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Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

(Just waiting around for the next storyline event or interupting from anyone.)

As he meditated his mind journyed deep within himself, revewing every event that occured in the years he was in hell. He analyzed every battle he took place in, cross referenced every ancient text and lore he read and listened to.

As he meditated, the two spheres of fire and ice revloved around him forming different shapes, then they started to meld together forming even more intricate shapes as it stared to cover its entire body. With the intense light show the only sound that was made was his chanting in a very foreign language.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Oh, you're fine. I just came up here for the view." She sounds a little tired, her smile a little crooked, but she moves off, letting the two of them finish their conversation, filing away the information she overhears, though.

As the call from Julia comes in, she waves. "He's checking on some new guests in the med bay. Hold on."

She did recognize the 'quietness' of his meditative state as she reached out to him. Hey. Her own mental tone was quiet. Julia's on line six for you. Followed by a soft laugh.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Be right there.

Siphon quietly slipped out of the medical bay, not planning to take long.

Julia nodded on the screen, but she spoke anyway.

"Afraid I'll have to have you take a message for him, swamped with things. If you folks aren't too busy right now, we just got some intel from an old friend of ours. This make get you interested too Sho. According to him, there is an adrift ship near the outer fringe of the milky way galaxy, almost far enough to be in the void, drifting into your galaxy. Not just any ship, according to him and the images we have, it's an Ancient Warship, Tria Class. What's more, according to the sensor flyby he did, the ship still has minimal power and may be salvageable still despite it's age and battle worn scars. If your not too busy, we'd like for you to check it out since you can make it there faster than we can get another Kara Class cruiser there."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

And as Julia was speaking, Siphon was getting a running commentary of the message, 'hearing' it with about a second or so time-delay as Sho relayed it. Telepathy did have it's advantages. Tacking on And while we're in the neighborhood, maybe we can pop back home. I need to replentish the chocolate stash. You "aliens" cannot do sponge candy right, no matter how hard you try. Followed by a mental laugh.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

An Ancient ship? Tria class at that? Holy shit Sho, that's one hell of a find. Have them send the coordinates to us and we'll go there, and yes we can stop at Earth first if you want to.

He seemed quite excited, then again, who wouldn't? Not only had they found a living Ancient, but now a ship too? He was probably thinking it was his lucky day for finding things that shouldn't exist.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Coordinates. Right. And you're damn right I want to head home. She gives him a mental laugh. I need my chocolate. Though we can check out the ship first. Guess we'll see which will be closer to our arrival point.

"Well, Siphon's going to be like a kid in an candy store. Can you tell us where to find this little hidden treasure? Coordinates? And I think we'll be there yesterday to check it out," she laughs, Siphon's giddiness affecting her a little as well.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Julia chuckled on the screen.

"I'd imagine he will be. I've sent the coordinates to your ship computer, however for back up sakes. Three Seven One by Two Two Six. We'll be in touch again Sho, I must go now. Plenty of things needing my attention these days with the Wraith civil war going on, and it looks like we've got another skirmish going on in our back yard."

With a polite wave and smile, the channel closed.

Vanessa had of course been listening since she was after all at the flight controls.

"Hey Sho, I just input those coordinates and it seems we can be there in just under an hour. Shall I engage the course for us?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Thanks, Julia. Good luck with that." The smile she gave her held a touch of sympathy in it. "You know we're here if you need us. Or, well, you know where we'll be if you need us, I guess." She laughed, giving her a wave as the link ended.

"Well, my answer is 'yes,' but it's not my ship." She chuckles in reply to Vanessa. "Lemme ask. Besides, not everybody that wants to go might be ready."

'Nessa says we can be there in about an hour. We going to make this a group thing or we jaunting off on our own?
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

We should get going now, I'm pretty sure we can handle things just fine with this ship only. I'd like to have Talok monitor the surface though just in case they need help. Otherwise, I think everyone else has earned some good rest. I'll join you on the bridge shortly.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Sounds like a plan to me. So much for relaxing, though. Still, it would be nice to be home, even if it was likely going to be in the outer fringes of the galaxy with only a quick stop to Earth. Still, the new ship was nothing to sneeze at, likely and would probably have all the others in a tizzy for a little while.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Slowly his mind returned to the present as the two energies started to dissapate around him. He blinked multiple times clearing his vision. Standing up slowly he stretched every mussle and joint, this caused a loud pop to issue with every stretch.

