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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

We apologize for not doing some research before posting, it is our fault for not knowing the actual reason this forum was initially created for. As an admirer of LineMarvel's work, I consider it almost vital to know this forum's purpose. I didn't know anything about LineMarvel initially, but some of the more experienced members here steered me in the right direction, one way or another.
There are some bad apples among us, but that doesn't mean the whole bunch is spoiled. We try to explain to each-other exactly what this forum is all about, but some need more and gentler handling than others.
All I'm trying to say is that I apologize for this inconvenience, in the name of the whole "klub loving ilk". We'll try and insist more on informing people about LineMarvel and his works, just so unnecessary quarrels like this can be avoided.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Just so you all know, generalizations are uncivilized and extremely immature. Regulars for hating Klubbers, and people like Roy for marking "those with green boxes" as assholes, most likely because he said or did something stupid and got called on for it, so I guess us "green people" are just something to be avoided. That is racist.

This goes the other way however, with most regulars hating the "klub loving ilk," because they have nothing to contribute, en masse, to this forum, by sticking in their corner and not knowing anything about it at all, aside from the fact we contain a subforum for what appears to be an extremely overrated game.

Malefique sounds nice enough though, so why is it that I have to hate him? Because I'm a green and he's a klub member? Well aside from the fact we're having a run on conversation that is starting to stray away from the actual topic of this thread, but hell I'm doing that right now too.

So yeah, there's an example of someone who's from Klub that A) we regulars don't have to hate just because of his opinion on a game we don't like and B) other klub members (Roy, Ninja) can look up to being, ya know what with the not being ignorant/a dick and typing up properly written messages.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

>Offhandedly mention wanting to try Jungle Girl and Demon Girl
>Flame war about Old Members vs. New Members erupts out of fucking nowhere

Seems like something went wrong here at some point.
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm surprised that it didn't happen sooner.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

About NinjaCreep and Jungle Girl

I am the person who recommended Jungle/Demon Girl to NinjaCreep so this incident is partly my fault. *bringing popcorn and speech again* It's shame he did necro this old memento instead of playing it right away. It's my guilty I didn't direct him right and not saying the game is a heavy tentacle content. As it clearly seems Ninja pal got harassed by M.Bei saying 'sizing your dick visually'; must he not accustomed to the world of tentacle and took it as an insult. I pity for that.

About Sizing Your Dick and What's The REAL Hentai

We are all horny bastards spend too much times on hentai crabby game & RPs. A statement M.Bei said 'size your dick and suck yourself' express well of the nature. Due to the fact, you cannot masturbate playing Jungle Girl, Klub, RPG Maker, tentacle RP or whatever require both hands with lots of clicking. We rather TYPE so much. That's why we need this forum. That's why we need to size our dick and fill our mouths with... ... nevermind. These cannot be insults. That's my point.

About Oldies and Birdies

Although I am fond of DarkFire & RaptorJesus Saga and such kind of old forum Gehenna, I never post out of Da Klub (actually once at SOFA thread) because the position of Da Klub in this forum is somewhat laughable. I wish we can put this pathetic green reps away and play catchball in green field someday, to better understand each other that we are all Dicks in a same boat. (sorry for ladies, if there any lady left)

About Roy

He must drank whiskey again. I don't mess with him because he's Jedi.

Sorry for being La-La-Land and mis-topiced. Thank you for patient eyes attend. *walk away with empty popcorn bag*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm not gonna bash any further because some of you have shown to be decent people however I will say you could've directed NinjaCreep to the actual games, either on Newgrounds or somewhere else instead of allowing him to post here which is the thread for a Jungle Girl remake that a couple of the forum members are working on as the majority of (hopeful) people here think an update to the status of the game has been posted.

Also, I fail to see how you 'need' this forum. Sure, it's a convenient place to house all your content, however I'd have thought it would've been more appropriate for you to create a forum specifically for The Klub, using something like Proboards which allows you to create free forums. I think for the most part people have a problem with you lot because whenever someone who's a part of the Klub community posts outside of your section it's generally a very negative/newbish post which does cause some of us to lash out. At least that's how it is for me anyway.

See, I'm not just a big ball of hate and anger.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

>Offhandedly mention wanting to try Jungle Girl and Demon Girl
>Flame war about Old Members vs. New Members erupts out of fucking nowhere

Seems like something went wrong here at some point.

