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ACT Vore Ryona Guro [pompompain] Dungeon of Revival 復活のダンジョン (RJ279387)


Jungle Girl
Sep 2, 2015
Reputation score
The 3rd game of pompompain's Dungeon explorer.


(Link for the 1st game thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/rj205272-dungeon-of-nursery-nodanjon.10689 )
( Link for the 2nd game thread: https://ulmf.org/threads/pompompain-nodanjon-dungeon-of-punishment-rj228629.12010/ )

A magical country similar to ancient Egyptian civilization but a little different.
Rumor has it that one of the priests' "Pyramids" is being devastated by bandits.
Eliza, a priest girl who can only use the lowest magic, goes to the cat's Great Pyramid to investigate her sister's safety.
Has the Great Cat Pyramid that was protected by magical priests really been devastated?

※ Note
There are many Gore expressions!

※ Features
- Chance to attack certain enemies using Eliza's magic. Can also use the Magic to open doors that have the Pharaohs Eye by aiming at the symbol and firing.
- Use wits and skills to dodge traps and enemies. Use the best of your knowledge of dungeon mechanics to uncover secrets within each stage.
- Discover Outfits throughout each level and customize her in the Menu section. Dress her up as a Bandaged Mummy, Cat Priest, True Jackal Priest, or the Ancient Cloth (String Bikini).
- Over a total of 18 death scenes to uncover throughout 5 levels.

★ Story
A desert country that worships cats, jackals and birds.
In these lands, there is a custom of preserving the body of the dead in these massive tombs called "Pyramids".
Sleeping within these Pyramids, there lies bodies of past heroes and their souls, as well as treasures of tribute to the Underworld.
These structures have been challenged repeatedly by many tomb robbers, but they have always been protected by the traps and the hands of the priests within the tombs.

One day, however, several rumors have started to spread that the vast treasures of "The Great Pyramid of Cats" has been devastated.
Can such a thing possibly happen in the pyramids that's been guarded by these powerful magical priests?
The other pyramid priests had dashed these reports as "silly rumors."

Eliza, the lowest priest of the Great Jackals Pyramid, worries about her sister's safety whom guards the Great Cat's Pyramid, so she goes off to investigate these rumors alone.

※ Controls
・ Player movement: W,A,S,D keys
・ Jump: Space
・ Run: [Hold] Left Shift
・ Squat: [Hold] Left Ctrl
・ Check/Investigate: [E] -key

・ To pause screen/Menu: Esc
・ Restart the stage: [R] -key

・ Move the viewpoint: Move the mouse cursor
・ Point of view zoom: mouse wheel
・ Attack: Left mouse click
・ Summon wand: Right mouse click
・ Aim mode with wand and Fire Magic: [Hold] Right mouse click + Left mouse Click
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Dec 8, 2012
Reputation score
Just finished playing through this game today. As per usual with this developer, the game is pretty jank, and it's very, very heavy on trial and error. The fact that the stages don't have checkpoints can make them pretty annoying, since death always has you run through the entire stage again, including any pointless opening animations/sequences that literally just waste time. Luckily though, each stage is pretty short. In terms of shocking content, it's not too bad in this one in my opinion. Some deaths caught me off guard, but only a few of them made me uncomfortable. I really dislike guro and any kind of dismemberment or straight up torture in my porn, but luckily the vast majority of it is very easy to avoid, or isn't sexually inclined or dragged out (more like any old death scene from Tomb Raider or something).

I must say that I hated the fifth and last stage though, for the noises more than anything. Not to mention that the final boss is... well, kind of dumb. Not difficult, you're just gated from finishing it if you don't bring a crystal with you, and if you place that crystal badly while you fight you also lose, practically automatically. Having to redo the entire stage and listening to those damn scarabs skittering around made me more uncomfortable than any of the guro the game had thrown at me to that point.

The game comes with a walkthrough if you need it, you just have to translate it first, but here's my "quick" version of it:
Stage 1
Go to the first left you can take, in the room with the thief in it. Unequip your hood/helmet before going into his room to get your first sex scene. In the trap corridor, push/kick the rock to your right onto the track to break the circular saw, allowing you to just run through. In the room with the urns, the safe route is to jump over them, since going anywhere else will kill you with arrows from the walls. Ignore the stairs and go right to the slope, rushing down and through the door to your left to avoid the boulder. In the room with the statue you need to first kick the ominous crystal, and then pray to the statue, which will deactivate the trap guarding the stairway out of the room. With the crystal gone you can now summon your staff and kill the thief upstairs. Or you can just ignore him and run up the next flight of stairs to stage 2.

