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Re: Rhapsody's Thread

Once again the figure listened, and once again music sprang up in her head, unbidden.

Teach me to speak with their voices, show me the way and I'll try, again...

"I would be proud to serve Jordi." She answers the voice, then nods her head, as if in self-affirmation.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"I'd like that," he said and meant it. He watched Cindy jog off towards the gym, taking a moment to admire her figure and to etch as much of her into his mind as he could.

When she had sped on a decent way, he turned and continued on towards his original destination: the registrar's office. hoping to get some contact information for the painter, or at the very least to determine whether or not he was associated with the university. If he wasn't then Baphoriel figured that the library computers might be the next best spot to look up if he was a part of a local gallery.

He whistled a nameless tune and casually walked down the college walkways, enjoying his time on Earth immensely.
Re: Marim's Thread

Still frustrated with her confusing first encounter with human society, Marim ran a hand over her hair a few times as she stood outside the clothing store before stopping to rub at her temple. It annoyed her that she hadn't thought it all would be so confusing...

Deciding there was no sense in rushing, uncertain about her mode of dress and human society in general. she found a place to sit down and put on her radio's headphones. The first thing that came on that wasn't static was a slow little love ballad. Marim smirked, and, looking around to make sure no one was near, whispered to herself: "Radio, radio, in my hand, who's the fairest in the land?", and willed the music to sing praises for her. Exercising her power even in a small way like that helped remind her of her celestial superiority - and the flattery was nice, too.

She needed some clothes that would help her blend in and hide her features... So watched the people passing by as she reclined in her bench, trying to form a coherent plan for her wardrobe. she kept seeing people walk by in shirts made of thick cloth, with long sleeves and hoods - appropriately called "hoodies", her implanted memories told her. Nearly everyone left the hoods hang behind them, though, so she'd need something to cover her vivid hair... she saw a few girls wearing knit caps that could stretch down quite far and hugged the wearer's head - "beanies"? A silly name, but it would work quite nicely, she thought. As a last observation, she saw these people had sturdier pants made of a coarser, more durable material than the ones she wore. "Jeans", her mind told her.

She'd need some shirts not so formal if she were to blend in, and some new shoes as well... and of course, she should probably pick out muted colors, to help her avoid standing out.

She supposed the clerks could help her pick a good set.

After the song finished, she tuned to 98.4 FM, and checked her new phone for the time. Surely she couldn't have taken so long that it was 4:00 already?
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Derpin' my way through my infernal servitude~

Angels can't automatically tell I'm a demon, can they? What about demons?
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Re: Kadolon's Thread

The Malakite strode across the workshop to the motorbike, taking in the sights and sounds of the room and those within as he did so. This was the one place he could relax, but he still didn't allow his guard to drop - a warrior must always be alert to his surroundings, after all, even when they throught it was safe.

Even so, Kadolon allowed himself a small smile, running one hand gently over the unpainted shell, feeling the smoothness of the metal under his fingers. "The colour of shadows..." he muttered to himself and the bike. He closed his eyes to visualize the different shades those words evoked, before settling on one. "Dark purple - almost black."

His eyes re-opened even as the smile faded and, giving the bike - his bike - one final pat, he moved back through the workshop, seeking the equipment, and the assistance, to make the finishing touches.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

The campus was quite understandably rather empty, being still mid-morning on a Saturday before the semester had even started but there were still some staff members and the like around who could redirect him to where he needed to be. Before long, he found himself at a door with the words registrar's office on the plaque, and knocked.

"Just a moment," came a voice from the inside, male and from the sound of it, caught slightly off guard. Still, before Baphoriel could consider this, the voice came again. "Enter," to declared, as Baphoriel opened the door, he found a slightly amused looking young girl walking towards him; no, towards the exit. She was incredibly beautiful by mortal standards, with vibrant red hair and a near flawless pale complexion. And her body was at equally high standard, her curves were definitely accentuated but at the same time she wasn't too big. And without a word, she stepped past him. "Thanks for the help, Mr. Austin," she called over her shoulder in... a somewhat mocking tone of voice, Baphoriel thought.

And then she was gone. "Now young man, what can I do for you?" he asked, looking at Baphoriel.
Re: Marim's Thread

Before moving into the clothing store, Marim did succeed in coaxing the radio to praise her and it proceeded to whisper flatteries of her superiority back to the Balseraph. Still, with no idea of the time at present, she went into the clothing store, and with some help clothing was picked out for her, she tried them on as suggested and found sizes that fit.

