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Piracy Resailed - IC

Combat round 3!

-> Lily -> Allisane -> Bea ->Braaain craaabs!: -> Marnia -> : -> Ylria

Eopeia's spider and one of the head-crabs soon fall into a tussle with too many legs involved for most onlookers. She blasts the mindflayer-captains shoulder.. only for her own gun to blow in response (They do that, even if you spent a grit point with the second nat one...) It'll need repairing.. this seems to not be her fight, at least she distracted the strange, tentacley leader-creature.

Marnia finds herself a bit surrounded by wiggling tentacles, her mind struggling.. she can shake out of it, but not without both missing an attack and having several tentacles latched onto her.. well she doesn't really have any clothing, so those things directly invade her body, slithering over her, dulling her mind.. hmnn.. it feels so nice to be touched by the tentacles, serve the tentacles.. (take 11 psychic damage and count as grappled by tentacles slithering all over you!)
It was so hard work to be the captain, slipping into Rovana's rather large shoes.. perhaps she could afford to close her eyes and relax a little bit?

The other mindflayers also pushed Lily, who found herself distracted for a moment by the slithering, writhing display of purple appendages taking and coiling around her captain.. this does look quite fun, didn't it?..
2d8fa8f259d90e4f260f9364e0b21f14.png Lily, the girly doggo!!!; Tag: Marnia and Ylria; Mood: Protect nice Alli!;
HP: 86/86; Armor Class: 21; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 25; CMB: 12
Effects: [12 hours]

With Marnia being taken up by the tentacles, Lily knew what she had to do. She raced over and attacked them using two swift strokes trying to free her captain from the bad tentacles. She was distracted enough by her task that she didn't even notice the mental attacks of the enemy pirates. Finally she readies herself to help Marnia trying to distract the bad tentacle monster making it easier for Marnia to hit.
[Will Save: 10; Pass]
[Attack tentacles covering Marnia: [To hit: 33 [Natural Twenty]; 24] Crit Confirm: [16]; Damage: [12 (24 if citical); 15]
[Aid Another as swift: 15; tenta monster gets -2 AC to the next person trying to hit it]
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Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 65/76 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +13 CMD: 34
Saving Throws: +10 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 5/8, Stunning Fist: 6/8, Conditions: Corporeal

Marnia decided to stop talking and focus on face-kicking the squidfolks that were helding her grappled! She would start her assault on the one who was grappling her, since she didn't like her mobility being limited like that! If the one grappling her fell down, she would direct the rest of her attacks to the next one!

Swift action: Use ki for extra attack
Full attack: (fight defensive, and penalty from grappled calculated, remember to add +2 after I am not grappled!)
Attack 1: 25 to hit, 17 damage + DC 18 Fort or get (7 bludg, 5fire 1 electricity +4 buff)
Attack 2: 14 to hit, 30 damage (13 bludg, 8 fire 5 electricity+4 buff)
Attack 3: 25 to hit, 29 damage (14 bludg, 10 fire, 1 electricity+4 buff)
Attack 4: 18 to hit, 21 damage (6 bludg, 7 fire, 4 elect+4 buff)

Marnias current AC cheatsheet (Wisdom damage calculated) (-2 AC if she is still grappled)
VS ranged: 27, (touch 20, flat-footed 20) plus deflect arrow
VS melee: 31, and if the attack is between 27 and 31, this AC drops to 27 and I get a free AoO against the target
CMD: 38]
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Combat round 3 - continued

-> Lily(Brain drained) -> (Moderatly injured, grappled) Allisane -> Bea ->Braaain craaabs!: -> Marnia -> : -> Ylria

Allisane reaches out, seemingly to nothing a all, only for the mindflayer-captain to stagger and make a half-silent snarling noises. It struggled against the suprising grip of telekinetic force, but failed to free itself.. for now! Allisane could feel the creatures.. interest in her shift into disdain for daring to assault her such.

Bea Busies herself shooting down a brain-crab, sending it slithering over deck and twitching in its death-throes before also embedding an arrow into the mindflayer-captains shoulder. (ffr, dun forget to roll damage on what's propably successful hits)
The creatures skuttled about but Bea's arrow and Vorons' jaws managed to discourage the creatues.

Marnia punches the Mindflayer holding onto her, and with a mixture of elmental damage and pressure-point-poking manages to pry the tentacled menace off of her. Almost a shame, those wiggling tentacles had just gotten to interesting spots.. (You can keep your actions/rolls for the next turn though!)