Stage 2
This stage is just a pretty straightforward maze, and the developer was so kind as to give you a map to it in the same folder that the walkthrough is in. It's really quite simple: go through the portal in the big room to enter the maze. Here, ignore literally every single thing that's not a portal showing off the maze, a dark crystal or one of those statues you prayed to in the last stage. The only enemies in the maze are lizard folk which can either be baited to attack so you can run past them, or lured into spike traps in the middle room. If you actually want a guide for it, then here you go:

Take the first left you can, ignoring the forward route (leads to a mimic death scene I think), turn left again (you can walk through the wall on the right). At the end of this corridor, turn right into the wall, it's not actually there. Go forward at the next choice immediately after the hidden door and go down the stairs, enter the portal and kick the crystal. Back in the maze, go up the stairs and turn left, then left again, and then, you guess it, left in the middle of this corridor. Enter the portal at the end to get to the statue I spoke of. Ignore it, since you can't pray to this one, and instead shoot your staff laser at the eye on the wall, opening up a hidden passage. Go into the room and jump over the boxes on the left side of the shelf, open the chest and use it until you can't use it anymore. This will unlock new outfits and a masturbation scene.

Go back to the maze and go left (right being the way you came from). Continue through this corridor until you reach a flight of stairs with notes at the bottom (taking the left turn here leads to another game over scene where you get stuck in a wall). Laser down the lizard or just run past him. Ignore the lizard dude sticking his head out of the wall (unless you want to unlock my favorite sex scene of the game), and turn right instead. Continue down this path and take a left, avoiding the spike trap and pressure plate, and jump through the portal. Laser down the lizard in here or just ignore him and run up the stairs to get to stage 3.

Stage 3
This part is all about avoiding the gravekeeper, unless you want to unlock his scenes of course. If you do, there's three of them: two for getting caught (you get tied up and fucked in one, and the other is him mummifying you, ripping out your intestines and all. Just get caught by him for both of them, with the latter having a lower probability of happening), and one for getting caught after stomping his precious eggs he has hidden in one of the sarcophagi in the rightmost room, though the egg one has him cut off your legs and pound your mutilated body out of rage until he hilariously just yeets you into the wall.

Anyway, to beat this stage you have two options: platform your way out of it (stupid difficult), or explode the gravekeeper. To preface, the scorpions do literally nothing to you, so no need to worry about them. The zombies just grab you for a little while before she shakes them off, only really dangerous if the gravekeeper is close enough to see you in the meantime. For the first option, just go to the room on the left and jump behind the bookshelf in the right corner as you come in. Interact with it three times to move it, and then I wish you good luck with not falling down and get eaten by a giant worm. To do the other option, you need to go the room on the left side, read the books, interact with the mural with the little halloween sheet ghosts, grab the now glowing cloth in the room, run over to the room on the right side (while avoiding the gravekeeper of course) and grab the charcoal in here. You might not have time to get out again before he enters the room, but you can avoid him by hiding the sarcophagus on the right (eggs in the left) and wait until he walks out again. Go back to the ghost mural and interact with it to gain a divine little buddy. Go with your new friend and talk to the big bad gravekeeper to have him get blasted to oblivion. Grab his orb, head up the stairs and finish the stage. Getting caught by the gravekeeper unlocks bandages as an outfit I believe.

Stage 4
Start off by kicking the crystal and lasering the door to open it up. Run in and get relieved that the pharaoh or whatever is still there. Head to the room on the left side to get a new outfit. Head to the room on the right side down the stairs and read the book on the table to continue (the other two items in there aren't needed). Going back up the stairs you'll find that there are now thieves in the big room where the crystal was. Go out to greet them, and then make your choice for if you want to unlock more scenes or not. Going back into the room with the pharaoh has one of them chase you and get obliterated, making them aggro. It's really damn difficult to defeat them if you do this, since you're not allowed to attack from in there, despite them not following (ghost buddies will turn on you), and going back out you'll just get ran down by the darker thief on the left. If you get tackled by either of the darker thieves you'll get one of two scenes depending on if you killed any of the others (dude dying to ghosts does not count): they fill you with coins if they're all alive, or they beat you and completely carve you up into little pieces in a really visceral scene if one or more is dead (this one is not for the faint of heart). Go past all of them and down the stairs to where the stage started and you get the third scene by getting ambushed (this one is bugged for me on version 1.01). Easiest way to kill them is to walk past them before they're aggro, stand at the top of the stairs (not in the room, and not at the bottom of the stairs) and just laser them from there. Kill all of them and then go back to where the stage started to finish it.