When she finally got out and tuned in, she found the time to be getting close to 5pm, with the two hour radio show already in full swing. She did notice that it appeared that the stores around her were beginning to close.

"...must do, and can do successfully, is to show the structures of anxiety, of conflicts, of guilt. These structures, which are effective because they mirror what we are, are in in us, and if we are right, they are in other people also. If we bring these structures before them, then it is as if we held up a mirror in which they see themselves. Whether we shall succeed in this nobody knows. This is the risk we must take.

It is these things that make us human, and through understanding this, we can all understand each other and work towards a brighter future. Now we'll go the phones and see what our audience has to offer on this subject."
Re: Kadolon's Thread

Just as he began to look around for tools, he spotted a large, somewhat burly angel striding towards him, carrying in one hand the very tools he needed to do the painting job. "You must be the new guy, Kadalon, right?" he asked, and continued to speak before waiting for an answer. "The name's Noan, I run this particular workshop. The boss sends his apologies, he's occupied elsewhere at the moment, but I can fill you in on what's happening while we wait for him."

Handing the tools to the Malakite, he chuckled a little to himself. "I think you're gonna like your first assignment. I'd warn you that it's dangerous, but that'll probably just get you all the more excited. The shipments of one of our corporeal companies, which we use to monitor technology in the world as well as roll out new gifts and inspiration to mankind, have been being attacked lately. Given that it's been targeted only against us and mortal authorities have been having so much trouble with it, we're fairly certain someone on the other side is responsible."

"So, we've consolidated our shipments into one big convoy. Five trucks running our goods cross country. You see where this is going, right? By having them all run together, we can guarantee that the attack comes against them. And you, along with some other angels, will be running escort. It'll happen out in the desert, where there won't be any witnesses, and it'll be messy, if previous encounters are any judge. So, blood pumping yet?"
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel couldn't help but let his eyes linger on this new beauty, and felt a bit sad to have been so thoroughly ignored by her. She seemed to be the self-assured type, and he liked those. Ah, but he must continue on his mission he supposed. Kronos had asked him to direct this painter towards his fate with all haste, and set against the tampering of an angel, he felt he must not get sidetracked chasing tail, no matter how hot that tail was. He took one more long look at the red head's swishing ass, then let the door close and obscure his view. Turning he addressed this Mr. Austin fellow, who seemed harmless enough.

"I was just stopping in to grab a directory. I'm a new student this semester, but I didn't get a directory in my orientation packet. One of the upperclassmen said I'd be able to find one at this office?"
Oborro's Thread

"Ah... how curious... we have your results here..." the voice came through the plain white walls.

Strongest Matches

Lilim - A daughter of Lilith. Typically sultry and seductive, their have a natural gift for feeling what someone wants and promising them it for a favour at a later date; which their magics will attempt to force them to make good on. However, they must be careful as if someone manages to decline their request for a return favour, it weakens their very being until they can extract their owed debt.

They work well with humans and other demons alike, they're very friendly and excel at getting along with almost everyone. However, the one thing they value most is freedom, so they despise anything that would strip themselves or others of freedoms. Due to this, they only trade in equal favours as well; although to the people involved it may not seem particularly equal.

Kyriotate - Possessing angels who lack bodies of their own. Rather than inhabit a mortal shell, a vessel, Kyriotates borrow existing mortals, sending them into a euphoric, dreamlike state while they do their work. This kind of angel can inhabit multiple bodies at once, as long as the total bodies inhabited does not exceed their total "forces". So while a starting Kyriotate couldn't possess 2 humans, he could take a human and a dog, or a human and a pair of birds.

However, Kyriotates are protectors first and foremost, they cannot leave a vessel in a worse state than they found it. While they can stay in a vessel up to 6 days, depending on how well the possession goes. They may leave at any time but cannot repossess the same person, and it should be noted that leaving them in a worse state includes not only physically, but also in the sense of their current situation and the near future; leaving them right before they get beaten up will still wound one's soul. Lastly, Kyriotates cannot spend more than 10 minutes x Celestial forces without any host body. If they do, they're pulled back to heaven, and their superior will likely be very displeased.

