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PreGame Thread

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
This is your evening news with Derek Whiteman.

Three days ago, customers of cryogenics giant Frozen Corps faced tragedy when the local cryogenics storage and labs exploded. Authorities are baffled as to the cause of the explosion, no new information has been available at this time, and Frozen Corps has declined to comment on either the cause nor the reasoning behind the private security team which has shut down the entire faucility.

In other news, the body of Miss Smithson has been found. The young woman was reported missing over the last few days, last seen leaving a restrant at 2am. Her body seemed to be cannibalized and in the stages of advanced decay. Reports are saying that that she may have been alive up to her last few hours, when autopsy reports that she was impaled in the face.

More news to come after this...

There is a soft rustling in the grass as a few figures moved around in the darkness. In the distance, from the direction of the lab comes the sound of the occasionally burst of gunfire. As the sun sets, lights begin to come on in the houses nearby as families settle down for dinner, traffic starting to get sparse as people are entering their homes to go to bed. The figures give an unearthly moan as they begin to move towards the bright lights...

Firstly and most important part before we begin is, I need to divvie up the people into teams. A few important notes is that each team can have a different relationship level with different groups, ie: Police can be hostile to team A, but neutral or even friendly to team B. If you can come to an agreement with someone else that you want to be on a team with them, make a post with your ingame name and their name. If you don't know who you want to be with or can't come to a mutual agreement, just post a team size. Maximum team size is 3, minimum is 1. or 0, I'm not sure : <
Re: PreGame Thread

Granth Savael: 2 or 3 (Once he has spawned enough zombie minions through 'Surprise! Flying zombie Buttsecks!' he will splint off with them as a group of 1+ minions.)
Re: PreGame Thread

gar, 3 hardly be a horde. Anyway, how can one be a team of zero? For that matter, how can anyone be a team of one?

I guess I'd go with 2-3 as well
Re: PreGame Thread

Are Pheonix, Toxic, and garfield teamed? If so I suppose Jenni will be open to team up with whoever wants to join her, otherwise, she'll go alone.
Re: PreGame Thread

Aww that's cute, garfield has a crush
Well, there's always good ol' Gregory (treebeard)
Re: PreGame Thread

oh nothing <3
Re: PreGame Thread

I'd be happy to go with anyone. I think a group of 3 or 4 would be good. It's not enough to attract attention, but large enough to deal with a group of people 1.5 to 2 times its size, if they surprise them during the night or in a room with one exit.

And anyone who's stuck alone can always hang around the bars after dark and nab the drunk guys.
Re: PreGame Thread

I'd be willing to join a group of any size really, but preferably a team of 3 if possible...
Re: PreGame Thread

loli, there was more then 6 people, do we still get to play?

i'll team up with the jumping zombies with us, if thats ok
Re: PreGame Thread

If I am still in, then I would like to team up with Toxic as well. Jumping Zombies FTW
Re: PreGame Thread

I would like to team up with a team that is already 2.
Re: PreGame Thread

I just noticed that everyone has jump o_O, in that case... I'll team up with toxic as well *cough*.
Re: PreGame Thread

Garfield's the only one without

Also, apparently he's with me, idk, everyone's posting at once and not really being specific.
Re: PreGame Thread

i can lead the person to you because i have look human 1 and i can regenerate.
Re: PreGame Thread

Since I'm apparently with garfield and toxic, I would say garfield just sits somewhere near where the two of us would be hidden and we use him as a lure.
Re: PreGame Thread

for people that cant read heres a picture:


  • how it goes down.JPG
    how it goes down.JPG
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