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Potential Waffles (TheGuy/Pervy )

"Who knows.. it might be they .. err. convinced some women about to the joys of beast-worship,.. or the rumours did that by making them all.. experiment early on.. I'm not an expert on cults, sorry luv." Aldira had chuckled.
When they encountered the dogs, Aldira promised, generously. "Don't worry. I promise not to tell anyone so they wont see you as a filthy bitch." She was quick to comfort.. so someone had humiliated Aldira in the past as she had guessed.. that would make it so much easier to .. guide the young woman again down the same path.. but with different methods... though as she watched Grace getting fucked by the wild mutts she had to try hard and think of boring, mundane things, rather than engage her own arousal at the sweet nobles situation.

"Such a poor girl.. but thanks for serving me.. as protector." Aldira cooed at Grace, clearly her potion having taken wonderful effect.. it was easy to poison a body.. but poisoning a soul.. that took work and care. Luckily someone had already done the cut for her. All Grace had to do was pour in the sweet poison and patch up the poor thing afterwards.
She pondered as she kissed Grace's forehead adoringly. So far, the girl was coming along nicely. Like a good dog. "Good girl. I'm here for you." Grace whispered, encouragingly. And then, on the way back: "Yes, you did it. Good job. Good Grace." A bit of positive affirmation was important too. Everyone could make a girl into a dumb slut that wanted to go down on the nearest canine she could see.. Aldira had bigger plans for this one, as the poor bitch to be drank up warmth and a feeling of rescue and comfort together with the alchemists scent, up close to her. Though, the wild dog must have dirtied her more than she realized, after all, under the scent of burned chemicals from Aldiras clothing there was something that was far too wild and primal smelling to fit a human..

Aldira gave Grace a long look when the girl asked if she thought nothing bad of her... "I think.. we need to talk more about this. I think.. we all have certain.. ahem.. desires,some of us want to find a husband and marry, others like a strong, well hung beast. Some girls are born as housewifes, some as nobles, some have this burning need deep down to become horny bitches with strong, red shafts that pulsate and drip slimey precum..
But I don't want to intrude, ok. If you are comfortable with it, perhaps we can talk more about this whole matter tomorrow, for now, you should rest and not think about it too deep, no need to worry, ok luv? I mean, if you were a bitch you'd keep thinking about it and all that, so that'd be a telling sign but.. this one encounter doesn't tell anything about you ok? You are your own person!"
She smiled and nodded. .. and if Grace had had the mental awareness and strength of their first meeting left right now, she'd note how Aldira took great care to describe the beasts and their cocks over the other options. She also made sure to give Grace a slight squeeze on her frustration-swaying hips, subtly designed to fan the flames just a little bit more. "stop worrying, out of your clothes you pop luv!"

If Grace was aroused enough, of course, she would be too.. distracted to question Aldira once more, which served the wicked alchemist just right as she smiled to poor Grace. "I understand it was scary, but as my bodyguard you got to be stronger.. you are stronger than that, right? Those wild dogs had nothing on you, you did drive them away quite quick eh." She joked.

With Grace nice enough not to listen, the angry customer disappeared quickly, and quite quickly as well, Aldira came around the corner, somehow knowing Grace was still there.. and somehow interrupting her just as she felt so nice and warm and horny and fuzzy.. "Well, that was that luv.. oh didn't tell you what to get, did I?" Had Aldira noticed anything? She didn't seem to make any fuss.. "Are you alright, your cheeks are a little flushed.. Are ya running a temperature after the struggle, luv?" Aldira worried and put a hand to her forehead, pondering.
"Can't have you get sick.. I'll mix you a get well soon potion. Then you can get me a good old steak and you whatever you want.. though perhaps a steak as well would do you well." Aldira nodded handing Grace some money and a little potion she had quickly dilluted from another bottle from her workbench... by now taking and drinking potions Aldira was giving her was becoming.. normal. However, this potion made poor Grace's head warm up as her mind was weakened once more, the potion gently eroding Graces mind rather than making her feel better, letting her become more vunerable to Aldiras words, suggesting lies and manipulating her once more, with
Aldira once more embracing Grace from behind and leaning over her shoulder, gently whispering into her ear.
"But you weren't sick, were you? You were all worried and confused and touching yourself... right here!" Aldiras hand snuck into Grace's pants with a gentle, yet swift gesture, cupping her pussy.
"That's no good, luv.. you weren't thinking of those strong dogs pushing you down and fucking you, were you little sister?" She held Grace calm and steady, deft fingers expertly caressing the girls sex "Listen.. Listen to me! You are stronger than this. Stronger than this arousal. This perversion. You are not with those dogs, you don't have to become a filthy dog-fucker. You are free now. You are with Aldira now." Aldira held Grace steady and began pumping two fingers into her with deliberate slow, gentle motions, yet if Grace tried to escape for some reason she'd find Aldira holding her suprisingly strong and tight. "Listen. They aren't here. They will never find you or hurt you again, ok? You are save here.. they're not here or fucking you or making you their bitch. You're with me now. You are free. You are safe." Aldiras fingers pumped faster now. "You aren't imagining being on all fours right now, you are not a bitch, not a slave to them. You aren't imagining my finger being just a red, hard, hot angry shaft, because you are better than that!" Aldira's voice commanded, harsh and vibrating through Grace's whole being.. only for her hand to catch Graces, hold it camly in her embrace.. "You'd instinctively open your mouth for another red doggie cock, drooling until one pumped in!" Aldira encouraged, pushing her fingers into Graces mouth with her other hand now, cooing.

"You aren't doing any of that. You're being touched by a human and that's not dull to you at all, you don't crave claws and furr and a rough beast fucking you were you belong, because you aren't a bitch." She withdrew her fingers from graces pussy and shifted, biting her lips. "Focus grace.. when my fingers push into you again they wont feel like a big, red, angry doggie dick fucking your pussy, because that makes no sense, no dog could be here in the backroom of my alchemy, or fucking you, that is just my fingers and thats what you feel, right? You are a human girl, not a bitch. You may even be attracted to women, but you'd feel a womans fingers, not a dog-cock when a woman touches you..."