Stage 5
Okay, so, this one is wonky. You need to first interact with the large door blocked by a bunch of boxes, and then attack the planks covering the door. Continue forward until you find a large hole, in which you'll jump down into the pit of uncomfortable noises. Grab a mini crystal and start moving forward, ignoring any and all of the skittering scarabs and isopods, jumping over or walking around any and all green puddles. There's pretty much no way to get lost here, with there only being about two or so "wrong" paths, and neither is deadly (unless you walk into exploding mushrooms that exist in a cave for some reason).

Eventually you'll reach a large room with a bunch of sarcophagi in it, and a big... thing. Set the crystal down somewhere comfy, walk out of its light, bring forth your magic wand and blast the eye on the far wall. Go upstairs, push one of the large orbs off of their pedestals, push/kick/smack it down the stairs, laser it until it glows, and then either chase Mr. Ugly to it, or kick the orb to him. Pick your fancy magic nullifying crystal back up and head up the stairs behind where Mr. WTF was standing to find your beloved sister. Set the crystal down, laser the eyes on the pillars until she's released, pick the crystal back up, run AROUND the middle of the room up to her platform, stand at the bottom of it to trigger a cutscene.

Now when she's standing at the ready you can walk into the center of the room and fall down to the final boss. Set the crystal down in the bottom LEFT corner and get ready with your laserpointer. Either listen to their conversation, or zap the dude to end it prematurely. Sis will blast the first scarab that'll pop up, but you have to be ready to help her blast the rest. Most of the time she'll teleport to the bottom right corner, but she can sometimes decide to teleport to the bottom middle. If she ends up on top of the crystal, you're fucked. Anyway, zap some scarabs until they stop spawning, then enjoy a cutscene that ends in a hilariously badly acted villain laugh. After the cutscene is over, run and pick up the crystal again, and stand with it in front of the bad guy, stopping his magic from killing you or your sister, who's currently busy gathering energy from the people of the universe to deliver a large enough genkidama to defeat the evil Kid Buu. Smack him in the face with your staff to get the bad ending, zap him to get the good ending.

There are more scenes and another set of clothes you can find in the first or second stage, but I don't remember them off the top of my head, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself.
I feel like there are less actual sex scenes in this one compared to their last one, but I might just be misremembering.
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Jun 10, 2009
Reputation score
any save file? seems i lack 1 clothses. and 1 scene.. well the scene i lack its probably the bugged scene in stage 4 where you abandone and get trapped by a thief. for some reason game just make you stand and watch 1 thief taking the loot and leader and naother thief talking . i thought it might be a long sequence but after 30m and nothing happen well i guess is bugged. also the scene where you loose to 1st scarabs in last boss with sister. also its bugged since doesnt unlock in the gallery


Well-known member
May 3, 2018
Reputation score
I didn't really play through all the game but I unlocked everything through registry edit. Hard part was to figure the event naming sequence for each missing scene. Anyways...
is the save file. It's a .reg file. Import it to registry. Don't worry it won't fuck up your system or whatever.
Bonus uncensor patch and universal autotranslate tool.
The contents of Dungeon_of_Revival_Data (the sharedassets files) must be copied to Dungeaon of revival\Data\Dungeon_of_Revival_Data\ and overwrite the existing files.
Copy and run SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe inside Dungeaon of revival\Data folder and run the game once with the generated shortcut inside \Data folder. It doesn't matter afterwards what exe you use to run it.
The uncensor patch will probably only work with version.
EDIT: updated the uncensor patch. All scenes are now uncensored
EDIT2: provided a mirror because someone filed a DMCA claim on the initial Gdrive link. Why would you even do that ?
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Jungle Girl
Sep 2, 2015
Reputation score
Just finished playing through this game today. As per usual with this developer, the game is pretty jank, and it's very, very heavy on trial and error. The fact that the stages don't have checkpoints can make them pretty annoying, since death always has you run through the entire stage again, including any pointless opening animations/sequences that literally just waste time. Luckily though, each stage is pretty short. In terms of shocking content, it's not too bad in this one in my opinion. Some deaths caught me off guard, but only a few of them made me uncomfortable. I really dislike guro and any kind of dismemberment or straight up torture in my porn, but luckily the vast majority of it is very easy to avoid, or isn't sexually inclined or dragged out (more like any old death scene from Tomb Raider or something).

I must say that I hated the fifth and last stage though, for the noises more than anything. Not to mention that the final boss is... well, kind of dumb. Not difficult, you're just gated from finishing it if you don't bring a crystal with you, and if you place that crystal badly while you fight you also lose, practically automatically. Having to redo the entire stage and listening to those damn scarabs skittering around made me more uncomfortable than any of the guro the game had thrown at me to that point.

