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Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)


Apr 12, 2009
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The Burrows were an odd place, at least in comparison to the rest of Madrigal's civilized places. Pheonix, finding herself tossed through heavy, reinforced wooden doors into a long, low cavern, would first notice the lack of Masters here to fetch her. Just a simple toss into the low-lit cavern, and the tilted doors swung shut (and locked) behind her.

She wasn't alone, however. A trio of other humans were keeping watch, and as the pale-skinned redhead was dropped into the cavern, they stood upright. It didn't seem so much like they were waiting to escape, for they didn't make a move to run towards the harsh light of day... rather, like they were waiting for somebody. For her, it seemed. The leader of the three was a taller woman with long, braided black hair... or at least she seemed like the leader, for she'd stepped to the forefront, and the other two had fallen a step behind. Something like a snake was draped around her shoulders; sinuous and black, it was large enough to curl down around one leg... perhaps its head was hidden behind her thigh? "Oh good, another one," the leader said without preamble. "What's your name, girl?"
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Uh, Pheonix. Are you supposed to be the one giving me directions or what, um, ma'am? Pheonix says, unconcerned as the doors swing shut behind her. She doubted she was bought simply to be discarded, so she would likely have something at least slightly interesting to do shortly. She did wish they had put her down more sofetly.
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Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Pheonix," the woman tried the name out, nodding. "Interesting choice. I go by Ozen, and after a matter... yes, I can give you directions if you'd like. Around here, some people sit in wait around the drop off cavern just in case people like you show up out of normal schedule. Most of the time, slaves brought to the Burrows are shipped together all at once, but not all the time." She stroked the thick tendril that moved slowly, almost hypnotically about her shoulders. Mind you, now that you're here, we four could give you the grand tour, so to speak." She quirked a grin that might not put Pheonix at ease, but certainly hinted at adventure.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ignoring the disturbing part of the grin, Pheonix almost instantly senses the taste of adventure. Sure, I'm always up for trying new things. Especially when they aren't boring. She then reaches towards the tendril as she moves towards the group although she hesitates before touching it. Would your, uh, companion mind if I touched it, Ozen? Also, what do you mean by schedule?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Sensing the redhead's proximity, the sleek tendril reared up and back, just enough to remain out of touch. Ozen, chuckling, explained, "this is Hunt, my bond... and while touching him is probably not a good idea, I can show you where others like him are kept." Soothing the daemon, she continued, "pardon that he can't tell you directly, he's only able to communicate with me."

Ozen flicked her other hand at her two companions; "these two, however, can speak whenever they like." Was that a suggestion, or a command? "Pheonix, meet Jhael and Tolly. Girls, please take the lead?" As the other two women began towards the back of the cavern, where a path stretched out of sight, Ozen gestured for Pheonix to come along. "I can promise you now that your stay in the Burrows will be far from boring. What's your background, were you a trained slave before you were brought here?"
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Following, Pheonix replied. No formal training really. I was brought up on a merchant ship. I got to see all parts of the world. She hesitates for a moment before continuing somewhat quietly, Bunch of dirty pirates captured the ship a couple weeks back and sold me. I was kind of surprised they only raped the men, but not the women, but still, damn pirates. Trying to avoid bad memories, she changes the topic, So, what is this place like? It doesn't seem to be like any slave compound I've heard of. Also, what do you mean by bond?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen grimaced, empathetic to Pheonix's story. Helpful with changing the topic, the woman was happy to explain, "well, now, for you I imagine it's a step up from what you'd expect out of being a slave. No collars or whips from Masters and Mistresses, though you do want to gang up if you can't protect yourself. You'll see a lot of humans banded together around here, often under the patronage of some dragons, or demons... or daemons." she stroked her bond, then continued, "but it's not the same as being raised and brutally trained by a Master. Most of the caverns here are peaceful enough, once you're a known ally, or you live their yourself." She gestured to the large doorways that they passed, each enough to admit a full-grown dragon... though the contents of each remained a mystery either due to a tilt in the passage-ways, or privacy-granting curtains, or both.

"You can find all sorts of things to wile away the time; pleasures of the flesh and pleasures of the mind. It's all in finding out where the good little dives are. As for bonding, you haven't heard of it before? I suppose you might not, if you spent most of your time at sea. Some daemons have a way of bonding to people -- joining their mind with yours -- for companionship, amongst other things. Hunt is a hoster daemon; his type are specialized for bonding. I'm not sure how they wound up in the Burrows, but you'll see a few people with one wrapped around their shoulders. When you're bonded..." Ozen paused to try to think of an analogy, then shrugged (with a bit of difficulty,) unable to come up with something concrete. "It's like having someone at your back all the time. He's intelligent," she added, "he just can't communicate with others."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix listens with curiosity before becoming slightly confused by some of Ozen's statements, Uh, two questions. Why is it so dangerous if we don't have masters, and, if we don't have anything to do down here, why are we here?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Big questions for the first few minutes," Ozen replied. They had been passing various groups and singletons of passersby as they descended the path, most of them human or humanoid in appearance. A pair of striped yellow creatures that were twice Pheonix's height were given an obvious wide space, and no wonder -- if anyone strayed too close, the pair of air demons would snap at them, or swat at them, never quite harming anyone but certainly warning of it!

