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Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

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Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain's hammer is already in his hands ready for whatever happens next as he humorously mutters.

"Good I was beginning to worry my plans might go off without a hitch."

The leper continues to block their path as Anabelle turns to watch their backs. Staring into the darkness she suddenly sees the source of the sound behind them as many small beady red eyes stare back at her. Rats and by the looks of the eyes a lot of them.

The tension is suddenly broke by the sounds of a fine Arabian horse with it's rider comes from the gate stopping behind the leper. The rider looks much like the Saracen riders she had recently battled against in the Levant. He sits astride his horse for a bit longer as if to let them worry about their predicament in silence for a little longer.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Her blade scraped against the leather of her scabbard as she pulled her blade free. Her eyes flicked between rider and the horde of rats. Her face contorted into a sneer, baring her fangs as she tightened her grip on the sword, raising the weapon up in preparation for battle.

Thousands of miles away, and beyond the boundary of death, and still she had to fight these heathens.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The Saracen quickly holds his hand up as Anabelle and Jourdain draw weapons as if to allay their fears.

"Hold, I don't wish to see the blood of any kindred spilled this night. I am Zian and this is Mehdi. We merely seek to know who wishes to enter the domain of the Lady Sophoniba and for how long they intend to stay."

Jourdain signals for Anabelle to lower her sword as he replies in a somewhat exasperated tone.

"I am Sir Jourdain De Mont St. Michel and my traveling companion here is Nabe. We only wish permission to enter for this one night."

Zian nods his head thoughtfully and signals to the leper who heads back to the side of the road. The rats seem to disappear as well though Anabelle can still hear the occasional sound of scuttling behind them.

"The Lady Sophoniba wishes you welcome to her domain for this night then."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Despite the polite words from the Saracen, and Jourdain's direction, Anabelle only lowered her sword with hesitation, eventually sliding it back in its sheath. She could fight another day, but she didn't like the Saracen, or his rat commanding leper friend.

She said nothing as she turned her horse once more to stand beside the knight sh had been traveling with, lips pulled tight with the tips of her fangs poking out, only hiding them after a few moments.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Jourdain leads the way through the city gates without saying another word, he seems to be checking every shadow and alley as they pass through the narrow streets. The narrow streets with their twists and turns quickly leave Anabelle confused as to where they are. Finally he stops at what appears to be a mansion on a quiet street. Dismounting he grabs the reins of both horses and points across the street to a small market still somewhat busy with people.

"Probably your best chance to find something to eat. Just be very careful, the Sultan is apparently a little on edge judging from our welcome. I'll be along soon I need to arrange for the horses first."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Forcing a breath into lungs that no longer required it, Anabelle nodded to the knight, and carefully moved into the crowd. Her leather and chain mail stood out, but not nearly as much as a full suit of plate mail, and her hauberk showing the cross was mostly in tatters and faded.

She moved through the crowd, searching for a meal, her eyes flicking down side alleys where someone might be hanging out all by their lonesome.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The market was full of small booths, most separated from their neighbors by canvas siding the stalls. Most of the stalls seemed to be selling food stuffs: figs, olives, fruits, cheeses, and meats. She felt a sudden sharp pang of hunger as she saw the blood in the butcher's stall. Moving away quickly she found herself looking at more expensive wares: spices, silks, perfumes, and the like. The merchants here were far more alert than the others and several had armed guards who eyed her suspiciously as she passed them.

She could see that it would be difficult to get someone alone in this part of the market so she headed in deeper. After passing several empty stalls which she guessed were used by the smiths and artisans of the city during the day to sell there wares she came upon the back of side of the market and headed back down the opposite side of the market. More empty stalls except for one located next to a side alley. The merchant in this stall didn't seem to hawk his wares like the others and he was alone as well. Walking towards the stall she couldn't quite tell what he was selling, though something about the way he acted told her it might be goods of the illicit sort.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Walking up to the booth, Anabelle kept her expression neutral, her eyes looking for any sign of the wares he was selling along for any potential witnesses. Getting closer she could smell his blood, and she knew her mouth would be salivating were she alive.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

All of the people shopping at the market are on the other side of the booths leaving Anabelle and the proprietor of the lone stall alone. The man hardly moves as Anabelle walks up to look at his wares. Spread across the table are a strange assortment of trinkets, amulets, and small jars filled with powders. She notices at least one jar hidden behind the man as he sits. As he finally notices her he stands and waves his hand over the table as though presenting it to her with a smile.