Aldira nodded, determined, hoping no customer would disturb her as.. Grace felt a pointy, red, angry shaft poking at her pussy. not just poking but pushing in, seeking entry, as Aldira stifled a sigh and whispered on, oh so gentle and caring.. oh so twisted: "You're free. you escaped, right.. or are you not free, are you a bitch? No you aren't a bitch. You are not feeling an angry red doggie shaft in place of my two fingers pleasuring you to make sure you forget this disgusting incident..." A powerful thrust into Grace. "There's not an old, loving part of you that's waking up and taking control as your rational thinking fades. Oh no.. it's taking control Grace.. you can't become who you were." Angry, powerful thrusts from a shaft, so slimey, so inhuman, oozing into her sex so twistedly. "You're not letting her wake up as I do this!" Aldira growled and pushed Grace onto all fours. Immediatly, Someone was on top of Grace, pushing her down, rustling her clothes and growling into her ears. "Rrrrr.. this is your place. BITCH." It couldn't be happening. It couldn't be Aldira, because Aldira was nice and small and didn't have fur and wouldn't push Graces face to the ground so she couldn't turn around. "You're still in there, desperate you 'got away' clawing for control... docile. Obediant. with no will of your own because you understand how filthy and disgusting you are you little whore. Don't worry, we'll free you from that silly girl that wants to be free of her beautiful chains.. we both know you need the chains. you're a filthy animal that would fuck and suck everything if not chained up and controlled.. but Mistress couldn't help your aroused bitch-scent anymore. Don't worry. we'll make you the drooling, moaning loving slut you truly are, but Mistress needs some attention too.. and your slave-pussy was as hungry as mistress angry cock, wasn't it?" Another dominating thrust, rough and lewd, almost painfully so.
"Now don't let that naive non-enslaved girl come out right now. Tell her she will be loved... once she's properly trained.. now let the truth sink in little slave-slut." The thick-red doggie-shaft pushed deep into her.. deeper and deeper, a painful tightness before even the entrance to Graces womb was violated, she held down on the ground by some powerful beast, her arms restrained. "It'll help the training too.. let it sink in.. that you never escaped. You will never escape. You are ment to be slave-bitch. Can you feel that feeling growing within you? You were ment to be violated." The voice growled, something indeed beginning to thicken and swell and knot within Grace's pussy. "Feel it grow. filthy. disgusting. doggiecum oozing into you. Just the right thing for you. imagine its stink, it's taste, it's .. oh right, you don't have to imagine, just remember. It already fed your tummy, but thats not where cum goes, right, that's not where its most alive.. most.. virile." A paw.. hand? Cupped Aldira's lower belly. "Yes.. this is were it will go. You're being defiled you little whore. there's already animal-precum oozing into you and soon the real deal will flow into you, hot and defiling.. don't you want to whimper needily and beg for it, warm, sticky cum reminding you of your wonderfully low place in life?"
Aldira shared her own thoughts on if the cult could be responsible for the common women accepting beasts as lovers. There was a possibility certainly, but like Aldira said you never really know with cults. Grace made a relieved expression when Aldira promised and whispered her silence into the noble’s ears. She could ‘defend’ them with no worries anymore! Of course she had once been guided down the same path Aldira was taking her down, making Aldira’s efforts quite effective. And with the effects of the potions, Grace believed she was simply falling back into her old behavior, after all, she couldn't throw away her old self in just a few days. That's not to say she wasn't suspicious, rather she just didn't want to believe those suspicions. It was crazy what the human mind could convince itself of, especially one that was more fragile than average. They would twist the world so they would not be harmed. She didn't want to believe because she thought she had the chance to find happiness with Aldira. To be loved instead of treated as just another slave that no one cared about. Alira’s gratitude for defending her made what she had done worth it, not to mention the pleasure that she totally didn't get from the act… On their way back home, Aldira’s scent relaxed the pent up girl some more, though some of the dog’s scent of cum must have gotten on her somehow. She smelled too primal, a wild smell to her that still brought a sense of security and comfort with it.


Aldira’s response to grace’s question startled and slightly scared her, but as Aldira went on and it became clear that she didn't disapprove, relief washed over Grace. It had sounded like the talk she wanted to have about was going to be one of those that goes, ‘I respect your decision, but can't support it’. She listened attentively, but that still didn’t let her distracted and weakened mind understand that Aldira had gone into great detail with that last option. She hung on every word, unable to not imagine exactly what Aldira had described.
“S-sure, I can wait till tomorrow to think about, I mean talk about it.” Blushing at her slip of the tongue, Grace accepted Aldira’s decision to put off that talk till tomorrow, leaving the girl to soak in the poison and her own imagination. She was only made aware of how she had been unconsciously swinging her hips in her sexual frustration by Aldira’s squeeze on her hips! A thought popped into existence, ‘I need to cum so badly…’ It was unnatural for Grace to be held back from an orgasm. Her mind started to replay what had happened with the dog’s, trying to relive it just so she could find some release! Grace could hardly care about Aldira’s actions by the time her frustration at the lack of release had grown. “O-of course! I’m stronger than those dogs! It was no problem driving them off.” If she was stronger, didn't that mean she had let that happen? Her arousal was spiraling out of control, building with a pressure like a closed pot of boiling water.


Too occupied with her own fingers, Grace didn’t notice at how fast the customer had left, leaving just Aldira and herself alone in the shop once more. She was getting closer and closer to that release that she had denied herself in the forest, oh so deliciously close that she noticed Aldira too late to stop! Aldira rounded the corner speaking to Grace about something. It took a second for her thoughts to make it past the horny fuzz in her head to realize what had happened! It was quite obvious to what Grace had just been doing, but Aldira played it off like she had a fever. Grateful for the escape from the super embarrassing situation she had found herself in, Grace played along.
“Right, m-maybe I came down with something. T-the dog’s might have had something.” A red blush set onto Grace’s face, a mix of her embarrassment and arousal. Somehow Aldira still was acting natural, ordering what she wanted from the butcher while giving her some money and a potion for her ‘fever’. Strangely, it had become normal to take the potions Aldira had given her. It was more of an unconscious action to take them, something that the conscious Grace couldn't question. Accepting the items, Grace downed the potions, feeling the warmth spread through her as it worked its magic. Her head started to get warm, bringing the fuzzy feeling and will weakening effects that all of Aldira’s potions had. Almost as soon as it started to take effect, Grace couldn't hold back her light aroused panting anymore. The compounding effect of the potions was working its magic now, severely weakening Grace’s hold, giving her other submissive slave personality almost no fight. That little fight was crushed by Aldira’s whispers, reminding Grace of what she had just been doing, while taking advantage of her to cup Grace's sex! The warmth of Aldira's hand on her sex, and her whispers guided Grace’s thoughts. This time, instead of having what could be described as an out of body experience, Grace was more aware of what was happening, but her attempt to be free from her previous life was slowly degrading away. It didn't feel totally like a dream this time, but it still felt unreal. Just imagining what it would be like to have a strong beast just push her down and take her with a wild passion made a good amount of love juices cover Aldira’s hand. Maybe she should just accept that she was still a horny bitch? But would Aldira still care for her if she did that?

“I-I’m stronger than this, than the, ahhhhn… a-arousal.” But I haven’t cummed yet! “I don’t have to be a dog fucker…” But what if it feels too good? “I’m free with Aldira.” Aldira… With Aldira. Aldira’s whispers and Grace’s crush on her had effectively formed a mental reliance on Aldira. Every time she thought of freedom, it was always with Aldira, she was safe with Aldira. Grace’s eyes were half closed, slightly glazed over as well. She was unconsciously biting her lower lip while Aldira petted Grace’s pussy. Two of Aldira's fingers slowly slipped inside, taking their time, pumping in and out, building the girl’s arousal but not allowing it to bring her over at all. Grace wiggled around, trying to find more pleasure from Aldira’s fingers, earning herself a tight and strong embrace from Aldira’s other arm. Being held in Aldira’s arm, and her words let Grace relax back into Aldira, all tension and strength seemingly leaving her, as she was being trained to feel safe. But despite Aldira’s encouragement that she wasn't a bitch, Grace’s mind couldn't stop thinking about how good it would feel to be on all fours for a string beast to take her! Feeling it's big, red, angry doggy cock taker her from behind as she was helpless but to give in! Just thinking about it made Grace let out moans of yearning. “Ahhhn… I-I’m sorry b-but I can't stop thinking about the beasts!” Grace admitted, almost happily.

