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Pieces and Places (Hafnium)

: HP = 68/82, PP = 42, EP = 42/44, Status = Injured, Dazzled x3, Blinded for 1 round, Armor 0/30 TP

Dazzled - The character is distracted by lights or problems with their vision, forcing them to win a Focus check against a DC of 20 at the start of every round. Should they fail this check, they take a -1 penalty per dice to attack, Parry DCs, and Dodge for the round. Winning this check reduces the penalty to a -0 per dice. Blinded characters take no penalties from having this status. Multiple stacks of this status increase the DC by 10, and cause the penalties to increase by 1 to a maximum of -3 for failing the check and -2 for succeeding at it.
Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Theodore: Hapless young faerie influenced lad, possibly dead
4d10 perc, 40 Body, skill with rifle, Kradian Mark 41 Bolt Action Rifle, has rapid fire spec and deadly aim
Belladonna/Belle: Alraune thicc thot in conservative dress, X = 6 Wild Shape Wolf/Bear, spent 21 EP, taken 21 damage
3d10 perc, 40 Spirit, has druid powers, the appropriate aptitude harmful spirit and swift empowerment
The GREAT Galofina: Somewhere on the horizon, lots o magic

Bandit Leader: Taken 0 damage, spent 8 EP, 41/50 armor TP
Bandit Mage: Medicing
Bandits Behind Cart: 1/2 dealt with, the other at 11/40 HP
Bandits Hidden in an Illusion: Possibly on fire.

There were time periods of not-rest between her uses of Analyze, so she got refunded half of the EP of each for the day. She only gets all of her EP back if she gets decent uninterrupted rest.

Casting Checks on four flash mines vs Tala's perception.
Perception: 2 successes
Casting: 4 successes, Tala needed 2 to detect it, so she did.
Casting: 11 successes, Tala needed 4 to detect it, so she didn't.
Casting: 8 successes, Tala needed 3 to detect it, so she didn't.
Casting: 8 successes, Tala needed 3 to detect it, so she didn't.
Her starting Dodge for this round: 104
Attack for the one that doesn't autohit: 89, a valiant effort, but a failure.
Resistance vs Blinded and Dazzled, Focus vs Reflexes: 41, 41, 47 vs 36, 30, and 28, failing all three of them.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 4 = 8 - all of Tala's AV and SR and yeah I don't know why I even rolled this.

Tala's attacks: 64, 59, and 70 vs 31, hits all around.
Parry DC: 21 from spending 4 attack dice + 14 from assorted mods = DC 35 Reflexes for Tala. She has a +20 mod after the Blinded penalty and Fencer bonus, so needs to roll a 15+ so long as she doesn't fail any.
Parry Checks: 19, 7, 12, the first one hits, the next two don't.
Damage: 3 + 33 - 31 = 5 damage.
Armor Damage: 36/4 = 9 damage
Falcon Guard Attacks: 78 and 74 vs Tala's dodge of now 74 vs him, both hit.
Damage: 57 and 62, each minus 51, so she takes 6 and 11, becoming 5 and 9 due to her DR for a total of 14 damage.
Armor Damage: 57/1 is 57, and 62/1 is 62, so uhhh.... Yeah.

Theodore is going to move, taking some cover in the trees, and then he is going to shoot a bandit.
Attack: 61 and 69 vs 53, both shots hit.
Damage: 29 and 40, one bandit goes down outright and one is badly hurt.

The hidden bandits that nobody knew about are going to return fire.
Attack: 90 vs 57, Theodore is hit, for max damage.
Damage: 22 x 2 = 44, 44 + 10 - 5 = 47 damage.
Attack: 75 vs his now 52, hit. Damage is the same as last time. The last holds fire, as Theodore is now down.

Belle is understandably upset. She activates Wrath of the Elements, the fire form, X = 9, then uses Swift Empowerment to Wild Shape X = 6, taking both Bear and Wolf forms, for a total cost of 12 EP from that and 9 from the Wrath.
Attack: 80 vs 48 from the only one who can mathematically dodge.
Damage: 1 + 2, good job, so I will derp that she has harmful spirit to make those hard min at half max, becoming 3 + 3 = 6, 6 x 9 = 54, they don't have enough AV to survive that so those three nerds are fried.

Light Mage goes over and heals the dying guy, though he'll still be out of the fight. I just don't feel like doing more math right now.

The one injured guy tries to shoot Belle.
Attack: 76 vs 53, hit.
Damage: 23 - 2 = 21 damage.

