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Potential Waffles (TheGuy/Pervy )

That's the point dear. Aldira thought at the addicting remark. "Well, I'm sure you can find ways to fit in.. in due time." Aldira cooed, innocently. "You seem to fit the towns.. spirit..e rr.. nevermind." She chuckled, petting Grace's side.. gently soothing her and letting her feel as if she was safe with her concerns, here.

She smiled, watching Grace eat.. ones body had to eat to survive, thats why a slowly administered oral drug was that much more addictive, if just dosed right..
"He showed off what a slave you were.. of course that got you all flustered.." She nodded, gently guiding her words along a certain path.. and making a note, for later. She then smirked inwardly again. Pet play huh? you got no clue.. here I got you eating from a bowl already and you barely notice it. She smirked as she watched the flowers of a blossoming addiction bloom in Grace.. soon, they wouldn't need the masking gravy anymore... She couldn't wait.
"Hmnn.. " She cooed, handing Grace a little digestive potion and smiling. "You ate a lot.. here, a little digestive.. bottoms up.." She softly guided Grace to drink the potion that would nicely help enthrall her once more, this time, working faster than before, and the alchemist cooed, watching Grace's expression soften.. and become nicely empty and compliant once more.

"That's a good girl.. soon we wont need this anymore, but for now.. " she cooed, reaching out to begin to undress Grace, her shaft poking an agressive tent into her dress as she examined the nude noble.
"But.. how about an evening stroll!" She smirked, pulling out a collar and leash, securing it tightly around Grace's neck, smirking all the time.
"You see.. I want you to become my bitch, mind, body and soul.. so for now, let's have all of these impressions slowly sink into your unconscious. Become a wonderful dream. Now then, my sweet, before we head out, do you have any suggestions for mistress Aldira.. how can we form your little mind into that of my loving bitch-slave the easiest?" She purred.
“You know, I-if your willing to help me, I'm sure I would start to fit in, and I might even be accepted as part of the town!” Grace let out a sweet smile at Aldira’s touch and encouragement. She felt like she could trust the alchemist with helping her make this town into a new home for herself… though it might turn out to be a different type of home than the kind she was currently thinking about at this rate…


“Y-yeah he did, and the thing was that I wasn't able to resist because he had all the power over me… I had to do whatever he told me, to be the obedient slave or else…” She was surprisingly comfortable talking about her past with Aldira, even if it was a horrible time for her. Aldira just had this warm and welcoming aura about her that let Grace open up and let her in. She finally licked up the last of the “sauce” in her bowl, but got some running down her chin. She quickly used her finger to scoop it all up and licked it all off of her finger, with an unconscious grin while she did so. “A digestive potion? You have all sorts of nifty potions around here.” Without any real knowledge of how potions worked, Grave failed to notice that this was the same potion she had been taking just relabeled as a “digestive potion”. She had no suspicions about it at all, after all the defective potions were the “test” potions. Grace took the offered option and downed it swiftly. It seemed like the repeated exposure was only worsening the effect the potion had on Grace, as her consciousness slipped from her mind at a crazy speed, only needing a few moments for it to start. Her entire body relaxed and felt a warm tingling feeling engulf her entire being. The light in her eyes seemed to dull as the potion continued its course. Trapped in the sleepy fog of the potion, Grace's subconsciousness/almost other personality took over. She was once again slave to Aldira's training.

Grace stood in a daze as Aldira started to undress, only helping her Mistress whenever ordered to. That changed as Mistress placed a collar around her neck and declared they were going on a walk. The light in her eyes came back, and she reached up to lightly touch her new collar with a strange familiarity. A light blush spread over her face, and it didn't take long until small beads of nectar started to drool down her thighs. The tightness around her throat, as long as it was associated with Aldira, instead of her precious collar would stay with her even after waking up most likely. “W-where are we going Mistress?” She asked with some excitement in her voice. It seemed the new collar and Aldira already treating her like a pet brought up some prior training Grace had went through.

“Mistress's bitch… body, soul, mind…” She chanted softly to herself a couple of times. Almost instantly she came up with a couple of ways that would be effective for taming and training herself into a loving bitch for Aldira. She visible shivered with pleasure just at the thought of a couple of them, prior training and experience once again showing itself. She started to list off a few methods that would work on her conscious self. “Uhm, the best way to get her to be obedient to you would probably show some loving as you turn her into your pet. Maybe slip some praise and love for her as a good girl even when she was awake…” A deeper blush arises as her thoughts turn more towards the training part of her suggestions. “A-as fuel for her fantasies and dreams, she would love to be fucked like an animal out under the moonlight… Make her wear puppy ears and a tail plug… Show her off to someone as your personal pet… A-and probably most important, find a way to claim her as your own. Make her feel some form of your ownership of her even when she's awake again.” She listed what ever came to mind in the moment.

"Oh.. well, that's just normal." Aldira noted to her bitches description of having been a slave, unable to disobey commands given to her. "Some people are ment to be obeyed and some people are just ment to do as they are told, no point fighting your nature, ok? The only problem was that you didn't have someone that took good care of you.. a shame that you couldn't find such a person." Aldira mused, happy to continue pushing and guiding the girls malleable mind. "But don't worry about it, alright dear? Just drink your potion and get all better and relax."

She encouraged, if Grace was getting into a questioning mood. She needed Grace's mind and will to marinade in those ideas a little more first... "It seems your body is adjusting to the potion nice and quick, we just need to slowly help your waking mind empty up nice as well." She nodded to her little pet-project. "So receptive and obediant. Unthinking and compliant..." She cooed, briefly licking her lips.

"Interesting.. it seems the collar helps strengthen your better personality. Good to remember, good to remember." She smirked. ".. I'm going on a walk with my bitch, why do I need any specific location?" She chuckled, shaking her head and adjusting collar and leash together for a proper animalistic training feeling. When the slave-Grace began chanting to herself, Aldira grinned with encouraging pride for her slave.

"I see I see.. so treat her well yet make clear what she is.. oh and, Grace.. you can stop calling her the awake personality.. soon enough, she'll be the sleeping one.. and you the awake one, thanks to your help." She said, reaching out to ruffle through Grace's hair encouragingly. "You'll help me poison her mind so she doesn't get too concerned about that treatment, right? Just think it cute and loving.. anyway! Walkies time." She nodded, tugging on Grace's leash, hearing out what more her naked, if collared pet had to say whilest taking her for a walk through the village.

The little outskirts community had few people traveling the streets, but the bitch and her owner could most definitly feel eyes upon them just from the windows alone.. even whilest watched like this, Aldira made very certain that none of this felt like anything but a pet owner and their pet making their rounds...