Aldira’s words had the exact opposite effect on Grace. True it felt good to have a women’s fingers plunging into her rose, but a craving for claws and fur was instilled in her weak mind. Even with her will weakened, a growing part of her was already willing to go along with everything happening! Grace's imagination was going wild with some helpful nudges from Aldira. A was beast fucking her and putting her where she belonged. A now small part of her complained that she was free, not a bitch, but that no longer mattered. Suddenly the pleasure was fading as Aldira stopped fingering the girl. Grace let out what could only be called a whimper in frustration as Aldira stopped, but quickly grew complacent as the feeling came once again, only this time much more life like. Her imagination had made it feel just like she thought the real deal would be like. A big red, angry dog cock, she could feel it as her folds wrapped around it, and it penetrated her! It was too real… but there was no way for an actual dog to be here, to be in the back of Aldira’s shop, fucking her! She wasn't a bitch though! She want supposed to be thinking about doggies, about them claiming her as theirs, unless… She was safe her with Aldira, so maybe it wouldn't be too bad to be one… A powerful thrust into her depths broke her line of thoughts! Her consciousness was fading, falling, as something else came. Her other part, almost like a split consciousness.
“I-I cant stop it Aldira! It feels too good!” Powerful, slimy thrusts from the dog cock were fucking her senseless as she tried to retain consciousness. She was pushed to the ground, and onto all fours, while something mounted her! She could feel fur and claws, yet she didn't have the strength to look back and see what it was. Her mind went numb, only to come back as different. Feeling free of a burden. Ahhhh, cock! What ever was on top of her was growling into her ear, while moving her clothing around to expose more of her! “T-this is my place…” Grace somewhat absentmindedly repeated for Aldira, though she was clearly aroused even more as she repeated the words. A part of her instinctively knew the beast on top of her was Aldira, now that she wasn’t burdened by her other’s disbelief. “Wha-what are you?” Grace barely managed to say without a moan slipping into her words, as she was relentlessly fucked. Though she wasn't fighting back, even though she realized what was fucking her, rather it seemed to arouse her. And then there was the dominant way that Aldira was talking to her, forcefully stating that she would free her from her more freedom loving side, and put her back in her chains and by her side where she belonged! Aldira had been kind to Grace, even with her potions affecting her, and oh by the gods, did this side of Aldira inspire Grace’s submission. “Mhhhnn, I-I’m going to be stuck in chains…” She hoped Aldira would be a better master than her previous one, but she couldn't really fight it. Her arousal was too much to do so. “Y-yes Mistress, y-yes!” Grace’s slave side cried out for this dominant… beast?

Another dominating thrust deep into her, all the way to her cervix.
“I-I’ll tell her Mistress, s-she will get your love, and I-I’ll earn it for her!” The next trust seemed to poke right into her cervix, violating her womb with it’s slimy precum.! With the potion, every word Aldira spoke was truth to Grace. “I-I never escaped… I belong, ahhhhn, in chains…” She tried to process the words, the truth. There was more than one thing growing inside of her. Her submission was starting to become more and more real, while something else grew and knotted her. Tying both of them together. Ahhh, it was going to seal all of the stinky, gross, and hot doggie cum inside of her. Inside of her womb, where Aldira’s paw.. Hand? Cupped her lower belly. “B-but Mistress, I don't have a-a birth control spell on!” She had never had a baby before, a-and the way Aldira was describing her cum sloshing into her womb… she might very well end up with one… She moaned at the thought. Maybe she could secure Aldira to treat her well with her babe in her. The need for her beastly cum inside of her grew. She whimpered with need, whining almost as she tried to appeal to whatever beast was inside of Aldira. “M-make me your bitch! Please put your doggie cum in me!”
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Aldira had subtly grinned at the poor horny Grace's admissions, though she stayed hidden behind the woman, teasing and tempting and subtly comforting her, well, at first. Her self-control, albeit well honed, had limits as well and this tasty morsel practically writhing in her arms had tested it.
Plus, perhaps putting a hidden desire for a wilder, darker lover hiding behind the surface of the caring Aldira character would help Grace along on her.. path as well.
"You're just a rrrrwrr.. beast fucker, aren't you? Oh well. If you really can't stop it just let it happen.. remember, nothing to be afraid of here with Mistress Aldira." She emphatized, with just a bit of caution when the ex-slave sounded just dazed and horny enough for it..

"What I am? Just a day-dream born from your secret, forbidden desire and love for Aldira mixing with your lusts for the wild dogs that had just abused you, nothing more." Said the very real, very physical day-dream. "But if you had to imagine in your dream, perhaps you'd imagine something thats neither woman nor wolf, something unifying both. Something that can give you your proper place but also care for you like an owner would. Doesn't that sound nice, you horny bitch?" She was not sure she could allow herself to let Grace, even subconciously, know what she was, but there was a certain pride in her being.

"Oh yes. Proper chains, for your body and mind, strong, yet gentle.. if you follow where they lead. You see.. I yearn for more, more of my kind.. but when the instincts take them they become so.. combative." The angry red shaft pushed deep into Grace. "Even the meek ones. And completely broken ones don't have what it takes either. I need one that's easily guided into meek obediance, but .. willing. Well, with a little guidance.. and just as I suspected, your beast-loving body will make fertile ground.. but grraaahmnn.. enough of that!" The beast growled dominantly, strong, furred claws gripping and holding Grace in place.. she was not to look upon the wolfish form above her, it seemed.

