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Piracy Resailed - IC

tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Ashore, Tag: Crew, Status: Relaxed, Mood: Flirtatious AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3

Bea and Voron walked side by side through the forest, her eyes scanning ahead and looking for any dangers. As her eyes wandered she spotted one of the Amazons looking at her chest. . .and decided to risk it.

"Im going to see if i can get a reaction from her . . .its been a while but i feel confident. . .sort of" Bea thought to herself as she walked in front of the Amazon lady a little way and proceeded to bend over in front of them to pick up a twig, throwing it for Voron to chase after. Bea bit her lip as she kept walking, finding herself getting more aroused as the jungle air seemed to cushion her body and warm her more than normal.

"Voron don't go too far when i throw the stick, it would not be good for you to get lost my faithful companion." Bea rubbed at his ears as he dropped the stick, picking it up slowly and letting her slightly damp lower lips press against the fabric of her trousers for the Amazon to see.

. . .

Bea watched the Elder as she stirred her 'broth', raising an eyebrow at the smell of the concotion in the pot.

"As unusual as your soup smells i will try it Wise Lady" walking over to sample it when offered.
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 74/82

Allisane smiled at Lily as she complimented her, oh she'd have to have some fun with this one at some point, but that would have to wait for now, they had things to do. "Thank you Lily, but I don't think I'm nearly as cute as you," she'd say, scratching the dog girl behind the ears.

She'd follow along with the others towards this priestess which they were going to meet, noticing how Bea was acting, and showing off towards the amazon, and decided to help, a simple little power of hers, but one she suspected would be quite useful for this, it'd make the amazon want to be near whatever or whomever she designated, in this case, Bea. Hopefully she'd interpret it as infatuation.

Then she'd go towards where the priestess was and offering soup. "No thank you miss, maybe later," She'd reply, wanting to see how others would react first.

You plant a compelling attraction in the mind of the subject. The attraction can be toward a particular person or an object. The subject will take reasonable steps to meet, get close to, attend, or find the object of its implanted attraction. For the purpose of this power, “reasonable” means that, while attracted, the subject doesn’t suffer from blind obsession. He will act on this attraction only when not engaged in combat. The subject won’t perform obviously suicidal actions. He can still recognize danger but will not flee unless the threat is immediate. If you make the subject feel an attraction to yourself, you can’t command him indiscriminately, although he will be willing to listen to you (even if he disagrees). This power grants you a +4 bonus on any interaction checks you make involving the subject (such as , , , and ).
sample_329b3d58fdcc303c9759a204eddb6816.jpg Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11

Getting ear scritches from Allisane distracted the doggo! She closed her eyes and started to thump her leg against the ground, her tail wagging like a hurricane. "Mmm, right there! Ya!" She giggled not sensing that Allie had any plans for her in the future. In fact, she liked Allie lots and lots now, she gave really good scritches. Though her focus shifted when the topic of Siley came up, "Mistress Siley just doesn't know how much cuter the Red Dawn is when compared to Dread Maw. Mistress Marnia and I are gonna have tea with her and change her mind next time!" She beamed at the warry spido.

Following the others, she plopped down near Allisane as they began talking to the nice Amazon lady. She looked around at the trees, wondering if those bad plants where hiding around here. Probably not, but you never could trust trees really. "Soup!" She hopped up suddenly, her fluffy blond tail whacking Allisane a few times as she changed forward eagerly begging for some soup. "Me, me, I want some!" She giggled.
Tag: Marnia

A simple act of will stores the entire ship within the amulet.. that's what Marnia feels, anyway, it seems to sink under the waves. Luckily the fishfolk can breathe under water. She hopes she hadn't forgotten anyone.

Tag: Allisane

Your power seems to not work on the amazoness somehow!
You lose 3 additional power points and you could have sworn you noticed a crackling of energy and the shamaness looking at you. Which is kind of strange, with her eye-patch and all.


Amazons, Tag: All

The Amazonian women smell of submission and tribal fertility. None of them are wearing cute dresses, however, Lily notes. The Beastmistress seemed uncertain, nodding but not recognizing the cheery, girlyl thing, until it clicked, by association more than anything and she seemed more suprised than anything.

