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SIM [Pink Petal Games] Whore Master

Re: Whore Master

As I said: I think this has the potential to by rather good.
Re: Whore Master


If the game crashes, your kid dies.

(If anyone gets this, lemme know. Otherwise it's obscure humour for the win.)
Re: Whore Master

Making movies is pretty much broken. Get 2 good movies produced one after another and you're set to train all your girls to 100% in everything then make 2 more. Use the cash you're saving up to buy more girls and the next house and just repeat that pattern until you own everything.
Re: Whore Master

I think the maker is fixing that (And the current crash bugs) in an update that's supposed to come out Friday.
Re: Whore Master

The update came a bit early.

Had some issues with his site freezing my browsers so I'm uploading it to MU for anybody else that might have the same problem.

It's a patch, so you'll need to download the 1.9 version first. Then just replace the 1.9 files with the files that are in the 1.2 rar file.
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Re: Whore Master

how do I make a girl unhappy and unrebelious? I'm having trouble on those subjects.

Plus, my current quest is to 'gain 5 monster girls'. WTF?
Re: Whore Master

how do I make a girl unhappy and unrebelious? I'm having trouble on those subjects.

Plus, my current quest is to 'gain 5 monster girls'. WTF?

It's asking you to recruit the women of The View?
Re: Whore Master

Do you mean 1.19 and 1.20?

Well 1.2 is the same thing as 1.20, but yeah, I meant 1.19 when I said 1.9 =P

And yes, you can recruit monster girls from walking around in town (rare) or sending your gangs into the catacombs which is more common plus the chance of extra gold or items, but more hazardous; most of the time your gang will be reduced in number. The biggest hit I took was going down from 15 to 2.

The mechanics of rebellion I'm not sure on, but there is a thread on the subject at the creator's forum. I suspect it's different with each instance of girl, as I've observed several different reactions to treatment. Sometimes torturing (or raping or both, can't remember) will reduce rebellion by 10-15%, sometimes both actions will simply raise it, sometimes comfort will reduce it by 1-3%, sometimes comfort will raise it but it will drop by more points between days, and sometimes nothing I can do will lower rebellion. One postulate from the original thread's forum states that if you lower the girl's health to the single digits via denying food and torturing/raping on a daily basis, then begin feeding her and comforting her, her rebellion will drop precipitously. I've been able to duplicate this, but there was a case where it didn't work and her rebellion simply kept rising (at that point I just branded her and sold her).

I'm assuming you meant to ask 'how do I make a girl happy and unrebellious btw. That said, manipulating happiness is a complete mystery to me. Some girls remain at 100% happiness no matter what I do to them, and some remain at zero no matter what I try. Giving them gifts doesn't seem to raise happiness at all if it's at zero, nor does comforting them or anything else. I think they grow more and more unhappy each day if they have an addiction (although I have had girls remain at 100 even with addictions so I'm not sure on this). The only thing I can say for certain about happiness is what it effects - her health drops more and more sharply the lower her happiness is. Which of course doesn't help you with your question. If you do want your girls to be unhappy... well, I've never actively tried that, but throwing them in the dungeon and torturing them should work.
Re: Whore Master

Currently, I don't think that the program stops adding if things go above or below 0. basically you can have negatives or over 100 although it will say 0 or 100.
Re: Whore Master

Hopefully the guy fixed the glitches as 1.21 is out:

(You still need 1.19 for the full version. You then patch it to 1.21)

Edit: as a warning, there does seem to be a bug where you can buy multiples of the same slave from the market. Doing so apparently causes your game to crash when you go to the next day.
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Re: Whore Master

Dunno why, but I found myself getting bored of this game faster than I got bored of slave maker.
Re: Whore Master

Meh, slavemaker is also farther along in development. I'm mostly paying attention to this because I think it has potential.
Re: Whore Master

Hm. Yeah... it does have potential...

Stuff I'd like to see:
-Be able to transfer girls directly from brothel to brothel, instead of having to toss them in the Dungeon and then pull them out again.
-Be able to use girls as "adventurers" - maybe tag 'em to lead gangs or somesuch. The Combat and Magic stats are kinda underused as-is.
-Better control and more ability to attack your rivals.
-More consistent usage of pictures. If the girl appears in the slave market using pic #3 as her standard pose, I want to see pic #3 for her whenever I look at her status screen (and she's not pregnant).
-More stuff on the map screen. Rolls into "rival attacks" and "girl adventurers" - the former appear as targets, and the latter get places to go a-viking.
Re: Whore Master

also a much better comparison is sim brothel, i think i prefer this to that one.

also i think i might take a few of the thoughts here, collate them and put them up on the , might do some good then.
Re: Whore Master

I got one glitch I keep running into. Every time I see the event where one of my old enemies comes by, I tell them to let him out safely, and... it freezes.