got bumped,
I was curious if anyone had actually beaten the challenge mode? I was considering giving it a try but I can't find much info on it and don't want to waste my time if it's literally impossible and completely RNG (say, not getting anything other than base green goblin until turn 20 or something, and even then its a single hob.)

JP players have. Generating non-standard goblins isn't as hard as it's made out to be. It's down to how players manage their resources as well as the timing of the attacks to succeed.
Okay, can someone please tell me how the hell you install the DLC's?

I think I can install the first, but when I try to install the second, it either crashes, or afterward the game's title screen is completely black with a non-readable version number, which makes me suspicious.

And if I try to install the third it just gives some kind of error message after the title screen.
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Is there any news about a potential english translation?
Okay, can someone please tell me how the hell you install the DLC's?

I think I can install the first, but when I try to install the second, it either crashes, or afterward the game's title screen is completely black with a non-readable version number, which makes me suspicious.

And if I try to install the third it just gives some kind of error message after the title screen.

Too lazy to search the thread. Answer you want is in post #86.
Surprisingly Sagaoz doesn't have the complete save file for a full gallery unlock yet.

Since the save file attached from the Chinese forum is most likely out of date, I'm attaching mine. I know it works if players have all of the DLC installed, those who are missing 3 but have the rest may or may not be able to use the files.

While I'm at it, guide to DLC3 and DLC4.


No new heroines, but players can take on the adventurer's tower and its 100 levels for loot and goblin stats. The stat boost only applies the first time players reach a stage milestone, afterwards it's probably better to just run the later levels unless players are desperate for the new goblin extras.

Registering the game allows players to take on goblin nests managed by other players. I haven't tried this mode, so no idea how it works exactly.

Speaking of goblin extras:
Wolves: These are a boost to regular goblin packs. 50% chance to avoid a physical attack when fielded.
B-grade breeding vessels: These are a boost to hobgoblin packs. 50% chance to avoid a magical attack when fielded.

Note: Using either wolves or breeding vessels stops the alpha from initiating the loot command.


Two non-human heroines. Unlike DLC2, these are not end-game material and are really there to help players in the early stages of the game.

Page: The hobbit/halfling who's good at drawing. I feel a little sorry capturing and turning her into a breeding vessel since she's not the type who opposed the goblins or had a perverse interest in their habitat and ecology. Her stage appears before Erda's.
Boosts magic: Skill is a slightly weaker version of Simona's (0.9x modifier instead of 1.1x)
Drops 女の肉 on death.

Luna: The succubus who's fed up with her usual cuisine tasting awful thanks to goblin-induced stress. She will attack the nest after her appearance is triggered. If there are multiple active heroines, the usual rule applies as to which heroine attacks on day intervals divisible by 7.
Boosts attack: Skill drains 2 mana from target enemy. This is actually useful, especially for paladins and shamans. Instead of the usual combo of mass heal + mass attack, now players need to choose what kind of role they want a unit to play and to use the mana drain skill appropriately. Paladins and Lords can get more heal/mass attack spells in, while shamans will probably want to combine mana drain with the Asterea mass attack spell for serious carnage in prolonged battles.
Drops 貴女の肉 on death.

Ending: Get both Page and Luna lewd. Status of all other heroines is irrelevant. If DLC2 is present and Asterea has been captured, she needs to die before the ending can trigger earlier before turn 90.


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