"Yes my slave.. girls like you would not be happy with their freedom. They belong kneeling at their beloved mistress feet, with collars bearing their names around their necks and adoration filling their eyes.But enough of that. Hmnn can you feel it? That cum pouring into you now.. haah s.. so hot. that's not human-cum that's cum ment for a bitch. What does that make you, human.. or BITCH? Yeh that's right.. ahnnff!" The angry dog-cock thrust deep into Grace and spasmed lustfully as Aldira fought an urge to howl for several long moments, going on, with hot breath hitting Grace's neck: "That's right. There's grace that tried to run away and Bitch.. that ran, but only to find a better owner. One strong enough to break her, yet loving enough to enslave all of her, even the parts of her that stubbornly cling to romantic and refuse to become slave.. don't worry. Your Alpha has.. haaah.. so wet and tight within you.. your Alpha has plans for helping Grace accept you, accept her true lowly bitch-slave nature." The wolfish sounding alchemists voice affirmed, a hot, powerful twitching in Aldiras sex. A smirk was almost audible in the voice as thick, warm creamy cum slowly flooded Grace's womb in a prolonged climax, Aldira drinking in Grace's eager submission and desire..: "Oh, you think your body already compatible with dog-cum? Now there's a desire I'm not responsible for.. something to work on, certainly. But as for birth-control magic.. you shouldn't have that. Thats not something a bitch would use now, is it?" She smirked, with Grace held tight and securely in place, the doggie-shaft within her just continuing to cum for several minutes already.
"Hamnn.. that's a good bitch." Aldira growled, domineeringly at the girls enthusiasm, smirking and thrusting, which just caused her red pointy doggie shaft to swirl within Grace's body, sprawing cum deep within her.
Both of them could feel the slight swelling from Grace's lower belly as the doggie.. no.. strong wolf-cum continued to pump into her, a furry hand coming up as Grace was pulled back, onto a bed of a warm, soft furry body below her, comforting her.. mating her, and covering her eyes in a dominant gesture, letting her come to rest.. and be bred and relax in her helplessness.
A long, warm tongue licked at Grace's earlobe, before the growly, feminine voice went on: "Good girl. Yes. Only a bitch can truly learn Aldiras love and we will teach Grace.. slowly, what she truly is. For now, Grace is in charge, but we'll guide her on the way of giving herself over to her true calling, give herself to the true her.. to bitch. A true that bitch never questions her Alpha, her mistress. So you don't question at all if I tell you this is all a wonderful, warm daydream for Grace." She emphatized this with a thrust of her hips, more hot wolf-cum sloshing into Grace's helpless womb.
"Brought on by your secret love of doggiecocks. Their stink, how they help make you less than human, just a beast for someone you love.. yes.. the one thing you love more than doggiecocks. Aldira." Another thrust, a furry claw cupping and petting the girls swollen tummy. "Bitch is safe with her alpha. Grace is safe with Aldira. The Alpha protects her bitch and Aldira would never harm Grace like her old master did, promised. Remember how lewd yet safe you felt when mistress Aldira shaved you in the morning? That's felt good, didn't it?" A slight moan accompanied this stirring of the wolf-shaft. "Haah.. so tight.. such a slut for dog-cock.." A hot breath into Grace's ear as the red, slimey shaft still continued to pump into her, only slowly deflating, a panting from Aldira as one hand reached out, fashioning a blind-fold for grace from a rag and smiling, her shaft twitching..

There was a knocking on the storefront door, reaching Grace only like in a dream. With a sigh, Aldira withdrew, cum gushing from Grace's snatch. "I guess we had our fun..Rest, little bitch. Here.. relax.. let me.." Aldira smiled, and Grace felt a pressure on her belly once more, furry, strong, yet careful, two clawed fingers spreading her sex, the rest.. pushing all that sticky-warm cum out of her.. not all of it, but enough to hide most of the bulging. "Good girl. You're gonna wake up and this will all fade like most dreams do, but just focus on how safe and comfortable and warm you feel right now with Aldira, ok?" A towel cleaned her up, her clothes quickly redressed, Aldira shifting...

Something snipped infront of Grace's eyes. The alchmist was just bending over, putting a potion-bottle aside. Something felt.. odd. Grace felt hot inside, but relaxed now. Aldira stood infront of her, dress normal, though she seemed a bit sweaty, chuckling at Grace.

"Are you awake now luv? You were day-dreaming and dozing off for a moment. I guess you're still a bit out of it from lack of proper sleep.. well, go on off to the butcher you go, get yourself a nice steak so you get back to strength proper, alright? I got customers to deal with." Not allowing Grace much questioning after waking her up with a little neutralizing potion, Aldira rushed out, apparently chasing after a customer.
"Hoi hoi, we do have open!"
Was heard, if muffledly, from the outside. Now, Grace could snoop on Aldira doing business, but she had just(?) been handed the silver and told what to buy, plus, the alchemist seemed quite busy, two customers so close by another..

If Grace went out as requested, it would not take all that long to find the butchers shop at the town square, not many people around in the little sleepy town.. and unsuprisingly, lots of people stared at Grace, perhaps making her feel uneasy.. yearn for being back with Aldira.
The Butchers shop was small, but reasonably well stocked, a brunette butcher-lady standing behind a small table, with a large black bulldog lying in a basket by the side, lazing about. If Grace entered the shop without much hesitation the woman would nod in greeting, waiting expectantly for a half-moment, the bulldog raising his head halfway and looking curiously, sniffing in Grace's direction. Perhaps it could smell the wild-dog on her still? She hadn't had the time to bathe after all, and nothing else on her could smell odd enough to set up the large butchers-dog, right..?
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Grace’s admissions had embarrassed herself, as what she had just admitted used to be such a strange notion for her just a little while ago. And that which was forbidden tastes the sweetest. Aldira even seemed to support her and her dirty mind, saying that if she couldnt hold back, she might as well indulge in it, she was safe to do what she wanted with Mistress Aldira… Grace didnt even notice that she had started to add Mistress to Aldira’s name. She was just so dominant and it fit her enough that Grace did not question it. Who was she to question a dom? “M-maybe…. mhhhnn... it isn't that bad of an idea…” Grace wondered aloud, growing comfortable with being more perverted around Aldira as her will to stop herself was whittled away by Aldira’s fingers and potion.

Grace faded into darkness as something shattered in her, freeing the part of her that scared herself. The old her… no the new Grace was just as susceptible to Aldira’s whispers and potions as her counterpart. This was supposed to be a day dream from her love and desire for Aldira, but her growing desire for beastialy things. Just imagining what Aldira looked like right now from her own description made something click in her as it touched upon her new and developing fetish for beasts. She became noticeably wetter as she was fucked.
“A-a proper o-owner… I-I need to be put in my place. P-please claim me fully! Teach all of me what my proper place is! Her snatch tightened around Aldira’s dog dick, seemingly just to prove her words true! She wanted to look back and see what Aldira looked like, but Aldira’s strong hold kept her still, unable to look back, and so she relented, just moving her hips in tandem with Aldira!

This Grace had always been aroused by the thought of being owned and loved, but her previous master had ruined that with his cruelty.
“Chain me t-then, love me and I’ll behave for you.” She hesitated a bit before continuing, thinking about what her next words might be entailing. “I don't want to break, b-but I-I'll complete your w-wish. A-a-and I'm sure I'm f-ferile enough for you!” Her entire body heated up as she said that last sentence. She didn't have quite the same crush on Aldira as her other self, but she desired love all the same. She was an outcast in the cities after she left her clan, and what was the chance she could find someone who knew how to treat her like Aldira? She couldn't feel the mental chains, but she knew they were there. How else did Aldira so easily freed her slave side, only to claim it as her own. Yes… she was Aldira’s slave now. She was safe here, and it would feel sooooo good indulging without worry.