Lily rushes to assist Marnia.. well, she wants to, but she feels more relaxed as the strange harpoon-thing on her forehead that she'd almost forgotten about begins squishing and squelching, and then there is a nice, relaxing pulling sensation, as the thing bulges up and Lily feels like she should just let.. all her worries go. The fleshy ..mouth of the harpoon opening wider over her forehead, which feels all warm and melty as the harpoon pushes deper into her head. There is no pain, suprisingly, although the pressure and fullness is so intense it ends up somewhat unpleasant, perhaps she ought to just.. relax and release all that pent up pressure, the harpoon wanted to help her, tugging and pulling on some unneeded fullness in her head, whilest the dog-girl just stood there, drooling a little. (Dc 25 Fortitude save against Brain-theft. Which means you lose all actions too!)

Ylria rushes forwards and stabs into another Mindflayer-deckhand, taking the creature down between the power of lightning and thunder.. one of her attacks goes uselessly aside, although to her disappointment, no master appears to chastise her.. (You too, plz roll damage on the successful attacks, I presume you try to flank :p )

Combat Round 4 go!
(Eopeia's up first as discussed ignore the misfire, Marnia's attacks can stand as is, Lily needs to not make the safe so she can relax and learn to be a -really- good doggo.
; Tag: Nice Flesh Harpoon; Mood: Burdened;
HP: 84/84; Armor Class: 20; Initiative Bonus: +4; Speed: 30ft.; CMD: 18; CMB: 12
Effects: [12 hours]
[Fort Save: 13; fail]

In all the chaos of battle, Lilly had nearly forgotten about the fleshy harpoon aimed at her! It was probably bad news, but it was a doggo's job to protect Alli her captain, so it would probably be fine if she still tried to save Marnia right? The harpoon soon found it's mark centered on the doggo's forehead, pushing aside a few of her long blond locks to nestle in. Reacting more on instinct than thought she draws up her off-hand weapon, ready to sever the harpoon from her when her arm falls a bit limp. She can feel the fleshy intruder pressing deeper into her skull, making its way toward the cavernous sanctuary between her ears. Her eyes glaze over a bit, as her thoughts become a swirling buzz of static. Feeling only the uneasy pressure of her forehead, the unbearable burden which it wants to relieve her of.
It took only a moment for her to surrender. A cute glossy stream of drool falling from her mouth, as her brain is successfully stolen by the harpoon, leaving her an empty husk of an unthinking Doggo!
Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 45/61 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(15 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7) Telekinetic maneuverFort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Power Points 59/99

Allisana got VERY angry when she saw what the harpoon did to her doggie, she'd JUST washed that brain and now they were trying to steal it from her! But sadly with her being busy with dealing with he captain she couldn't do anything to stop it. Instead she had to rely on the others. She'd send out a telepathic message to the group. "I've got the captain handled for now, Bea and Eopeia, you two shoot the Harpoon and smash it before it has the chance to continue like that." She then focused on the telekinetic power she was using to grapple the captain, violently tearing at his limbs to lock them and shutting his mouth, thing to prevent him from speaking. She didn't know if he could use telepathy, she suspected it, but she also knew She could sense if anyone used it.

17+16=33 grabble check on the captain, attempting to pin him.
71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: concerned, pumped up for a fight

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 67/67, AC 20, CMD 26 (38 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

Eopeia was lining up the next salvo as she heard Alli's voice from below. Her brow furrowed as her gaze swept the deck, eyes widening as she saw what happened.
Stupid...! She had been so focused on nailing the captain that she had missed what went on around her!

"Oh, now that's a difficult shot..." She whispered, still, Eopeia had to try!
And so the Arachne placed her rifle's butt against her shoulder, gripping it firmly as her legs remained spread out. She aligned the sights, luckily this weird doggo girl wasn't running around or moving much, still, if she missed...
Banishing those thoughts, Eopeia breathed in, steadied herself, and pulled the trigger. With a bang of igniting black powder, the bullet was let loose, aimed straight at the fleshy thing growing out of, or rather burrowing into, Lily's head!

(Single Attack with Deadly Aim: 32 vs touch, DMG: 14)
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Commission for APP on Discord[1824].jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Aboard, Tag: Crew, Status: Determined, Mood: Angry AC: 20 CMD: 24 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +4

Bea turned glaring daggers at the harpoon as it feasted on the Dog girls brains. "Ok that's next on the list of getting shot at!" Bea said, getting bashed in the back by a mind flayer and loosing her axe in the process!