Shedim - Fallen Kyriotates and corrupting demons. Like their counterparts, Shedim cannot generate their own vessels and rely on existing mortals to house themselves. But, the selfish Shedim are incapable of the multiplicity of their former nature and can only inhabit a single vessel at once. That said, their control is very different; Shedim have full access to the hosts' thoughts, feelings and memories and the host drifts along with them in a dazed state, still thinking it's in control of its actions rather than wandering the dream worlds. A Shedim bends their mind and convinces them that the horrible acts it perpetrates was their idea.

To maintain possession, however, these demons must commit a new level of corruption each day, surpassing previous ill deeds. Each day, the bar is raised by previous deeds until finally the demon cannot manage it, and must leave the body or wound their soul by trying to remain. For this reason, they tend to pick the quiet, innocent ones, and step by step drive them into darkness in order to maximise their time to complete other goals. If a host is rendered unconscious, the demon is expelled 30 minutes later, but if the host is killed while the demon is inside their soul is scarred for being brought so close to oblivion. They are still expelled into the moral world, and if they can swiftly find a new host, they can avoid the risk of going into death related shock. Like their heavenly counterparts, they can only exist in the mortal world without a host for 10 x celestial forces minutes.
Jegne's Thread

"Ah, very curious indeed... your results are in..." came the deep echoing voice.

Best Matches

Seraphim - Described by some more crass creatures as angelic lie detectors, Seraphim are the farthermost from mortals and have the most difficulty dealing with them. They represent truth in its purest form, so much so that it's difficult for them to stand idly by while lies are spoken in their presence, and doing so themselves will taint their soul.

That said, they're not required to always blurt out everything. They have a duty to keep certain secrets and while they may feel an urge to shout out wildly whenever someone lies around them, they acknowledge that this is not always the best course of action and can resist said urges. They remain rather socially awkward, however.

Balseraph - Some of the greatest creatures of deception, Belseraphs have fallen from grace but as is always the case, maintain certain core things, such as their affinity for truth. In their case however, they do not deal in the absolute truth of the world; rather they only deal in their own personal truth, the only thing that matters to them, which they can force upon the world as they see fit. In order to do this, he creates an entire reality within him in which what he says is the absolute, undeniable truth; he then unleashes this truth at someone, forcing his way of thinking upon them.

It is, however, a delicate and sometimes dangerous process. If the would be victim manages to resist the truth, or the truth proves to be contradictory, the manufactured truth is shattered and the Balseraph has just lied, which causes them great pain and damages their very being. They are paranoid and arrogant beings, all wrapped up in their own little worlds.

Cherubim – The archtypical guardian angels, Cherubim are solid and dependable. Their gift is one of devotion, with a touch they can attune themselves to something or someone and thereafter, they will know the direction of it, usually the state it's in, and at times even an aproximation of how far away they are. Occasionally, they will even be able to sense whether or not they are in any danger from events yet to unfold.

However, they are beings who do not betray easily. It is very for one to lift the attunement he has with something, it also requires touch and a successful test of willpower from the angel. Should they fail this attempt to remove it, it will consume their soul a little. They also must not let those they're attuned to die or be destroyed (although in the case of objects, if they can recover the pieces and restore it to the original state, the taint will be absolved) Lastly, they must not betray anything important to them; friends, superiors, ideals or themselves.

Djinn – The result of a guardian angel who's lost his way, the Djinn no longer care about anything except themselves. Or at least, that's what they'd like to be the case. Like their holy brethren, they can attune themselves to people or objects and know where they are, and the state they're in; however, they face less restrictions when doing so. The downside is that their attunement typically isn't as longlasting, being only a number of days, although they can renew it. On occasion, they may find that one of their bonds however is not fading on its own.

