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Re: Voltus' Thread

Voltus's expression shifted to a pensive one.He was very surprised that the Archangel Jean himself would send him on such an important mission.Wasn't there other angels that had much greater experience than him?But he kept those reflexions to himself and asked:

''Well yes, a lot of them actually.First of all, will i be completely alone on this mission?Secondly, please explain to me why the Demonics would be interested in such a device.And finally, i have a few requests concerning the misson, may i ask them?''
Re: Voltus' Thread

"Not completely alone, I've just mentioned you'll be coordinating with our mortal allies. But as far as angelic support goes, you'll be alone unless something goes very wrong," he explained impatiently.

"As to why the demonic would be interested, it's simple. There are any number of reasons they could want it, from using it for their own purposes, using it to trace the creator, to simply de-constructing it and finding out how it works, as doing so might further their own research."

He then took a breath and stared at the Elohim. "I'll listen to your requests, but I make no promises," he warned.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel is exasperated that he doesn't know the spelling. Not wanting to seem suspicious, he picks the most reasonable spelling that comes to mind, based off his role's knowledge of English sounding names and their common spellings.

"I believe it's with a 'c,'" he says confidently if not correctly. "And the Nailor is the more common spelling, I think, though I'm afraid that now you've asked me, I could be wrong. Thanks, by the way. I really do appreciate it."
Re: Voltus' Thread

''It's not much, mostly of material nature.I would request a fake police ID related or not to my substiture identity, if you give me one of course but that would be very likely.And secondly, a non-lethal weapon of any human weapon shape, that would be rather easy to hide into someone's clothes.But those are only requests, that i believe would help my mission greatly, in a great array of ways.And i do believe that you would require explanations reguarding what kind of objects i am demanding.If you ask, i'll answer.''
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Re: Kadolon's Thread

Taking the tools and setting them up, Kadolon gave the other celestial a grin that was anything but angelic. The chance to strike back at the other side - simply the prospect of a big fight - certainly was enough to get his blood pumping.

"What do we know about these attackers? Who will I be joining?" he asked calmly despite the overwhelming eagerness he felt, the grin fading to a barely noticeable smile. "When will we be leaving? ...Can I acquire weapons before I go?"

He might only be new at this, but he didn't hesitate in accepting his duty - there was no place for doubt in his being.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

You don't get out of it that easily. I was always going to make a roll to see what you search first. And the horrible thing about rolls, is something they go really, really pear-shaped.

Austin nodded and typed something into his computer. And then frowned. Tapped at his keyboard a little more, and scowled at the computer. "Blasted thing, can never rely on it," he said angrily. "My system's locked up, I'll just have to quickly reboot it..."

Moment later, he slammed his hands down on his desk. "This is... useless piece of junk!" he shouted, grabbing the phone on his desk. "Hello, IT? Yes. This is Austin, my system's just completely crashed, and now it's showing that the database is empty. Yes, I know that's usual, so fix it already."

He waited angrily for several minutes, until he at last spoke again, "What do you mean it's gone? It can't just be gone? Those are importa- Backup? Oh, well I'm glad someone in this entire computer related department isn't completely incompetent. How long? Three Days?! I've got important work to do, I can't wait three days..."

It looked like the situation was only going to get worse, and by now it seemed likely the charm on Austin would wear off any time, if it hasn't already. Perhaps it would be best to slink away quietly, because he seems to be working up a lot of anger...

Yeah, it sucks that I work with databases on a day to day basis. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't have considered this an option for spectacular failure.
Re: Voltus' Thread

Jean considered this for a moment, and shook his head. "Nope, can't do it. We wouldn't be able to put together a police ID that could stand up to any scrutiny in the time we have left. And we don't have the resources to give you any weaponry up here, although you might be able to get one from our mortal contacts. You'll just have to make do with what you've got and be resourceful," he tells the Elohim bluntly. "It's a tight ship up here, we're on a strict budget. Unless we make some real progress soon, we could be in a lot of trouble," he added darkly.

"Well, are we done here?" he asked, clearly impatient. "You wouldn't believe the list of things I've got to do, so I'd like to get things rolling..."
Re: Kadolon's Thread

The other angel shook his head sadly. "What we know about them is next to nothing. Only that these attacks have been way too pinpoint targeted against us and they don't seem to be trying to capture or steal the shipments; it's pure destruction. Due to that, worst case scenario, we're looking at Calabim. We're hoping it's not that bad though, it might just be some well armed soldiers."