Noticing everyone around her busy she took a pair of arrows and loosed them at the Harpoon, feeling the satisfaction of helping for once in this Journey! Retreating away from the crowd she moved to Marnia's side and helped defend from the Mindflayers attacking her, with teeth and fingers! "Here to help Captain, just point at what you want shooting at!"

Turning after firing her shots she ducked and dodged around people to try and get near to someone else to defend them from other Mindflayer crew members.

Whistling at Voron over the sound of the fighting Bea nodded at Ylria and told Voron to help the poor Merchant girl and defend her from the attacking Crew!

First shot - 30 to hit 6 damage
Second Shot - 16 to hit 8 damage
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Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +5 Ref +12 Will +6

Ylria felt a double surge of disappointment as she missed with one of her attacks. Not only had she missed but her master had not come manifested to punish her failure. She of course wanted to strike well. It was important to defeat these nasty creatures who sought to harm her and her shipmates and most heinously to distract her from the glory of worship of her masters! Besides, it was terribly important that these foul monsters feel the wrath of her Master's on their slimy hides.

Slipping again to the side Ylria struck again in a flurry of blows. She could see that their beloved captain had been afflicted by one of the terrible brain creatures but Ylria knew the best thing she could do now was to deal with the deckhands while the others aided the captain.

OOC: Damage from last round was 21 and 19.

This round - to hit 29, 16 and 26. One miss it seems and two hits

That would be 31 and 28 points of damage with a flank attack.
Combat round 4

-> Lily(Brain drained) -> (Moderatly injured, grappled) -> Allisane -> Bea ->Braaain craaabs!: -> Marnia -> : -> Ylria

Eopeia unleashed a well aimed bullet, tearing throught the harpoon and, by sheer luck missing the thick fleshy bulb slowly traveling down it.. speaking about, the slightly grey, fleshy mass of what was indubitably Lilys pretty but currently not used brain flopped down upon the deck, with a curious glance from the mindflayers.

The Mindflayer deckhands struggled with Marnia.. for the most part, one of them made sure to pick up Lily's brain, giving it a petting that made the fox girl shiver a little.
Marnia was ready to take them down, but, with her grabbed and restrained, it was easy for the others to pile on upon her, and a particularly lucky one, held onto the side of her head, a tentacle slithering into her pointy, ghostly ear.. and immediatly Marnia went a little cross-eyed, the squishy warmth pumping into her making her legs tense.. and relax. (but you luckily made your save, barely, so you are only dazed for this round! Also, take 23 psychic damage. You are still grappled.

Lily stood there, smiling happy and drooling a bit like a good doggie..

The Mindflayer-captain still attempted to free itself, but struggled futily against Allisane's psychic might. Rather than get free infact, The Mindflayer found itself bound more tightly, sending out a snarl of psychic displeasure.. which had all but two of the deckhands dealing with Marnia turn their attention upon Allisane now..

Bea works on finishing the harpoon, aiming to hopefully damage its fiering mechanism, before moving side by side with her crew.

Although, Ylria barely seems to need the help of Voron as anything more than a distraction, finishing another Mindflayer-pirate with her daggers. The Squid creatures seem weakened and reconsider their attack, attempting to withdraw.. however, that includes both Lily's brain and the still somewhat out of it and moaning (albeit not in pain) Marnia.
Commission for APP on Discord[1824].jpg Bea Autumn, Location: Aboard, Tag: Crew, Status: Determined, Mood: Angry AC: 20 CMD: 24 Fort: +6 Reflex: +12 Will: +4

Bea having taken out the cannon like harpoon turned her attention to the brain being gingerly picked up by one of the mindflayers. . ."You there SQUIDMAN!", Bea pointed the drawn arrow at him, eyeing up the Mindflayer as she took aim. "Put the brain down gently on the deck or you die as horrible and as painful a death as i can manage with a single arrow. . ." Bea furrowed her eyebrows and glared at him with as much force of will as she could.

Voron, having dealt with a few headcrabs, ran full force until he was back by Bea's side and panting heavily, blue/black inky blood dripping from his pointed fangs. "Good boy Voron. . .now go help Allisane. . .defend her as you would defend me boy!" At Bea's command Voron snarled, all teeth and matted fur as he charged straight at the oncoming mass of wiggling lewd appendages (Also known as the Mindflayer crew) crashing headlong into a few of them (OOC - is the roll fails im screwed)

Bea, having sent Voron on his way, turned her attention to the Mindlfayer holding Lily's brain. . .feeling as if time slowed down around her and the only thing she had to do was save the dog girls brain from being eaten. . .