The Amazoness with her quite distractingly swinging dick meanwhile raised a brow at the spider girl. "What rule are you talking about? You are so strange, visitors.."
She nodded. "If you want rules, you can have the mistress of beasts sort out your mind, heh."

Chiri, your amazoness-summoner companion also wanders off to chat with her companions about the strange lands she's been to, whilest Larnia begins trying to peddle some of her baubles, but is a little dissuaded by the furs, fangs and fetishes on offer in trades here.


The beastmistress herself still watched Bea after the encounter with Lily with curiosity.. with all the bending over and playing with her stick wolf, it was perhaps no suprise that there was a hearty slap on her bottom whilest she was.. distracted.


The amazoness elder grinned a little, whilest -somehow- the soup still tasted to the ghost.. quite nice actually, even if it looked horrible. "Always so impatient these youths."
She coughed, despite Marnia, technically, propably, being the oldest thing around by far.

"You want your captain back yes yes ? The snake looking for it's head, but, considering the lack of sight, it'll be hard."
She noted, pulling her pot of broth aside, leaving a small campfire behind, and gesturing to your amazoness guide, who got her a bundle of herbs.. only to be chided. "Not those. The abjury ataka."
She grumbled, before recieving another bundle of herbs, . before throwing the herbs into the fire, a thick, yellow-brown smoke floating upwards.

Next, the old shaman reached out, picking up one of Marnia's long blue locks.. and snipping it off with a rusty looking pair of scissors before she could object or resist, into the fire they went! She also pulled a frog forth from somewhere, holding it upside down into the smoke but, lucky for the Anurian.. and Peep, who'd been oggling amazons in the backround up till now, she seemed satisfied with the little green creature just screaming at the fire.

The Voodoo-witch leaned forwards into the smoke, letting her unhappy frog hop away as she seemed to inhale the smoke and whisper something.. and then, the smoke formed into a familiar shape.

Dreadmaws image, formed from the smoke, only to shift upon her singular red claw. "This is your problem. A nasty weapon, burning with the fire infernal. Without a weapon to match its fires it cuts through souls as it would through flesh. Nonetheless, such can be restored and..."
The image shifted. "..interesting. "

The blind shamaness seemed to stare at the image of an old woman, floating above the campfire. "Your captain's been alive for a very, very long time. Interesting..

You see, even the most powerful cleric can not return one that has lived out their natural time. I know not how, but Rovana has escaped death for not decades, but centuries. You can only escape the old man with the scyhte for so long you see."

She pointed at the ghost-captain. "And don't delude yourself. If your ship were to sink, you would with it. If I were you I'd take good care of that necklace you wear.. moreso than one should of such a treasure already."
She grumbled.

"But you don't come to me to tell you your problems. You want answers. You all want answers. Everyone always wants answers. Never questions, which are far more valuable.."
She disturbed the smoke with a wave of her hand.
"The hellish cut upon the captains soul can be undone. Although unless you find a way to stop the claw of dread, in the end she will fall once more. It shan't be easy."
The smoke reformed for a third time.

"The high temple of Ilumin. In the far north of the Lustrian main continent. The healer-priests within know secrets about life and death that would help you restore your captain. However, with the taint of Dreadmaw's claw.. you'd have to find one that both knows the ancient rites, can cast the required magic and is pure of heart.

That means a virgin.
And they are all a horde of perverts. And how you, a motley group of pirates seek to convince any of the priests to aid you.. with their innocence intact mind you, I can not tell.
But that is not all!"

She raised her hand, and for a fourth time, the smoke reformed, showing a strange creature of metal, vaguely feminine.

"Such extreme Violation of the order of time will draw attention. Beware! For even if your captain returns, you all will forever be hunted by these. You can destroy them. But they never give up. They always return. They always win in the end. They are not called 'The Inevitables' for no reason."
She nodded, and the smoke began clearing, the old woman seeming.. tired now.