What Aldira described just sounded… right. Like on an instinctual level. She desired someone to take her, and claim her, and Aldira seemed to promise that all.
“Ye-yes Mistress! I-Im your slave! P-please give that to me! I-I want to be yours, completely yours! Collar me, put me in my place as your horny bitch! Mmmnnnhh, y-your cum is so hot… I-I can feel it in my womb…. I-Im being marked as your bitch…” Grace shivered in pleasure as the warmth spread through her from Aldira’s spasming cock inside of her. Aldira’s climax was only just starting, but she was Aldira’s bitch now, claimed, marked, and soon to be collared! “I-I ran only for a better owner… I need to be b-broken, b-but enslaved, a-all of me! Thank you Mistress for helping me realize what I need!” Grace repeated Aldira’s words, processing them before accepting them as what she truly needed, and Aldira was ready to give all of that to her! Grace could imagine Aldira’s dominant smirk just from her voice as she revealed what Grace needed, and continued to claim her with her creamy dog cum. She wanted to look back and see it, but Aldira didn't want her to, and so she just couldn't do so.

Even though Bitch Grace was alot more forward with her pervertedness, even she still blushed heavily as she realized she basically had called out for Aldira to seed her even though she had just complained that she didn't have birth control magic! Indeed, Aldira wasn't responsible for that, rather Grace’s own perverted nature was!
“Y-yes… your b-bitch doesn't have need for birth control.” It felt right to say that, just as it felt right as her belly was inflating with the huge amount of fun building up inside of her womb. Aldira didn't seem against seeding her bitch with how much cum she was filling her with! Grace moaned in pleasure as Aldira’s doggie dick thrusted into her, swirling around inside of her, all while continuing to spew it's white cream.

Her belly was swelling with how much dog, no, strong wolf cum was filling her! While she laid still and moaned in pleasure, enjoying the feeling, a strong hand grabbed her, and pulled her back onto a big soft bed of fur. Her eyes were covered by Aldira’s hand, and she was left with only the feelings inside of her. She relaxed back into Aldira, becoming soft putty in her embrace as she was mated and bred by her Alpha.
“Mmhhh, so soft…” she mumbled as she became a little sleepy with how relaxed she was becoming. A long warm, and wet tongue licked at her ear, and a reflexive twitch went through Grace with a growly voice following it. “Thank you Mistress. I’ll help however I can, Grace should learn that she needs to give in to earn true love from you! O-of course, this was all just a daydream, Grace wouldn't believe it if anyone told her differently!” Bitch had found her true calling. Such a strong dominant Alpha, with such an amazing cock deserved her obedience! Right on cue, Aldira gave one more powerful thrust, sloshing another stream of cum into Grace’s defenseless womb! So much cum defiling her fertile grounds…

Grace seemed captivated by Aldira’s whispers, hanging onto every word as Bitch made sure Grace believed what her Alpha wanted her to believe. Grace’s captivation was only broken by more thrusts into her knotted snatch, stirring up the sticky cum inside of her some more.
“Ahhhnnn, I… I love dog cocks, Mistress.” If she could, she would have been gazing into Aldira’s eyes as she admitted once again. Her Alpha’s hand moved away just long enough to place a blindfold over her eyes, leaving her of her sight once again. She was anticipating what was going to happen next when a knock came from the front of the store! It was distant, and barely noticeable, but Grace had been focusing on her hearing as she listened to Aldira, and just happened to hear it. Aldira did as well, sighing in regret at the ending of the mating. Cum gushed out of her slightly stretched snatch as Aldira stood up. She couldn't help but let out a disappointed whine as Aldira stood up and started to help push out enough of the cum in her womb so the bulging wasn't very noticeable! “Y-yes Mistress.” Grace accepted Aldira’s last command as she shifted around next to her….

Something snapped in front of her, and Grace came out of her day dream, incredibly aroused, really warm, but fine, a little odd, but fine and relaxed. Not nude on the floor, being taken by some furry beast… there was Aldira, bending over to place the potion bottle that she had just emptied off to the side on a table. Her eyes traced over Aldira’s body… getting her in bed would be so much better than just a dream… What!? She stood up straight, boiling red! She, she…! Aldira looked to her, chuckling.
“I-I’m awake! U-Uhh, y-yah. I’ll be right back with the meat!” Grace clenched the sliver that Aldira had just given her and was just about to rush out to hide, when Aldira beat her to it. Going after a customer it seemed. Alone, Grace took a breather, calming down. She had realized that she had a crush for Aldira, b-but the hunger for Aldira that she felt when she was still groggy… That was a shock. Patting her face lightly to scyke herself up, Grace left the room and headed to the door to leave, looking calm. She nodded to Aldira as she left, picking up what ever bits of the conversation that she could before heading to the butcher.

It was uncomfortable being out on the streets without Aldira. All the attention she was getting was… unnerving. Thankfully the shop wasn't far with the town being so small. She opened the door and stepped in without hesitation. The brunette at the counter must be the mistress of the establishment, she looked up expectantly at Grace. The dog sitting near by seemed interested in her, p-prehaps smelling the wild dog still on her. She blushed and hoped he didnt do anything. She turned to the women, not seeing her husband to address him first, so she spoke.
“Hello, I’m looking to buy a few steaks.”
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Aldira had smiled at her little morsel, throughoutly enjoying the enslaved noble. With her more.. primal lusts and inescapable desires sated she became quite caring... even marginally regretful, though that regret was quickly eschewed by observing quite how eager Grace fell into her role, without even having learned much of it yet.
"Hrmnnnnnrrnn.. a good fertile bitch yes." She'd have some things to prepare, she decided and repeated: "Good slave." For good measure as she caressed the girls lower tummy, whispering into her ear, telling her how Grace was the wolf-ladys bitch, softly, yet over and over.
"You're just a poor, mistreated doggie. Don't worry, we'll help you heal. Good doggies like you should be rewarded with gentle humiliation and bondage, not cast aside and mistreated." Aldira had seen her fair share of mistreated slaves. If people had just the right potions and patience..

"Birth control.. such a silly concept. You want to be horny and fertile, don't you? But yes.. this was all such a nice day dream. so warm and safe." Aldira would have cooed, making sure her pet to be wouldn't be able to form much active concern. "Now rest.. we'll.. work more with you soon, bitch."
She had commanded. sometimes customers could ruin the best of fun times.. but that was life.

After the lewd lovemaking, Grace slapped her cheeks ever so slightly, focusing and calming herself down, which she mostly achieved, arriving at the bakers. The baker-woman smiled, nodding: "Sure, anything specific, raw?" Though, a part of Grace struggled to not get distracted as, during the casual sales-talk the bulldog kept staring at her, Something Aldira had said about not all the women here having husbands at all wandered through Grace's mind unbidden.. perhaps she just wanted to pay fast and be on her way back.. or she could investigate here, or the town further..
Perhaps it was just instinct, a part of Grace that was made to be like this, to be under an Alpha, but she certainly fell into the roll of a bitch quite easily. Grace felt a sense of accomplishment from Aldira's hand over her tummy, from the reminder that her womb was still drowned in her Alpha's cum. "Mhhhhh, thank you Mistress. I-I cant wait till I'm fully yours." Grace rejected her... for now. She would not reject her body for long, and certainly not with Mistress's help. Mhhh, right. Birth control wasn't natural. It had no place with her. Being bred would feel soooo much better knowing the seed could very well find fertile grounds at any time.