Actions -
-Sic Em (Companion)
-- 1st Bite Chance 28, Damage 20, Trip Chance 28
-- 2nd Bite chance 31, Damage 18, Trip Chance 31
-- 3rd bite chance 17, Damage 14, Trip Chance 19
Intimidation check - 17
71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: concerned, pumped up for a fight

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 67/67, AC 20, CMD 26 (38 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

Satisfied that the strange harpoon-cannon-thing was out of commission, Eopeia returned her attention to the captain, now petrified. This must have been the Allisane girl's powers. Kind of scary, she had to admit. But also, really fucking welcome right about now. These things were tough. And she had already burned through much of her ammunition...
"Guess all I can do is keep shooting!" She said to herself, reminiscing about a favorite instructor of hers, long ago. When in doubt, keep shooting.

Thus she took out the next few cartridges, readying another salvo for the captain and his crew. She pressed the stock against her shoulder, lining up the shot. "This fight has gone on long enough. Time for you to hit the deck!" She snarled, more to herself, then she held her breath, and pulled the trigger.

The Bullet found its mark, burrowing into the purple flesh. Eopeia quickly pushed the next cartridge into the chamber, and lined up the next shot. Another bullet whipped through the air, accompanied by the crack of a small black-powder explosion. Another hit. Eopeia reloaded and shot again, smoke rising from her position in the rigging.

(Full-round Attack with Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot and Deadly Aim against touch AC:
ATK: 25 DMG: 22
ATK: 30 DMG: 13
ATK: 15 DMG: 21)
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Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 24/61 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(15 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7) Telekinetic maneuverFort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Power Points 58/99

Things seemed to quite clearly be turning away from their Favor, even as Eopeia started shooting the captain as she held it, but with how hurt the captain was she decided it was time to try end it. Letting go of the Captain with her telekinesis she instead started focusing power once more. The strain of summoning so much power was putting quite a strain on her, for a moment her sight blurred, and she was starting to bleed from her nose. She needed to get rid of the damage soon, but for now, the construct was coming into existence, the construct taking the shape of a beautiful winged woman, quicky beginning to beat the captain into submission.


Construct attacks

35 to hit 20 damage
33 to hit 15 damage
33 to hit 20 damage

6th-Level Astral Construct CR 7

N Large
Init +1 Senses 60 ft., ,


AC 25, touch 10, 24 (+1 , +15 , -1 size)
HP 85 (10d10+30)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; DR 10/magic; traits


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 3 slams +22 melee (1d8+13)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.


Str 37, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
BAB +10, CMB +24; CMD 35

Special abilities: Extra attack and muscle

Marnia, the (hopefully temporary) Captain!
: Everyone
HP: 42/76 Armor Class: 21 (+4 fight defensive/+4 crane wing vs melee!) Initiative Bonus: +5 Speed: 50ft. CMB: +13 CMD: 34
Saving Throws: +10 Fort +9 Ref (+Evasion) +6 Will (+2 vs enchantment)
Ki Pool: 5/8, Stunning Fist: 6/8, Conditions: Corporeal

"Owwwhhh~~~" Marnia moaned, going a bit cross eyed. But she knew how to counter cross-eyeness...by closing one eye! That's why pirates wore an eye-patch, after all, to avoid getting dizzy on the sea! Now she had to close one eye...yet...should she close the left or the right one...wait, maybe she should close her ear instead...after all that's where the tentacle was going in....but how to close her ear...so confusing...
Combat round 5

-> Lily(Brain drained) -> (Moderatly injured, grappled) -> Allisane -> Bea ->Braaain craaabs!: -> Marnia -> : -> Ylria

Eopeia aimed at, and unloaded upon the captain, who looked badly injured by now.. but still alive. The mindflayer deckhands meanwhile struggled to slowly overwhelm Bea, and without Marnia's excellent defense and their damage dealers occupied elsewhere, they would soon be..

That was when Allisane released the still struggling captain.. only to summon a Valkyrie-like astral construct and cut him down. She could hear the psychic scream resonating through the crew and, quickly, their attackers morale was wavering.. before howling in determination! And with a wet slurping sound that more revibrated in her skull, Marnia found herself.. relaxing.
Masters tentacles withdrew from her ears and she surveyed the situation. Her friend Lily was neutralized, but Allisane was a definite danger, as was Eopeia. She'd have to disable either of the two first, so the masters could properly dominate and train them. (you are not grappled anymore. You are not dazed anymore. You are definitly not being controlled by anything, but the thought of watching your crew being dominated by mindflayers is very arousing.)