You are affected by a t as cast by a lvl 10 spellcaster. It's a bit hot, yet tasty. But it smells real awful.
sample_329b3d58fdcc303c9759a204eddb6816.jpg Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11
Effects: [12 hours]

Lily was a good girl. She knew how to behave while Mistress was having a super important meeting. She should be quiet, look cute, and not worry about it. All the big brain thinking was for the rest of the crew. All the stuff about temples, souls, and virgins. Didn't matter to her, she just wagged her tails playfully, cuddled with Alli's arm, and slurped her soup. The foul smell not being enough to deter the hungry doggo. Who had tipped up the bowl and began to suck it down voraciously. Even licking down the bowl so not a drop was left after! She wanted more, but lady was still talking... so she settled for looking longingly at the empty bowl while pulling Alli a bit closer.
Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 71/82

Allisane decided to simply listen, she kept a close eye on the sameness, there was something about her, something unusual, the way which her power had seemingly turned into an empty hole sucking at her power for a moment annoyed her, and the spark of power she somehow saw in the old woman's eyes through the blindfold sat wrong with her, she was someone to watch.

But for now, she didn't seem like a threat, at most she'd just gotten in the way of a bit of fun, annoying, but not something which needed immediate retribution, besides, she didn't know the power of the amazons around her, so she decided to instead focus on the dog clinging to her arm. She hadn't expected her to get so attached simply from a few headpats and Headscritches, but Allisane certainly wasn't complaining, perhaps she could make a few corrections in the girls head later. Ensure that the Dog girl was loyal firstly, to her, not the rest of the crew. Meanwhile, she continued giving out more scritches as the Shamaness spoke. Those Inevitables sounded like trouble, especially with her own future plans. She'd have to put some research into finding out more about them.
71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor off, HP: 60/60, AC 16, CMD 25 (37 against trip and overrun [and maybe drag and bull rush too, depending on GM])

"Wait, so no rules? I like that!" Eopeia exclaimed. Luckily, she had her "armor" still with her, in case it would be needed.

She walked with the others, taking in the strange, unfamiliar culture. Rikard followed her with quiet steps,, the curious jumping spider ogling the amazons. Eopeia scratched his "head."
"Now don't go and make any trouble here. We'll go exploring later." The sight of Bea making such a display of herself was somewhat amusing. The girl was almost begging to be fucked. Maybe I should pay her cabin a visit sometime...

She listened to the shaman-woman, taking in the revelations. She sniffed the soup suspiciously, but seeing everyone else go for it, she did too, loudly slurping half the bowl and giving the rest to Rikard, who stuck his fangs in it and slurped it somewhat more quietly. "So we are going to travel to far away lands, revive a really old pirate captain, and create a weapon that will cut Dreadmaw asunder? Sounds amazing!" She cheered, her legs kicking up slightly.
tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: BeastMistress Hut, Tag: Crew, Status: Relaxed, Mood: Embarressed AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3 (Heroes Fest Buff)

Bea let out a stifled yelp as she was spanked. The blue colour rushing to her cheeks as she made a noise that made Voron whine slightly like he wasn't getting any.

"You keep that up. . .and i might be tempted to do more than bend over for you. . ." Bea said in a hushed whisper to the Beast Mistress, gently rubbing her fingertips over the smooth abs of her stomach.

Standing near to Voron in the hut she watched the images in the smoke, fascinated by the talk of Magic and Resurrection. . .though The Inevitables gave her chills.

"I hope we do not meet them face to face. . .they look powerful and deadly." she said, looking down at Voron and petting his ears as he sat next to her.
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

Rather distracted by her service to her twin masters Ylria followed the others but did not participate directly. She ate the soup of course as they decided one what might be done. That they would have to dare great deeds, forge a mighty weapon, defeat the Dreadmaw and then persuade a group of holy clerics to offer up both might and innocence did not bother Ylria. She was beyond loyal to their captain and would do whatever it took. Ylria knew as well that with the support and training of the Masters she would prove worthy of such grand doings. However she had a few questions...

"These guardians, the Inevitables... from whence to they come and what strengths and weaknesses to they have? Can we offer up another sacrifice to buy off their wrath?"

Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

Marnia stared at all the flashy visuals the shamaness conjured, trying to avoid to forget anything!

She would leave some time for the old granny to answer Ylria's question - it could be good idea to know if the future enemies will be slap resistant as well...

"Hey, why can only virgins be pure of heart? I think everyone can have a pure heart! Right?" she asked curiously.

"I think if we repair this sword, it will be good enough to deal with the claw? Water beats fire, I guess? Uhmm....you told Captain Rovana how to fix it last time, could you tell us again? Captain was always liking keeping secrets..."
she pleaded, trying to do the puppy eyes.

"Also...the ugly-face Dreadmaw is probably going to use some magics to follow us around...is there a way to sneak away from her, till we are ready to give her a good spanking?"
she pondered.

Amazon Shaman, Tag; All!

The Shamaness showed her life experience by extending a hand to pat-pat the longingly looking doggies head. "Enough to feed you once and then some more, another bite would have you round out little pet."
She informed, before looking over.
To Allisane besides her, she said nothing beyond a calm smile, but even that smile was annoyingly -knowing-. Or at least pretended to be.

The amazons oggled the jumping spider and spider girl back, apparently not used to her kind. There was a brief backround discussion on if that many legs were beneficial or detrimenial to a hunter..

The beastmistress had left Bea with an husky invitation to come visit her later, but respected the shamaness authority... still those eyes promised to not treat Bea like a human or elf..

She nodded to Ylria and chuckled. "They originate from the plane of Pure Law. and that is what powers them, both their strengths and weakness. They have many a weakness, most of all their single mindedness, but each time you destroy them, they come back better. Let us pretend you melted one down by fire.. the next would be resistant to it.
Good thinking, a service done is the only way to.. pacify them. But do you have time for three quests, whilest the sign of the dark strider is upon you?"

She mused.
"I've had a dream of your arrival. A red dove, chased by a great burning eagle. Ever closer it gets, even if you don't feel it's talons yet, they'll shred your wing in an instant.
Still, if you wish to deflect their ire, you'd have to contact the world of absolute law, in your tongue, known as Mechanus, or summon a servant of theirs for petition. Just doing so might help delay your debt.. but they are very stingy and by the rules, always. Chiri can help you summon one, if the girl focuses for a moment.. but in exchange I demand her stay here. Considering who will soon come visiting in pursuit of you, I might have need of her abilities."

The old shamaness tone never changed, still, it felt as if a binding decision had just been made, and your short-while amazoness comanion nodded, with a hint of grump...

Then at Marnia's question of purity she chuckled. "It'd be blasphemy to say this just a jest of the gods, but the mightiest priest of this faith are dedicated to their deity in soul and blood... and only to one such priest would a boon of revival beyond the span of natural years be granted.
I could forge a ward to try and obscure the pursuit, but the ire of one as mighty as Dreadmaw is a hefy price. She would indubitably come here.. and while I've little left to lose, I will not take side against the pirate tribes. I will advice Dreadmaw as I would you.. if she comes asking me where you went. Presume that all I tell you I will tell her too.. if she asks right."

There was a hint of mirthfulness in the old shaman's voice.

"That said. There is little to tell about restoring the sword you hold.. and know that it is as cursed as Dreadmaws claw. It's a wicked thing in itself. It will rebuild once you have found the missing blade. Reforging it is less of a problem as is that you sailed far away from where to find it."
The old shamaness leaned back slightly.

"I have the time to check on the blade again and guide you further, but do you?" She questioned, your guide tensing a little as she glanced over and you got the impression that if you overstepped your welcome the warriors would be on you with but a word. "Find a priest at the temple of Ilumin. Recover the lost half of the blade. Escape your predators, eat healthy, don't drink too much.. and you."
She pointed at Allisane! "Do not try to wield the Captain's sword, no matter what."

The shamaness adviced you, before folding her hands, and seeming to concentrate. "Anyway.. you underestimate the energy that looking past the smoke takes... I really need to meditate now."
She nodded, inhaled.. and exhaled heavily,.. and a moment later, soft, old-people snoring noises emanated from her..