She grew tired, losing her control over Grace as her Mistress coddled her back to sleep, for Grace to come back.


"Uhmm, yah. Raw will do fine.” I wonder what kind of magic Aldira will be able to pull with some meat this time! She could still remember the taste of her earlier meal made by Aldira. Although Grace was trying not to pay attention to the bulldog, the way that it just kept staring at her… Did Aldira say the women had a husband. She said she was a bitch to her bulldog…. Oh. She blushed slightly. That's supposed to be relatively normal-ish I guess. “Oh, uhm. How much would that be?” She wanted to get back as soon as she could, still feeling nervous around others.
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"Alright hun." The butcher-lady cheerfully intonated, procuring and weighting the meat, "Hmnn hmnn two good pieces.. Eleven silver.. everything alright if you mind me asking, you seem.. distracted?" The butcher lady asked, her dog silently keeping watch over the two of them as the butcher-lady watched the scales for the meat adjust.

((Sorry for making you wait for this little but .. not much to respond to! If you want can have Grace shily excuse herself and return home to Aldira. *chuckles* ))
Grace watched the butcher lady procure two nicely sized slabs of steak, social anxiety seemingly radiating from her. "A-ah, thank you. Here you go." Grace quickly counted out eleven silvers from the money she had. "I just still need time to adjust, never been away from my home city, so everything's just a little too different for now." Grace shyly responded, coming up with a semi-true answer while trying to not glance at the bulldog right next to her. "Do you have anything to wrap the meat in?" Grace was unconsciously growing slightly anxious without Aldira. Nothing major, but enough for her to want to get back as soon as she received the meat!

(Its all good, makes writing this up real easy and quick :D)
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"Oh, yes, I can tell by your clothes you are not from here.." She nodded, reaching under the counter to fold up the meat in a paper wrapping. "Change can be good too, though. We're a nice little community." The butcher-lady nodded and handed the package over, watching the newcomer curiously. "If you feel anxious, our alchemist here might have a potion to help soothe your worries you know." She suggested, well, Aldira had known her, so this was no real suprise of course.

She looked down at her clothing after the butcher's comment. Maybe she could get Aldira to take her out to grab some clothing that let her blend in a bit more, something she thought look good on her... The meat was deftly wrapped up into some wrapping paper. "I do have to agree with that. In some ways this place is already better than the city's." Grace accepted the two wrapped steaks, holding onto them. "Thank you for the advice, but... what do people think about her around here. The alchemist I mean?" It felt daring to be asking about Aldira behind her back, but she wanted to know more about her.
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The butcher tipped her chin. "That's an interesting question." She mused. "I'm not one to gossip, well, not unless you tell me why you want to know that first. The quality of her potions is quite good, better than you'd expect for a small town like ours, if you mean that." She grinned ever so slightly. "Glad you like it here either way, certainly. You look the adventuring kind. Do you plan on staying for a while?" She mused... raising an interesting question of her own.
"Ahh... I-Im just curious since you recommended her. She sounds like she's good at her job and I just wanted to know some more." Grace sputtered like she had been caught red handed. She recovered slightly as she continued on. "This town is alot different compared to the cities, a nice change. I'm probably going to be around for a while. Don't really know when I'll leave. But it probably won't be for a while to be honest. Why do you ask?" She tipped her head slightly to the side in a questioning manner. She was about ready to get going if the Butcher ended the conversation.
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"Oh she's good, alright." The butcher-lady chuckled with a strange subtone, then again, perhaps Grace was simply nervous. "Helped set me up some. But it's nice to hear you'll be staying around a little. Perhaps we can chat again sometime soon and I'll see how well you.. fit in." The shopkeeper remarked, watching Grace like a piece of meat for a moment, a side effect of her profession, certainly. She did however not stop the flustered Grace from leaving.

It was about mid-afternoon at best when Grace left. She had meat to deliver, sure, but the alchemist would be busy with her shop for a while, keeping the poor runaway noble longing.. for company, of course, this was still a mostly unknown town after all and there were few people on the small towns main-street, a couple of women each walking a dog and chit-chatting with one another, a man carrying lumber.. overall, the town seemed rather peaceful, though thinking about it, with few cat-people around. Either way, Grace could head straight back and think of a way to busy herself at the alchemists home, or explore a little more.
The butcher seemed very confident in Aldira, and the way she said it was strange. Something in her voice just made Grace feel like she knew more than she let on, but it was only a hunch, one that might just be from nerves, so she didnt trust it all that much. "Thanks for saying that, an-and it wouldn't hurt to get to know some other people I guess. M-my name's Grace, nice to meet you." Grace was about to curtsy, but went back on it and simply offered a hand. She stuttered when she noticed that brief glance from the butcher. J-just a side effect of her work, she told herself. She may have walked a tad faster than normal to get out after that glance.

Outside, it was about mid-afternoon once she was done with the butchers and had their supper. She still had plenty of time left in the day, but Aldira would be busy with her shop for a while. Should she just head back or look around the town? It certainly looked lively enough, now that people we actually on the streets. T-theres certainly alot of women out with dogs... how many of them have husbands? She blushed, but was growing used to how women found pleasure out of the cites. She couldn't blame them after she imagined what it would be like. I want to be back with Aldira... Wha, I-I mean I don't know anyone else here. Looking down at her still nice enough to stand out clothing made the decision for Grace. She could explore later, when she didn't stand out so much. For now she ought to get back so Aldira had enough time to cook up the steaks. Or at least that's how she reasoned it....
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The butcher lady nodded, and, unless Grace came up with a way to investigate her, simply giving her name as "Mariel." As she shook the nobles hand with a firm grip and just as firm grin.

When Grace returned to the alchemists shop she almost ran into a large, dark haired man, who looked down at her and positively -growled- at her, encouraging her, rather definitly to get out of the way. Aldira meanwhile chuckled when the, perhaps slightly startled, Grace returned to her shop. "Back already, luv? Well, I got to work, you can put the steaks on the table." Aldira nodded camly. Of course, this swift return was a sign her training had been working, so her subtle smile was rather genuine.

If Grace did as instructed, she'd find herself entering the alchemists kitchen, half of which served as an extension of the laboratory, this one was quite clearly passionate about her work as she was passionate about other things too...
Grace found herself in a trap of being able to do whatever she pleased and not being certain what exactly that was. Perhaps she could explore the place a little? Well, it was propably smart not to mess with Aldiras potions and ingredients. What else was there? Hmnn.. a slightly tempting, pleasant smell, from a bowl on the side. Some sort of sticky looking white stuff.. if it didn't have this pleasant smell, Grace would have a certain suspicion about what this might be..
Suspicion. An odd word. Aldira had been so kind to her, could Grace even bring herself to be suspicious of the kind alchemist that had taken her in? Or should she just not question things.. Aldira seemed to know what was best for her. Perhaps a little nap to recover from the confusing day and wait for Aldira to be there for her again could also help wonders..
Grace shook Mariel’s hand, and gave her one last friendly nod before exiting her shop.