"As to who, I don't think it's been finalised yet. I know there's a Cherubim or two going along to help keep things running smoothly. I think we were gonna try and get one of the Ofanim along as well, and a Kyriotate might be free as well. This'll be a big operation and you'll have plenty of other support out there. We're also taking along whatever soldiers we can spare. I wish I had more details, but I'm not completely up to date."

"As far as weapons, we've got a shortage up here at the moment, resources are stretched thin. But they'll be able to set you up with something down below. You'll be heading out as soon as the boss gets here to fill you in with the latest and send you away, so I'd get that paintjob done post haste. Give you something to protect, because if you're like any other Mal I've met, you barely notice anything done to your own hide."
Re: Kadolon's Thread

The angel nodded slowly, before turning to the job at hand, searching for the appropriate colour and making sure to set everything up perfectly - it wouldn't do to rush the application, or the finish would end up streaky. The best thing Kadolon found about working with your hands is that it left the mind free to do other things.

He sighed quietly, thinking over the information he'd been given. While he wasn't as combative as the Malakim of Michael or Laurence, he was still one of the Virtues, and so more than able to hold his own against most celestials - or their soldiers. One of the Calabim, however, could be problematic, especially with the glut of targets that would be in the area, but it couldn't be helped. This needed to be taken care of, and it was the best chance they had of doing so without collateral.

He sighed again, shaking his head as he glanced over his work. "Let's just hope that any damage ends up being repairable..." he said with a wry smile, glancing back up at Noan and knowing full well that while he was good with machines and technological things, he wasn't so good with putting bodies back together.
Re: Marim's Thread

Immediately she felt the irritation she'd just relieved herself of return. She couldn't make an effective counterargument if all she heard was the last half of his closing! And even then, it was so abstract and his speech so byzantine, she barely understood what he was talking about. Something about how anxiety, conflict, and guilt were base human nature, and understanding it would... bah.

And not only that, but she was already stumbling in her service. Surely Nybbas would not be pleased.

She kept the radio on, listening to the callers to hopefully build her comprehension of the day's subject. With her arm threaded through the handles of her bags, she idly fingered the little journal in her purse...

And then a sudden flash of thought struck her, remembering the multitude of accounts written in the journal. It might be a bit premature to change direction already, but... everything she'd thought until now had been quite malicious, what if she simply killed him with kindness? Perhaps she should consider instead making Julian a little bit richer. A few large donations from a few people, some half-hearted attempts to conceal her appreciation, perhaps a furtively made second account by Mr. Wheeling...

Marim realized her train of thought had taken her away from the radio. She could plot later; for now, she shifted her attention back to the radio, and scanned the storefronts she passed for stores that might be selling some gloves that would keep her from getting her fingerprints over things. She did so hate them smudging up her cellphone screen.
Re: Jegne's Thread

It was an important choice so jegne take the time necesary." i cant be balseraph how can close myself to the real truth". Then look the cherubim and djinn choices, both sound better but how focus onself in something than with the time will be destroyed.

"I choice seraphim, certainly it will be hard, but i will be abble to defend the right, the truth and maybe something more"
Re: Kadolon's Thread

Noan just smiled wryly and nodded as Kadolon worked. "Well, I don't think I can be much more help, so if you'll excuse me...?" he asked, as he began to move away. Before long he was back into the thick of things in the garage, overseeing a dozen different projects.

Time passed as the Malakim painted, until he was simply waiting for the final coat to dry. It was then that a rather tense looking old man, white strikes through his hair, made his way through the garage at a brisk walk. He seemed angry or annoyed, but not at anyone in particular, but as if that was his constant state.

"Ah. Good. You're already here," he said as he made his way over to Kadalon. "Has Noan filled you in? Good. Details are just being finalised now, so we'll be sending you down soon. From us, you'll be joined by Arrem, one of our Cherubim; Bahpon, an Ofanite with a lot of experience, he'll be coordinating the whole thing, and Leris, a Kyriotate; he'll be our ace in the hole, and will be inside some of the trucks. We've also managed to find another Malakim to help out on this; he's done some work for us from time to time, but isn't on our books, so to speak. He's a bit of a strange one, so don't get too many ideas from him," the archangel explained sternly.
Re: Marim's Thread

The radio continued on, with sickening stories of love, kinship and togetherness. It was all so very tame, dull and boring. There was not excitement to be found in all this which made it very difficult for a demon of Nybbas to concentrate on it. Still, she endured it and listened through until the show ended.

