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Prey by Any Other Name (Astarte)

: HP = 58/70, PP = 60, EP = 37/70, Status = Fine, Energize +5 Speed, Naked, Power of the Storm (Dodge) Upkeep = 4 EP, Enchant Weapon

Laivos - The town.
Sadjot - Naga alchemist.
Maaki - Town Guard Bro, has a date now

Casting on Enchant Weapon: 4 successes.
Casting on Channel Spell: 5 successes.
Attack vs biggun: 133 with an autohit, so I don't need to roll Dodge.
Attack vs Wasp: 111, which is higher than its max Dodge.
Gonna need to do some rules rewrites after this...
Damage: 176 from sword, plus 80 from the spell, killing it in one hit despite its AV.

The wasps, being unhappy about this, all come out at once. All thirteen of them.
Lian's Dodge: 120
Attacks: 71 vs 120 misses, 90 vs 115 misses, 104 vs 110 misses but rolled high enough on base for an autoglance, which can't do anything, 79 vs 105 misses, 92 vs 100 misses, 68 vs 95 misses, 82 vs 90 misses, 69 vs 85 misses, 73 vs 80 misses even though the base dice were an automiss anyway, 76 vs 75 hits, 83 vs 70 hits, 75 vs 65 hits, 92 vs 60 hits. All told, four hit.
Damage: 30/2 = 15, 29/2 = 14, 33/2 = 16, 24/2 = 12, all dealing min damage after Lian's AV, but she doesn't have Superhuman Toughness so that's a total of 12 damage.
Lian's resistance in the end is +10 + 12 + 3 - 4 = 21 mod to her 11 base willpower, for +32 vs these.
Resistance: 51, 50, 45, 51 vs 32, 28, 32, 40, Lian is not Charmed.

Lian's crackling blade slashed cleanly through the wasp in mid air, bisecting it as it took off, and her empowered weapon cut deep into the hulking plant-man without losing any momentum. Bark-like skin peeled away from her blade, and blackening tuberous flesh was rent apart. Her lightning magic burned deeper still as it was channeled into her through her weapon, and the creature gave howl of agony that tapered off. Its eyes popped, spraying green goo around their now smoking sockets, and with a crash it flopped to the ground, forcing Lian to step aside or be buried under it.

The nest on its back, however, had not been destroyed, and the agitated wasps were seemingly quite unhappy that their mobile home had been killed. They came crawling forth en masse, taking off into the air and hovering around her in a cloud of oversized buzzing jade anger. They launched themselves at her only to divert until more of them were around her, and when they attacked they did so in unpredictable patterns, jabbing at her with their stingers. Even with her heightened agility, the storm of wasps coming in from every direction was all but impossible for her to avoid entirely, and the wore down her ability to dodge them bit by bit. First one stinger found purchase, then another, piercing her flesh shallowly and doing minimal damage thanks to her enhanced toughness. Even so, that was enough for them to inject their venom, and with every dose her head felt lighter and her limbs twitched more. A pleasant, euphoric daze began to settle on her, accompanied by an irrational adoration for the things attacking her, but even despite Lian's natural susceptibility to Donevrion's poisons she managed to fight off the chemical assault... For now.