Tala's immediate response to the bandit standing cockily in front of her prompted him to quirk an eyebrow, but he didn't bother to respond to her mentioning of Galofina's cryptic warning, despite how strange what she'd said was out of context. Her ensuing response, however, only caused the man's grin to grow increasingly wide, giving him a slightly manic look to complement his cocky expression. "Are ya now?" He replied just before she delivered her threat to the "hidden" gunners, which prompted him to start laughing with genuine mirth come the end of it.

She wouldn't be able to see how her warning affected Theodore and Belle, however. "Tiny, but FIERCE! I LIKE it! Come on then! Show me you can back up that mouth!" Their leader said with a manic smile, leaving Tala to issue her final boast and charge forward... Into a field of mines. Fortunately, they were the type of mine that set of brilliant white flares, the light so hot that it would likely have given her an instant sunburn if she hadn't already sported a fairly dark complexion. Less fortunately, she only saw one of them to enough of an extent that she could negate its effects with a quick sidestep, and three more went off practically in her face all at once. The light flared so brightly that Tala was seeing nothing but white as she completed her charge, honing in on the still laughing bandit leader's position by way of sound instead.

"Ahhahahahahahaha! Still coming at me?" He said as she stepped into position, and the man's laughter was momentarily cut off by a grunt of paint as Tala's first swing caught something, slid along it only to release and catch something much softer and draw a grunt of paint from her opponent. The man's laughter after that, however, only grew more excited. Her second swing was caught on that solid something, and this time it wasn't allowed to slide away and hit flesh. Instead, the man wrenched her arm aside so hard that he nearly pulled her weapon completely out of her hand, and in response she felt him swinging back at her. The shift in timber of his voice warned her enough that Tala was able to avoid the brunt of the harm, only being clipped in the abdomen, but the blow proved incredibly powerful nonetheless. It tore her clothing as his axe pulled away from her body, and when she recovered and delivered her third attack he did much the same. What was left of her coat was left lying on the ground around her, though Tala herself was relatively unharmed. More worryingly, perhaps, she felt an eerily familiar sensation that she was more used to from the other direction with each hit, a bit of her life-essence being pulled away through her wounds to no doubt rejuvenate her opponent.

"Aaaaahhh, fuck! Are you still standing? Aaahahahahaha, awesome! None of you better shoot her, this one might actually give me a GOOD fight for a change!" Her opponent declared, though Tala still wouldn't be able to see exactly where he was through her white-washed vision. She did hear what took place around her, however, as someone nearby muttered; "God dammit boss..." And another someone worked some sort of piece on a gun and shouted; "Don't move lad! Just hold your ground and put it down!" Theodore's voice came next; "Belle, move!" Hurrying footsteps, another set of clicks, and the firing of the gun. "Shit, shit I'm hit! Fffucking kid shot me man!" The first voice cried, then the other said; "You're alright, you're alright, sh-" The speaking and their leader's giggling had largely drowned out the click-click of Theodore working the action on his rifle, but it didn't drown out the next gunshot, the wet thud-and-crack of what sounded like the round hitting a skull, and the dull thump of a heavy body falling from behind the wagon.

"MARCIUS!!!" The anguished outcry, also coming from behind the wagon, could only have belonged to a girl, one who was probably only recently old enough to try and call herself a woman judging by the tone of her voice. There was scampering motion, and then, from over on the right, gunfire erupted. "Stop, stop, STOP FIRING! They're civilians dammit! Don't shoot to kill!" That came from a commanding voice with the gruff raspiness of age, but the command could not undo the two shots that had already been fired, and Tala heard Theodore give a gurgled gasp of pain between them before going silent, followed by another thump of a body hitting the ground. That was followed by another anguished shriek, this time from Belle; "THEODORE!!!" A pause, the sound of motion, and then from where the alraune had been came a sound that no human vocal chords could have produced, a sound more akin to the furious roar of some enraged beast. The ground shook under Tala's feet momentarily, and the sound from the supposedly-clear ground that the other bandits had fired from suddenly erupted, first with crackling ground and then with the rushing roar of flames.

The bandits that had been there shouted in shock and then began to scream in terror and pain, adding further to the chaos. "Fuck you lady!" The earlier wounded man shouted, followed by a gunshot, which caused a brief shift in the alraune's enraged shriek, though not a stop to it. "Ohhhh shit!" He muttered, while the now-panting girlish voice muttered; "Fuck, fuck, please don't be dead, pleasedon'tbedead... Meri! I've got him stable, but... This is really bad!"