Further adding to her annoyance, in the few minutes she had until the stores all closed, she didn't manage to find one she could get gloves from. But she did manage to find one just after it had closed. And then another, again, just as the storekeeper locked up. And a third, exactly the same. She was rapidly coming to the conclusion that shopping was a human ritual designed to frustrate specifically her.

Reviewing what she had heard, the radio show itself could be attacked, if she wanted to. All she'd have to do is call in, make it through whatever screening process they had, and then contradict the host with a message carefully chosen. But that would perhaps not be the most effective method. Perhaps a secondary tactic?
Re: Oborro's Thread

Oborro serves Andrealphus as his beliefs and methods are similar to her own. It is much easier to use mortals and not get attached to the strange creatures. She also enjoys using them sexually wether for her own pleasure or for a goal.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Not wanting to be associated with this horrible failure of a search, Baphoriel does as his instinct suggests and slinks out of the room, muttering softly about not wanting to bother him any more.

"Lucifer's teeth!" he muttered as he let the door close behind him, "What the hell happened there?"

Well, it was clear that that avenue was closed to him. He supposed the next best thing would be to go to the arts department and see if they had any record of this Nailor bloke over there. If that didn't work, he'd head to the library to get onto the internet and do a search. Maybe Nailor had put examples of his work up on the web?

Hoping that his luck would pick up soon, he quickened his pace, idly thinking about Cindy as he did so.

[Head over to the arts department and make inquiries there.]
Re: Kadolon's Thread

Giving the bike one more look over, Kadolon got to his feet and turned to face the archangel. "A good group..." he stated, nodding at his Superior's words and silently filing away the 'strange one' reference. Another Malakim would be helpful, no matter how unusual they were.

Blinking slowly and glancing around the workshop before returning his attention to Jean, the angel shifted his weight, eager to move out and get things started. "Any particular way we should do this?" he asked, although he suspected any final plans would be made by Bahpon.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

So, I hate to sound Impatient or anything but... Am I missing something? Would you like me to write up my own sheet, perhaps? I should still have that pdf around...
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)


Effort required to post compared to effort required to generate new character.

If you want to write up your own, submit it to me via PM for approval so I can double-check over everything. But be warned, it's a pain in the ass to find all the info for character creation, the poor is really poorly set out in that regard.

If you're willing to wait, I'll have it up by the weekend at the latest.
Re: Border of Paradise 24 hour Diner (OOC Thread)

Alright, I'll give it a look-over at least. I remember scratching a Lillim once, and yeah, it was all over the place. At least I have a template to go off of now, with your stuff on every thread :D
Re: Kadolon's Thread

Jean nodded solemnly. "The convoy will consist of a main five trucks hauling our cargo. Well, out apparent cargo. We can't afford any more loss of goods, so the trucks are empty, but it's very important that no one down below knows that, or the trap won't work. Bahpon will lead them in a jeep, with one of our soldiers riding with him. Arrem will be in another jeep to the rear of the convoy and has the hard task of keeping tabs on everyone; he'll be attuned to someone in every vehicle, so casualties are not an option. Due to this, he probably has the hardest job, so he's relying on everyone else to get us all through this. You and the other Malakite will ride on the flanks alongside the trucks and act as an interception force. It's dangerous, but that's why you're the one doing it. Out in the field, Bahpon will call the shots on how to engage when and if you make contact," he explained, or rather briefed angel.

"If you've got any other questions, the ground team can fill you in;it's time to get moving," Jean explained; instantly the angel felt the world fall away as he drifted down to earth. Moment later, he was standing in a very different garage, his bike beside him as a group of people noticed him and waved him over. "You must be the new guy. Sent from Mal, right?" one of them asked, yelling over the noise.

Around the garage, various vehicles were being fuelled up, including what was presumably the two jeeps Jean mentioned and a lot of workers were shouting back and forth to one another. A tension hung over the place, this was definitely the staging area for Jean's gambit.
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