"Masters keep slaves in line, without question," Ozen tried to explain. "Given free range, some slaves like to take power into their own hands. Not all, but some. If they have the means to do so, they may track down those who are weaker than them, or are simply unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." She scowled at the pair of demons as they passed, though was careful not to let them see it. "According to Mistress Falia, the owner of this place, it's not that we don't have to do anything, it's that if we don't do anything, we're left to scramble for our own food, clothing and shelter. The alternative," she intoned, probably to make it sound more dramatic than it really was, "is to produce offspring for her. 'Get with child,' she's said, 'and get on with life'. We're never sure what she does with most of the offspring. Some of them wind up back here with us, fully grown -- which is disconcerting at the very least -- and some are bought up by other Masters, I suppose."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix seems both disconcerted and intrigued at this statement. Following behind, she looks at the people around her as she responds. Well, the sex wouldn't be so bad. Some of these people might even be fun. But, I'd think it would be rather hard to be forced to endure a long pregnancy only to give up our child. Besides, wouldn't, uh, Mistress Falia not be able to, um, have us, well, get us pregnant only once a year or so? She stumbles out, slightly uncomfortable with the thought of having to be a baby factory. Still, it would be better than other fates.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen cast a sly glance towards the young woman, amused by her attitude. "That's the other side of the catch, my dear. It's easier to part with offspring that we don't grow attached to, and Mistress Falia doesn't give us much time at all. You'll best know if you're coming down with a visit to the Mistress if you find yourself unusually sleepy. Whatever magic she's got ahold of is kind enough to alert us ahead of time... and to speed up the process to perhaps a few days? I'm never sure, I've always been out of it until after everything is said and done. The Mistress is always there to let you know what has just happened. Usually she comes offering something or other if you've made a contribution that, I imagine, is likely to sell well." Ozen grimaced again, pulling some of her long braids out from under the daemon's body where he had settled overtop of them.

By now, the four of them had ventured several gyres deep along the passageway, and the quality passersby had begun to change. There were less humanoids like demons and dragons, and more like daemons. There were even a few very odd looking creatures: either quadrupedal or insectine or otherwise strange, they didn't fit the norm that a human might expect. The two women who'd accompanied Ozen -- Jhael and Tolly -- had turned into a cavern up ahead, and Ozen ushered Pheonix in through the same doorway. "Welcome to the cavern that I, at least, consider home. You may be in for a bit of a surprise..."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, if we don't grow attached to our kids, then it probably won't be so bad around here. Looking around the new cavern, curiosity once again takes hold in Pheonix, Surprise, huh? Well, if I don't need to worry about growing close to a child inside me, a lot of the daemons around here not only look new and exciting, but they look fun, too. So, are most of the people here daemons? and what is the surprise?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Though Ozen grinned at Pheonix's new barrage of questions, she didn't deign to reply to any of them just yet. Walking down a short, rather bare passage-way, the two of them entered upon another cavern, this one swarming with activity. The floor was raised to different levels, and the great room was hot enough to bring a slight sweat to any who stuck around long enough. It was warm enough to move around naked, and Pheonix could see several humans doing just that. More than that, there were daemons here of many different shapes and colours, several of which were unique in and of themselves. If she bothered looking up, she'd catch sight of a colony of nesting Swarmers, tendril-shaped daemons with large, insectine wings, all tucked away to sleep the day away. On the lowest level, she could see an inky layer of water, disturbed by ripples where no wind dwelt. Several daemon clans had made their nests along the side of the caverns, though the center of the strange place was left open for congregation of all kinds.

All of that caught in a glance or two, and suddenly Pheonix's vision was cut off by a rearing tower of black, a living monolith of silky daemonic flesh. Ozen, tilting her head towards Pheonix, said, "Pheonix meet Nest, the patron of this cavern. Nest wants to know what a stranger like you wants with her cavern... she's like Hunt, she can't speak for herself, though Hunt can relay her words to me."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Oh, wow... Pheonix trails off, staring at the massive daemon in wonder before shaking herself and responding somewhat distractedly, Uh, tell her, um, eminence? Well, tell Nest that I'm new here and need a haven or patron of my own, and well, I was used to constantly seeing and experiencing new things and meeting new people in my old life, so, well, basically anything or anyone but Daemons would probably be dull and boring. She says, not wanting to actually ask her biggest question: just what is Nest? She was holding herself back simply because she knew she needed to try and not be rude on her first encounter with who might be her future patron.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Ozen covered her mouth with one hand to muffle a somewhat snide chuckle. "Nest says that she isn't necessarily pleased to have her cavern exoticized by a 'mere human'," she didn't sound entirely impressed by the term, though she repeated it anyhow. "She says that if you wish to get your jollies here, you'll have to undergo a test."