"To be clear, I don't want you and your other kind to be at war.. the opposite is true. You are one and the same and I want to reunite you, bitch and Grace, into Bitch-Grace, my slave.. as soon as you both are ready. She needs to learn a lot more.. but you also need to learn a few lessons.. like how even if you've been trained and broken in the past, now you are all MINE." She clarified, with a squeezing of the bitches bottom, chuckling.. and leading her along to a nondescript house. "Randolph will be a good test. A strong man.. but you only yearn for mistress.. and those mistress offers you to. he also is.. hmn.. a tatoo specialist." The alchemist cooed lustfully, running a hand over Grace's smooth skin with a lustful examination after their little walk...

It was almost like Aldira knew exactly what she needed to say to Grace in order to influence her mind. Her words seemed to confirm some of Graces earlier brief and embarrassing musings to herself about how life would have been different if only Aldira who held her chain back then. Deep down Grace knew Aldira was right, she had always been a follower, even if most of the time she wasn't doing it willingly. “I-I mean, I guess you're right… I c-can't deny I haven't had some brief thoughts about that myself…” Her voice wavered slightly as she talked, out of both some embarrassment and a tiny bit of unwillingness. Should she really be thinking that life would have been better simply because she had a different master? Shouldn't she be perfectly happy she was free? The small part of her yelled out in the back of her mind. ‘Ahh, whatever the past is the past’, and with abit of encouragement from Aldira the tiny voice was forgotten… at least for now.

After having drunk the potion and its effects had started to take effect Grace could hear something that sounded so far away. It sounded like Aldira saying something, but she couldn't make it out as the fluffy nothingness of the potion took over…


Hand still up to her new collar, she could almost feel a will to be obedient growing with the addition of her new collar. “I-I like it… I really like it…” Grace absentmindedly responds to Aldira observations to herself. It felt familiar, almost reassuring that she didn't have to worry about anything anymore. Having asked her question and getting a very vague response that didn't leave any room to continue to question her mistress. “Y-yes Mistress.” Her voice quivered with excitement as Aldira made a display of her control over Grace with the new collar and leash.

“Haah, haah… I can't wait for that to happen! I know there's going to be so much pleasure to be had when that happens!” A heavy blushed settled on her face as she lightly panted at the thought alone. A perverted smile appeared as Aldira gave her an encouraging petting. “O-of course I’ll help! It won't be hard at all to lower her subconscious guard against you, especially with her… our crush on you. ” Her blush deepened at she revealed the shared attraction both sides of Grace had towards Aldira. She sent some bedroom eyes towards Aldira as she did so. Embarrassed, Grace started to rapid fire her words. “I-Im sure you would be able to use that to bend her around your finger even more than you all ready have. I-I bet you would even be able to make it bloom into f-full l-lo-love.” By now her blush had turned her face tomato red as the words just kept leaving her mouth. It took more than just a few deep breaths to start to calm down.“W-walkie time, huh.” Unsurprisingly, she liked the taste the words left on her tongue as she was further degraded to just a pet for Aldira.

The bitch and Master left their house and started the walk, and it didn't take long for multiple people to start staring at the pair. Although there was only a few people out on the streets, Grace could just feel others in windows as they passed by, staring at her naked and vulnerable flesh. As Grace felt someone staring at her arousal and embarrassment started to fill her up. It turned into a mixed feeling of her stomach twisting and the heat of arousal spreading from her womb. These feelings were only compounded as each new person started to stare at her! Unknowing what to do with her hands and seeing Aldira’s indifference to it all, as if she was just out on a normal walk with a pet, Grace hugged herself. She was only slightly covering her breasts, but that did nothing to stop her arousal. One of her nipples was rubbing up against her hand and it felt hard enough to cut diamond!

She kept her voice low as she spoke because of all the attention they were getting. “Haha, that sounds like a great idea! I have no doubt that the state I'm in overall is left over damage from the past. A defense to keep at least part of the girl, Grace, sane. It would be great to know that my entire being is yours instead of just part, to be Bitch-Grace for you.” She paused as she digested the last part of what Aldira said. “T-thank you Mistress. It's been so long… so long since anyone cared enough about me to accept all of me…” Grace suddenly jumped slightly and let out a squeak as Aldira groped her butt. Her arousal demanded more physical contact and she wanted hug and hang off of Aldira, but she simply settled with grabbing a corner of Aldira’s clothing and following her along, leaving only one hand to cover some of her bare flesh. “R-Randolph? A-am I to s-service him?” Unwillingness practically bled from her voice and expression. She didn't want some random man, she wanted only Mistress! She was so focused on that she missed the part about tattoo specialist. Though she did notice Aldira’s examination and completely removed her hand from her breasts.

(Oh my, I do like that picture, I do need to find a more mistressy one for Aldira sometimes. :p)

"If you want to think your slave-thoughts that's alright, I wont judge ok Grace?" Aldira had made sure to offer, oh so generously. It seemed Grace's fertile mind was the perfect recipient for her poisoned seeds...

"The collar looks good on you.. it fits perfectly with your pleasantly calm and empty expression." Aldira praised, already plotting and tempting herself.. she could propably convince Grace to wear it at all times, without questioning it.. yes, that's make for a good milestone for now and guide along her enthrallment further.

"Yes my slave.. once I've taken proper ownership of your heart and soul we can make you work to make me feel good.. which of course entails feeling quite good yourself, a lot of fucking of this delicious body of yours..." She purred, taking in the immaculately soft, smooth skinned slave of hers, even as she tugged her along on her leash.

"That's a good girl, good slaves always work hard to let their mistress will sink into their mind completely unfiltered.. but now, make sure to walk like a good doggie to help your body understand it's purpose too." She nodded and tugged Grace along. "The fastest path to becoming a good, beloved pet-dog is acting like one too."

"Oh, I plan to nurture both of your loving addictions to me. I -want.. a slave I can love." She hesitated, clearing her throat and looking away for a moment, realizing she, even with how enthralled Grace was, had left herself a little vunerable right there.. "Of course the most important lesson to understand is that I truly love dog-slaves. So if you discarded your human pride and became just that I'd be able to ... care for you so much..." She mused, seeming rather genuine.

Gently, she moved to part Grace's arms, guiding her not to cover herself up. "Shh sshh shhh... don't cover yourself up." She nodded, kissing Grace's forehead. "Humans do that. You are less than that.. let's work on making your body understand that.. it's ok to cover up if you can't bear it anymore, ok, but for now, try to just show your breasts and body and act like an animal, even while they stare at you, ok? Keep it low for as long as you can, let them stare at you.. can you feel how they think of you just like a piece of meat? admit it, it tingles so good deep inside you. Don't fight the good feeling. Let them stare and turn you into more of an animal as they do." She encouraged, with a soft coo.

