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Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
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Against my better judgement...

Battle for Ascension

You are a young magi, an apprentice, gifted and somewhat learned in the arcane arts. You study under a master who has many similar apprentices and pupils, in what is almost a school for magic, yet not quite. A large manor house with no small number of libraries or rooms, but empty save for the master, his pupils and his familiars.

His current batch of pupils are all roughly equal in skill level, experience and power, but it seems this in and of itself proposes a problem.

"There shall be a contest," he announced one night at dinner. "Each of you have specialised in different things, this is true, That is the dangerous art of summoning. Until now I have forbidden you all from touching the books that detail this, but I believe we are ready."

"In three days hence, you shall engage in battle to determine which of you becomes my successor. This battle is to submission; as soon as you either surrender or fall unconscious, you are expelled from the battle. You will be confined to the library where the books on summoning are and a few adjacent areas. The only non-summoning spells that will be permitted is your mage armour and healing spells. If you are caught using anything else the punishment will be... fitting."

"Until the battle, the ban on the summoning library will continue. I suggest each of you save up your energy until then. You will likely need it."


Okay, so unless you haven't guessed, you're one of the aforementioned students. We'll get into details about how all this works down the track, but basically, I'm looking at doing a game turn every few days, a week at most; depending on how slow the players are. (Please be expeditious with your responses to prevent the game bogging down, if you cannot handle this, de to other commitment, I implore you not to signup. I'm still used to a community for these sorts of things where you can actually get a daily update going, and while I doubt even I can manage that, I don't want to have to harass people who haven't responded in over a week.)

Gameplay is simple in its complexity. Each turn you will have a number of moves and 3 actions you can perform. The map will be set up in a grid so that each move is one section of grid, and the actions must be performed usually by interacting with objects; such as search a bookcase for something useful, studying a carried book at a desk, but others, such as casting a spell or drawing a summoning circle, don't require any specific location. (Although may perhaps best be done privately).

Combat will be largely between summoned creatures, which the players have no direct control over. They can, instead, give a short list of orders regarding the fight, such as "retreat when losing", "don't show your true power unless you need to" or "end this fight quickly and decisively".

Whilst roleplaying is technically optional, given that all you're required to do is submit your actions, I recommend roleplaying where you can, as it can net rewards of its own. In addition to possibly learning something from another player, perhaps even an alliance of sorts that helps to share information, there are many familiars around the manor which may also be able to be persuaded to aid you.

Lastly, when/if this game is closer to launch, I will state the different between game rules and battle rules. The different being game rules are OOC, and battle rules are IC and can be broken. Things like the restrictions on where in the manor one can go and the ban on most spells are IC rules, and if you can get away with breaking them all power to you, but getting caught will result in IC punishment. Rules like "not leaving the manor" on the other hand, are OOC. No going off to have a tea party where no one can find you and coming back to finish the survivors.

Hopefully this isn't so long or complex that it scares people away. It is in essence a rather simple game to play, designed to be learn as you go.

Oh, and your race is human. Deal.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

Eh, sounds interesting. Some questions:
  • How erotic do you want this? None, player's choice, or utterly humiliating?
  • What limitations on summonings do you have? Time, max number, energy supply?
  • How many players are you looking for?
I'll probably come up with more questions later.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

[*]How erotic do you want this? None, player's choice, or utterly humiliating?

Short answer: Player's Choice.
Long Answer: It depends on a number of factors. When it comes to NPCs, some are more inclined than others. This includes both the master's familiar and the summons themselves. As far as other players, it depends more on them than anything I say, although by surrendering from the competition one's character can escape any forced humiliation.

I don't really do hard forced rape, however.

What limitations on summonings do you have? Time, max number, energy supply?

This is something that'd I'd rather have explained IC through the characters learning it. That said, I will give away as a freebie that the idea of summoning more than one at once is considered to be extremely foolish and downright dangerous.

How many players are you looking for?

Probably 4-7 would be ideal, I'm willing to stretch to as many as ten, but I doubt I'll get that many people applying anyway. I'm willing to run with as little as three, providing I think the players are good enough to keep things interesting.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

first question..why is this against your better judgement?

second question..to lose and be booted from the competition will require what exactly? lose once your done? what?
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

first question..why is this against your better judgement?

Don't ask.

second question..to lose and be booted from the competition will require what exactly? lose once your done? what?

Well... basically. Losing is not something that can happen within a turn, however. (Unless you surrender).

The characters will have their mage armour and their health; when health is reduced to 0 a player is eliminated by unconsciousness. Mage Armour acts as a shield, so almost all attacks will drain that before it will drain health. And providing the mage has enough mana, they can restore either, although of course doing so while under direct attack will only by time for so long.

To answer the inevitable question about mana, it will recover at a steady pace, and there will be places where one can spend an action to boost their mana also.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

It sounds like it could be interesting. Will this be a freeform RP, or will you have a system?
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

It sounds like it could be interesting. Will this be a freeform RP, or will you have a system?

the first post of the thread said:
Gameplay is simple in its complexity. Each turn you will have a number of moves and 3 actions you can perform. The map will be set up in a grid so that each move is one section of grid, and the actions must be performed usually by interacting with objects; such as search a bookcase for something useful, studying a carried book at a desk, but others, such as casting a spell or drawing a summoning circle, don't require any specific location. (Although may perhaps best be done privately).