Tala's opponent paused in his laughter to answer; "Dammit! Order up! Vela, counter her! Crispo, keep firing until she's down! Once she's done screaming, go help second squad put themselves out!" His tone, momentarily forced into a relatively calm and authoritative state, took on its manic glee once again as he evidently turned his full attention back towards Tala; "This one is ALL MINE!!!"
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Despite it all, the tribal champion wasn't really dismayed by the traps and the way she'd discovered them. She covered her face as best she could to prevent the blinding effect, though not well enough to save her from three of the four, and pressed on anyway. She wouldn't have become a champion if she let something as small as that deter her from attempting to cut the enemy leadership down. What had dismayed her, however, was a downright infuriating revelation....

"It was a fucking pun?!" Tala roared in fury as the memory of the harpy traveler saying the encounter would be 'enlightening' played in her mind. "If I ever see Galofina again, I swear I'll pluck her tailfeathers!"

She channeled her rage into a swing at the man, or at least a swing at where she recalled the man being. It didn't do much good though, as his armor protected him from the brunt of the strike. She pressed the attack anyway, hoping to make up for her temporary lack of sight with pure ferocity. She could tell though, even without vision, that he'd caught her second swing with his axe and had likely tried to hook and disarm her. Maintaining her weapon was more important than anything else, and so she was willing to do whatever it took to hold on and twist the weapon back into her control even though it ended up opening her up to a strike. A third exchange ended much the same and cost her favorite garb in the process. It seemed the big guy had the skills to back up his mouth. She was going to have to work in order to complete this bandit hunt.

Of course, other things were happening at the same time. Pure chaos, based on what Tala could hear. Theodore joined the fray, and it sounded like he got good hits in. Based on Belle's anguished cry, however, it sounded like they got him back though. The ursine warrior hoped he wasn't dead, especially as she had charged largely to try to draw the fire to herself and had seemingly failed because in his kindness he had rushed to try to help her, but she couldn't exactly dwell on it while blinded and surrounded on all sides by bandits. Belle's revenge came in the form of an explosion, but as Tala hadn't gotten visibility of the second set of bandits before being hit with the traps, she couldn't tell how effective it was nor how many remaining opponents they really had left. The sound of the girlish voice, however, gave the blinded bear wilderheart something to grasp onto and get an idea of how to proceed.

"Belle!" Tala shouted. "I can't see them but they've got a caster near the gunners Theodore fired at! If you need to hit me to hit them then do it! I'll be fine!"

These moments were why she wanted to retire. These times when she had to call for the potential death of a young girl and her friends in order to try to keep two peace-loving companions who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time alive. But this was battle, with all of its 'honor' and 'glory.' This few minutes of chaos where people would die or be changed forever for nothing more than one or two people's love of gold and prestige. How she tired of it, and yet how she thrived in it.

Turning her attention back toward the bandit leader, she knew in an instant that she only had a few options to keep herself in the fight and try to rescue her charges. First and foremost, her blindness and Theodore's injuries had robbed her of most of her tactical options. If she still had her vision, she'd have tried to break away from the bandit in order to dispatch the mage and remaining rifleman and then turned back to the leader to buy Belle time to treat the downed man's wounds. And if Theodore wasn't likely bleeding out on the ground, she could've gone for a slow endurance match with the man and likely come out on top in the end. But now she needed an option that would allow her to stay up and in the fight until the blindness had faded, end things quickly afterward, and to contribute to stabilizing Theodore. She would need to resonate with her tattoos.

Taking a step back from the bandit leader, she would raise her sword into a defensive position and take a deep breath in before slowly breathing out. Makwa, she beseeched of a particular great bear spirit, known to all the ursine wilderhearts in her tribe, whose magics had been used in the creation of her tattoos. I'm counting on you. Give me the power to crush these enemies. Give me the power to protect my allies. She continued to control her breathing as she felt the process of resonation beginning to take root. Her tattoos would glow ever more brightly as her strength surged at the cost of it drawing away from her reserves of energy. Tala hated using the technique so early into a trip as she would quickly become tired and be unable to use it as an ace later, but she simply saw no other choice that would give her a chance to save Theodore and Belle.

