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Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Following the map of the campus, Baphorial made his way to the arts department, only to find it... rather empty. Making a few enquiries around the immediate area, he quickly discovered that no one from arts was in this early on a Saturday, and if they came in at all, it wouldn't be until after noon; the time now being around 9am still.

Dejected, he headed over to the library to run an internet search. Unfortunately, the best he could fine was someone from Massachusetts who didn't seem to fit the bill.
Re: Jegne's Thread

"Ah, I see... a difficult path indeed," the voice mused.

Novalis - Archangel of Flowers. She and her servants are charged with calming the souls of humanity. Opposed to direct conflict, they work hard to promote peace and kindness where ever possible.They are strictly forbidden from either personally performing or allowing any unnecessary violence. Killing a human, for any reason, will not only damage an angel of Novalis' soul, but likely result in punishment from the archangel herself. Demons may be destroyed if they make it necessary but even against them Novalis will try kindness first. Seraphim of Novalis emit an aura of peace that forces anyone who would commit violence around them to make a will roll to be able to do so.

Marc - Archangel of Trade. Promoting trade as a method of reducing war and turmoil in the world, Marc and his angels represent divine diplomats and shepherds of civilised society. His angels do not lie, other than in omission and can be relied upon to follow through with promises. It is in fact, forbidden for them to break their word. Seraphim of Marc can tell just by looking into someone's eyes how much money they'd pay for something. They also recover much faster from failing to activate their Seraphim powers.

Michael - Archangel of War. A proud, fierce warrior, he personally kicked Lucifer out the door during the fall and was made Archangel of War for his efforts. Stubborn and individualistic, Michael is much more a warrior than general, so much so that he doesn't command Heaven's armies (that falls to Lawrence, another archangel). That said, he looks after his own so long as they obey his primary rule: You do not retreat from a fight, unless you've been directly ordered to. Seraphim of Michael strike true, they apply a penalty to enemy dodge rolls made against their attacks.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Ugh! Damnable place, she thought. Of course every place she found would close as soon as she needed in. The bag's loops rubbing against her arm didn't help her mood, either - they weren't heavy and the plastic of the loops didn't irritate her skin, but in long and increasingly frustrating time she'd spent wandering this accursed place their swinging pull had become quite offensive.

However, it mattered little. She'd found several stores that had what she wanted, and tomorrow she could come back (WITH Kurt) and get them.

Running yet more courses of action through her head, Marim recalled the less subtle powers she had at her disposal. With her song of possession, she could make Julian say anything she wanted! Reviewing what she knew of the song, she would almost certainly be noticed using it, but she'd have Kurt to watch her body while she did her business.

She didn't want to reveal herself to Julian - she planned on doing a few less than legal things, and if he could identify her it would be disastrous. If she could find his home, she could use his computer to incriminate him with some serious electronic crimes. That ought to shut him down quite nicely, but if she could use her song of possession on him, she would be able to devastate his reputation!

But, there was the problem of actually finding his home. If he broadcast over The Vibe, surely they would have his address on record somewhere? And if tomorrow was Sunday, surely she would have a window to move while he was at church?

Her adrenaline started pumping. It was risky, but far from impossible, and how impressive would it be, if she could complete the task she'd been set a mere two or three days after coalescing out of the swirling notes of the Symphony?!

The idiocy of this place forgotten, she flipped out her phone and called Kurt, shivering with anticipation. "Hello? Hi, hon, could you come get me? I know what we're going to do."
Re: Jegne's Thread

Certainly all were good choices, Jegne take his time"Hm... i choice Marc"
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel mused unhappily. Well, he was making a large assumption that this Nailor was attached to the university. There was a chance that he wasn't. He decided to check the phone book for Eden, intent on finding all possible spellings of Nailor or Naylor or whatever. There couldn't be that many variations of Eric Nailor living in town, and he hoped that the man would at least have a listed number. The guy was a painter afterall, not a rock star.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

Baphoriel found himself a phonebook, and began his searching. He perhaps had finally hit a stroke of luck, as before long he had indeed located "Nailor, E." and copied down a phone number and address. Perhaps he was finally getting somewhere after all.
Re: Marim's Thread

"Glad to hear it," came a less than enthusiastic reply. "I'll be there soon, where abouts are you exactly?" Getting the exact location from Marim, Kurt was apparently on his way to collect her.

And sure enough, before long his car pulled up before her, and waited for her to climb into the passengers seat. "Where to now?" he asked in a slightly bored tone of voice as she climbed in.
Re: Baphoriel's Thread

And only one? Perfect.

Baphoriel was pleased to see a new way forward, and intended to follow up on his find without delay. He searched up directions to the address and memorized them as best he could.

I've got to get a good look at him so I can determine what Fate he needs to meet. Must be careful though... Kronos warned me this guy was under angelic surveillance.

Baphoriel headed out of the library, determined to track down the painter to his home residence.
Re: Marim's Thread

Sitting in the car seat, Marim steepled her fingers in front of her chest, elbows resting on the armrests. Grinning cheerfully, she began speaking, eyes focused on nothing in particular. "Kurt, my friend, I just got my first tech support call! From The Vibe. They want me to look over their databases for security vulnerabilities later on tonight. But, oh, my hands get so cold, do you think there's anywhere still open around here I could get a pair of nice gloves to keep my fingertips all warm and covered?"

(I should probably note that I mostly cannot into computer and have no idea what this IT/hacking stuff should actually go like, and will totally butcher it horrifically.)
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