"Don't worry Grace. We'll make you so dirty your sanity can't help but be stained as well. And of course I care for you.. a lot. Why do you think I invest all this work into you?" Aldira nodded, hugging Grace and then opening the door ahead after a gentle knock. "Starting with this."
Behind the door was a little tatooist shop plus a living quarter, whilest Aldira chided, noticing Grace's worry. "Don't you even think that. The only one you truly have to service at all times is me.. others may look.. and he will, but he will be rewarded in other ways." She nodded presenting a jingling bag of coins, whilest moving into the hut to speak with a bald, middle aged man with multiple drawings on his arms. After a brief chat and an exchanging of several gold-coins, The man nodded at Grace.
"Hello Bitch, just lie down there." He pointed to a large sofa looking contraption, with a device with a few needles and liquids besides it, whilest Aldira nodded.

"Nono, face down. Your first Tatoo eh? It'll prick a little, look good for life... if you hold proper still that is. So are you sure about the design, Aldira?" He looked over, whilest positioning Grace and Aldira nodded. "Yes, get started.. aww are you alright?" The alchemist leaned down, a wolfish grin on her lips as she petted through Grace's hair, whispering into her ear. "With all those people staring at you, I don't want there to be any doubt as to who you belong to. He's going to make sure everyone can see, even if the collar is gone. now." And with that, Grace felt a pricking on her left asscheek... Whilest Aldira added, her voice husky with her own desire now. "This is not going to be decorative, or even a tramp-stamp, or anything that you would put on a human.. Alright? I let him put my two initials on your ass.. like they would a branded cow. Do you understand that? You are not enduring this pain.. good girl by the way.. to be made beautiful in a human way, but to be marked as property.. and that.. is more beautiful than any other tatoo, to me." Aldira asserted, kissing Grace's pain away softly, holding her. "Every sting you are more marked as cattle, pet.. animal.. can you feel it stain your human reasoning, my bitch? Ooh I love watching it happen to you...." She moaned, ever so softly, holding and comforting Grace.. even whilest she was tatooed in such a demeaning way.. or perhaps because of it?
“Y-you know, that's one of the best parts about you. Your acceptance of me feels almost boundless.” It was one of the reasons she why she was so drawn to Aldira and the warm feeling she could give to her.

The collar felt just so right for the personification of Grace's lust and perverseness. Though she couldn't stop running her hand along it, it felt like something was missing the idea sprung forth from the back of her mind. It needed a name tag declaring her Mistresses bitch!

Grace let out a lewd groan as she imagined being fucked even more by her Mistress. “Mhhhnnn... Mistress, I can't wait till you fuck me again!” She craved the euphoria that was inevitably brought when her Mistress seeded her! Just imagining herself beneath Aldira as her entire body was rocked with each powerful thrust of Aldira's cock brought a huge pleasurable thrill through her body. She wanted that so badly!

“Walk like a dog?” Somehow, Grace's former master had somehow never asked this of her. It was something new and she hesitate for a second about it. Though if it was her Mistress’s will then it would be done. “That… makes sense. Yeah… yeah! I'll be the best pet you will ever know then!” If it would help her transform into the best doggy bitch slave then she would do it!

Grace's eyes practically lit up at the vulnerability that Aldira had just shown to her. It was possible! Aldira wanted to groom her into the perfect slave for her to love, and it was at least already working a little! What was some human pride in the face of this. She had already submitted, and the choice was made for her! “Yes Mistress! W-woof, woof!” She clumsily tried to bark out, taking some more steps down her path to be a doggy slave. Her eyes burned with excitement, arousal, and her budding love for Aldira all while doing so!

Grace gave no signs of resistance to Aldira moving her arms away from her private parts… well perhaps formally private parts, for those were for humans. She listened intently as Aldira gave her first lesson on how to be less than human, how to accept her inner animal. “I-I feel it Mistress” The more Aldira pointed out how she was no longer human, how she was lesser than one, the more the tingling in the pit of her stomach grew. She reached out for it and warmth spread through her “It feels good...warm.” It felt… liberating… in a way. She shouldn't worry about what others thought about her, she was just an animal. Aldira's pet. As more people started at the owner and pet the more the feeling grew in Grace, though it was certainly not as much as Aldira was able to grow it.

With the first lesson finished, Grace finally dropped to all fours and started to walk like a true doggy. It was certainly uncomfortable for her body, especially being out on the rough road of the village. That was something that she would grow used to, or at least that's what she hoped for. “Woof! I can already feel your will changing me. I want to see what happens when I'm completely corrupted by you!”

Finally, Grace was shown what she was brought to the shop for. The shop inside was small, though unmistakably a tattoo shop. Thankfully her fears were completely unwarranted, as Aldira promised she was the only who could have her. The promise greatly reassured her plus made her pretty happy. Grace was left alone to herself as Aldira approved the man behind the counter and started to describe what she wanted and where. It didn't take long till coins exchanged hands and the deal was struck. The man greeted her and pointed out to where he wanted her to go. She shyly greeted back, conscious that she was actually talking to someone while completely naked.

She approached the table pointed out and was about to lay down on it when the man called out to her. She needed to lay face down? What had Aldira commissioned? “Ah, y-yes it's my first time. I'll do my best to stay still.” Honestly, she was a little nervous about this, she had heard talk about how tattoo hurt, though she didn't know to what level she should expect. Aldira's hand on her head helped calm her down. Before she could say anything in response the sharp prick of pain hit her as the artist started his project! It took a lot of effort to stay completely still, especially as Aldira explained what was happening to her! She was a branded animal now! Even with the pain surging through her, her voice started to become husky just like Aldira’s as she corrupted her further with her words. Thankfully all the pain melted away into the background when Aldira kissed her, which she eagerly reciprocated. “T-there's no going back for this animal now… she’s been permanently marked by her Mistress. There's no going back, and I love it!”
(Not quite certain, but I like the feel of this. ^^)

"Oh sweetie, why Wouldn't I accept all of you... even if part.. or even most of you is a horny bitch? That's ok..." She cooed, with innocent-lewd encouragement.
"Hmnn perhaps you are even ready to.. service me in my real form.." She mused, taking in her slave and licking her lips. "But patience.. If I could just take and fuck you into submission, why that would be no challenge, would it?" She chuckled.

"You're a good dog girl. You already want to teach your body it's most important lessons.. good girl." She made sure to praise Grace's subservient urges further, brushing a hand through her hair. "Very good girl. Did you notice how great it feels to become a dog? Humans never truly get to feel like that." She suggested.