Though in addition to her easily exhausted nature, resonating had another major downside. Doing so in the middle of a fight left her more vulnerable to incoming attacks, as she had to split her focus between defending herself and her efforts to rouse her own spirit and couldn't even begin to weave attacking into her multitasking. Tala would proceed to make it even more difficult on herself, however. With her awareness that the unseen light mage was casting healing magic to try to save the friend that Theodore had struck, the ursine warrior would go a step further by trying to analyze the mage's spellcraft so that she might borrow the spell to help stabilize the wounded man once the fighting was finished.

Standard Action: Transformation x = 8. Costs 7 EP to use and 3 EP upkeep afterward.
Move Action: Analysis in order to survey the mage if possible. Gains access to any EP-based ability she uses this round. Breaks Tala's spirit ceiling by 1 so it costs 4 EP and 1 HP.

Temporary HP: 32
Dodge: 18d10 - 5 (15d10 + 2 base, +18 Transformation, -25 Blinded, +2d10 from Duelist, +1d10 from Fencer). Has evasion and spell resistance, so she can dodge AoEs and undodgeable spells. Apparently doesn't take penalties from dazzled yet because she's still blinded?
Armor: 50 (14 natural which is strong vs slashing and weak vs blunt, 20 is magic, +16 from Transformation). Has 4/5 DR as well.
Reflexes: 41 (25 base + 16 transformation)
Focus: 19 (11 base + 8 transformation)
Willpower: 13 (13 base + 8 transformation)
Gains +12 from Sturdy/Willpower against various effects.
7d10 perception (6 base, +1 transformation)
: HP = 82/82, PP = 42, EP = 31/44, Status = Injured, Dazzled x3, Armor 0/30 TP, Transformation X = 8, Upkeep = 3 EP, Healing Touch, Lesser saved with Analyze

Dazzled - The character is distracted by lights or problems with their vision, forcing them to win a Focus check against a DC of 20 at the start of every round. Should they fail this check, they take a -1 penalty per dice to attack, Parry DCs, and Dodge for the round. Winning this check reduces the penalty to a -0 per dice. Blinded characters take no penalties from having this status. Multiple stacks of this status increase the DC by 10, and cause the penalties to increase by 1 to a maximum of -3 for failing the check and -2 for succeeding at it.
Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Theodore: Hapless young faerie influenced lad, possibly dead
4d10 perc, 40 Body, skill with rifle, Kradian Mark 41 Bolt Action Rifle, has rapid fire spec and deadly aim
Belladonna/Belle: Alraune thicc thot in conservative dress, X = 6 Wild Shape Wolf/Bear, spent 30 EP, taken 13 damage, 1 EP Upkeep, Blinded
3d10 perc, 40 Spirit, has druid powers, the appropriate aptitude harmful spirit and swift empowerment
The GREAT Galofina: OvO, lots o magic

Bandit Leader: Taken 5 damage, spent 18 EP, 41/50 armor TP
Bandit Mage: Disturbed
Bandits Behind Cart: 1/2 dealt with, the other at 11/40 HP
Bandits Hidden in an Illusion: Possibly on fire.

Tala activates Transformation.
Her Dodge for the round = 102

Belle will use Natural Order X = 4 on herself, Tala, and Theodore, spending a total of 8 EP.
Her Dodge: 71

Bandit leader will rage, spirited warrior for 2 more dice and 4 more damage, and supreme might -15 to hit for +20 damage.
Attack: 93 vs 102, miss. That nerd.

The remaining bandit will fire four times
Attacks: 51 with an automiss, 52, 70, 64, all miss.

The Light Mage casts Searing Light at Belle.
Casting: 4 successes.
Attack: 66, literally just barely hits since I forgot that that spell gets +10 to hit.
Resistance: 25 vs 38, Belle is blinded.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 8, 8 x 3 = 24, 24 - 12 = 12 damage. Also Belle is now naked.

The one bandit that no one spotted behind the cart because 7 successes tries to shoot Tala with a shotgun.
Attack: 79 vs Tala's dodge of 97, which misses.

Tala's declaration of intent to punish Galofina for her pun should she meet the harpy again wouldn't do anything to change the attitude of the bandits or the effects of their ambush, and as she took a step back she heard the bandit leader step up to follow her, keeping her engaged. Her eyes might have been useless, but her other senses were not, and her metaphysical sense caught the healing magic that the mage used and stored it in the back of Tala's mind, potentially useful for when they got through the fight. Her prayer to Makwa left her glowing, resplendent in the great spirit's power courtesy of the markings running across her body, but if the bandit captain was intimidated she could catch no sign of it. Indeed, when her vision began to clear, even if it was extremely spotty, Tala would see the man still grinning maniacally at her. Calling on so much of her power at once had its own cost, however, burning Tala slightly with the expenditure of energy.

