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RPG [ポンズラボ / Pon's Lab] ポケットギャルハンター / Pocket Girl Hunter (RJ123427)

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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Is there a video on how to translate Wolf rpgs? I tried to do it with the tutorial from the Forum but i just dont get it done. Wolf Editor just throws Errors at me.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

where do you buy the colour varying agent? Can't find it anywhere, and hte one I got as a reward didn't produce a shiny. Can't get passed the prisoner.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

where do you buy the colour varying agent? Can't find it anywhere, and hte one I got as a reward didn't produce a shiny. Can't get passed the prisoner.

4th town (ice village) and 5 town (beach city) sell that, also reward from medium level dome battle

if you wanna search shiny for prisoner quest, i suggest to capture backpack (loli with backpack in starter city's grass), she is normal type and if you lucky shiny too, so you can complete 2 quests with same pokemon
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Wow, okay, good thing I like doing science because what I just saw was a thing. I also have questions that needs to be spoilered, so...

Okay so, if you let Tomoe attack the Black Group's HQ, she gets captured immediatly and fucked. So after getting the access to it, you storm it yourself, and encounter Tamaki. With who I suppose change depending who you picked at the start, for me, it was Amore. So basically, Amore just royally screwed her "trainer" ? And from what they say, are the BG just rogue scientists ?

My questions are :

-Do having Tomoe suffer the above change and/or lock anything ? Mainly because according to the FAQ, this unlocks CGs 7 and 8, but I only got 7.

-A pure gameplay question : about TMs, do fishing literally can give you any single one in the game ? And : can you really only use them on a Gal that has the same type as the attack ?

-IS THERE A WAY TO BEAT UP AMORE ? :mad: (well, Amore in my case I mean, I'm gonna guess Erona is as much of a bitch if you don't pick her)
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Wow, okay, good thing I like doing science because what I just saw was a thing. I also have questions that needs to be spoilered, so...

Okay so, if you let Tomoe attack the Black Group's HQ, she gets captured immediatly and fucked. So after getting the access to it, you storm it yourself, and encounter Tamaki. With who I suppose change depending who you picked at the start, for me, it was Amore. So basically, Amore just royally screwed her "trainer" ? And from what they say, are the BG just rogue scientists ?

My questions are :

-Do having Tomoe suffer the above change and/or lock anything ? Mainly because according to the FAQ, this unlocks CGs 7 and 8, but I only got 7.

-A pure gameplay question : about TMs, do fishing literally can give you any single one in the game ? And : can you really only use them on a Gal that has the same type as the attack ?

-IS THERE A WAY TO BEAT UP AMORE ? :mad: (well, Amore in my case I mean, I'm gonna guess Erona is as much of a bitch if you don't pick her)

iirc you get 8 later

erona doesnt betray tomoe if you picked amore, story is different for her.

You can catch any TM, and no some girls can use TMs even if they arent the same type
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

i never play with Erona as starter so i can't answer question number 1 and 3

you can get any TM from fishing if lucky and you only can give same type TM or normal type TM to your gal

example, you can give ice type TM to snowgirl but can't give it to water type like raincoat, vice versa (this is not pokemon ;))
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Alright, after fiddling around with Chiitrans, I managed to figure out my problem with CG 8 : you have to battle every possible Black Group/Team member in the building, and not have stopped Tomoe from storming the HQ.

And you get NTRd for being uncaring. Wah wah.

Either way, league time for me, with a team of Knight Erona, Wasp, Evil Magi, Miniskirt (shiny), Snow Woman and Tiger Rex.

PS : the FAQ is wrong on some points, including my thing above. If I were to start a new one, would people here help me ? (I guess a new Dex would be cool too)
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Alright, after fiddling around with Chiitrans, I managed to figure out my problem with CG 8 : you have to battle every possible Black Group/Team member in the building, and not have stopped Tomoe from storming the HQ.

And you get NTRd for being uncaring. Wah wah.

Either way, league time for me, with a team of Knight Erona, Wasp, Evil Magi, Miniskirt (shiny), Snow Woman and Tiger Rex.

PS : the FAQ is wrong on some points, including my thing above. If I were to start a new one, would people here help me ? (I guess a new Dex would be cool too)

wouldn't be opposed to it. I still go back to the game from time to time. Been thinking about leveling everyone up and seeing what their full learnsets are, unless someone knows how to work wolfrpg enough to just go in and look it up.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Ok so either I'm doing something wrong, or there is a glitch. There is a variation for the angel CG I can't get, and supposedly, it requires Archangel, and going with her to a love hotel. I know for a fact it's not the delivery room variation, as I got that one no problem.

PS : I'm going for 100% CG before starting a new FAQ.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

CG 7 & 8 is rival's rape scene. In other words, at the last gym, let her go to battle the black group's hideout instead of stopping her/battling her.