Inwardly, Aldira felt triumphant. True, under the influence of a mind-weakening drug, but Grace was marvelously embracing her training, even faster than the lewd alchemist had expected.. finally, a success.
Aldira didn't want a companion... she wanted a slave. A true Omega, faithful and loyal through her through the years, but the spirit of the wolf, as she liked to call the curse, it was strong, it made those it affected stronger, tried to turn them into apex predators. Unless of course, there was nothing but a subservient slave for it to work on.
Aldira noticed just how wet her bitch to be had become.. she could have pointed that out, but no.. she wanted Grace to embrace it, let it go ever further, not risk emberassing her, well.. not yet anyway. She'd nurture the girls sweet depravity, then, when there was no going back anymore, make it obvious to her and make her embrace it fully. Grace would become such a pervert under her guidance she had no choice but to fall fully for Aldira, the only one accepting a lewd animal like her...

"Good girl.. Let me take hold of your will. You can trust me to never abuse it, only bend it to the perfect bitch you were ment to be.. Hmnn look at you, walking like a dog.. Thanks for the effort, I know it's hard work for you, but.. the more you try it the less bitch is an insult and the more it just describes what you are, isn't that the best? It's liberating to just be a bitch, right my pet?" She smiled, and gently guided her bitch on... to her marking.

"Yes, no going back.. good puppy." Aldira cooed and teased, whilest the tatooist finished his work on Grace's bottom. "Hmnn and you know what that means.. you're a filthy bitch. who could love someone like you.. well.. I know someone. I love you." She cooed and kissed Aldira's lips softly, suckling on them slightly. "Good animal.. now.. the potions effect is going to end soon.. I got another with me however.. consuming it in short succession has.. side effects.. well, which are fun, right now.. although, know that I love you ... for you.. not because you are just an animal, but because you were once a human, turning herself into a slave animal.. for me. Now then." She cooed, and gently tipped a potion up against Grace's lips, before hesitating, shaking her head and lifting the potion to her own, drinking.. before, with full cheeks, kissing Grace and letting the potion flow into her mouth.

Grace still registred, somewhat, Aldira carefully spitting out the rest of the potion she hadn't taken, whilest it's warmth ran down her throat... and then, her consciousness faded...

Grace had the strangest of dreams. She was strutting through the little village, on all fours, her ass high in the air for all to see, a tail swaying behind her.. coming from a toy in her ass. She was on a leash, her expression that of an obediant beast, not a person. The images shifted, and she was on all fours, before a sitting Aldira, lapping wantonly at a red, pointy canine shaft between her legs and panting happily.

Another image of Aldira mounting her, turning into a half wolf, half woman form, pumping into her and howling lustfully, then, she growls into her ears: "You should be ready now.. accept it. Submit to it.. but also submit to me.. now and forever, I will love you." Before biting down on Grace's shoulder with sharp teeth and..

Grace awakens, from her strange dreams. There is nothing in her ass and she is actually fully dressed. Her shoulder is fine. She feels fine too, infact, strong and healthy, on this.. is it already the third morning in her new life here? Geesh.
She looks at the mirror, her usual cute, white haired face there, nothing unusual about her. She's dressed in her short sleeping gown and her collar, her eyes are soft and cheeks effeminate, her ears pointy and fuzzy like a wolves, but that is completely normal, a voice in the back of her head whispers. Something -is- off however,.. she has to find out what, but first, she has to bathe and shave herself clean for mistress, her hair having grown over night, in all the----
Grace realizes what's off. Her cute dog-collar! The tag on it says 'Bitch' not Grace. What is that? Did Aldira do that? Mistress loves her. But Aldira loves her. Why would she play such a prank on her? D.. did she tell Mistress Aldira about her.. fantasies? The dream comes back, the dream of being just a bitch, acting like one, going walkies, had this tag caused that? What a mean prank. She isn't... She is..
There is a pulsing anger in the back of her head suddenly... an urge to growl and tear and fight. An urge to fight bitch...
But there's also a calming, soothing sensation, urging her to kneel down and shave and relax, perhaps think about being bitch a little more.. but what will she do?
“Hehe, thank you Aldira.” A lovely yet embarrassed smile bloomed for Aldira. Of course Aldira would accept all of her. That was who she was.

Grace moaned into Aldira’s kiss from anticipation. “Ahhn… i-its so hard waiting through…” Though vague, she could still remember bits and pieces of when she was previously fucked by Aldira, which only made it harder and harder for her to wait for the next time. What she could remember was an unreal experience that she only craved more of!

She wiggled her butt in the air as if she already was a doggy waving her tail about. Grace could already imagine a tail and doggy ears on her head! She barked again for Aldira as she was given a nice head rub from her Mistress. “It does feel great! It's a weird feeling in my gut, but in a really good way. I like it!” She said with some pep in her voice.

Even with the mind numbing potion, Grace took to her training like a natural, which in all likelihood, she was. She had been raised almost from birth to serve and obey, with her training only increasing as she grew older. It was like it was meant to be for Aldira as an already highly trained and submissive girl had fallen right into her lap seemingly by random chance! And Grace was all too willing to fulfill what she was born to do, as it was all she knew and loved, even if it was even more erotic and slutty than she had been prepared for! Just as Aldira wanted, Grace was starting to embrace her place. She could see where this was taking her, but she didn't mind at all. She could be cherished and that was what mattered.

“Hehe, that’s what I'm here for after all. Bitch started out as just a subconscious need for a master, but she's soooooo much more now thanks to you!” Grace affectionately nuzzled against her Mistresses thigh. “Yah! As long as bitch is just your bitch then life will be so fun!” Grace nodded her head enthusiastically at her inevitable future.


It really stung! It hurt like hell if she focused on it, so naturally all of Grace's attention was drawn to Aldira, even laying down on her chest Grace tried to look into Mistress’s eyes. Her eyes were slightly wet from the pain, yet they still sparkled with arousal. She went into a daze as Aldira spoke and said that she loved her. She just stared into her eyes when small tears burst from her eyes and she smiled brightly! “T-thank you for loving me Mistress! For loving this animal! I love you too!” When Aldira suddenly kissed her, Grace was actually caught off guard with how gentle and loving the kiss felt. She started to return the kiss as well, thinking to herself, ‘ahh.. I'm melting… it feels so good.’ She released out a lewd moan as Aldira switched to sucking on her lips, enjoying everything that was happening. It wears off this soon? She was disappointed for a split second before Aldira continued. “I don't regret any of my choices! I love my rewards for them. I love you too!” She made a silly grin from overwhelming happiness as she spoke. She lifted her head upwards some more to help Aldira pour the next potion down her throat, but when Aldira changed her mind, Grace quickly noticed. As Aldira poured the potion into her own mouth, Grace puckered her lips up and adorably sat there waiting for her kiss. Even with the potion flowing into her mouth from Aldira’s, Grace still managed to have a quick wrestle with her Mistress’s tongue before Aldira finished giving her the potion and it brought her into the void...


