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Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn dagger slammed into the face of the attacker breaking off the blade from the force of the blow. She was able to position herself between the assassin and Ulric, who quickly rolled to the side and dragged himself to his feet before running for a large pile of refuse. Probably the best he could do with how he had fared so far but it still left Lexwyn one on one with their dangerous attacker.

The attacker slashed upwards towards Lexwyn's face with both his blades at the same time only narrowly missing her neck as she dodged at the last second. He then spun back as she dodged leaving his cloak in her hands as she came face to face with their assassin and his blades. His skin was much darker than Lexwyn was used to leading her to remember her sire's words about the clan of the hunt, the Assamites. Dangerous assassins from the holy lands who killed for blood.

very true and it never hurts to check anyways especially with celerity. Such a difficult discipline to do correctly.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Oh no you don't you little bastard." Yes, in the back of her mind Lexwyn knew how dangerous Assamites were. The front of her mind, however, was doing a good job showing this little pipsqueak why Brujah were not be messed with! The damned cloak slipped off the assassin though. It was actually amazing it stayed on that long, but it was still quite inconvenient. She dropped it immediately, instead reacting quickly to try and tackle and pin the man. She wasn't yet to the point of just offing him, but was close. First she needed to beat the name of whatever vile wretch hired him out of his soon to be broken mouth.

Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The swarthy assassin merely smiled grimly as he brought up his blades to meet the charging Brujah. Two slashes outwards one catching her shoulder and the other across her upper thigh stung Lexwyn just seconds before she crashed into the Assamite.

They both flew into the filth and refuse of the alley with Lexwyn landing squarely on top as she struggled to pin the assassin down. She might be stronger but he was most certainly faster. They rolled in the filth for several minutes with neither gaining a true advantage when they both became aware of the sound of footsteps rushing towards them from opposite sides of the alley.

From the mouth of the alleyway Anabelle could see the two Cainite's struggling in the mud and garbage of the alleyway. Though she recognized neither of the strugglers she knew them to both be like her with a simple sniff of the air and in the distance she could see Jourdain moving forward quickly from his end.

10/14 BP, 4/4 WP, [x][][][][][][]. Sinful will be joining your thread for a time so don't worry when she posts here.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Caochan," Anabelle said, hefting her axe eagerly in her hands, ready to bring the sharp blade crashing down on... one of these two. She couldn't tell which was enemy, and who was possible... not enemy.

Unable to make up her mind proper she moved to the rolling pair and lifted her axe.

"I suggest ye both stop making a mess of yerselves now."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Rargh!" Lexwyn was no closer to clarity than a few seconds before, though thankfully she hadn't completely lost it. Frankly such indiscriminate intervention did nothing to calm her down, but there was a deep seated voice telling her that the newcomers probably had no idea what was going on. She kicked at the attacker, but in a way where it could be seen as pushing him away, even if she really did want to get in a parting hit.

"Tell it to the worm who just attacked us out of nowhere. He just about ashed my traveling companion before I had to take matters into my own hands!" The truth, though her tone was probably not controlled enough to be convincing. She did spare a glance to see where Ulrich had gotten to, probably not very far in his current state. If he could vouch for her that would make a pretty big difference though, more so than her word alone, at least. Either way, she wasn't about to let this insolent whelp off lightly for ruining her tour of the city.

(Push the Assamite back, hopefully with a kick that does some damage ;) If he tries to flee I'm going to pounce again though. Hopefully Ulrich didn't run too far)
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Jourdain arrived almost at the same time as Anabelle though he added nothing to the conversation. Instead merely reinforcing Anabelle's threat with an intimidating glare over the heavy warhammer in his grasp. He did keep his eyes focused more on the Assamite than Lexwyn but it was clear he would bash either head in if he wanted to.

The Assamite backed up against the wall from Lexwyn, where his focus remained. His thin daggers held at the ready to intercept any new attack that might come his way.

Lexwyn could feel the beast within her barely contained and she realized that any further attack would likely send her under the beast's control. She trusted her chances in a fight even against poor odds but she realized it would likely ruin her stay in London and she had too many plans to throw it all away. She of course did not recognize Anabelle though Jourdain was familiar as he was the one to direct her to court earlier in the evening.