The game comes with a walkthrough if you need it, you just have to translate it first, but here's my "quick" version of it:
Stage 1
Go to the first left you can take, in the room with the thief in it. Unequip your hood/helmet before going into his room to get your first sex scene. In the trap corridor, push/kick the rock to your right onto the track to break the circular saw, allowing you to just run through. In the room with the urns, the safe route is to jump over them, since going anywhere else will kill you with arrows from the walls. Ignore the stairs and go right to the slope, rushing down and through the door to your left to avoid the boulder. In the room with the statue you need to first kick the ominous crystal, and then pray to the statue, which will deactivate the trap guarding the stairway out of the room. With the crystal gone you can now summon your staff and kill the thief upstairs. Or you can just ignore him and run up the next flight of stairs to stage 2.

Stage 2
This stage is just a pretty straightforward maze, and the developer was so kind as to give you a map to it in the same folder that the walkthrough is in. It's really quite simple: go through the portal in the big room to enter the maze. Here, ignore literally every single thing that's not a portal showing off the maze, a dark crystal or one of those statues you prayed to in the last stage. The only enemies in the maze are lizard folk which can either be baited to attack so you can run past them, or lured into spike traps in the middle room. If you actually want a guide for it, then here you go:

Take the first left you can, ignoring the forward route (leads to a mimic death scene I think), turn left again (you can walk through the wall on the right). At the end of this corridor, turn right into the wall, it's not actually there. Go forward at the next choice immediately after the hidden door and go down the stairs, enter the portal and kick the crystal. Back in the maze, go up the stairs and turn left, then left again, and then, you guess it, left in the middle of this corridor. Enter the portal at the end to get to the statue I spoke of. Ignore it, since you can't pray to this one, and instead shoot your staff laser at the eye on the wall, opening up a hidden passage. Go into the room and jump over the boxes on the left side of the shelf, open the chest and use it until you can't use it anymore. This will unlock new outfits and a masturbation scene.

Go back to the maze and go left (right being the way you came from). Continue through this corridor until you reach a flight of stairs with notes at the bottom (taking the left turn here leads to another game over scene where you get stuck in a wall). Laser down the lizard or just run past him. Ignore the lizard dude sticking his head out of the wall (unless you want to unlock my favorite sex scene of the game), and turn right instead. Continue down this path and take a left, avoiding the spike trap and pressure plate, and jump through the portal. Laser down the lizard in here or just ignore him and run up the stairs to get to stage 3.

Stage 3
This part is all about avoiding the gravekeeper, unless you want to unlock his scenes of course. If you do, there's three of them: two for getting caught (you get tied up and fucked in one, and the other is him mummifying you, ripping out your intestines and all. Just get caught by him for both of them, with the latter having a lower probability of happening), and one for getting caught after stomping his precious eggs he has hidden in one of the sarcophagi in the rightmost room, though the egg one has him cut off your legs and pound your mutilated body out of rage until he hilariously just yeets you into the wall.

Anyway, to beat this stage you have two options: platform your way out of it (stupid difficult), or explode the gravekeeper. To preface, the scorpions do literally nothing to you, so no need to worry about them. The zombies just grab you for a little while before she shakes them off, only really dangerous if the gravekeeper is close enough to see you in the meantime. For the first option, just go to the room on the left and jump behind the bookshelf in the right corner as you come in. Interact with it three times to move it, and then I wish you good luck with not falling down and get eaten by a giant worm. To do the other option, you need to go the room on the left side, read the books, interact with the mural with the little halloween sheet ghosts, grab the now glowing cloth in the room, run over to the room on the right side (while avoiding the gravekeeper of course) and grab the charcoal in here. You might not have time to get out again before he enters the room, but you can avoid him by hiding the sarcophagus on the right (eggs in the left) and wait until he walks out again. Go back to the ghost mural and interact with it to gain a divine little buddy. Go with your new friend and talk to the big bad gravekeeper to have him get blasted to oblivion. Grab his orb, head up the stairs and finish the stage. Getting caught by the gravekeeper unlocks bandages as an outfit I believe.