Exiting the room he looked around. "Now how the hell do i get to the bridge?"

(where has most of the other characters dissapeared to?)
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Vanessa, off Sho's nod went ahead and initiated the hyper-drive.

Throughout the ship, there was a sudden burst of distortion as it made the jump, and those not truly prepared would likely feel as if someone had just shoved them.

A sudden female voice answered Nova, directing him to a transport unit should he heed it. From the sounds, it seemed as if it was an automated reply, and not real-time.

((Dunno, think it's just you, Copper, Shrike and I left.))
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

The second the ship entered hyperspace, Caitlin's eyes shot open, scanning the empty room in a half panic. After a few seconds, she calmed down again, turning to the still-unconscious woman beside her and speaking in a resigned tone. "Wonder where we're going, eh?"
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

About the time Caitlin asked her question, the woman moved slightly. Nothing much, just rolled over to change sleeping positions, but it was a good sign.

A second later Caitlin heard a voice behind her.

"You awake enough to come up and look over a Tria class Ancient Warship Caitlin? We just entered hyper=space to go to her."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"I know, the second we jumped I lost connection to my ship. I haven't been particularly asleep, but thatnks for the quiet time anyways." Caitlin explained, not turning around. Instead, she leans in to check on their patient more closely, making sure she was alright.

"I'd be happy to help out, just let me know where you need me." She says after a moment, as if in afterthought.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"I won't know for certain until we get there and can appropriately scan that ship. From what we know it still has some power left, which means we may be able to find something useful there."
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Doesn't sound that there's much I can do to help there then. Perhaps I could simply help keep watch in my ship we have with us." Caitlin said slowly as she finished her checkup, finally turning around and leaning back in her chair.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

Siphon nodded slowly.

"Well, your more than welcome to come on board the ship when we get there. Probably going to be a lot for you to analyze, and I doubt very much there's anyone alive on that ship to say no."

He chuckled slightly, not realizing what they were about to get in to.

Some time later, Vanessa nodded to Sho.

"We're coming up on the coordinates indicated, dropping out of hyper-space."

A moment later, the ship dropped out, the blackness of space appearing once more.

Vanessa's eyes narrowed as several sensor readings came back quickly.

"They weren't joking when they said that ship had minimal power. Hey ... life support is still online, albeit barely. Uh ... what the hell is this?"

In the infirmary, Siphon stood.

"We just dropped out. Care to join me on the bridge?"

Regardless of what she said, he was heading there anyway, but he would wait for her reply before moving out.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

That was one of the things she wasn't ever going to get used to. Traveling the massive distances and then just suddenly...Stop! And they were there. The warning was definitely nice and Sho put her attention on the viewer in front of her, especially as Vanessa began scanning the ship.

"What the hell is what?" She turned to look at the other woman. "Wait, don't tell me, we're about to go all Event Horizon or some shit?" She chuckled. "Swear to the gods, if I have to deal with any face huggers, someone's gonna die," she mutters under-her-breath-but-loud-enough-for-Nessa-to-hear.
Re: Polvas Five (Orbit and Surface)

"Face huggers?"

From the expression, it was clear she hadn't ever seen Alien before. After a moment she shook her head.

"Well, no, least I doubt it. I'm not quite sure but ..."

She trailed off as something else caught her eye, then she sucked in her breath.

"Oh my god. Sho, if I'm reading this right, there are over a hundred active stasis pods on that ship, each one with a faint bio-sign in them. Dear god, there might be people alive on that ship, and the power is failing. Estimated six minutes until power to those pods shuts down. It's the planet cave all over again."

The poor woman looked like she was going to be sick from the realization that there might be people on board the ship, about to die and never know.