Pausing, then chuckling again but this time openly and with malicious delight, Ozen repeated for the daemon, "she says that the test will begin immediately, so you can either strip bare now or get out of her cavern."

Indeed, the huge daemon's skin seemed to shiver for a moment before dozens of slimmer tendrils boiled out of her central mass. If anything, Nest looked even bigger, now. The tendrils waved faintly, hypnotically, stretched out to their full limit as they poised themselves all about Pheonix. Noticing the disruption in their cavern patron's behavior, several people -- humans and daemons both -- stopped what they were doing to watch, even if none came over to gawk!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Uh, wow. Yes ma'am. Pheonix replies before stripping out of her pants and shirt. The slavers that had taken her had decided she didn't need her undergarments so she was sold without them.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Not that it looked like she had much of a choice! As Pheonix stripped, Ozen was polite enough to take her garments before stepping out of the way. "Surprise!" she told the redhead, speaking solely for herself this time. At least the black-haired woman had the decency not to cackle as she retreated out of the line of fire!

Once that was done, several of Nest's tendrils slung forward to wrap around Pheonix's waist, arms and legs, lifting the woman clear off the ground and suspending her with her stomach to the floor for a moment. The world was a blur of ground and whipping black shapes for a few seconds until Nest leaned back entirely, so that Pheonix was again confronted with a viewpoint of faintly-sheened black. This time, however, the human was unable to do much but hang (and struggle, if she liked, though more tendrils were wrapping around her ankles and arms every moment.)

Despite the strangeness of the situation, Pheonix didn't seem to have to worry about getting torn apart, or even really bruised -- Nest handled her with the same care that someone might pick up and appraise a crystal sculpture. The redhead was turned this way and that, her legs parted, while several tendrils that weren't being used to hold her off the ground were exploring her body. One had even slipped between her legs, the length of it butting up against her cunt as it spiraled about her waist. Nest knew how human women worked, even if she were far from human, herself!

((Aaaand... now seems like as good a time as any to enter that pleasure max system. XD))

Pheonix's Pleasure: 3/27
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix quivers with anticipation of the new sensations as she is lifted off the ground, Ooh! I think I might like this test Pheonix says with a soft cooing sound when she feels the tentacle prodded her moist petals. Not sure how to pleasure the great creature, Pheonix also leaves her mouth open slightly to give Nest access if she wanted it.

(And how many dice are roled for pleasure when this really starts? A novelty, 2 fetishes, and a variety of penetrations.)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

((Just like Kattunge said, she's going to need her relatively higher threshold to weather that storm. Just hope she doesn't gain 'sex frenzy' like the girl in Kattunge's thread did, or it's all for naught!))

Nest seemed to consider the woman for a few moments more, one thick tentacle even going so far as to brush her hair back behind one of Pheonix's ears to get a better 'look' at her face, even if the redhead couldn't see any discernible eyes in the mass of black. Then the creature set to work, lowering the woman so that she was nested against the daemon's belly (or back, or whatever was facing her!)

Tendrils kept Pheonix's legs captive, spread wide as still other tendrils stroked hypnotically along the length of her hips and thighs and even against those petals of hers, not yet deigning to penetrate the woman. It was almost maddening, the way that one tendril would press up against her long enough for Pheonix to grind against it once or twice, and then to fade to no pressure at all, only to repeat the process.

More tendrils were caressing her back and stomach, wrapping about her breasts and sliding over the woman's nipples, as other tendrils curled about her arms and shoulders and neck -- the last being careful not to strangle the human unintentionally! Nest found Pheonix's open mouth and, probing it carefully with one curious tendril, retreated for the moment. The thing had felt warm and silky against her tongue, but it was dry, more like an appendage to grip and manipulate than one for sex...

When a thicker tendril reared up in front of Pheonix's face, it became apparent what the difference was! This one was a redder shade of black than the others, and slit at the tip seeped a clear fluid that might put the woman in the mind of precum. For all that Ozen had identified Nest as a female, the daemon's appendages seemed to speak otherwise! Pheonix found the thicker tentacle was aiming to fill her empty mouth -- and the moment that she pressed lips about it, she'd feel two other tendrils (it was difficult to tell if they were like the one in her mouth or more like the original long, black lengths) pressing in between her labia and against her ass.

If Pheonix wanted an unusual sensation, she was getting it!

Pheonix's Pleasure: 15/27
Nest's Pleasure: 3/30
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Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Finally. Pheonix thinks as she feels the tentacles start to penetrate her nether regions. However, given the way she was held, Pheonix was unable to truly help them. Instead, she turns her attention to the tentacle entering her mouth swirling her tongue around the tentacle, Pheonix begins to suck gently at it. Occasionally, she would stop her tongue's efforts in order to lick the precum off of the tip and taste it, even going so far as to probe at the slit with her tongue before going back to massaging the tentacle head itself. Still, with the new sensations pulsing through her, Pheonix already feels herself becoming soaked and knows she won't last much longer and only hopes she is up for another round.