Combat will be largely between summoned creatures, which the players have no direct control over. They can, instead, give a short list of orders regarding the fight, such as "retreat when losing", "don't show your true power unless you need to" or "end this fight quickly and decisively".

Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

That doesn't answer my question at all.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

I think he means there's a system of moves and actions you can perform each turn. Ergo not free-form. Additionally, I'd like to express interest in this (cue standard disclaimer that my participation is solely at your discretion).
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

I think what it means is there is a system, but it's mostly behind the scenes, and from our side, it's mostly going to be about roleplaying. We have certain actions we can take each turn, and beyond that, it's freeform.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

Hmmm... I can think of a few ideas that might work here for a character. Consider interest shown from me.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

This... is something I haven't tried before. I'll give it a shot! Just... what is life like in this mansion? I need a little more before I start making a character...
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

Well, it's perhaps easiest to think of it as more of a school than a mansion, for all that it is a reasonably sized manor house. Life is spent mostly in study, either from the master or by his familiars; which range from things like talking housecats to small pixies and other mischievous things, there's an angel who acts somewhat as a chief steward and a number of other magical creatures and the like.

The students dine together three times per day, but have separate sleeping areas and after the initial training study separately, lessons catered to suit their magical style. The master himself is a stern but fair one, who pushes his students to excel but doesn't demand the unreasonable.

He also strives to keep some of the more mischievous or deviant of his servants away from the students, as he has no direct control over them; they are not summoned but instead his by contract so he cannot impose his will upon them. Although because he has no such direct control, they occasionally slip through. Any sexually minded familiars he may have fall into this category, and there are a few of both male and female variety that your character may or may not have met.

There are also harsh restrictions on what rooms the students may enter. Some are magically warded so that as soon as anyone enters them, the master immediately knows, others are simply designated off limits. When the game is launched I will provide a complete map and a short description of rooms.

Any questions?
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

::Flails hand::

Oh oh! What will you need from the players, and what should we be thinking of as far as magic? I don't want to god mod, I want to play fair in the interest of the story!
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

Well, I will point out that most magic is prohibited by the rules of the contest. That is not to say you cannot use it, simply that doing so is against the rules and if you're caught it could be bad for you.

That said, part of the character sheet, when I write it up, will involve the character's "Magical Speciality", the area in which they excel. I encourage people to discuss this with me ahead of time to determine something suitable, as when one is desperate, they'll typically abandon the rules in hopes of a dim chance.

Likewise, ingame, if one wishes to cast a spell, please run it by me via PM. Due to the inherent restrictions it won't be so common that I actually want to write up a full spell list. I've got enough to do as is :p
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

I think he means there's a system of moves and actions you can perform each turn. Ergo not free-form. Additionally, I'd like to express interest in this (cue standard disclaimer that my participation is solely at your discretion).
I think what it means is there is a system, but it's mostly behind the scenes, and from our side, it's mostly going to be about roleplaying. We have certain actions we can take each turn, and beyond that, it's freeform.
Any questions?
Since you ignored me, I'll rephrase my question. Are you planning on using statistics or dice rolls to determine the success or failure of actions? Is that question simple enough in it's complexity?
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

I'm showing interest, but I'm not sure I'll have time to actually participate. Put me down as someone who will watch from the shadows.
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

Since you ignored me, I'll rephrase my question. Are you planning on using statistics or dice rolls to determine the success or failure of actions? Is that question simple enough in it's complexity?

You might as well leave the thread, I don't like the attitude and won't be GMing someone who has it towards me. And frankly, if you didn't manage to figure out something that everyone else has, it's better this way for that reason too.

You lose, good day sir.

For those other than this one who are curious or confused because of the seemingly somewhat contradictory posts, Kathy has it pretty much on the nail. Short of your "moves" and "actions" of the turn, you're free to roleplay with whoever or whatever is in the room (regardless of actual location within the room, although conversations will be broken by one or the other party leaving the room). When a combat involving your summoned creature will occur, I'll ask you for a short list of orders. The number of valid orders you can use depends on your control over the creature, but since it's difficult to tell that, I'll have people always send in up to five, and discard whichever of the lower ones are not valid due to control issues. (So, prioritise the top of the list and if you can cover everything you need in one or two orders, you're fairly safe to not worry about having orders ignored)

There is a system, and all of the summon-able creatures have their own special abilities, some of which that may only used again after a cooldown; but how closely you manage their usage depends on your decision and how much you know about them. You can leave the judgement of when to use their powers to them, or tell them to only use it when you say so. But to prevent things from getting bogged down, as well as keeping the summon's abilities secret to one who has not done sufficient research on it, I will handle the combaty mechanics. So yeah, I'm not just arbitrarily deciding who wins what.

And if I have to repeat this explanation a third time, and go into even more detail, I will be unhappy.
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Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

So will each time we submit the commands, is a new round? Or will we just coach them before they go in and the entire battle will be based off the list?
Re: Battle for Ascension (interest check)

I'm a little worried it might end up being somewhat Pokemon-esk.

"Succubus, use Charm!"

"Tentacle Monster, use grapple! Good work, now use Rape attack!"

(It wouldn't be like that of course)
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