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Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Another pair of the creatures leapt down upon her, one on top of her head (its little feet hand tiny hands that tugged at her hair as it regained its balance) and another clipping to her mesh outfit as there was no more room on her shoulders.

"You reek of flat-walking biped and you speak for that slime-monger, Nest," several of them spoke in unison, out loud. Others added, "you aren't fit to see our patron."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

How could I convince you to let me see your patron anyway? Pheonix asks, unwilling to give up unless she had to.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

That brought the little daemons up short for a moment, though one or two of them snorted or sneered at the very prospect.

"You want to meet your fate so badly?" they finally asked. They'd seemed to come to a decision. "Find him yourself. When you fall to the depths we'll feast on your bones."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

After a brief mental conversation with Shale, Pheonix guesses that the patron is likely on the floor anyway and that the daemons were trying to trick her into climbing to the ceiling. We'll see about that. She says before moving to the walls and checking the strength of the web. If the web looks as though it will hold, she will start climbing down with Shale watching out to make sure neither of them get ambushed.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The little daemons hopped off of her, easily catching the webbing as she tested it, and found that it would easily hold her weight. Though they didn't bother her anymore, there were always several nearby... and it didn't help that they made some rather discomforting hissing noises.

Pheonix found that as she climbed down, everything began to grow dark. When she passed below the floor of where this cavern could rightly be said to end, things grew too dark to see... but the webbing was still there, in relatively regular increments.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

This is probably why it's called the pit, then. She thinks to herself and Shale before having Shale try and get a sense of where any nearby daemons were, and if he could sense a large one near where the bottom might be.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The readings she got back from him -- they weren't necessarily sight-based, after all -- told her only a little more than what her ears were bringing to her. She could hear the same skittering noise from the little daemons all around her, could feel them when they were nearby on the web and when one might grow bold enough to leap onto her for a few moments, trying to startle her into losing her grip.

Beyond that, however, there was a vast open space. Shale was able to get vague impressions of minds here and there, lighting up a faint network in Pheonix's mind of other telepathic (or empathic, at least) daemons that told her there were many more daemons than the few harassing guards-skittering-types that were harrying her on this portion of the web. She couldn't find anything of patronesque proportions, though there was a presence below her that Shale wasn't able to detect. The only reason that Pheonix had any say at all was because she felt the webbing tug in that direction, like something large (at least as large as what she might have experienced when another sailor was in the rigging with her) was on the move.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, either that's who we're looking for, or it's someone who might be willing to give us more help than these guys. Pheonix thinks before climbing farther down towards the presence.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

As she climbed lower, she found that the webbing had grown stickier, to the point where it went from being gently tacky to downright difficult to free her hands. Though she couldn't see, with Shale on her shoulders, she could feel that those presences he was privy to had moved rather further away from this point. If that didn't clinch a feeling that something was off, and probably not in a way that led to gentle conversation, Pheonix could both hear a low, warning growl and feel it in the webbing she was climbing on.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding to simply go for it, Pheonix calls out in the direction of the growl, Are you this cavern's patron?
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

The growl stopped, but so did the skittering of her annoying chaperon-daemons -- they'd fled in the other direction.

Now a voice, slow and thick like hot pitch, replied with liquid sincerity. "The patron... me? Of course. How did you manage to get all the way down here, little human? Your kind is afraid of the dark..."
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I've climbed in worse, really. Sometimes, out on a ship, a squall rolls in and it's like the sun goes out with the clouds and rain blocking the light. Then you add in the wind and waves rocking the ship and water making the rigging slick and you get a climbing experience that is nerve racking. Comparatively, climbing in the dark on something that actually holds you to it isn't that bad. Also, I didn't want to disappoint my patron, Nest, by giving up before I actually spoke to you. Pheonix says in explanation.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

As she spoke, Pheonix felt the webbing move again, and then a violent shudder as the... patron... attempted to fling her off the net. She clung fast, however, and Shale, nearly flying from her shoulders, was forced to wrap himself much more tightly around her.

"And why would you disappoint your patron by not speaking to me, little human?" the currently voiceless presence asked. Pheonix could feel its hot breath coming from somewhere above, now. It smelled a little of rotting meat.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Nest asked me to talk to you about having a more friendly relationship between our caverns. I'm guessing, though, that simply asking won't work. I don't suppose you could offer a way that I could help persuade you? Pheonix asks, trying not to bluntly ask what the daemon wanted in return.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"Hmph," the voice replied, though that hackling noise rose in its throat again. Instead of giving a proper reply, Pheonix felt the webbing move again until three sets of clawed hands grabbed her, two around her arms, one in her hair. She felt sharp pain as the claws dug through her suit and into her flesh, as her hair was tugged painful, a little of it torn. All of this to the effect of prying the redhead off of the net, so that she was hanging in darkness. "You talk too much. I may just eat you." She felt herself being propelled upwards until her back was slammed into the cavern wall diagonally upside down, where she stuck quite well. Shale was thrown from her shoulders despite his efforts to hold tight, though he only fell a few feet before he caught a bit of webbing and, curling frantically around what he could snag, halted an uncertainly long descent.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

I... I'm sure there are better things to do with me... Th-the suit I'm wearing has flaps that allow easy access to my breasts and sex. Pheonix says nervously, trying to avoid the mentioned fate.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

"So maybe I'll fuck you and then eat you," the creature told her, voice sounding more annoyed than pleased. she felt something sticky covering her hands and wrists, and as the net moved, the same quickly hardening substance bound her ankles tight to the webbing.

Now that she was firmly in place, she felt a heavy body crawl atop her, gripping her tight in more than two places. "You really thought I was the one your stupid patron sent you for?" it finally asked, breath coming close again. "Are you pitifully stupid as well as completely naive, human?"
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Nest didn't know who your patron was exactly, and I just assumed. Besides, wouldn't you get more if you just impregnated me than ate me? Pheonix says, switching gears into an alternate way to escape. At the same time she asks Shale to move up the walls and try to get to a safer local so that he could flee if he needed to.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

Shale seemed to have a pretty free escape route up -- whatever this thing was, it had scared the smaller skitterers away... however, he'd have to be careful in slithering up the net-like web... who knew how far he'd fall if he misjudged anything!

The creature seemed to think about what Pheonix said, not replying for a moment as more clawed hands settled across or near her body. She felt one slipping across her breasts, peeling the flap back -- and another, testing the flap that preserved the modesty of her sex. In a moment, the daemon-creature had taken one claw to her mesh suit and began sawing it open from breasts to mons. "I don't get many chances to visit the demon... but I'm very hungry," it told her. A long, cold tongue lapped slimely across her exposed chest as the thing chortled darkly.
Re: Pheonix's Thread (Pheonix Alugere)

B-but, you could ask Falia for more food that I would provide. Pheonix offers hopefully.