Jourdain listened to Lexwyn and then asked. "Do forgive my rudeness but you are rather new to the city. Who exactly is your traveling companion that he has a Saracen hunting him down?" With a quick look back at the middle easterner he added, "And if you even think of spitting your poison at any one you'll regret it."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn could barely contain her growl, but directed all her displeasure at the assassin. "Perhaps the wrong term, but I meant for a lovely walk tonight." She quickly made note that Jourdain was indeed the man she had met earlier in the night. She didn't have time for reintroductions, so continued on and hoped his memory would suffice. "I made it to court just fine, and as it so happens I met a most interesting fellow who agreed to show me around. You are probably familiar with him, his name is Ulrich." She shot another glance at their attacker. "Apparently his paranoia was not misplaced in the slightest..."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Anabelle cocked her head, and turned to make it clear her axe was going to head directly towards this middle eastern assassin should anything happen. She watched him a moment, then swung her axe towards his midsection quickly, hoping to at least tear him, gouge him... slow him.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Jourdain nodded at the hasty explanation seemingly satisfied as he said. "Ah Ulrich, just who I was looking for. That's the problem with madmen you can't even trust them when they tell the truth. Now to see if our Saracen has permission to ply..."

Jourdain's words stopped short as Annabelle's axe suddenly swung toward the Arab's midsection. The Assamite being prepared flicked the axe blade aside and swung upwards with the other blade barely missing Anabelle as she followed through.

Jourdain rushed forward to the attack as a thick cloud of inky blackness surrounded him. A heavy blow of his hammer crushed into the Assamite from within sending him crashing back against the wall. Lexwyn found herself within the very edge of the inky blackness, a wholly uncomfortable feeling. Even her dead flesh could feel the unnatural cold of the strange cloud and even sound seemed muted by the shadowy darkness. Anabelle and the Assamite were free of the cloud though a step in the right direction would block their sight as well.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Anabelle went forward again, doing a quick feint to the side, before swinging her axe through the globe of darkness, shifting the movement of the weapon slightly, hoping that this assassin would not see the arc of the swing.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn growled and stepped around the side of the cloud. She didn't like that, but even if it was not some conjuration of Jourdain's doing, they had this pipsqueak outnumbered. Of course, Lexwyn was equally pissed that others were intervening in HER fight, but there was only so much practicality would allow. Part of her was also angry that she was going to have to bump 'getting a proper weapon' up her list of things to do, too. The backcountry rarely had metalworkers of the quality she wanted, and before now, Lexwyn had assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that she would be allowed to settle in to London unmolested before needing to worry of such things.

Another sacrifice for practicality made her wary of just joining back in too. These people had large weapons that didn't care who they hit, and swinging them widely in such a confined space was a recipe for collateral damage if they weren't careful. Instead Lexwyn sulked over to the most likely escape route, ready to cut it off if the cretin decided to make a run for it. The instant he was free of the tangle, she would pounce him again, or worse.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Anabelle's feint drew one of the assassins blades in defense though her true attack caught him off guard. Her axe buried sliced through the assassins arm and deeply into his side. Jourdain's next attack missed and his warhammer crashed into the wall of the alley sending dust and bit s of stone flying from the impact.

The assassin down to one arm and one blade to go with it decided it was a good time to try and make an escape. He dodged his way past Anabelle and tried to head for the open alley and Lexwyn. He was not so capable at defending against her speed and she was able to tackle him to the ground once more. Though as she drove the Assamite to the ground she noticed for the first time that they had another guest on a nearby rooftop watching the battle.

The assassin dropped his sword as he was driven to the ground and cried out for mercy.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Anabelle moved slowly over to the pair, and held her axe above the man's neck, ready to plunge it down and sever his head. She glanced at the other woman for just the briefest of seconds, before putting all attention back on the armless man.

"Your fight. Your choice on mercy," she said, ready to deliver the killing blow.

Would Anabelle be able to smell the observer?
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn hissed at her prey. Sadly, while she would have really loved to just have his head lopped off, preferably by her own hand, pragmatism as always reared its ugly head. "No... I need to know who sent him, and why. Talk you scoundrel!" Thankfully she could looked pretty terrifying if need be. If he answered well, she might let him go. Lexwyn still had some semblance of an honor code, even if it got in the way more often than not. Just in case she was still pissed she didn't make such a deal explicit.