Stage 4
Start off by kicking the crystal and lasering the door to open it up. Run in and get relieved that the pharaoh or whatever is still there. Head to the room on the left side to get a new outfit. Head to the room on the right side down the stairs and read the book on the table to continue (the other two items in there aren't needed). Going back up the stairs you'll find that there are now thieves in the big room where the crystal was. Go out to greet them, and then make your choice for if you want to unlock more scenes or not. Going back into the room with the pharaoh has one of them chase you and get obliterated, making them aggro. It's really damn difficult to defeat them if you do this, since you're not allowed to attack from in there, despite them not following (ghost buddies will turn on you), and going back out you'll just get ran down by the darker thief on the left. If you get tackled by either of the darker thieves you'll get one of two scenes depending on if you killed any of the others (dude dying to ghosts does not count): they fill you with coins if they're all alive, or they beat you and completely carve you up into little pieces in a really visceral scene if one or more is dead (this one is not for the faint of heart). Go past all of them and down the stairs to where the stage started and you get the third scene by getting ambushed (this one is bugged for me on version 1.01). Easiest way to kill them is to walk past them before they're aggro, stand at the top of the stairs (not in the room, and not at the bottom of the stairs) and just laser them from there. Kill all of them and then go back to where the stage started to finish it.

Stage 5
Okay, so, this one is wonky. You need to first interact with the large door blocked by a bunch of boxes, and then attack the planks covering the door. Continue forward until you find a large hole, in which you'll jump down into the pit of uncomfortable noises. Grab a mini crystal and start moving forward, ignoring any and all of the skittering scarabs and isopods, jumping over or walking around any and all green puddles. There's pretty much no way to get lost here, with there only being about two or so "wrong" paths, and neither is deadly (unless you walk into exploding mushrooms that exist in a cave for some reason).

Eventually you'll reach a large room with a bunch of sarcophagi in it, and a big... thing. Set the crystal down somewhere comfy, walk out of its light, bring forth your magic wand and blast the eye on the far wall. Go upstairs, push one of the large orbs off of their pedestals, push/kick/smack it down the stairs, laser it until it glows, and then either chase Mr. Ugly to it, or kick the orb to him. Pick your fancy magic nullifying crystal back up and head up the stairs behind where Mr. WTF was standing to find your beloved sister. Set the crystal down, laser the eyes on the pillars until she's released, pick the crystal back up, run AROUND the middle of the room up to her platform, stand at the bottom of it to trigger a cutscene.

Now when she's standing at the ready you can walk into the center of the room and fall down to the final boss. Set the crystal down in the bottom LEFT corner and get ready with your laserpointer. Either listen to their conversation, or zap the dude to end it prematurely. Sis will blast the first scarab that'll pop up, but you have to be ready to help her blast the rest. Most of the time she'll teleport to the bottom right corner, but she can sometimes decide to teleport to the bottom middle. If she ends up on top of the crystal, you're fucked. Anyway, zap some scarabs until they stop spawning, then enjoy a cutscene that ends in a hilariously badly acted villain laugh. After the cutscene is over, run and pick up the crystal again, and stand with it in front of the bad guy, stopping his magic from killing you or your sister, who's currently busy gathering energy from the people of the universe to deliver a large enough genkidama to defeat the evil Kid Buu. Smack him in the face with your staff to get the bad ending, zap him to get the good ending.

There are more scenes and another set of clothes you can find in the first or second stage, but I don't remember them off the top of my head, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself.
I feel like there are less actual sex scenes in this one compared to their last one, but I might just be misremembering.
Thanks for the quick translation of the walkthrough. I've tried playing each stage multiple times, yet there are 2 scenes that are bugged for me that will not unlock for me, even when I've seen them already.
I do want to point out a few "tricks" that I've discovered.

Stage 1- After kicking the purple crystal and killing off the bandit, you will see about three doors in that room. One leads back to the entrance, the other is boarded up and is irrelevant until you reach the beginning of Stage 5; that just leaves us with the third door that leads into the rest area. You can unlock the Cat Priest outfit by going to the far left corner of the room where the costume is on top of a couple of stacked crates.

Stage 4- After encountering the group of Tomb Raiders and retreating to the pharaoh room where one of them gets obliterated, right click to equip your staff and carefully peak back in the room. As soon as you see the dark-tone thief start rushing you, time your left click attack and you'll manage to kill off the guy. There will be three bandits left. The one on the far right is scared sh*tless, so he won't do any to you and the Leader will not do anything to you at all unless you attack him. the only one you have to pay attention to is the guy at the far left since he's keeping a good distance from you and will not charge at you unless you use magic on him. NOW PAY ATTENTION! to eliminate all of them without dealing with the hassle, you have to aim your magic at the roof where the big eye symbol is at. it may take a few times to activate, but once it does, you'll be protected by a barrier and a huge Fireball will purge the room and all the enemies in a short cut-scene (awesome).

