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SIM Loli [ぺぺろんちーの] ゴブリンの巣穴 (RJ291561)

They're going to run out of room on the game map to put their locations lmao.
DLC5 is out.

New breeding vessels are the dwarf blacksmith and the Draconid warrior. Same deal as always with regards to upgrading the game.

I won't play this for a while as I'm busy with other games. Will get round to this before the end of the year.
DLC5 notes:

Dwarf Blacksmith Kaylee is a dungeon invader. I got lucky on my run so she appeared early, but there's no guarantee she shows up early on subsequent runs because of the way the game RNG functions. She's not difficult to beat when she invades, and for a dwarf her mental strength isn't much better than the easier humans.

+1 to MAG: No skills. Unusual combination, if she's early then players might as well make use of her. If she's late and players already have the other girls who don't grant skills, then it's better to kill her as a virgin since she only drops the base female meat on death.

Draconian Sabrina has her own stage which appears just after the Elf Queen and before the Dark Elf Queen. She's alone, so players with a developed horde will have no trouble capturing her.

+1 to MAG: Same skill as Joanna. Obviously she and Kaylee have to stay alive to get their ending. Otherwise players will probably want to use her as a breeding vessel until she dies since she drops the highest quality female meat on death. She's not that difficult to break, 12-13 copulations is enough to get her lewd.

The DLC ending links with DLC3 in an indirect way. One could say this DLC is really about Sabrina since Kaylee plays a bit part.
DLC6 Notes:

Seems like they added an English and Chinese option to the game. Some parts seem untranslated, but the vast majority of the game is translated to English now (system data, story, etc. etc.)
DLC for language, what a time to be alive. Soon ISPs will follow suit and charge a 5$/mo English subscription. If you don't get it, all text is displayed as wingdings otherwise.
Another DLC tentatively entitled "Ill-Borne" is in the works. More heroines to impregnate it seems. Not sure how it's going to work since the map is crowded enough as it is.

I'm skipping the encyclopedia DLC since 1. I'm not keen to pay money for just artwork and 2. I don't need a poorly translated language interface.
Actually, the translation isn't that bad, aside from the fact that they didn't bother to format it (so you get newlines in the middle of words).

Though it would seem only the base game is translated? All the DLC girls still have their stories in Japanese in my game.
I don't think they got the voices intact for the english work either.
I only played tis when it first came an recently tried it again - is there some trick to unlocking new regions now?
I'm 40 turns in and still only have the first area, the only girls I ever saw where the new blacksmith one an the default priest.
I only played tis when it first came an recently tried it again - is there some trick to unlocking new regions now?
I'm 40 turns in and still only have the first area, the only girls I ever saw where the new blacksmith one an the default priest.

Raiding the most recently unlocked area twice is usually a requirement for new pastures. So if you captured the pilgrim on the first attempt, raid that area again the next day.
The standalone expansion ILL BORNE is now available to buy.

30% off until 16th August, so those who wish to support the developer should take the opportunity. Those wishing to pirate it will have to wait until the usual sources makes it available.

Standalone expansion has enough content to stand on its own, so I'll probably start another thread specifically to discuss it. Those who own the original game will get a few extras compared to the standalone game, but nothing to get too worked up over.
Isn't Ill Borne a proper sequel?


From the store page.

For those too lazy/incompetent to use machine tools to read:
This work is an expansion pack which can be run on its own.
Those who don't have the base game can still play the game all the way to the end.
Those who do own the base game can blitz through the content as they can import their existing nest from the base game.

I don't consider it a sequel when
1. The mechanics are almost exactly the same as the base game.
2. There are links to the base game in the narrative.
3. I can bring over my 300+ generation goblins and literally have no issue smashing through this game's end-game content on my first run.

Some can see ILL BORNE as a sequel, but the official store page claims it's a standalone expansion so I'm going with that.
Others can interpret it as a sequel should they see fit, it's not going to be a key decision maker in whether or not the game is worth playing.
may i ask for that save file you have? also how exactly you apply save file from the main game to standalone expansion one?
Anyone know how to port the save files from the old one to this new game, or is it a separate game altogether?
My purse got critical hit but I need to pay by blood to upgrade game to completion ...
and I didn't play when patch 6//didn't know it's fking eng patch// release so ... hopefully this patch it still work in this big upgrade.
If not ... time to scuba dive again.

Edit ... OK translate patch old work not combine XD ... old game with patch too ... or I did wrong or because I didn't have save ...
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So, it looks like you can port your save data to this game just by going into the "savedata" folder and dropping your old saves into it (data0.kdt, data1.kdt, etc.). Then when you select new game, it gives you an option to load your old data.

But it looks like this is essentially the same game, but more of it. None of the old girls seem to be there, it's all new girls and new scenarios. That'd be why the translation patch doesn't apply.

So the only advantage your old save gives you is to start out with stronger goblins.

Not really a sequel in that this game doesn't seem to actually ADD much of anything to the gameplay, other than more girls to enslave and more story scenarios to read... if anyone really cares about the story. It's the same game, but with new victims.

But it's also not really an expansion since none of the old game's stuff is carried over, save your goblin armies if you want.