She spared only a slightly glance around to check where Ulrich had sulked off to, too. It definitely seemed like he was the target, though that did not make Lexwyn feel much better. To her, this was almost a personal insult, attacking her on her first night here!

(Use Presence if necessary to get the info out of this guy)
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Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

The shadowy cloud remained where it had appeared as Jourdain stepped out of it to join the others. The shadows seemed to move near him unnaturally making him look even more intimidating than he already was as he leaned in and said. "I highly suggest you speak or I'll let my companions do what they want to you and conveniently forget what I saw."

Ulrich was still no where to be seen and the Assamite who now lay beneath Lexwyn was in no condition to escape and even seemed to grow a shade paler at the threat of final death. Still he managed to look relaxed as he answered the others. "I was sent by my superior to destroy your companion, the Malkavian. I do not know anymore than this I swear, though I am sure you will not believe an Saracen like myself so do what you must. I have failed you Haquim, I am not worthy of the gift."

He's observing from more of a distance than I probably made it seem, so no. He's actually kind of hard to see as well since he's not moving but Lexwyn was lucky on her spot check.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"And who is this superior of yours?" Anabelle said, old bias and bitterness from her human days somehow rising again in her mind. Her grip tightened on the axe, and would have turned her knuckles white had they already not been so pale with death.

A hashashin was no trivial matter, a vampiric one less so. She would cleave his head from his neck, if only to secure one loose end that could some day bite her in the ass.
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

"Indeed... I believe we must have... a word with him... I prefer things done the polite way, but if your kind continues to insist on such barbaric tactics... I'm afraid I will have to resort to the same, hmmm..." Lexwyn gave a small glance towards the newcomer's weapons, in a way where the assassin would surely get the hint now. She was half tempted to demand he take them there now, but rushing in headlong was not the best tactic. This was going to be a problem... one she would need time to consider how to eradicate...
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Jourdain moved off as though searching for other's in the alley having done a small part to aid in the interrogation of the Assamite. If either Lexwyn or Anabelle were paying attention they probably notice him calling for Ulrich to come out from hiding at little more than a whisper.

The assassin stared back at Lexwyn proudly as she asked for his superior's name, before merely shaking his head and saying. "I would rather meet final death a partial failure than to surrender any of my brother's names. You speak of barbaric tactics yet the crusaders are the ones to pillage and rape my homeland led by your Warlords and Magisters. The children of Haquim will judge all of you one day."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Lexwyn snorted. "What? Do you mistake me for one of those Roman bastards? I assure you, we are all victims of that particular conspiracy. It matters not, in this matter, however. You see, in ALL cultures, it is rather rude to attack a lady as she is taking a nice midnight stroll. So what if I was not your target, I do not take kindly to my affairs being interrupted so."

Lexwyn bent down more, narrowing her eyes. This one was a bit thick, and apparently some kind of misplaced loyalty was countering her attempts to terrorize. She would admit some causes were worth dying for, but those far off, petty 'crusades' meant little here in London. She was not involved, Ulrich was probably not involved, and these other two.... well, she couldn't spare the attention right now to check. It seemed as if she would have to get more to the point. "You seem like one who has not had much chance to learn from his mistakes yet, and I'd rather not end someone who may yet be shown the error of their ways. But, in this world, there are consequences for your actions that must be paid. I would settle for simply an exchange of valuables, with an assurance that you would abandon this foolish pursuit, but frankly, I don't trust you. And honestly, I can't be bothered to deal with it. I'm a busy woman. So here's the deal... I'll give you one last chance to give me *something* to work with, otherwise I fear it will indeed be off with your head. There's no other way to ensure we won't just do this again next week..."
Re: Pride and Prejudice (Oamp)

Anabelle listened to this stranger's words, and slowly lowered her axe until the blade pressed against the Cainite's throat, pressing down into the skin, starting to put force on the windpipe, which might not be as effective against a dead man, but the sensation would certainly help him realize that a final death was not so far off.

She kept her mouth shut, not wishing to speak of her times in the Holy Lands, of the atrocities she saw there from both sides. A single coin, tattered and dirty on both sides. The idea that this hashashin was actually calling out Christians for the evil acts committed in God's name amused the former crusader, and a smirk appeared on her face.
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