Stage 5- When getting to the room with a bunch of sarcophagus and Mr. WTF spawn bug is there, follow the instructions by opening the door with your magic and heading upstairs. After using your magic to light up the two orbs, instead of knocking them off their pedestal stands, go back downstairs and peak your head in the sarcophagus room. Aim your magic at the huge...thing and fire the bolt at it to get it to chase you. Quickly maneuver yourself back upstairs and into the corner. The WTF bug will clip through the walls and start attacking the orb pedestal, making it a lot easier than knocking the said orb downstairs. From there you can follow the rest of the guide.


Jungle Girl
Dec 15, 2016
Reputation score
not a fan of guro in my porn either, but I'll tolerate it if the sex scenes are good enough. how many are there, and are they any good? Game is a pain to get through.


Dec 8, 2012
Reputation score
Thanks for the quick translation of the walkthrough. I've tried playing each stage multiple times, yet there are 2 scenes that are bugged for me that will not unlock for me, even when I've seen them already.
I do want to point out a few "tricks" that I've discovered.
Nice additional notes there. I wrote that entire thing off the top of my head from what I remembered, on top of using the map for stage 2. There were three scenes for me that I never unlocked; two of them being from stage 5 (didn't care for anything from that stage personally) and the second being that dumb ambush scene from stage 4 as I mentioned in my walkthrough. @Maryel described what happens with that one, and I'm assuming the same happened to you?
not a fan of guro in my porn either, but I'll tolerate it if the sex scenes are good enough. how many are there, and are they any good? Game is a pain to get through.
Depends on your tolerance levels for said guro (and ryona). Most scenes, except for one, has some level of abuse to them. The first one you can get is pretty nice in my opinion, mostly just showing off a bloody nose. The lizard one is great, showing off the protagonist getting drugged with aphrodisiacs and then just having sex with a lizard (doubledickin'!). The next is her getting stuck in a wall, with her ass sticking out, which is pretty nice (no guro/ryona). The masturbation scene is standard stuff. The scenes in stage 3 would be hit or miss for you. One is her getting dicked and filled with seed which somehow turns into eggs. Another is her getting mummified (showing off her intestines getting ripped out, no actual sex shown whatsoever) and the last one is her getting her legs chopped off (ouch), getting dicked and then yeeted into a wall (looks hilarious). Stage 4 has no visible sex, though I'm assuming it would if the ambush scene worked. Stage 5 has a bunch of insects in it, with the only proper "sex" scene being an isopod doing her over and over again until her stomach bursts open with eggs. She does get tentacled and shit in some of them though.

So yeah. A couple really good ones, a couple hit or miss and some that you will absolutely want to avoid if you dislike guro/dismemberment. I do personally, but luckily there's very little guro and sex combined in it. Might also wanna add that there are a ton more scenes than that, but they're all just death to traps of various kinds. The ones I wrote there are all the sex scenes in it.


Jungle Girl
Jun 12, 2012
Reputation score
reg file is over quote on g-drive. anywhere else it can come from? or just post the text here? reg files are just text.


Jungle Girl
Jun 12, 2012
Reputation score
it does not work because there is no <> link on that page. i got it another way tho.

however the reg file is this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802"=dword:00000780
"Screenmanager Resolution Height_h2627697771"=dword:00000438
"Screenmanager Fullscreen mode_h3630240806"=dword:00000001
"Screenmanager Resolution Use Native_h1405027254"=dword:00000001


Jungle Girl
Jun 14, 2012
Reputation score
Oh fuck yeah, I really enjoy this Circles games.
Edit: @inlolzwetrust you're a fucking bro dude! Awesome.
Last edited:


Demon Girl Pro
Nov 6, 2014
Reputation score
Eh, game is subpar honestly. Lizard scene is pretty good though, shame I personally don't feel the same about the rest of the content.


Demon Girl
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
I didn't really play through all the game but I unlocked everything through registry edit. Hard part was to figure the event naming sequence for each missing scene. Anyways...
is the save file. It's a .reg file. Import it to registry. Don't worry it won't fuck up your system or whatever.
Bonus uncensor patch and universal autotransalate tool.
The contents of Dungeon_of_Revival_Data.7z (the sharedassets files) must be copied to Dungeaon of revival\Data\Dungeon_of_Revival_Data\ and overwrite the existing files. I couldn't figure what's the name of the mosaic material for the last 2 (futa) scenes. Maybe someone who knows japanese can figure it out.
Copy and run SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe inside Dungeaon of revival\Data folder and run the game once with the generated shortcut inside \Data folder. It doesn't matter afterwards what exe you use to run it.
The uncensor patch will probably only work with version.
It work properly!

damn it, I can't even beat the first stage! OTZ how to pass the second trail!