"What is it that you look for at my humble booth, sir. Ah, don't tell me, Yusuf knows exactly what you need. Lucky tooth from St. Augustine, it will protect you from shipwrecks. Only 20 gold pieces and it shall be yours."

He says holding up a necklace with looks like a jackals tooth on it.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle knew she had to get him alone, had to lure him away from this clearing. She smiled gently.

"Are these all your wares?" she asked, letting just enough of her femininity show through to let this peddler know she was indeed a woman. Seduction could help.

The thought sent a whirlwind of conflicting feelings through her. She'd never considered using her gender as a tool before, why now? Why out of no where? Still she smiled at the man, making sure he wouldn't be able to see her fangs.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Yusuf's gets a surprised look on his face as Anabelle reveals that she isn't a sir as he had expected. He doesn't seem all that interested judging from the look on his face as he apologizes. "Yusuf is sorry. He judged from the armor and the crusader's tunic. Please forgive this humble servant, miss."

After the apology she catches his eyes slip to the nearby alley and he looks around a little nervously before lowering his head and speaking a little lower says. "Yusuf supplies many things to those of more discerning tastes, but before I show them you must promise not to tell the constabulary of this fair city."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

At this Anabelle let out a small laugh. "Me and the constabulary are not on the best of the terms," she said quietly, toying with her hauberk slightly to push the point.

Her own eyes drifted over to the alley before quickly snapping back to her potential meal.

"Show me what you got, I won't tell a soul. On my honour,"
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

"Excellent, right this way please." Yusuf says exiting from behind his stall and leading her into the nearby alley.

Following along close behind the fat little merchant Anabelle catches sight of Jourdain keeping watch over the proceedings from a busier corner of the market. The merchant takes the lead with his back turned as he hurries along the darkened alleyway.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle follows him, feeling her fangs with the tip of her tongue, keeping her lips closed for fear of being caught before she was ready. If her heart still worked, it would be pounding right now. This was her first true hunt as one of the Kindred.

She looked around to make sure she was alone with this little bastard.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

The close dark alley should make it easy to strike the fat little merchant from behind. The silence is only broken by the soft footsteps of the merchant and her own steps. A quick look behind her reveals nothing but utter darkness even the light from the open air market behind her seems to blocked out. It's the perfect time to strike.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle moved forward quickly, grasping the merchant by the neck and pushing him against a wall. To hesitate now could bring doom on her, so she quickly lunged her fangs for the man's neck, looking to bite deep.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Yusuf can barely react as his short flabby body is thrust against the wall and despite his kicking. Anabelle's fangs are soon at his throat cutting off his frightened scream before it can escape his throat. A mere second after her fangs break the skin of his throat he ceases his struggling as he is overcome with the intense feeling of the kiss.

The world seems to slow down as the blood flows into her mouth, the tinny flavor is better than anything she has ever tasted in her life. Somewhere in the back of her mind though she realizes she isn't in control of her actions any longer. The beast is in complete control of her actions as she gorges herself on the delicious blood of the man.

Anabelle just frenzied.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Well shit

Slamming the man harder against the wall, enough that his head would crack against it, her fangs dug deeper into the merchant's flesh. Anabelle growled as excess blood ran down over her hauberk, her fingers digging into his body as she tightened her grip on him.
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Eh, it'll happen eventually anyways.

Time seems to slow down to a complete stop as the monster inside of her gorges itself on every last drop of blood in the fat little merchant. Finally the beast starts to pull back it's tremendous hunger having been sated on a man who had done her no harm. She suddenly hears Jourdain's voice coming to her as if in dream telling her to push the beast back. She almost feels alive once more as the warm blood of the merchant fills her veins.

Finally she pulls her face back from his neck as if gasping for air she no longer needs. The loss of the feeling of life she had while feeding together with the slow realization of what she's done replaces the euphoric feeling of feeding. Slumping to her knees with the body of the merchant she feels a hand on her shoulder as Jourdain says almost coldly.

"You'll have to hide the body and get yourself cleaned up before going back through the market. Come on I'll show you how to do it."
Re: Prologue: Anabelle MacLoyd

Anabelle stared down at the body in horror. This was far from the first time she's killed, but every other time had been on the battlefield. It had been her life or another's. This time was murder, plain and simple.

As Jourdain spoke to her, she nodded dumbly, before looking up. "Okay," she said quietly, shame thick in her voice.
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