Her sleep was filled with one of those dreams that were so vivid they seemed like they had to be real. It was a strange one. She was walking through the village on all fours, her ass high in the air as she moved it from side to side to get her tail… she had a tail in as well… a toy was plunged into her ass that left a dog’s tail-her tail sticking out! A leash was attached to her collar, used to lead her around the village. Normally Grace would have thought that she would at least be a little embarrassed even in a dream, but no. She looked like she was completely enjoying it, and was making such a… a beastly expression. The next scene she could recall was her sitting between Aldira’s legs, licking and lustfully sucking on a red, hot, and pointed doggy dick! She was panting like a beast in heat!

Another image of Aldira mounting her, just like the last time she dreamed. It was a half women, half wolf, yet to Grace, it was quite clearly Aldira fucking deep into her wet folds with her burning hot cock! The words that Aldira growled into her ears resonated with something inside of her, and when Aldira bit down on a shoulder, Grace couldn't help but spring up into a sitting position suddenly fully awake!

Quickly inspecting herself, it's quite obvious she fine. Better than fine actually, she felt great! Her shoulder was fine, clothes on, and her body radiated that warmth you would feel after a full nights sleep. It was a little surprising she was sleeping so well and felt so safe here after only three days…

She looked into the mirror nearby, continuing her inspection. Her hair that she was so proud of was a little messy, but still looked good. Nothing wrong with her cute face. Her favorite nightgown and collar were on, the sleepiness still hadn’t left her eyes, her cheeks still a healthy rose color, her wolf ears were still soft and fuzzy. Nothing was out of place at all. But something was, that was the problem. She knew something was different this morning! Still not able to find what was wrong her mind starts to wander. ‘Ugh, I better get up, there's so much to do. I need to bathe and shave myself for Mistress Aldira. She needed to look her best for her Mistress, and it was like her hair had grown so mu-... Her cute doggy collar! Her name plate said Bitch instead of Grace! Why does it say that? Did Aldira change it while she had slept? ‘Mistress loves her’ The thought naturally popped into her head. But Aldira loves her, why would she pull a prank like this on her? She suddenly grew equally embarrassed and aroused as she thought she might have told Mistress Aldira about her fantasies in a sleepy daze. The memories of her dream came rushing back, all the scenes in it. Did they have something to do with her new name tag? She lightly bit down on her left hand as her other slid down her body towards the sudden heat in her nethers.

A rush of anger from seemingly nowhere floods through her mind! She wanted to start growling and rip everything into just shreds around her!

A calming sense of pleasure and warmth seemed to be pulsing in the back at her mind at the same time. She needed to kneel down and start her daily routine of shaving for her Mistress. She was just a bitch after all…

A spike of pain from her hand clears her mind for but a moment, that moment of clear headedness was all that was needed for Grace’s training to kick in. She needed to get ready for her Mistress! She couldn't embarrass her by looking like an ungroomed bitch. The peaceful, calming feeling washed back into her mind, with no signs of the hot pulsing anger returning, hopefully for good. She didn't like that uncontrollable rage. Were her teeth always this sharp? She had left quite a clear bite mark on her left hand thanks to the sudden rage. Grace shifted out of her bed, took a deep breath of the pungent wet dog smell still left in the room, and then started to ready her bath and get what she needed to shave herself clean. It was time for her daily routine!

(Grace's wolf ears?)
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"That feeling in your lower tummy is a good feeling. It's called disgust. You should nurture it, embrace it. Let it replace your human dignity. I am sure others have called you disgusting in the past.. they were mean to you, but right. I am right too, but I love you. I love the nice, disgusting feeling my bitch has.. because it means she'll do whatever I will to please me."
Grace fought back the more primal, beastial, wolfish thoughts.. and bitch managed to suppress them, moving on to groom herself instead. Bathing and shaving, smelling nice for mistress.. by now the dog-stink in the room had grown almost familiar, admittedly. Grace got up and left the room, tensing up for just a moment .. clothes? No.. no.. an animal like her didn't wear clothes. Why would she? She had her collar.. was she supposed to wear anything else?

She steps outside and sees Aldira, working on some potions..

"Huh.. oh hello there Grace." She smiled down. "Glad to see you.. no really, I am.. it worked." She grinned, wolfishly. "That you're here and not.. heh.. wilder than this means my experiment wroked.. Bitch is already winning." She smiled. "Oh, you must be confused.. but don't worry about it, Bitch." Aldira smirked, stepping forwards and hugging Grace, petting her soft, sensitive ears.. the sensation felt so new...

"Remember what you told me yesterday?." Aldira asked, still fully in the nude, as her warm, soft breasts squished up against Grace's chest. "About being a pervert. I feel like you had a hard life, and I really like you, so I want to help free you, if that's ok." She nodded, and leaned back, presenting a full breakfast table.. salad with a good helping of white, glacing sauce that gave off a divine, familiar smell. "But first! Your breakfast!" She smiled and nodded, sitting down and picking up a piece of lettuce, rubbing it slowly, gently under Graces nose, smearing the.. seasoning up there. "That's my special seasoning made for you, with love.. want to know whats in it?" She purred.

"It's made almost entirely out of cum." Aldira revealed, before reaching out to hold Grace's lower belly, rubbing it softly, shhhing her gently. "Shhhh.. it's ok.. it's my cum.. so warm and icky in your tummy.. can you feel it? That feeling of disgust.. good.. let's nurture it ok, Grace? Try your best.. for me." She continued softly petting Grace's lower belly. "Just like those mean people told you.. you are disgusting.. you like to eat my cum.. you love it, don't you.. Too late now.. you can't stop slurping it down.. but it's ok.. I love how much of a filthy, disgusting pervert you are.. you filthy bitch.. hmnn slurp it all down and think about it for me, think back to all they've done to you... how can you be anything but so filthy.. so perverse.. so digusting I just have to love you. So filthy you'd do anything Aldira wants you to do, right?" She purred, whispering into Graces wolfish ear.. oh she'd let the girl fight her prior training .. in a way.
Disgust? Is that what this is? Bitch Grace could still see some of the villagers looking at her, which only made this feeling, this disgust grow a little more. “O-only a few people actually told me out right, but in sure plenty said so behind my back.” She liked the feeling yet at the same time didn't. It was a confusing combination that only made her more susceptible to Aldira's guidance on the matter.


With Grace's resistance to the primal rage, Bitch managed to suppress them thankfully. Free of distractions, Grace takes her time to unwind and make sure she is perfectly groomed for her Mistress. Even having grown used to the wet dog smell lingering in the room, it still felt like she smelled particularly good today after the bath. Not that it was a problem, instead she kinda hoped she might get praised for preparing so well for her Mistress. Once done, Grace left the room for breakfast only for her to freeze the moment she stepped out. Didn't she need to put on clothes? She had completely forgotten about them somehow… no not forgotten. A bitch like her doesn't need clothing… yes, animals don't wear clothing, her collar was all she needed. She snaps out of the trance and continues on as if she didn't even have the internal conflict, still completely butt naked.