Belle didn't respond to the bear warrior's order, and she also didn't obey it if what followed was to be believed. Instead of a rush of flame or some other destructive force leveled at the spellcaster and remaining bandit, Tala felt a rush of energy strike her in the back, and suddenly her minor wound and the slight energy burn were alleviated entirely. The alraune gave another otherworldly shriek, and Tala heard her bounding closer to the melee. The bandit remaining behind the cart shot at her, a man too young to have a hairline receding so far and a few crooked teeth, firing four times in short order, but the panicked expression on his face suggested that he wasn't doing anything to stop her. "Shit, shit! She's not going down boss!"

"I'm busy!" The boss declared impatiently as he swung his axe at Tala in a wide arc, and perhaps thanks to Makwa's proection she managed to narrowley avoid the swing. "Deal with it and stop bitching!"

The mage leaned around the cart, and now that Tala could see her she would see the sweat beading on the freckly redheaded girl's brow as she unleashed another blinding beam of light aimed at the oncoming alraune. The shocked look on her face suggested that it hadn't done much to dissuade the oncoming alraune either. "Yeah fucking shoot LIGHT at the PLANT! Why don't you fuckin' water her too while you're at it!" The other bandit said, and the mage responded; "You AREN'T helping!" Out of the corner of her eye Tala saw movement... Movement from someone that she hadn't seen before. Someone who leveled a pump shotgun her way, and would have filled her thighs full of buckshot if Tala hadn't seen them at the last second and stepped out of the way. The bandit, shocked, gave a shrug and an apologetic grin, revealing a missing tooth and a boyish smirk.

That bandit was then promptly hit in the face by their leader, his boot lashing unceremoniously into their face to knock them back towards the other bandits, where Tala would see a bearded man with a bloody wound on his head lying on the ground. "I told you THIS ONE'S MINE! Take out the plant before she gets any closer!" He roared, before turning his full attention back to Tala and grinning again. "Come on, I'm actually having fun for once! You wanted a fight, so FIGHT ME!"
With her resonation complete, Tala was now racing against multiple clocks. She had to finish up before she ran out of energy to fight, before the other bandits took Belle down, and most of all she needed to end things as quickly as possible in order to give Belle and herself the best possible chance of saving Theodore. She would've liked to have cut down the two gunners and the mage in order to free up her alraune companion, but the bandit leader was too dangerous to be left unattended. The bear warrior was just going to have to hope that Belle was a mercenary in a pacifist's body and try to make short work of her current opponent in order to join in her efforts.

"I didn't say I wanted a fight," she responded to the man plainly. "I said I was going to break you. So let's both get serious."

Her wilderheart markings glowing brightly across her scarred body, Tala wasted little extra time in thrusting her sword at the man at as fast a pace as she could manage. And she wouldn't let up on the attack, thrusting again and again to finally force him onto the back foot in their exchange. Her technique was sloppy, a result of trying to work around the dancing lights still clouding her vision following the trap she'd sprung, but she intended to make up for it with sheer ferocity and determination. Just as she had all those years ago, she'd fight with all her power to protect her charges, regardless of the cost.

Lightning Strikes again. Going for the stabs and piercing damage this time.

Attacks: 3d10 + 13d10 + 17 (14d10 - 1 base, +1d10 for facing a character with a melee weapon, -2d10 for lightning strikes, +18 transformation ). -32 or -48 to attack depending on whether she succeeds or fails the dazzle check this round.
Damage: 1d12 + 51 (35 base, -5 for lightning strikes, +3 for Fencer bonus, +18 Transformation).
Has Fencer's +5 bonus to parry DCs and Reflex checks too.
Regains up to 4 HP per hit.