Chiri shrugged. "As the honored one declared, guess we'll be parting, was.. a crazy time, heh. I can summon someone for you from one specific plane, but only once per day. Just let me know if you want to do that as a goodbye and.. then.."
She sighed, and leaned closer, whispering to Marnia and the others.
"No one's gonna say it, considering the debt to Rovana's crew we have, but.. aside from a few warrior wanting to breed your exotic flesh.. ahem..
People want you gone. N-not that we don't like you but.. do you know what happened to the last person that got in Dreadmaws way?... yeah you don't wanna know.."

She shook her head.

Meanwhile, in more cheerful news, the beast-mistress too had returned.. with another slap to Bea's bottom and a caressing along her wolfes back that the large wolf, amazingly, accepted as if from a close friend. She also waved to Lily.

"It's a shame I can't keep you as a breeder, or even overnight. But! If the lot of you want a real quick advice on how to be better pets you could accompany me to the pens and learn a quick lesson for your owner? The last time was amusing.. you too interesting creature, a spider-centaur, right?
You want to be good for your owners, right?"

She purred over to.,. well everyone in the group, leaving open who considered themselves pets, or able-needed to deal with whatever Chiri wanted to summon, also watching Eopeia with an expression that was more lust than professional curiosity.
71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Voodoo Island, Tag: The crew, Mood: elated

Status: Out of combat, armor off, HP: 60/60, AC 16, CMD 25 (37 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

Eopeia sighed as they moved to depart. "I would have liked to explore these forests, but if our enemy is so close at our aft, we shouldn't waste any time in get going. Where next, captain?"

She stayed poignantly silent as the beastmistress addressed them. She was no one's pet. Then again, these amazons were sexy, clearly deeply in touch with their carnal side, and quite exotic. Maybe she should show them what she could do with her many legs? Then again, revenge was calling...
"I prefer the term Arachna. And I have no interest in being treated like a pet." An idea crossed her mind, however, as she remembered Bea's moaning solitude and the eagerness of the foxy dog. "I will, however, watch the lesson if the others wish to subject themselves to it."
Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 54/54 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(14 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7)
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +6
Power Points 71/82

Allisane felt like this elder had something against her, was she seeing through her in some way? Could she read people by looking at the smoke the same way Allisane read people using her cards and touching their skulls? She wasn't sure, and she didn't like not knowing things like this. Maybe she could get a chance to get a closer look at the sword, figure out what it was meant for.

For now though there were other things to take care of. She paid special attention tot he girl which had been traveling together with them, if she could facilitate their making deals with the Inevitables then Allisane would have to visit her at some point, make sure that she could give Allisane the same opportunity later, she didn't want to have Inevitables chasing her once she'd mastered body-hopping later, so she could live forever.

The Beastmistress words though caught her attention, she felt like there was a challenge in her words, one she was considering taking, but why walk into it blindly, that is what others are for. She walked over to Bea, leaning in from behind and whispering in the girls ear. "You know, I think you'd have a lot of fun if you went with her, maybe you could learn how to get closer with your wolf friend. Maybe you could learn how to have haven more fun with him, just imagine what someone like her might know of such things."

(take 10 for 27 diplomacy, it doesn't have any actual effect, just to give you an idea how well good she is at tempting)
tumblr_ocosg2qgh11qj7ctbo1_500.jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Beast Mistress Hut, Tag: Crew, Status: Aroused, Mood: Excited AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3 (Heroes Fest Buff)

With a smile and a blue blush Bea leans in to kiss the Beast Mistress on the cheek, muffling a yelp at the slap to her small bottom. A sly, lustful smile spreading over her thin lips at the thought of being kept over night and bred like a she-wolf in heat, her arousal starting to show as a slight tent in her leather pants.

"We would like to take you up on that offer, Voron and I need to. . .bond better in the field you understand. Makes it easier to coordinate attacks and such." The blush on Bea's face, spread slowly down her neck and shoulders as she looked down at Voron and gave his head loving caresses and rubs. Vorons tail thumped the floor in excitement, not understanding the words but smelling the faint scent of arousal coming from his Mistress.