As soon as she moves out, her eyes are drawn towards Aldira who looked to be making more potions. Just seeing Aldira smiling at her caused Grace to suddenly become slightly embarrassed, the kind of nervous embarrassment experienced when before your crush. “G-goodmorning Mistress Aldira.” Grace stuttered out before Aldira walked over and embraced her. “E-experiment? D-do you mean that feeling of rage I felt when I woke up?” She managed to ask with a curious tilt of her head before Aldira started to rub her furry ears. The feeling that was born in the moment that she did though was arousing to another level! She made a cute moan before seemingly melting into her Mistress's embrace, any worries doing the same.

“Y-yes?” The feeling of Aldira's soft breasts pushing into her own were currently taking up a lot of her perverted attention. W-what would it feel like to squeeze them? G-gods she couldn't focus that well with this beauty touching her… Her wandering mind came back when she heard Aldira saying pervert, as if she had read the younger girl's mind. Her face blushed pink as she finally realized what Aldira had said. “I-is a pervert like me really worth all that effort to help me get over my past?” A part of her wondered while the other wanted to hear her Mistress say yes.

The breakfast laid out looked amazing! Something inside of her had even decided it was much, much better than what she had eaten even as a noble. The sauce itself called right her tr he strongest. There was a craving inside of her that she I instinctively knew could only be satisfied by that sauce… “I-it all looks so good Aldira…” Still embraced by Aldira, she was brought over to the table where Aldira sat and Grace took the opportunity to sit on her lap. Being shorter and lighter had its perks sometimes. The leaf of lettuce was covered in enough sauce that, with only some smearing by Aldira, got everywhere under Grace's nose. It smelled soooooo good that Grace couldn't help but start licking what she could get to up with her tongue! “W-whats in it Mistress?” Gods she sounded so sexy purring like that!

“C-cum!?” She blurted out in extreme surprise! Before she could do anything though, Aldira's hand sat over her stomach, and she continued to talk. O-of course it's Mistress Aldira's cum… that's why it had to taste so good, yet at the same time eating cum for food seems so dirty, so disgusting… I-it's in my stomach… Mistress's cum. She licked up another glob. “I'm so s-sorry that I'm a disgusting animal, t-that I'm so far gone only someone as loving as you could love me” The addiction had already taken a hold of her, and even with this new knowledge she couldn't stop herself when it was right in front of her! She reached over into the bowl of lettuce and grabbed another leaf before covering it in a ridiculous amount of cum! “B-but I can't stop myself from eating it!” She used the leaf almost like a makeshift spoon to heap a huge amount of Aldira's cum into her mouth! At the same time an urge to savor it came over her. She started to play with it, moving her tongue around in the mess while swishing it around in her mouth to make sure it got absolutely everywhere. Because of the huge amount that she got, rivulets of other started to run down her chin, falling onto her breasts! Aldira's thighs were sure to have become slightly sticky with overflowing nectar from her bitch's cunt! The more Aldira purred into Grace's sensitive wolf ears the wetter the animal got for her Mistress. By the time Grace had swallowed the cum, there was a good smattering of it on her breasts, running down her chin, and even a good amount still in her mouth, covering her tongue with its gooey goodness! She felt disgusting yet great because of her cum play for Aldira to watch.
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"Yes exactly my Bitch-Grace. That feeling was your werewolf-nature trying to struggle for dominance, but thanks to you being such a perverted submissive, it didn't have a chance. Which means now you can be my true lover and companion, without any ability to take charge, even if you wanted to, as your instincts slowly but deliciously subjugate you to me." Aldira cooed. "Isn't that wonderful?"

She also continued to rub Grace's ears to emphatize the moment, whispering on softly about what a good, filthy bitch Grace was, softly demeaning and degrading her.. whilest making her feel good througout all of it.
"Alright.. Grace. Because I really, really like you, I guess I'll have to deal with what a needy pervert you are too. If you promise to be true to yourself, I promise not to judge you for being a disgustingly horny bitch that wants to fuck me all the time, ok?
Instead, I'll help completely unleash your inner pervert and bitch, until there's no one who could love you but me.. and no one who would love you more than me."
Aldira cooed, confident enough to reveal her twisted desires to the girl she'd been working on for a while, psychologically and physically with her drugs.

"I'll help free you of your past, my bitch, because nothing you did in the past will compare to what you'll want to do for me. Doesn't that sound great?" To a sane mind, it shouldn't have, but a soft squeezing of Grace's bottom and nibbling on her sensitive, furry-tipped ears ensured her mind was far from that place.

"Ahaha.. it's alright you little cum-addict." Aldira cooed, watching Grace's desperate slurpings, before gently picking up the bowl.. and placing it on the ground. "Lick it up like a proper dog. You shouldn't eat from a table. That's a good dog. Nurture those feelings of filthy disgust within you.. embrace them. Let them control you. Become my dirty little bitch through and through.. for me. Oooh you're such a disgusting mess..."
Aldira cooed, panting heavily.. her sex having shifted from the show, a large, definitly canine shaft with a knot at it's base standing at attention, her body looking more muscular.. bestial fangs showing as she grinned down.
"Look at what a lewd bitch you are.. ooh love you!" She panted, suddenly pouncing Grace, pushing her face into the bowl of cum, splattering it on the ground and pushing Grace into it.

"Fuck.. I can't resist you filthy bitch! This is your fault for being so ..haah.. such a pervert. Guess we have to satisfy you, pervert!" Aldira growled, lustflly, her red-hot wolf shaft pushing into Grace with eager lust, moaning, thrusting into her with powerful thrusts.
"I bet being this disgusting turns you on, bitch! Admit it to me and to yourself! I bet you only feel this good when you're a digusting pervert. Hmn.. You're all smeared in my cum you beautiful pervert but nothing in here could be as stained as your lewd soul, admit it, to me and yourself, my bitch. My love!"
She commanded growling hornily as she pumped into Grace-bitch, seeking to fuck her into submission. "Let me free you of your past by making you a greater pervert than you've ever been, my love!"

“If it’s part of my nature, do you think it will happen once again?” Worry was readily evident in her voice. If fits of rage happened like that, even every once in a while she was scared that something might happen during one. Though like Mistress said, the submissive part of her would put out the fires of rage once again if it did happen again. “I-I’m officially your lover!?” Her eyes were wide open with glee and her expression radiated happiness. She had already submitted everything to her Mistress, to have that choice become a permanent one willingly or not was exhilarating! To be degraded and have to follow her Mistress's commands no matter what was starting to become a new kink for the Bitch. “Ahh thank you, thank you Mistress!” She replied for becoming her lover and the growing permanent submissiveness Aldira was inspiring in her!