Also like their original nature, their soul is scarred by failing to remove a bond they have forged although in their case, it is jarring for them because it clashes with their indifferent demeanour and reminds them in no uncertain terms that they really do care; this is particularly bad as after this occurs, they have the conditions of a Cherubim's devotion forced upon them with the bond in question, and them being destroyed will cause the Djinn yet more pain. They also cannot personally cause harm to those they're attuned to physically or emotionally, although they're more than able to sit back and watch it happen before them. The difference is if the victim asks the Djinn to do it, at which point it's perfectly okay by them and they're relieved of the consequences.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Austin let out a melodramatic sigh and rubbed his forehead with one hand. "That's all? Honestly, directing you here for such a trivial matter..." he muttered as he reached into a draw and pulled forth the directory. "It should be on the last page of your orientation booklet, as a note. You probably missed it," he says, clearly unimpressed. "Anything else?" he asks coldly.
Re: Oborro's Thread

Oborro is a Lillim. She values the ability to do as she pleases, and think for her self more then anything. She also knows how to get what she wants and how to work a deal to her advantage.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"Ah, not the basic directory for the various departments, I meant the booklet that provides emails and phone numbers to all individual students and faculty," Baphoriel smiled pleasantly, in the face of Mr. Austin's dismissive tone. "I am in fact trying to locate a specific person. A Mr. Eric Nailor - I don't suppose that name rings any bells with you?"

What the hell, it was worth a shot asking this Austin guy If Eric Nailor was faculty or associated with the University beyond being a student, this registrar fellow should know. And if he was a student, the booklet would sort Baphoriel out just as well.
Re: Oborro's Thread

"Hm... a Lilim, is it? The following would be interested in having a Lilim"

As a Lilim, you are of course, able to directly serve Lilith... somewhat. You're not so much a formal servant of hers, as she keeps none, as someone who owes her a great deal by being brought into existence by her. You're free to go where you please and do what you please, but if you get in trouble she likely won't get involved; at least not for free.

Andrealphus has also expressed interest in you. The demonic prince of lust simply adores Lilim and can enhance their powers so that they can automatically detect the needs of a potential victim by physical contact, no rolling required. That said, he stands by that mortals are strictly tools and puppets, it is forbidden to feel sympathy for them and feeling or showing concern for them will eat away at his servants' souls.

Lastly, Beleth, Princess of Nightmares, has expressed interest in a new servitor. Easily the most feared of the demonic forces, she is aloof and has little to do with most other demons. She rules over the dark reflection of the dreamworld, the land of nightmares. Lilim of Beleth add fear to their geas, if a target resists fulfilling their end of the bargain, they gain a fear of the demon's choice, which worsens over time until it is performed. However, demons of Beleth are forbidden from assuring their true forms on earth, and thus it hurts them to do so.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"There is no booklet available to students that lists that information; it's protected under the privacy act," Austin replied coldly. "At best, you could get a list of names that are enrolled in courses, but we certainly do not hand out private phone numbers to any student who asks for them."

He took a short breath and made a 'hmph' noise. "As far as this Mr. Nailor person, I can't say that I have, off the top of my head. And I certainly don't intend to sit here and go through all the records looking for him, I have better things to do. Good day, Mr...?" he said, fishing for a name.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"It's Doyle. And I'm not asking you to go through any records for me, I'm perfectly willing to do the legwork myself. Could you just tell me what would be my best method of finding Mr. Nailor through the school network? I'll gladly be out of your busy morning after that." Baphoriel remained in a cheerful mood, trying to not let this impatient man close the door on him. Honestly, these mortals seemed all rather busy and preoccupied...
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

"Oh I don't know," declared Austin, exasperated. "Someone else," he declared in frustration. "Now I'll ask you once more to leave, Mr. Doyle. I advise you to do so," he threatens.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel wondered if this Austin was lying to him. A registrar should know after all.

[Detect lies roll against Austin.]

"You seem to be under a lot of strain," Baphoriel said, as he used his Charm resonance in an attempt to possibly calm and befriend the mortal man. As he did so however he let himself draw slowly back to the door, away from the man's desk. "Beginnings of the semester must be a busy time for you. I didn't mean to add to your troubles."

If his Charm didn't work and soften the man's mood, he would leave and think up an alternative method of searching.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

As far as you can tell, he seems to be telling the truth

Austin's expression softens somewhat as the demon before him apologises. "It's alright... perhaps I was a bit short with you," he admits. "You picked a poor time to visit, is all."

He pauses and considers for a moment. "I suppose I could do a quick computer search on the name, it might help. There's a good chance it won't bring up any matches though, if he's not been associated with us in the last seven years. And I trust you knew the exact spelling of his name?"

You don't. Eric with a c or Erik with a k? Nailor, Nailer? Nalor? Naler? They're all quite similar, phonetically speaking.
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