Although a new wave of confusion hit Marnia as Bea (really more cute than intimdiating) and her wolf and his sharp teeth (decidedly less cute) struck down another mindflayer companion... finally, the mindflayer crew dispersed and manned the ship, a loud creaking could be heard.. Oh right, Marnia's wonderful masters wanted to retreat and sacrifice her as a pawn to slow down her companions, that was a great idea, they'd never attack her. She'd help them escape and then.. get a reward? Somehow?

Combat concluded. The mindflayers are attempting to withdraw now! (technically we can keep initaitive, Ylria is up next. Marnia wants to protect the retreat of her wonderful squid-masters)

You realize that the foxes brain is still upon the mindflayer ship.. you'll have to retrieve it unless you like her extra-drooly. Going over there might risk them trying to attack you again however..
71138225_p0.jpgEopeia the Sailor! Location: The Red Dawn, Tag: The crew, Mood: concerned, pumped up for a fight

Status: In combat, armor on, HP: 67/67, AC 20, CMD 26 (38 against trip, overrun, drag and bull rush)

The Arachne allowed herself a satisfied smile as the captain went down and stayed down. And sure enough, the other tentacle-heads were preparing to flee. That would send a message for sure. A job well done and another day's pay earned. Wait, wasn't there something missing...?

Eopeia facepalmed, her face grimacing with suppressed laughter at the absurdity of it, but then her hand wandered low to keep herself from screaming as the implication settled in.

"Guys! Captain! Our doggo's brain! It's on their ship!" She yelled from high up. (Wisdom: 16)
Allisane Blackwell.jpg Allisane Blackwell
HP: 24/61 Armor Class: 19 Initiative Bonus: +6 CMB: +3(15 with telekinetic maneuver) CMD: 15 Speed: 30 Active effects: Conceal thoughts. Inertial armor (+7) Telekinetic maneuver(concentration) Astral construct (10 turns left) Fort: +4 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Power Points 49/99

Allisane Watched with Glee as the captain was defeated by her construct, internally applauding herself for having defeated it as she got ready to deal with the rest of the fleeing ones, punishing them for having attacked her, and slightly annoyed they hadn't killed the captain by now, would have been the perfect chance for her to take over the ship. But her thoughts were interrupted as the spider yelled out, reminding her that the creatures had stolen HER dogs brain, and HOW DARE THEY. Allisane would not allow the Mind flayers to steal her property like that, she'd just made the doggy hers, and she needed it back. Reaching out Telepathically her voice would boom out to all within 410 feet. The voice inside everyone's head would be her voice, and somehow it would seem so loud to be uncomfortably and yet at the same time, "YOU DARE TAKE THE BRAIN OF MY DOG! I WILL HAVE IT BACK OR MY CREATURE WILL TEAR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU APART." She said, at the same time reaching out with her telekinesis and attempting to restrain the one holding the brain as she made her Construct charge at the one holding her dogs brain whilst she restrained it.

Grapple on the one holding the brain: 24 Grapple check

Construct charge attack 18+24=42! Damage 7+13=20
Intimidate if necessary: 9+3=12
6th-Level Astral Construct CR 7

N Large
Init +1 Senses 60 ft., ,


AC 25, touch 10, 24 (+1 , +15 , -1 size)
HP 85 (10d10+30)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +3; DR 10/magic; traits


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 3 slams +22 melee (1d8+13)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.


Str 37, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 10
BAB +10, CMB +24; CMD 35

Special abilities: Extra attack and muscle
-Setting on hold due to player inactivity-

Ylria Seaspray Tag: The entire cast! Location: The Ship
Saving Throws: Fort +5 Ref +12 Will +6

Dropping her opponent Ylria dodged about the deck of the mind flayer ship looking for a specific target. When the ship began to creak and the mindflayers scurried about manning the sails and ropes Ylria knew immediately that they were going to flee. At first she made to get back to her own ship as quickly as possible but then as Eopeia called out that their captain's brain was prisoner on the ship Ylira whirled. She saw where Allisane's construct had attacked and noting the target charged herself in a desperate attempt to save their captain's brain!

OOC: Adding this one in just to add a bit of activity in case we do ever start back up.

Rolls of 34, 26 and 33 to hit

Damage 24 and 22