Feeling her sensitive ears being constantly rubbed was sending repeated shocks of pleasure throughout her body. It felt like part of her head was going numb from the pleasure and with her growing kink. Grace started to lean into Aldira's rubbing more and more till she was practically just leaning on her as she melted from the soft pleasure. Unknown to herself she was starting to make an almost purring noise, her chest rumbled with happiness as she hung onto every degrading word Aldira whispered into her furry wolf ears. “I p-promise to be true to myself, Mistress.” Her Mistress would let her be as perverted as she wanted, she only needed to be honest about what she wanted, and what she wanted… “O-on that note, M-Mistress, c-could you please fuck m-me like the Bitch I am?” Aldira’s twisted desires had also twisted Grace’s. She still desired the love of Aldira, though not just in a pure way. She had started to desire to be absolutely ravaged and claimed by her Mistress!

“Pl-please do so! M-make all my memories only about what you’ll do to me!” Grace moaned louder as Aldira nibbled on her sensitive ears and groped her soft bubble butt. In a way, it could be said that Grace wasn’t the same sane person she had been when she had arrived. No she wasn't crazy, not at all, but this was becoming a new norm, a new part of her.

Grace swallowed her tasty treat and giggled at her new title as Aldira moved her bowl down onto the ground. Even if she didn't want to get down onto the ground and eat her cum from the bowl, the drugged cum called to her, and she couldn't resist it once she already had another taste of it. “Wo-woof woof, thank you for putting me in my proper place Mistress!” That feeling hit her again as she willingly humiliated herself in front of her Mistress, that disgust that was so deliciously mixed with pleasure. She got down on all fours and started to lapp at her cum filled bowl. Unused to not even using her hands, Grace inadvertently became a very messy bitch. Cum was quite literally running down her chin as she tried to and was partially successful at only using her tongue to scoop up glop after glop of thick, smelly cum!

Watching her Mistress as she showed off how good of a Bitch she was, her eyes became glued to the canine cock that was steadily growing larger and larger. She couldn't help but whimper in need and raise her ass slightly in the air and shake it for her Mistress. Oh, if only she would take me! That wish didn't stay a wish for long as Aldira pounced on Grace! Her face was immediately pressed all the way into the cum laden bowl, covering a majority of her face with it all! Oh Gods, yes!

Grace cried out in pleasure as she was spread around the massive canine cock that Aldira wildly thrust right into her! Already well lubricated from all the arousal of the morning, Aldira had free reign to pump her Bitch into a cum drunk, cum dump! Between each thrust Grace was a mess of panting and moaning, and trying to swallow whatever cum got in her mouth! When Grace finally found the strength to raise her head slightly above her bowl she cried out, “Mistress, Gods! I’ve never felt this good! I’ve never been this perverted! D-does it feel even better being even more perverted? M-mistress, p-please help me, I have to know!” It was disgusting to have her face lathered in Aldira’s cum, yet it felt so right… so arousing. If Mistress kept on having her way with her, how good would it feel? She had to know!

Even as all this happened, Grace was still being fucked like a good little bitch, and the pleasure was unimaginable! Her body was practically moving on its on as she thrust back at her Mistress and Love, seeking even more! W-what if she could feel Mistress paint her insides white with her cum!? She thrust back even faster and moaned louder!

(God, being sick SUCKS)

"Don't worry about the rage.. you've already chosen the part of a helpless bitch and as long as I don't allow anyone to hurt you, or for you to get really angry somehow, nothing will stop it from taking over completely.. just as we want it." Aldira encouraged her concerned little bitch.

"I love my bitch.. and you are my bitch, right?" She softly encouraged, petting the girls cheek.
"I don't love you as a human, but as a twisted little bitch.." She cooed, deciding Grace was far enough gone to fully reveal her dark desires.
"Hmnn.. you twisted, horny bitch.. when I'm not fucking you you just want to cuddle up all close to me and smell my body close, admit it." She chuckled, clearly enjoying Grace's instilled clingyness and nodding generously at her bitches request of fucking... that would not be denied!

"Of course it feels amazing to be a pervert. You can always be horny and wet and happy.. . and I can be happy using you whenever I want.
So, if you like it, just let it happen, my bitch. Let me take over your life and let my love guide away any mean worries.. I promise I will love you and take care of you.. once I'm through with you."
She purred.
"Just look at you so willingly degrading yourself before your mistress.. you MUST love it." Aldira said, with an emphasis that made one wonder if this was command or conclusion as she licked her lips at the hot mess she'd made Grace into.. all ready for her for the taking.. almost perfect now.

"Haah.. s.. soon you're almost there Grace.. I'm almost there too.. hamnn.." She moaned out and grinned, her expression mixing arousal and disgust at how messy Grace had become, as she thrust deep into her. Grace could feel a thick swellling, a canine not beginning to grow into her as Aldira grinned behind her, pulling her up halfway, taking her roughly, like an animal, just like she deserved.
"Look at you, a disgusting, cum smeared mess.. hmnn do you feel the burning shame deep within you? I bet you do you disgusting, beautiful animal. You're almost there, almost broken and unraveled. Finally, you can live with your perversion. Finally, someone loves you, despite being such a lewd bitch.. and I'm going to cum.. but first."

She grinned, and picked Grace up, her frame amazonian, a human with clear bestial features, as she dragged Grace back to her nice-smelling bedroom.. and more precisely, infront of the mirror, showing her what a mess she was.
With one hard, deep thrust, she leaned foward, licking at Grace's ear before whispering:
"Look at her.. she's not a human... she's just a bitch. Why try and control her.. let her loose. give your body to her and rock on my cock like the needy whore you are. Give your arms to her and grope at me and play with your body. Give your mind to her and let her teach you how this disgusted knotting of perversion is your true salvation! Do it, my love! Do it for me!"
She commanded, panting beginning to rock into Grace, her shaft swelling and locking the two together as Aldira growled, presenting the mess that Grace was whilest thrusting deep into her, shaft throbbing. "Do it. Break.. let it happen. You're too weak to stop it now anyway. Bark and growl and break. Let your climax wash over you and give yourself to how good it feels and break. You want to feel even better haaah.. only if you let me break you here.. n.. nowww.. Break, bitch!" Aldira growled, thrusting as deep as she could into Grace, her shaft throbbing, sweeling further as thick, hot sticky warmth poured into Grace.
"Come on bitch.... break for your beloved mistress while she fills you.. haah.. up.. nothing is going to feel the same ever again... ooh and.. whilest you do.." She purred, shaft twitching.

