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Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The hotsprings were nearby -- cut off from the lagoon by large hunks of rock, she could see that this water was joined by the stream that ran from the highest tier, though even then the uppermost of the rocky little tubs steamed heavily. The last, which intermixed freely with the lagoon's dark water, gave only a little steam, meaning that the three deep pools between the uppermost and the lowest were probably a range of temperatures between.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I'd take the lowest pool, but I might get a fun surprise if I did that, so I'll have to miss out for now. Pheonix thinks before heading to the second lowest pool and stripping out of her suit. There she will use the soap flakes to wash herself off.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

She was probably right, given the way this cavern operated. Luckily (or unluckily, depending up on Pheonix's point of view) nothing came to assault her as she scrubbed herself off. Shale, having recovered from the teasing that Nest had given him, didn't even meet any new 'friends' in the pool while Pheonix cleaned.

For once, the redhead was able to enjoy a moment of alone time... perhaps her first since she got here.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

You know, being sold by those pirates wasn't as bad a thing as I though. Free food and sex and all I have to do to earn my keep is have even more sex. Almost like a paradise really. Still, being passed out more than half the time is going to be a nuisance. Ah well, should be fun. Pheonix says to herself (and partially to Shale) as she washes up. At the same time, she also takes the opportunity to clean her suit as well. Eventually she will get out and start heading for the exit of the cavern.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Finding onesself skipping forward by about a week at a time couldn't be particularly conducive to forming lasting relationships... but then again, it didn't seem that Falia was interested in specific breeding pairs, not like other Masters or Mistresses who worked their own pits.

Hopefully this place, called the pit, was named as such for a different reason, come to think of it!

Pheonix, unmolested during her wash and even her walk back up the tiers, managed to catch Flaqus again before she hit the exit into the main passage. "Hey, wet-head," he took a pinch of her red hair and twirled it between his fingers, grinning gallantly. "Did you catch a bath, or did the bath catch you?"
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I caught a peaceful bath. Had to make sure I was clean before I headed off on a diplomatic mission. Nest asked me to go see about talking the patron of the Pit into being more favorable to us. Know anything about the place? Pheonix asks.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Oh Goddesses, those guys." Flaqus grimaced. "Yeah, their patron's crazy. There are daemons from the pit coming over here once every few days, slipping by the people living here, trying to cause trouble. They're kind of like for us down here what the Trefoil crowd are up on the higher spirals for us humans... though it's less, 'don't associate with other species' and more, 'let's pull some nasty tricks on these people because they have it better than us.'" He seemed far from impressed.

Spur, sitting on his shoulder, added, ~If Nest sent you two over, it's either because she has good faith in you, or she doesn't mind losing a couple of newcomers.~ Pheonix couldn't be sure if the daemonet was teasing or simply being malicious. It was hard to tell when the other party had no facial or body expressions to match the words!
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Any advice or should I just go with my plan of trying to sex up the patron to convince him we aren't that bad? Pheonix says, hoping to not have to wing it.

Given the fun Nest has with Pheonix, I think it's the earlier of the two. Shale says.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Oh, Goddesses, I wish you luck. I've never been there but I hear the place is pretty well impossible to have a good time in. They might just plaster you to the ceiling and leave you there," Flaqus admitted, looking a little worried.

~I'm jealous,~ Spur replied, tone deadpan. ~Your bond gains the favor of the patron, and she sends you out on dangerous missions. Meanwhile, I may just go back and enjoy the pair of whimpering nubiles that sauntered in for a trip to the baths.~ The sensation of her grin felt like dull teeth rolling against skin.

"You be good," Flaqus advised his bond, "we won't get anything out of them if they run off screaming."

~I beg to differ!~
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, hopefully I'll see you later. Pheonix says with a wave before departing towards the pit.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"You want we should come after you if you're not back by a certain time?" Flaqus asked after her, worried by the way she'd said that. 'Hopefully'?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Turning around and walking backwards, Pheonix responds.If neither Shale nor I are back in, say, three days? Could you check on us then? If Shale comes back alone, either I need help, or I'm coming back via Falia.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Huh, alright," Flaqus raised a hand to wave a short goodbye. "Good luck!"

Now that she was out of the cavern, and into the passageway, Pheonix was confronted by a few other daemons and humanoids, most of whom passed by her without so much as a glance. Most seemed to want to hurry from one cavern to another, up or down the spiral. It was somewhere around midday or midafternoon out here. She didn't see anyone that she immediately recognized.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, here goes nothing, eh Shale? Pheonix says before heading down to the Pit.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

((XD Do you want me to post for Shale on occasion? I can, I've just been holding off in case you want to use him as a character.))

Finding the cavern in question, Pheonix had to pull up short: the pit was aptly named, given that just beyond the curve in the entrance that hid it from the rest of the passageway, the ground dropped away to darkness. The only light came from a dim globe high in the center of the domed ceiling and, looking around, the woman realized that the walls had been plastered with something that looked like webbing. Crags in the rough walls of the cavern made it difficult to see everything, though she could make out various nooks and crannies here and there.

She heard a faint noise directly above her, gaining a shadowy image of skittering from Shale's bond.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Pheonix probes the webbing to see if she can climb it before having Shale ask the nearby skittering if it could give them directions to the Pit's Patron.

(I generally don't put down much for Shale because I find having conversations with myself to be boring so I generally assume he replies, but not with anything significant to the story.)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Skittering -- the noise -- was different from skittering, the kind of daemon. As she tugged at the webbing, she found that it came away from the wall... but it was vaguely sticky. It also caused (or at least happened at the same time) as several of the small daemons to fall on her shoulders, landing on Shale in the process.

Though she had a hard time telling what they were, specifically, she had the impression that they were much like spiders.

"What do you want?" Two asked in unison, as a third (at the same time!), demanded, "You may not see our patron, you gaudy creature!"
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I come on behalf of my patron Nest to talk to your Patron. Pheonix says simply while Shale does a lazy roll to try and dislodge the creature on him without seeming obvious.

(So are the daemons called Skitterings?)
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

(Nope, they don't have a name yet -- I just worded that particular sentence strangely... I guess I was using 'skittering' as a sound/sensation/image all at once. X3 Might wind up calling them that in the end, though!)

"Nest," all three sneered in unison. One had clomped around to her chest, and she could see more clearly that, while it had many legs, it also had a mouth very much like a humans. Right now that was bared so that many teeth were showing -- its beady eyes, eight in a tiny crown at the center of its thorax-like body -- glared up at the redhead. "Get out before we make you get out, human!"
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Why are you so upset with the idea of me going to talk to your patron? Pheonix asks.