Returning back to the shop, which Grace already unconsciously marked as a safe place, her body slightly slumped as she relaxed. Worrying and being nervous took some mental toll on the noble. I hope I can get make this a safe village to hide out, or at least get used to this soon. She thought to herself as she entered the door. And when she did, something, no someone almost rand right into her as she entered! The man practically growled as he radiated anger. Instinctively flinching out of the way at the display, the man left without Grace blocking him. “Y-yah,” She was still glancing back at where the man had left. That malice in him reminded her abit of her slave days. “I got the steaks for dinner tonight. What was that about?” She asked curiously, gesturing to the door. If that man was like that all the time, it would be best to avoid him as much as possible.

After getting her answer, Grace moved into the kitchen, placing the wrapped steaks carefully onto a free spot on a counter. There wasn't a lot of room, as about half of the room had been transformed into a laboratory. There were beakers and other alchemy equipment spread throughout one section the the kitchen. She has so much stuff in here that I don't have the slightest clue about. With the steaks delivered, she had some free time that she didn't know what to do with… There was apart of her that wanted to inspect the alchemy going on, but from how much equipment Aldira had, it had to be a complicated process that she couldn't afford to mess with, so that idea quickly went away. Kind of just mindlessly looking around, Grace noticed a bowl of some sort of sticky white stuff over in the actual cooking area of the kitchen. It looked alot like semen… No, first off, how and why would it be here if it was. Aldira didn't seem the type to go out and collect cum. Naw, it's probably something she whipped up with alchemy. She played it no mind any longer. That was the kind of power Aldira had over Grace by earning the girls trust.

Free time for the first time in awhile, a thought popped up. She could just go take a nap, let the time where she would have Aldira to herself once again come. She grinned a little to herself, in her own world. “Ha! I can't let Aldira think I'm some lazy bum!” Oops… embarrassed by the realization she just voiced her own thoughts, Grace retreated to her own room. She threw off her coat and most of her of her heavier clothing and put on a spare white blouse and some black short shorts she had. No reason to get too sweaty while bundled up! It was time to train! She held her sword in hand, practicing her family's… ex-family’s swordsmanship! And unless anything came up, Grace spent the next few hours attacking an opponent in her mind.
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"That? Oh don't worry about him luv, just a bit grouchy." The alchemist calmed Grace, accompanied by a slight chuckle. "Glad do see you're all done and didn't get lost."

Grace spent some time fighting imaginary opponents, .. was she winning against evil nobles, or fighting.. and slowly losing against mighy, canine beasts? Who could tell! She emerged from her training session a little sweaty but quite happy and as the smell of cooking meat called her out.

Aldira had prepared a nice dinner, two large steaks that she had bought with a delicious smelling sauce that let Grace's mouth water, though there was a hint of strange familiarity to it. The alchemist chuckled apologetically as she presented.. a large plate, and what looked more like a dog-bowl than a human dish. "I err.. well, let's just say I lost most of my dinnerware in an alchemy accident.. I hope you don't mind this luv? It's.. far from what you are used to, I know, but this bowl was the only thing I could find that'd fit a big steak like yours." She nodded, adding the slightly bloody steaks to her plate.. and Graces bowl. A helpful adding of the brown, nice smelling sauce covering up the slight hint of bloody undercookedness of the steak and tempted first Grace's nostrils, then, her tastebuds as Aldira enthused..

"So.. eventful day.. how do you like the town so far? You seem to have recovered from your travel, either way, perhaps we can try out the potion again after dinner. By all means, go eat!" The alchemist encouraged and then smiled.
"So.. known you for a bit over a day now, so if you don't like you don't have to answer, but I got to wonder, do you want to tell me what.. drove you away from home? I can make a pretty good guess, but.." She shrugged, giving Grace a caring-encouraging look, while the girl had a good taste of Aldiras cum, well seasoned to taste and subtly laced with a mildly addictive drug, to ever so slowly bind the beautiful noble tighter to her mistress to be.
“Well that's a bit of an understatement.” Grace teased a little. If the man had just woken up on the wrong side of the bed, he don't seem like a nice man, Grace once again thought. “Hehe, thanks Aldira. Holler if you need anything from me!” Grace waved to Aldira with a smile as she walked around the corner and into the kitchen.

During her training session, Grace was focused enough on her imaginary opponents that she gradually started to lose track of time. She fought shadow after shadow, some of them people she would just love to beat up, others were people who she knew to be strong. When she was most focused and immersed, she even imagined a strong, proud, and large wolf to fight against! Though she never really got through a complete imaginary fight with it. Every time she would try to picture it, her mind would turn the fight into something… more erotic. She was embarrassed that she kept on thinking of the wolf’s cock! Still, she was intent on training instead of letting her imagination run wild again, so she simply had to give up on the wolf fight. When she was finally done, Grace came out of her room sweaty yet fulfilled. Just in time as well as the smell of cooked meat reached her!

Dinner was ready as she came out, with two awesome smelling and looking steaks cooked, and on the table. They were covered with some of that addicting sauce that Aldira made earlier. It seemed familiar in a way that Grace couldn't really point out, but that didn't change how much she was looking forward to the meal, she was practically drooling from just looking at it! Though her attention was moved to the dog like bowl that her steak was in as Aldira was placing the meals onto the table. “It's no problem, accidents happen. The steaks look amazing, I can't wait to try them…” Grace casually accepted Aldira’s explanation and refocused on her meal.

She sat down at the table where her bowl had been placed. Now with the steak right in front of her, Grace couldn't wait any longer. She carved up a section of the steak, one that just so happened to have a good portion of Aldira s “sauce” on it, and ate a small chunk of steak while listening to what Aldira was saying. “First off, I have to say this steak is amazing! And this sauce! It just seems to go with everything!” Grace seemed to have stars in her eyes as she talked about Aldira’s cooking. The saying that the best way through to someone was their stomach, rang true once again. “Ahm. A-as for the town, it seems quite lively. I didn't really explore around to much yet, but it's got this feeling that the people are close knit. And I don't mind another test later. It will probably help me sleep if it's like the last times.” Realizing that she may have started to ramble on if she continued, Grace cleared her throat before answering Aldira' first question. As Aldira asked her second question, Grace had a troubled look on her face. Would Aldira think Grace was disgusting after she hears what she had been through back at her clan? She only hesitated got a second before throwing her caution to the wind and hoping Aldira would be supportive, she certainly looked ready to be so.

She closed her eyes before saying, “I was a noble from a branch family of a large clan. Being born as the eldest of the branch patriarch, I was given to my counterpart in the main family, their eldest to the clan leader. I was supposed to be raised as his bodyguard, but instead he turned me into his personal slave with his power and the support of the elders… You can probably guess how that turned out.” Somehow, she had unconsciously prepared another chunk of steak and took another popped it into her mouth just as she finished.
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Aldira had nodded and given her guest a friendly wave.