Bea turned slowly to look Allysane right in the eyes, her own dark eyes drinking in the light of the hut. "We would welcome your company and your encouragement during the. . .training lessons. It should be pleasant for both of us."

Turning away from Allisane, Bea petted Voron on the back, rubbing at his fur a little and following the Beast Mistress out to the Breeding Pens.
sample_329b3d58fdcc303c9759a204eddb6816.jpg Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Curious doggo mode!;
HP: 76/76; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 24; CMB: 11
Effects: [12 hours]

Happily Lily wolfed down her second helping. Quietly listening to the lady talk talking. Though most of it was still hard for doggo to understand but she got the gist of what they were trying to do, and what they would be facing. She liked the idea of trying to turn the inevitables to there side, but if it came to a fight, then Lilly wouldn't let anyone hurt her crew! Afterward the beast mistress returned! Lily happily waving back, "Hi mistress do you remember me!?" She giggled looking over at the big cat that always followed the amazon around. "I've been trying to be the bestest doggo since I last saw you..." She was a bit hesitant to divulge what a bad doggo she'd been even after training, but it was ok. "I could go with you, but Lily still wants to get to know her new crew mates better," she smiled. It wasn't a command from mistress after all. She'd been clinging to Alli for so long now, she kind of wanted to play a bit more with her. "I wanna play with Alli some!" She said finally. Turning to the girl and innocently smiling.
DM, Tag: All, Allisane

Whilest the old shaman-witch thing seemed to just sleep away, acting Captain Marnia discussed with some amazons about restocking the ship and preparing to set sail swiftly.
Allisane, feel free to examine the sword with yo skillz. But if you wanna gropel it, lemme know and roll a pre-emptive will save. It is also attached to Marnia, who might have objections about your fingering!


Beast Mistress, Tag: Eopi, Alli, Bea, Lily

"Hopefully you wont regret your decisions, pets." The beast-mistress teased the would-be onlookers, before snipping a commanding finger at the others. "This way to the pens."
She commanded, before raising half a brow, and letting a hand of hers wander unashamedly between Bea's legs. "Hoh.. an interesting specimen aren't you."
She mused, leaving Lily to play with Allisane with an encouraging: "That's fine, remember to be an obediant doggie."

Before she lead the sea-elf away, not too far, but far enough to reach the pens, where all manner of jungle beasts observed Bea and her wolf with half curious, half competetive eyes. Bea, meanwhile, found herself stripped by the beast-mistress that allowed no protest. "I like visitors to the islands. They always bring such fascinating specimen."
She mused, examining the unusal elf-blood, with one hand almost casually scratching behind Voron's ears.
"'tis a shame we have little time for the pet training. So where did you find this creature?"
She asked, with a slight growl, looking over, before hushing Bea!

"Hush. I am not speaking with you, pet. Talk with Animals."
She nodded, growling along, with Voron, who actually responded, with a hint of curiosity at the druidic amazoness. "I may touch her? Wonderful.."
She smirked, and caressed along Bea's shaft with growing curiosity. "This feels pleasant, correct? Would you consider the male, or female pleasure a body can offer superior, breeder-pet?"
Tag: Everyone

While you plan your departure and plot a course, and observe the lewd acts at the amazoness beast-pens, you all can hear a distant explosion. Briefly after, cascading smoke rises over the western half of the island, far away for now, but not a moment after, you hear a, obviously magically enhanced, charismatic, yet malevolent voice humming in the distance. Unmistakable, to any who had priorly encountered the Dread Captain.

"Jo ho ho we are coming for you, we are pirates, of the ocean
Jo ho ho we are coming for you, there's no place to hide you will die tonight!
No time to mourn so save each tear
For dead men tell no tales I fear

Greetings Amazons! Excuse me the magical butt-fucking ear intrusion, don'tcha worry, we're just here to reaquaint ourselfs with a few wayward bilge-sucking blaggards who've be refusing me rule as though they have somethin' to prove.
Oh I know ye barnacle brains be here and can hear me. A womans reputation be everything in this business, so, disrespectin' me decrees and me official is just not proper manners, but we can still sort this out. Just pick the one of your crew ya'll like least and I'll only make you hang that one. Don't come lookin' for me, I'll be with ye soon."