Not really, no. Sounds about par for the course around here...

See, I'm not just a big ball of hate and anger.

I'd cuddle Oni, but he'd probably bite me for it.

And now, everybody back to lurking around the thread before we get Nu's attention! *brings out the bullwhip, which will not be used in the fun way*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Oh yeah. And before any more misunderstandings, count me to the people who has been watched further updates in Jungle Girl Remaking. Now let's back to the topic, or lurk, or get shooed away. :D
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

@Ninjacreep: You made a one line post that added nothing to a thread that hasn't been posted in in a while, as well as it not being about the remake that is the topic - not that we don't go off topic, and your post was more on topic than most off topicness.... but I ramble. TL;DR, you made a pointless post that didn't need to be made. I'm sure we've all done it at some point or another, though, so meh. Just learn and move on is all you can do.

@Roy: Way to over-generalize based on a select few people.

Also: Perhaps it would be for the best if we got Nunu's attention. We'll either A) get a status update, or B) get the thread locked until there has been progress. Either way is fine by me.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Due to the fact, you cannot masturbate playing Jungle Girl, Klub, RPG Maker, tentacle RP or whatever require both hands with lots of clicking.

I just wanted to say that this is one of the beautiful things with Jungle and Demon Girl. Both games can quite easily be played with just one hand. It's ingenious for the kind of games that they are.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Aaah, some things never change

This thread is one of them.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Also: Perhaps it would be for the best if we got Nunu's attention. We'll either A) get a status update, or B) get the thread locked until there has been progress. Either way is fine by me.

Agreed. We're aware of Hettie's reasons for having less work time as of late. Still waiting on Nunu to join the sharing circle.

Until he does, just to avoid exactly the kind of debacles we just saw above, a lock probably wouldn't hurt.

With that said, as a side note, while I understand that we older members get irritated when we see a new post in this thread and all rush in to see if it's an update and it's either A. someone either new to the forum who doesn't know better, or B. someone going "WHARS DER UPDATEN?!", we'll come off less like assholes as a whole if you just point out calmly that this isn't the place for that.

At least be nice to the newbies, especially if they can into grammar properly. If they actually act like assholes, chances are the door will slap them in the ass as they're thrown out of it. No reason to smack them around before that however.

And yes, I realize that not all of us care if we come off as assholes or not. But the forum bringing in new members does to an extent rely on the people already here being a little more patient at least, welcoming at best.

Edit: Incubus read my mind apparently four minutes before I posted this.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Pooky, i do plenty, unfortunantly JG is low on the list of priorities when i also have 2 part time jobs, a pervasive social life (as in constantly stopping by my room), I'm now doing honours, i have been consistantly sick for the past few months and more.

i wish i had the more time to work on this but i'm a very, very busy person. As i've said before if anyone else want to take over for me i would be more than happy for a hand off.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Since it seems like progress is more or less grinding to a halt now, can someone at least upload what is finished of it somewhere?

I'd rather have an incomplete game then no game at all.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

i wish i had the more time to work on this but i'm a very, very busy person. As i've said before if anyone else want to take over for me i would be more than happy for a hand off.

Well, shit. I'd offer, but even if you were to die, I'd still probably manage to take longer than you would. Also I'd have to learn actionscript.

Since it seems like progress is more or less grinding to a halt now, can someone at least upload what is finished of it somewhere?

I'd rather have an incomplete game then no game at all.

At least give us enough time to look for other programmers, dude. Maybe we should make a post in the under-construction section of the H subforum and see if anyone is willing to try?

*Snrk* Maybe we should hire Toonpimp... bwahahaha! Could you imagine?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Pooky, i do plenty, unfortunantly JG is low on the list of priorities when i also have 2 part time jobs, a pervasive social life (as in constantly stopping by my room), I'm now doing honours, i have been consistantly sick for the past few months and more.

i wish i had the more time to work on this but i'm a very, very busy person. As i've said before if anyone else want to take over for me i would be more than happy for a hand off.

That's fine. All I wanted was an update like that.

We don't know what's going on unless we're told. Now we've been informed.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Sorry if this isn't related,but can someone give me the link to the forum's rules?Just so I can be nicer,later on.

Did you actually considering picking the most likely board and looking from there?