Temporary HP: 32
Dodge: 18d10 + 20 (15d10 + 2 base, +18 Transformation, +2d10 from Duelist, +1d10 from Fencer). Has evasion and spell resistance, so she can dodge AoEs and undodgeable spells. -36 or -54 dodge due to dazzled.
Armor: 50 (14 natural which is strong vs slashing and weak vs blunt, 20 is magic, +16 from Transformation). Has 4/5 DR as well.
Reflexes: 41 (25 base + 16 transformation)
Focus: 19 (11 base + 8 transformation)
Willpower: 13 (13 base + 8 transformation)
Gains +12 from Sturdy/Willpower against various effects.
7d10 perception (6 base, +1 transformation)
: HP = 82/82, PP = 42, EP = 28/44, Status = Injured, Dazzled x3, Armor 0/30 TP, Transformation X = 8, Temp HP = 2/32, Upkeep = 3 EP, Healing Touch, Lesser saved with Analyze

Dazzled - The character is distracted by lights or problems with their vision, forcing them to win a Focus check against a DC of 20 at the start of every round. Should they fail this check, they take a -1 penalty per dice to attack, Parry DCs, and Dodge for the round. Winning this check reduces the penalty to a -0 per dice. Blinded characters take no penalties from having this status. Multiple stacks of this status increase the DC by 10, and cause the penalties to increase by 1 to a maximum of -3 for failing the check and -2 for succeeding at it.
Blinded - The character can no longer see, and takes a -25 penalty to all attack rolls and to Dodge, a -10 penalty to Parry checks and DCs, and automatically fails all Perception checks relating to sight.

Theodore: Hapless young faerie influenced lad, possibly dead
4d10 perc, 40 Body, skill with rifle, Kradian Mark 41 Bolt Action Rifle, has rapid fire spec and deadly aim
Belladonna/Belle: Alraune thicc thot in conservative dress, spent 41 EP, taken 126 damage
3d10 perc, 40 Spirit, has druid powers, the appropriate aptitude harmful spirit and swift empowerment
The GREAT Galofina: OvO

Bandit Leader: Taken 34 damage, spent 18 EP, 10/50 armor TP
Bandit Mage: Disturbed
Bandits Behind Cart: 1/3 dealt with, the other at 11/40 HP
Bandits Hidden in an Illusion: Possibly on fire.

Tala stabs.
Focus: 21, failure, giving her the bigger penalty.
Attacks: 65, 52, 42 vs his current Dodge of.... 1. She hits.
Damage: 41, 43, 45, a nice rising scale! Each loses 35, so that's a total of 24 damage.
Armor Damage: 10, 10, and 11 damage.
Her Dodge: 53, oof.

He attacks back, once, with max supreme might.
Attack: 95, hit.
Damage: 92 - 57 = 35, 35 reduced by DR = 30 damage. He also regains 4 HP.

The mage prepares to counterspell Belle.

Belle tries to set the people behind the wagon on fire with Wrath of the Elements.
Focus vs Willpower: 45 vs 21 with a nat 1, Belle's power is countered.

The bandits try to shoot Belle.
Attacks: 55, 68, 63 vs 22, 53 and 46 vs 17, all hit.
Damage: 22, 22, 21 - 2 each equals 59 damage, 26 and 32 -2 each equals 24 and 30 damage for another 54, she's super down.

Edit: Thought Transformation was a +3X to damage power, it isn't, it's only 2X, and spreading damage mins to the X value. So Tala actually dealt 3 more damage.

The man's manic grin spread wider, but still he managed to speak despite his battle-lust; "Hah, says that one who took the first swing! Come on then!" He was no longer trying parry her, instead merely protecting his vitals while winding up a powerful swing, allowing Tala to jab repeatedly into his torso. She left shallow cuts, but it hardly seemed to slow the man down, and when he swung next the blow hit her hard, leaving pain emanating from the point of impact even if her magical defenses had heavily softened what might normally have cut her in half. "Haaah! I don't know what you're made of, but DAMN is it nice to fight someone that doesn't pussy out and run or just die right away! Lets see how long you can last!"

Whatever Tala's reactions to her enthusiastic opponent might be, the rest of the battle was still going on, though that seemingly was wrapped up. Despite her hopes for Belle, the alraune would let loose another shriek, but nothing would come of it, and after another volley of gunfire from the other bandits. There was a thump behind her, and a pained groan in a voice unpleasantly similar to the alraune's, and then relieved sighs from the bandits. "Idiots!" The leader roared even as he continued keeping most of his concentration on Tala. "Don't relax! Make sure you didn't fucking kill her, then go help the others put themselves out!" Tala could barely see at that point, and what little she could see was less helpful than being totally blind, but she did see movement in that direction out of the corner of her eye, and the feminine figure of the mage giving their combat a wide berth, escorted by the shotgunner who had tried to get a cheap shot off on Tala not too long ago.
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