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
It work properly!

damn it, I can't even beat the first stage! OTZ how to pass the second trail!
From what I heard, you are supposed to kick the black urns so you can safely pass. But for me the first part is too hard. I know that crouching lets you pass the arrow traps without problems (apparently the plates do not compress when you step on them while crouched... because that makes sense right?) but the jumping is so finicky that I end up impaling myself or getting sliced every time.


Jungle Girl
Apr 15, 2013
Reputation score
Hope this creator made enough money to hire VA.
I hope its not a modified male voice for MC like rest of his game this time.


Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Hope this creator made enough money to hire VA.
I hope its not a modified male voice for MC like rest of his game this time.
Thought the same thing, didn't want to point it out in case it kills people's boners lmao


Jungle Girl
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Righto heres a quick guide for the game:

  • In the equp menu, you can actually unequip things to be bare ass naked, instead of clicking the images, click the text saying "head", "chest" etc and you'll unequip everything
  • Crouching makes it harder to be seen, also prevents you from triggering arrow pressure plates.
  • Break the crystals to be able to summon your staff properly
  • Aiming with the staff suck ass, don't have a wall close behind you when you do, but it's still the best method of attack because literally everything oneshots you
  • In order for a recollection scene to be recognised and saved, you need to have the box appear at the bottom of the screen, sometimes you'll need to interact (default "e") to progress a scene