There are more requirements to trigger this.

I am at the last gym, my rival does not fight me and I do not get a yes/no choice, she doesn't run off either.

The FAQ is vague on somethings.
Based on what I have seen from looking around, to get the rival rape scenes you must choose the light starter. The FAQ should mention this.
Also there is incorrect information in the Pokegal Dex, it says Naga evolves at 35, But mine evolved at 33. It also says Erin evolves at lvl 20 or through sex, mine is currently level 24 and has only evolved after I had sex with her.
Well lvl 30 now and Erin has yet to evolve, so the Dex is wrong she only evolves through sex it seems.
Guess it don't really matter when I can just get one in the Tokyo Dome. Yeah the dome was a bad idea, just make it to city 5 and gamble for the emperor drinks, go to tokyo dome and catch high lvls, now you don't need to grind levels.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

It's when you speak to her as you either enter or leave as I recall.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

In the light story, i can't break the rock outside the valkyrie cave to gal village.. translation says she's scared of the dark and says there is no crisis so no reason to break it.. Dark gal just let me smash and then walk in after the game was done, but can't even get in this time, anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Game sounds like it might be an amusing one that I missed, but wow... talk about a frustrating thread. DLSite link is broken, no Japanese name given, searching the RJ number for the dlsite link doesn't turn up anything, and can't ask about a link since I've got no idea if it's got problematic content or not. Can't even attempt to verify links with the English name since I don't know the actual filesize.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Yeah trying to find this game online anymore is pretty difficult. Can't seem to locate it anywhere. Used to be impossible to avoid
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Ponzurabo – Pocket Girl Hunter
look this up in google and you will find it. XD

*Exept the English patched one, that'll be harder to find.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Well, finding this is proving a bit annoying. Figured out the JP name is ポケットギャルハンター, 1.10 and 1.12 are barely seeded (but do exist) on nyaa. Only Eng trans I can find is made for 1.09 though, which is a pain.
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Well, finding this is proving a bit annoying. Figured out the JP name is ポケットギャルハンター, 1.10 and 1.12 are barely seeded (but do exist) on nyaa. Only Eng trans I can find is made for 1.09 though, which is a pain.

yeah sadly the guy who was working on a full translation just...stopped. Chalk it up to wolfrpg apparently being a pain in the ass to work with
Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

Just saw that some people were looking for this, typing the name in google brought this up.
It's only 1.10, but it is translated(partially). Recommend picking mirror, and then choosing the Zippyshare link.

P.S. Check this website regularly for a lot of newer game links. It's my go-to.

Edit: Just got word that clicking Mirror has potential for malware, I should've mentioned it goes to an ad page that bridges to zippy. You just click skip in upper-right. Browse at own risk, I've used it for awhile, but you never know.
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Re: Pocket Girl Hunter

So if anyone still cares about a lurker's rambles and this game. I think I figured out a few things about this game.

First off, Cheerful Attack/Happy Attack is super good. Deals good damage at the cost of 1 SP. Put that on your starter and laugh until you have to fight a ghost or something resistant to physical.

Secondly, Holy shit is confusion the absolute worst. A status ailment that lasts several turns, forces you to use an attack against yourself and persists after combat. Zubats got nothing on the confusion in this game. (ex. A Elite Trainer in the Hotel/palace gym in the 7th city has a Archangel, she barely survives a Cheerful attack form my rather overleveled Starter and confuses her instantly. I switch because I don't want to deal with that to my ghost gal and then she gets confused by the Archangel. Said Archangel precedes to confuse my ENTIRE TEAM, causing me to white out and lose because I had no answer or way to deal with it immediately after the fact... all I could do was take it. Making me wonder why the game wasn't programmed to allow items despite it strange difficulty (easy most of the way but still throws curves balls such as confusion or the fact that there are at least seven status ailments in the game that stun your gal from doing actions of any kind))

If you are leveling all the gals to evolve, the teddy gears are your friends. You can buy them in the 2nd gym town from the male shopkeep for 1000 each. For gals that require whoring for evolution (Dark Angel, Lech, Dark Knight, Evil Magi) You'll probably be attacked by the morality police. They got lv. 50s so have a team for that while whoring.

Thirdly, don't ask for the free Gal when you beat a gym leader, just fuck her for the CG. You will get the Gal later. (ex. the Virgin you get from the first gym leader can be squired at the route after the 7th gym at lv. 30-ish, at which point you only need to make her have sex 10 times (with you or other people) to get her to evolve into a Lech)

Lastly, fuck the Futanari gal for lying to me. She ain't no futanari, she's just the Exorcist class from Disgaea. Man, I wish I had a futanari MC sprite for these scenes instead of generic shadow man taking my girl's place.

I'm done ranting now, you can all ignore me again.
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