The amazons warriors looked up and about, many confused, but some of them grim, herding the younger (and female) ones away into secluded tents and fromout the jungle-overgrown streets.


At that moment, perhaps startlede by the magical voice echoing over the island, the old amazon-grandma startled, and looked up, her voice calm, but determined.
"The jungle will confound her, briefly.. but I suggest you make haste. What magic I dare use will not slow down the Pirate-lord forever."
Commission for APP on Discord[1824].jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Beast Pens, Tag: Crew, Status: Horny!, Mood: Also Horny! AC: 20 CMD: 23 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +3
With a happy smile and a sway to her hips Bea moved with the Beast Mistress to the Pens. Her breath caught as the hand moved between her thighs, "For an amazon she has very soft fingertips. . .and it feels good to have someone else do the work. . .Goddess yes. . ." Bea thought as the fingers traced over her rapidly hardening cock and slick folds.

As the fingers retreated Bea snapped back to reality and whined like her pet wolf Voron did when he didn't get his. . .fair share of fun. The blush that followed the whine coloured Beas' cheeks and neck all the way down to her shoulders, her skin and all her man and woman hood visible to the Amazon.
"I found him as a pup. . ." Bea quickly stopped talking as the Beast Mistress shushed her a little submissively she looked down and moved slowly towards the Amazon, her hands moving to rub between her legs also. . .feeling the large slab of meat between them.

Feeling those hands move over her cock again made Bea moan loudly between her teeth, her eyes starting to sparkle as pleasure built in her loins slowly. Her head moving in a very slow nod at the pleasure.

"Both have there merits and weaknesses. . .but i do like the female on better. . .it takes longer and i feel more relaxed after a long session. . .the longest i have gone is a few hours. Whereas with the male pleasure its over with in as little as 20 minutes."
Bea did not understand why she was speaking with such a friendly nature to the Amazon, spilling her secrets about how she felt. . .the constant attention her cock was getting didn't help at all. . .

Voron gave a low growl at the distant sound, Bea oblivious to the world as the Beast Mistress worked her cock a little more. She did here the song and the threats it incurred, a shiver of fear rising up her spine.
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Island
Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +3

Ylira was not distracted by the whiles of the beast mistress as she was dedicated to her own masters as well as serving the mighty Peep. Instead she remained focused on what they had to accomplish to evade capture and conflict both with the servants of Law as well as the more immediate threat of Deathmaw. She turned to Chiri as the shaman rested. "Can you summon one of these servants of Law? We should deal with them sooner than later. We don't need trouble with them and with Deathmaw if we can avoid it."

Still, as the sudden echo of Deathmaw's threats came over them she rose and stood ready to move. "Come on, come on, we need to get back to the ship and away. We should try to deal with the Lawful servants if we can, maybe Chibi can come along with us as far as the ship to make the summons."

Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 68/68 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +12 CMD: 33
Saving Throws: +8 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 8/8, Stunning Fist: 8/8, Conditions: Corporeal

"Damn! Chiri, you have to hide from the Dreadmaw, ok? I don't want her to kill you because you are with us or something...Grandma you both will be safe, right? " she asked, giving a parting hug to Chiri.

"You are officially not part of our crew, at least for now!"
she declared hastily, not sure if it would make any difference.

"Ylria is right...we have no time to summon that thing, and even less time to make a deal with it. Also, I am escaping death too, I guess...so it could be more trouble than we have time for. Just wait till the storm is over, and summon it for us afterwards, will ya? Or if it is too hard to summon it, and make it go after Dreadmaw...it is ok if you don't. We will manage somehow."
except if Chiri was confident she could somehow pull it off and seal a deal with it while running away, that was.

"Come on everyone, we have to sail away. We will go through the jungle and sail away from the other side of the island. As to where we will go...it will have to not be where Dreadmaw expects us to go!"

"Eh, I wish we could steal her ship buuuut she will be stuck here with you then. And she will be more angry than usual. Anyway, farewell Grandma and friends!"