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VN/TEXT RPG Patreon Active Abandoned [Pokkaloh Team] Titsnicle


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
titsnicle logo isolated.png


Name : Titsnicle
Platform : PC & Android
Genre : Adventure
Patreon page :
Controls : Mouse (keyboard shortcuts : Space/Enter for the next line, Ctrl to skip text, 1-5 for rings and weapons in battle)

Titsnicle is an RPG with a handcrafted real-time battle system. As the main character, you are suffering from breastophilia (a mysterious disease which makes the sufferer love breasts in a world where it's not the norm), and you decide to leave the relative peace of the commoner lifestyle in order to become an adventurer on a remote island. Fight monsters, get new weapons and enchant them to serve the adventurer guild, a faction with its own ranking system. Your achievements won't go unnoticed by the numerous girls that live on the island. Moreover, it seems like your breastophilia has given you some kind of interesting superpower...

Gameplay :
This game can be played in two different modes : Adventure mode and VN mode. Adventure mode is the full game while VN mode replaces all battles by a line of text (it's for people who don't like the gameplay elements).
Using the arrows, you explore the city you just arrived in. After registering at the adventurers guild, it's time for you to start adventuring outside the city. In dungeons, you have to select a card to know what will happen to the hero. It can be a battle, an event, a treasure chest or the exit which will allow to you to progress farther in the dungeon. Once accepted by the adventurers guild, you can take mission from them to earn money. With this money, you can buy new equipment or enchant your equipment to improve it's power thanks to crystals. Those crystals can be found by breaking enchanted weapons you find in chests at the forge.
Your equipment is made of two weapons and two rings. The selected weapon attacks automatically whenever it is charged but you have to click on the rings to use them. The battle area is made of three zones : front enemies, back enemies and outside screen enemies. Enemies that are outside the screen doesn't attack but can be hurt and defeated by weapons that damage all enemies. Whenever you defeat a monster, the monsters reorganize their formation so that there is always a monster on the front.
Whenever you level up, you earn a levelup orb which can be used at a trainer to unlock buffs or new skills.
[At some point in the development, capturing monsters will be possible]

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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Would you elaborate on the battle system further in the OP? You say it's handcrafted but... what would set it apart from RPGMaker's battle system.

Please add a controls section as well, since you're not using RPGMaker. If it's just point and click with the mouse that's all you'd need to put.


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
Thanks, I've edited the post. For the battles, I only added that it was real-time. There is too much difference between the game and a generic rpgmaker game to explain everything (not only in battle but outside as well).


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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I think what Slicer means is that you should probably give a better description because not only does it help others who read your thread understand why they should play this game, but also because at this time, your OP is a little scant on information, which may make it liable to be locked soon.


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
I think what Slicer means is that you should probably give a better description because not only does it help others who read your thread understand why they should play this game, but also because at this time, your OP is a little scant on information, which may make it liable to be locked soon.
Added gameplay :)


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
I played a bit of it. The combat isn't really unique. You have to choose what to hit, and most times, it just defaults to whatever is in front of you. Some of the enemies have "adult" forms, but no h-scenes. Also, you have to grind for a long time to get anywhere, and an event in the beginning resets your gold count to basically zero. Your only option is to grind for hours just to do the second dungeon.

I've checked the Mozzoloh thread (which has been locked, oddly) and noticed similar complaints about combat and grinding. I feel like after so many complaints on these issues, the dev should have considered what others were saying.


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
But I did listen to complaints. That's why I added the VN mode which removes all the battles. I thought it would make the comments about grinding stop because I don't agree with them, whether it's Mozzoloh or this game. By skipping all the texts, you can finish the game and its 6 dungeons in 3~4 hours, I don't know why some people have to spend hours in the first dungeon, especially since it's the easiest. Just be sure to buy a better weapon than the "old dagger" and to equip/use the ring that you got for free at the beginning. You can eat food at each zone to restore some health as well.
For the rest of the game, you mostly have to care about the monsters weaknesses/resistances to know what equipment you should bring to a dungeon. Everything is written in the bestiary.

EDIT : I'll add an "easy mode" button so that players who want the gameplay elements without the difficulty can have fun as well :)
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Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
I don't think adding a "VN mode" is what anyone wanted, nor does it really help alleviate the issues with the combat of the adventure mode. I would also argue that, since you would be presenting this as a pure rpg game (that was the impression I got, anyways), adapting it as a VN in the same game can get confusing for some people.

The default starter gear is garbage, full-stop (minus the ring, admittedly). The fact that you have basically no chance beyond the first floor of the first dungeon in the early levels is fine. The issue emerges when you look at the prices for gear, and you notice that there is no way, without grinding, to afford that gear. Also, the fact that the shop rotates gear randomly is a bit frustrating. It would be better to have a system where each unlocked dungeon means the shops provide gear that scales to that dungeon. Obviously, I'm not saying you need to tank the prices, but to simply adjust how gear scales in terms of output and pricing. It also doesn't help that some gang or whatever basically comes by and says "lol, you owe us" and my only two options are 1) pretend I'm broke af, or b) pay up.

I also don't like when a dev says "the info is there, look it up." If I want to engage my completionist side, I'll "look things up." Most times, I go full monkey brain (like most people) and learn via trial and error. Without knowing how the ring is used, I just assumed the damn thing passively zapped creatures. It wasn't until I started clicking around for things that I discovered it needed to be clicked to zap. That's fine, but without learning that, I would have been more frustrated. I think the game has potential, but the approach and overall design still need significant work.

I also don't think an insulting rebuttal of "I'll just add an easy button," is how you fix those issues.


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
The shop sells a variety of items. There is old cheap stuff that are too weak to be useful to very expensive stuff that players are unlikely to buy. You don't need the most expensive things. I don't like when shops adapt to the player like in JRPG "I have to pay for the compulsory upgrade of my weapons in every city" so I won't do that. I prefer the western RPG way where you can dream "later in the game, I'll have a weapon like this as well". I'm hoping it will somehow inspire players to create their own objective within the game.
She asks you to pay rent, you either pay now or pay later. If you choose to pay later, she will come back after a few days. There is no option "pretend to be broke". The rent is 432 gold while a basic sword is 160 gold. The basic sword is good enough to complete the first dungeon.
For the ring, I'll make it blink or something so that people know you have to interact with it. (and it will be a better cue once the ring is fully charged)

Adding the "easy mode" is the way I do things. The more ways to play the game, the broader the audience (my theory). It's like the VN mode, it's here to have more people playing the game, but to me it's not the "real" game.

Thanks for taking the time to write this despite not liking the game. It's reviews like this that help the most.


Dec 1, 2009
Reputation score
I find the game pleasant as it is in the public version. For me, it's just very hard to find ice enchanted weapon so the lava level is very hard.


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
Thanks. Water should be as effective as ice in this dungeon ;)


Demon Girl
Oct 22, 2015
Reputation score
There is a new public version!

Changelog for the public version :
  • New girl : Fluffy Wool
  • New zone : Sheep Sanctuary
  • Spellcasting
  • New trainer
  • Weapon coloring
  • Easy mode available (Monster HP -30%, Hero Base HP +20%, +1 chest reroll)
  • New enchant possibilities (spell damage and spell charge speed)
  • Rings blink when charged
  • Damage enchant is better and exponential
  • Can stack crystals
  • Subscribestar page opened
  • Can fully access the Lava Pass
  • Fix a bug when you hover the "remaining monsters icon" right before the end of a battle