Stage 1:
  • Okay so first stage you have the guy at the entrance, he'll rape you if you aren't equipping one of the headpieces, but since you do be default its not an issue
  • For the room full of traps, you can jump over the right sawblade and attack (left click) the rock next to it to push it into it's path. This will destroy the sawblade and you can just walk over it's trap, otherwise you can just jump over the spikes and crouch walk over the arrow buttons
  • Afterward theres the room with the vases and the arrow traps, easy way to do this is to crouch behind the vase and jump over it, you can also just kick them out the way and walk through
  • Next up there is a crystal you can kick to gain the ability to use your staff again, if you do this you'll need to pray to the statue of the god using the rug, or you'll get blown up. Afterwards theres a guy who'll try to fight you, you can kill him with the staff or just ignore him, exit is up the stairs down the hall
  • Clothing:
    • After you get out of the statue room and are in the final hallway, take out the guy and open the door behind you with the staff, then open a door on the right hand wall with the staff, inside this room on top of a set of crates is some clothing you can wear (it's kinda cute)
  • Scene Recollection:
    • Unequip your head clothing (In the equip screen click the word "head" next to the images) and walk up to the first guy who normally runs away, GOR scene.
    • Break the crystal in the statue room, then try to leave without praying to Horakhty, you'll get blown up, unlocks the scene in gallery
Stage 2:
  • In the folder titled "攻略のヒント" you'll find an image of the maze in this level, note that there are fake walls you can just walk through that the map does show.
  • stage2地図.png
  • Head to the area that's been edited onto the map in white, use the portal to find the crystal to get your staff back.
  • There are three lizardmen who will attempt to attack you in this level, one is in the center with a shield, one is up a set of stairs, the other is at the end of the maze through the portal, they die to the staff, but hit the ones with shields in the legs to make sure they get hit
  • The exit to the maze is the portal to the right of the map in the middle, there'll be an arrow trap in the corridor leading to it
  • Clothing:
    • There's a portal that leads to one of the horakhty statues in a sleeping area, if you have the staff you can shoot an eye to open the door and go deeper, behind some stacked crates you can push over is a room with a chest in it. Interact with the chest two times to grab a microbikini, interact three times for a H-Scene that doesn't kill you
  • Possible GOR (Scene Recollection):
    • Before you get the staff, use the portal in the bottom right of the map, then try to open the chest. It'll eat you, unlocking a thing in the gallery
    • After you get the bikini, interact with the chest another time to find a dildo, getting a scene where your character gets off and doesn't die for it. Rare.
    • Up the stairs near the exit to the maze, there'll be a lizard lying under a wall, walk up to him without your staff equipped to get a GOR scene
    • One of the portals near the top right (has picture of food on it) leads to you getting teleported into a wall, GOR scene
    • One of the portals will teleport you to a room with a eye symbol on the wall to teleport out, if you haven't broke the crystal, you'll eventually fade out and starve, unlocking a scene in teh gallery
Stage 3:
  • This one is a pain in the ass. Don't try to fight the anubis asshole, he'll fuck you up (sometimes literally)
  • There are actually two ways of doing this
  • Method 1
    • Go into the left room, and approach the wall with the Medjet (cloth over head guys) on it, MC will remark about it
    • Grab the blanket from this room
    • Head into the room opposite this one (with the victims), grab the chalk off the table
    • Head back to the Medjed wall and you'll make an outfit, leave the room and you'll start to be followed by one
    • Run into the Anubis asshole, Medjed fucks him up, then
    • Grab the blue thing he drops and head into the room with the giant scorpion, place it on the dias, exit unlocked
  • Method 2
    • Hope you like shitty platforming
    • Go into the Medjed room, head to the corner next to the bookshelf behind the coffins
    • Interact with the side of the bookshelf three times, then go through the harrowing platforming insta death section
    • it'll spit you out at the exit.
  • Outfit Unlock:
    • Tied to recollection scene (the one where he puts you in the wood thing and rapes you, finish that and you'll unlock it I think)
  • Recollection:
    • Have Anubisman hit you (He rapes you)
    • Have Anubisman hit you [very rare] (He removes your organs)
    • Open the coffin closest to the girls in his torture room, then jump in and crush the fleshy things, then let him catch you (Amputation)
    • According to the menu there's a fourth one, however I've yet to find how to unlock it, seems to be missing from the file explaining things
Stage 4:
  • Relatively simple stage, comparatively
  • Break the crystal, use staff, open door
  • Anubis's mummy is all good, head downstairs and read the books, you can look at the crystal too, but it's not needed
  • Head back up, grave robbers are waiting outside
  • Walk out of the tomb, you can either kill them all yourself then leave, or shoot the eye in the cieling for a bit while dodging to autokill them
  • Leave through the stairs
  • Outfit Unlock:
    • Head into the treasure room on the left, it'll be floating above a chest.
  • Recollection:
    • Get tackled by a grave robber (Ryona)
    • Get tacked by a grave robber, after killing at least one of them (worse Ryona)
Stage 5:
  • The most confusing of the bunch
  • Go up to the stacked boxes and interact to unstack them, then use staff to break boards
  • Head down for a while, open a door then jump in the hole.
  • Grab a crystal, then just run past everything which will avoid you. Don't touch the green slime
  • When you're in the coffin room and there's a big motherfucker, drop the crystal and open the door with the staff when you're out of it's nullification range
  • Head up the stairs revealed and shoot the balls on the stands until they glow, then use melee to push them down the stairs and toward the monster, which will now target them over you.
  • Head up the stairs it was guarding to find your sister, you can shoot the faint eyes on the pillars either side of her to let her loose:
  • Bad Ending:
    • Walk through the center of the room and fall into bosses lair
    • He'll talk some smack and throw bugs at you, fuck them up.
    • He transforms and now you need to dodge shit while a fireball charges
    • When it hits attack him and he'll fully regenerate and give a bad end.
  • Good ending:
    • Walk around the edge of the room and chat to the sister to have her stand up and get dressed
    • Walk into the center to fall into a chamber
    • Shoot him to cut his tirade short, then begin attacking bugs he spawns until he transforms
    • Your sister will then try to attack then charge a super move, dodge his bullshit and ignore her being knocked over
    • (this is proably bugged, and you likely need a or nullification crystal to block his magic in an updated version)
    • after he gets hit by it attack him in any way to get the good ending and a very, very long epilogue.
  • Outfit Unlocks:
    • Nope, nothing here sorry.
  • Recollection Scenes:
    • Get beat by a bigger scarab
    • Get beat by the biggest scarab
    • Die to the final bosses scarab phase
    • Die to the final bosses transformed phase without sister (Specifically his projectiles)
    • Die to the final bosses transformed phase when your sister is saved (Specifically his projectiles)

All in all I found the game interesting, bit of a pain in the ass at times, but tbf the developer did include a file telling you what to do to get all the shit and pass the game. I love the design of the main character and all her clothing options were great (except the mummy robes, though they do fit the general theme). The voice is a tad off putting, but hey I can deal and it's a lot better than it was in the first & second game. Still not particularly keen on the gore, but what can you do?

Looking forward to what this guy puts out next, hopefully he keep up with the more unique heroine design and outfit system. Probably hiring a voice actor too.

ED: Only just finished this when I actually took the time to read the thread and noticed a guide was already there. Whoops.
Last edited:


Dec 8, 2012
Reputation score
Yeah, but now we have TWO walkthroughs! If mine doesn't help, then yours will surely double tap them to victory! Yours is also fancier, so don't feel bad.

And yeah, the voice acting is hilarious(ly bad). My favorite "line" remains the evil, villainous laugh by the final boss.