"You feel so amazing.. so grateful I recognized and unleashed your true self, don't you? Look at her.. look in the mirror and watch your old selves eyes grow dull and twisted with your new perverted arousal. That's the old you. The you that was a helpless slave. The you that wasn't loved by Aldira. Do you want to go back to that? Hamnn.." She moane dout, her shaft stirring, twitching, oozing some more cum into the bitches womb and shaking her head emphatically, whilest Grace slowly swelled up with warm wolf-seed.
"Of course you don't. Let's do this, together. I can do it with potions, yes, but I have faith in your perversion. Let it all go. Let the new, true you be in charge. My bitch. My whore. The little bitch that loves me so much she'd do any degrading act just to get my attention.. and because she loves it."

“Y-yes! I am your Bitch! I'll be the d-dirtiest Bitch ever for you!” Oh this was the greatest day of Bitch's life! She was being twisted into something less than human and she loved it! She could just enjoy life and leave it all up to Mistress. Love her and be loved by her! After being fucked by Aldira she had known doubt that's what she was going to want to do. There was a pull in her body, demanding to be close to Aldira, to… “O-of course I want to cuddle with you after you fuck my brains out! I need to be by my Alpha's side!” The title just came to her, an instinctual knowledge. Aldira was a natural Alpha, and she was Aldira's to command and claim.

“I'm sure you will make me into the happiest pervert in the world! I-I look forward to seeing how many times you'll use me the next few days.” From her clingy position on Aldira, Grace sends up a horny and hopeful look to her Mistress. She wanted to be broken under Aldira's thrusts. She could only remember bits and pieces of her previous times with Aldira, and this time would be different. In a way Aldira was about to take her for the very first time! The anticipation almost hurt, she was steadily growing wetter and more aroused even before she started to eat her breakfast.

Now an absolute mess of Aldira’s cum, even if some part of Grace found the will to rebuke her Mistress’s command/observation, there was no way anyone would believe her! “I-I feel so disgusting but so excited when I do it. E-even though Im already your animal, it feels so good to remind myself that im just an animal!”

“Harder M-Mistress! P-please... I can… haahhhn! I can feel it!” By the Gods, the swelling of her Alpha’s knot growing larger inside of her was just hitting all the right places! Even Grace’s expression was starting to turn sloppy as she was partly picked up and Aldira started to fuck her even faster and harder! By then, every single thrust was hitting Grace’s womb, knocking on it as if trying to open up even her greatest of depths to claim them as well! “AaAAhhhNnn! M-Mistress! I-it’s..hahan! I-its too much!” She could feel it, that heat in her lower tummy was growing greater and greater with each mind numbing thrust of Aldira’s cock into Grace. If that feeling kept growing, it would get strong enough to break her! The growing intensity of the ploughing that Grace was on the receiving end was growing the power of her incoming orgasam!

Grace’s folds turned almost vice like as she was fully picked up by Aldira! The unfamiliar pleasure brought forth from being carried and fucked while moving only brought forth new unprecedented pleasure for the Bitch now impaled upon her Mistress’s cock! Grace shuddered one more time and moaned as she was presented the sight of herself with cum covering her, an especially thick coating on her face. That very face staring right back at her looked disgusting with the pleasure driven look in her eyes and that sloppy grin on it. What a Bitch. She looked like she needed even more pleasure! Something in the back of her mind started to pulse, knocking against what held her back. The struggling grew as Aldira whispered her sweet poison into Grace's sensitive ears! The pleasure has weakened Grace's hold over herself, and it began to slip as she took over. She started to rock back and forth while impaled on her Mistress's cock. The knot already swollen inside of her grinded against just the right places leading her to shudder in pleasure. Her hands started to wander her own body, one going to tweak her nipples while the other hovered around her navel feeling the swollen knot grow even hotter and larger inside of her, still unbelieving that something so large was inside of her. With Grace having submitted to Bitch, Aldira started to move her cock around inside of her Bitch once again. The pause in the fucking had acted like some edging for Bitch and with it resuming once again, she was made painfully aware of oh how close she was!

Even now Bitch could tell this was the biggest orgasam of her life, and she sat on the edge of it! “M-Mistress! I-I...hhaahn, I need to cum! I'm soooo… aaahhn! C-close!” She somehow moaned out with what was left of her consciousness. With every thrust Bitch got closer and closer to breaking. It was something she needed to happen! She couldn't care about the consequences, there was no going back when she came! She started to quake as Aldira lumley out one final thrust right up against Bitch's womb, and then the floodgates were opened. The moment the first jet of wolf seed got the back of her womb, Bitch Grace broke.

With a beastial howl of happiness, pleasure flooded her being, and something just snapped inside of her. Perhaps the final remnants of Grace’s inhibitions, or maybe the final bits of humanity in the fledgeling werewolf girl. Either way, there was no just Grace or Bitch in her anymore, no she was truly addicted to this life now. She belonged to Aldira and would be whatever was desired by her lover, Mistress, and Alpha! The old her was broken and just a fragment of the past. She looked back at herself with the mirror, taking an almost detached look at herself as her body was quite literally a twitching, and orgasmic mess, only being held up by Aldira’s arms and cock.

Somehow, even in an euphoric state, Bitch understood what her Mistress was saying to her. She would never go back to before she found Aldira’s love, she couldn't do it even if she wanted to. She could feel the pressure inside of her and under her hand grow as even more wolf seed flowed into her womb. Just knowing that it was Aldira’s cum swelling her womb with it’s hot stickiness made Grace into the happiest bitch ever. She tilted her head back and looked up to Aldira. The overwhelming emotions had caused her to shed some tears of happiness. At the same time her orgasam was starting to die down enough that she had some control over herself. “T-thank you Mistress… haahh, soo much for showing me my true self. I love being perverted, a-and I love you.” She smiled a sloppy smile. “I'm forever yours, your bitch and whore.”

Aldira smiled lustfully at her bitch. "Good bitch. Yes. Always by Alpha's side." She smiled, approvingly.. lovingly.
"Oh trust me, I'll never get tired of using a horny little piece like you.. and if you do swell up nicely with my pups.. you'll just have to show me what a great mouth you have on you." Aldira smirked and asserted lovingly.

"Now hamnn.. enough of this, just break you horny bitch! Break for me!" She demanded again, panting lustfully.
"No! It's not too much, my bitch, not truly, it'll never be enough again for you.. ahaha.. aaah.. I love it!" She moaned out.

"I did this all to you, by the way.. I made you this perverted, with potions and guidance. But you don't care anymore, now, do you?"
She laughed, slowly pulling away from Grace and sighing lustfully. "Even if you know the truth now, you only feel the joys of being a perverted bitch."

Before plunging right back into her with a relieved sigh. "You dirty, broken bitch.. Love you." She cooed, kissing Bitches sloppy mess of a face before grinning. "I think next I'm going to fuck you in my full wolf form. By the way.. I'm even larger like that.. although your new body can handle swelling up nicely, trust mistress. hmnnn now that sounds like a good time, my love."
Aldira cooed, and thrust deeper into her broken, horny, beloved bitch once more.

-Happy End-