"Oh, if you like my sauce luv, I'll make sure to whip up some more. It's not hard to make." Aldira nodded, with cheerful emphasis. "Yep, a nice, close knit community, with people you can trust, unlike the big city.." Aldira subtly suggested. "Hah. Well, if everything else fails I got myself a good little sleeping-aid potion you say." She chuckled, innocently.

"Aww hun.. that sounds terrible." Aldira leaned over, putting an arm around Grace at the explanation, then, reached out, adding a heavy helping of her sauce to the steak, which was by now practically swimming in it.. though Grace likely didn't mind.
"Here.. eat up. He propably mistreated you terribly. I can understand if you don't want to talk about it at all, he must have done many things to break you you disliked, right?" Aldira questioned, while her hand gently petted Grace's back in a comforting gesture.. oh how she wanted to ravish the noble tart.. but it was all the more delicious to slowly make her addicted to Aldiras yummy cum and warm love.
"It's ok.. you can tell Aldira." She encouraged, holding the girl soft and steady, repeating, softly, making sure to sound concerned.. rather than conditioning: "You can trust me. You're safe here, remember? Safer than anywhere else I reckon, luv. I wont judge or condemn you just because you've been turned into a slave-girl. It's not your fault at all, is it? I bet they didn't even feed you proper. Here. Say aaaah." Aldira enthused and interrupted Graces resposne by cutting off and picking up a piece of steak, hand-feeding the girl, the special gravy flowing into her mouth, sloshing down her throat warmly and wonderfully. "That's a good girl.. you need to eat up ok. Say aaah.." Aldira enthused, playing the role of the overly concerned friend, playfully feeding Grace, encouraging.: "You know, if you really like that taste, you can swirl it back and forth in your mouth. Enjoy it, play with it before swallowing. So yummy, isn't it? Let that nice taste help you over those bad memories of how you were a slave, how you had to do whatever someone else was bidding you, with no freedom of your own. But no longer. You are free now, free to be safe and without anyone hurting you, here with Aldira." She smiled, keeping up her slow, gentle back-pettings, finally looking down..
"Hoh.. you already finished your steak and I'm barely half done.. well if you are so hungry.. here.. you can lick out the bowl.. " Aldira grinned and pulled up the bowl, giving it a lick herself, just to show Grace it was alright, before handing her the still Gravy-wet bowl, giggling as she withdrew a little to her own steak.

"Hihihi.. seems you really like my cooking. I guess whatever I gave you to eat or drink, you'd gulp it down without any complaint, right? You wouldn't want to make your friend sad, right?" Aldira emphatized, pulling out her 'experimental' potion once more, reaching out with it halfway.. just to see if Grace was well on her way to timidly follow the alchemist commands.. even if they were harmlessly mundane, for now. If Grace took the bottle and seemed sufficently calm she would go a step further in the girls oral addiction training and add: "Go ahead.. your body just wants to be calm and suckle down whatever Aldira gives you."
Perhaps tomorrow she could put the girls.. progress to the test.

(Note to self: Find more sexy pic for casual Aldira.)
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“That's good news then! Your sauce is practically addicting.” Grace jokes, completely unaware of how close to the truth her joke had been. “I just hope the people here don't see me as in outsider. It could make it a bit awkward when I go out.” Plus if she could become a member of the town, they would be less likely to give her up if her clan came looking for her. She didn't want to have to spend the rest of life running away. “Well ya know… makes me really tired every time so far at least.” She teases with a smile, trying not to insult Aldira’s efforts on the potion.

“T-thank you Aldira… that was the first time I told anyone what had happened to me before.” Her voice trembled a little, but she still seemed happy at Aldira’s positive reaction. Her now heavily sauced steak almost had its flavor overtaken by the creamy gravy sauce, but Grace didn't mind, in fact she was rather happy about it. The addiction was slowly taking hold as she swallowed more and more of Aldira’s seasoned cum! “I… he showed me off a lot, to try and grind away at me…” She didn't touch on the specifics, but she did shiver as she thought back to what happened, though if it was from a sense of pleasurable shame or from anger, it was hard to tell. Aldira’s embrace encouraged Grace a little, leading her to snuggle deeper into the embrace. “He seemed to get pleasure out of making sure I knew that I belonged to him...:” She continued slowly until she was interrupted by Aldira and the delicious steak she offered. She could feel her face flushing red as she opened her mouth and ate the bite offered to her from Aldira. It was so juicy, and the sauce, oh god the sauce. Why did it taste so good. It practically radiated warmth in her belly. She smiled brightly before continuing in a much more relaxed tone. “he liked to do that through collars and chains, or the pet play he liked to make me do…”

Thinking back to it all, Grace would never admit it easily, but perhaps she would have enjoyed it all much more if it was someone else. She shyly glanced at the women sitting next to her. If only it was Aldira who… Wahhh!!! She was staring at Aldira with a wishful look before she realized she was just silently staring right into Aldira’s eyes as she thought such a thing! Just before she could turn away in embarrassment, Aldira brought forth another bite to feed Grace. Naturally she couldn't refuse such treatment from the women she was crushing on. “Ahhhnnn!” Grace complied with Aldira’s request, feeling a sense of peace as she was fed another bite of seasoned cum covered steak while cuddling up next to Aldira. Normally, it would feel weird to just play with some food in her mouth before swallowing it, but the gravy was just too addicting and Aldira didn't seem to judge her about anything, rather encouraging her to enjoy it all! She used her tongue to play with the gravy, dancing it around in the thick sauce, savoring it for a while before finally swallowing it all.

“I-its all gone already?” Awww, it all went down so fast. At the same time she finally noticed a soft warmth radiated from her almost full stomach. Thankfully, Aldira was there to come to the rescue with the left overs in the bowl. Even with her limited knowledge of how commoners lived, even Grace understood that it was polite to finish all of the food you were given by a host, and with Aldira licking up some of the leftovers as well, Grace strangely couldn't wait to lick up what she could. It was almost weird how much she was looking forward to it, but she didn't give it much thought. Accepting the bowl as Aldira shifted away to her own plate, Grace started to lick up the gravy left in the bowl, collecting the gravy that she couldn't get to with her fingers before licking it off of them. It didn't take long to clean the bowl and satisfy the need she felt, while also finally filling her up! “Mmnhhh! That was really good, even better than most of the meals some of the chefs back in the clan could come up with! Thanks alot for the meal Aldira!” She exclaimed excitedly. Aldira truly was really good at both Alchemy and cooking!

Aldira’s wording seemed a little lewd, but it was true in a sense. “There was no reason to not gobble it all down, it was so good, and I have no reason. To reject you anyways, especially after you made such a meal for me.” Grace almost seemed in awe of Aldira’s cooking. Truly food was the best way to get to a person! As the potion was offered to her, Grace grabbed it and began to down the potion, shivering with a red face as she heard what Aldira said. Aldira could be so… so lewd.
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