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Prologue - Byron Riggs

Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

As he charges the doorway, the man in the suit actually dodges backward, seeming as though he's getting out of Byron's way. This is not the case, however, as it would appear he was actually giving his companion more room to maneuver. The other, trench coat barely flapping with the movement, lashes out and grabs hold of Byron and with a grunt, heaves him back into the room, tossing him to the floor and closing the distance between the two of them.

"I think we found our answer." Trench coat comes at him in a crouch, aiming to pin him to the floor and keep him there, likely quite literally if he gets that sword out that Byron can now see under the folds of the coat.

The suit comes back into the doorway, not seeming to be reacting to anything at the moment, just staring at the scene in front of him. Trench coat hauls back when suddenly the other man calls out to him.

"Adam, wait! Wait!" He's suddenly hurrying across the room to the other two. "It's not him. It wasn't him."

That, thankfully, stops Adam from striking Byron. He doesn't let him up, but at least he's not going to hit him. Yet.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron's at first triumphant expression is quickly turning to one of surprise.. then to one of pain as he is knocked back the ground, the air pressed from his lungs and leaving him coughing.

The sight of the blade stiffles his attempts to jump back to his feet, eyes darting in panic from man to man.

At those words, Byron once more finds his speech, croaking:
'Who.. who are you?..'
The sight of the sword giving him a hint - though probably quite in the false direction, as he replies:
'You are looking for the fanged guy? He knocked me out cold.. left me here with the body to die.. That sucker bit me..', he gasps out.

Well.. probably not the best idea, he realizes just as the words are out.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

The two men exchange a look, seeming to be having a conversation without saying a word. Adam backs off, pushing himself to his feet and reaching a hand down to help Byron up.

"There are so many ways I can contradict that statement," the suit says with a slight chuckle. "And yet, so many ways I can't."

"Alexander, don't confuse him. We really don't have the time for this. Not with what's been going on tonight," Adam states.

"Then I'll get to the point. The 'fanged guy,' it would appear, did not knock you out cold. He Embraced you. Made you into a Kindred, like himself, like us." He gestures between himself and Adam. "Likely what happened is he either did it so you'd take the fall for the death of another vampire that was here or he figured we wouldn't leave a neonate like yourself unattended. Either way, he gets a head start and we get another situation to deal with." Alexander regards him for a moment. "It would appear you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Mr.--?"
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Looks at the outstretched hand for a moment, the puzzled expression on his face quite speaking for his confusion. But after a long moment, he regains his wits, taking the offered hand and rising to his feet.

'Riggs.. Byron Riggs. It was my shift here when suddenly everything went crazy around me.', he begins.
'So.. You are not going to..well, hack me to pieces with your sword?', He carefully asks.
'Not that I do not appreciate that, but I have to ask why, though. You said that this.. escaping vampire made me one of you and it seems that finding me here binds your attention quite some. So.. I guess my becoming a.. vampire.. was not planned. Why aren't you just getting rid of me?'

The question might appear pretty stupid, but Byron has faced death so many times this night, that he just became tired of the uncertainty. If death is still imminent and those two are just keeping him alive to answer questions, he at least wishes to know.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

"Not unless you give me reason to," Adam replies. By rights, it should be a smartassed remark but his delivery of the line leaves no question that he's quite serious.

"It binds our attention, as you say," continues Alexander, "but it's really only delaying the inevitable. He will be found. He will be punished. But right now, you and this scene are our priority. As for why we're not simply doing away with you, firstly, it's not our right. If you'd been guilty of his crime, yes, but you're not, so you're cleared there. Secondly, this was thrust upon you and you're not the first we've had to deal with tonight. It's up to us to see to it you're given the proper guideance and acclimation into your new, well, unlife, as it were. If, after all of that, you still would like Adam to hack you to pieces, I'm sure it could be arranged." That garners Alexander a look from Adam.

"And third, you are our only witness," Alexander continues, as if sensing Byron's mood. "Not to mention I trust you know more about this facility than we do. You'll be invaluable in helping us cover up the situation here."
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron relaxes visibly.
"So you need me.. actually not the worst base to start then.. could have been worse. And you say: If I help you to find that guy and clean up this mess, you will help me to deal with.. what I have become?", he asks.
"Well, I guess we have similar interests then. If anything of what happened here would turn up to the officials, I would be as good as jailed..forever. And I can think of better things..especially when only half of the vampire-myths are true. I wouldn't survive the first nights."

He walks over towards the table with the surveilance system.

"I am not sure how much you know about the escaping vampire, but our surveilance system has caught some of it on tape.. and of course I can give you a pretty good description if that is of any help - He was my assisstant for quite a while..", Byron adds with a cynical smile.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

"This isn't exactly my forte," Adam states. "I'm going to scout around and make sure we're not disturbed." He leaves Byron and Alexander to the more technical aspects of the situation.

"More aptly, we'll help you deal with your situation and then we'll look into finding the one that did this, but we'll gather what clues we can while we're here. Before the trail gets too cold."

Upon examining the surveilance system, Byron finds that he's likely going to provide a description. All the tapes for tonight are missing. The cameras still work, of course, but the tapes are gone. Good, in a way, as it means that his death and the moments after weren't caught on film either, but they're still currently without any record of tonight's events.

Alexander looked only moderately dismayed at the turn of events. "Looks like you'll just have to describe him to us, then. Though, you said it was the man that was your assistant?" That news seemed to unsettle him a little more. "Nevermind. I know the man you're talking about. Aside from needing to clean the place up, is there anything here that would leave clues that someone other than yourself or Mitch would have been here tonight? Other cameras? People that would have seen you, or more precisely, seen Adam and myself coming in or Mitch leaving? And secondly, how easy will it be for you to take the rest of the night off? Honoring our half of the bargain is something that we don't have the luxury of waiting on."
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron should have expected the tapes gone after all - his assistant knew well enough of the cameras in this place and would not be that stupid after all.

'Mh.. I should have known that he disabled the security system. Luckily for us, this is the recording central for all the morgue, meaning that since you arrived after his messing with the surveilance, you will not be recorded on anything here. Should get a little hard to explain why it doesn't work, though, as we are to check on that thing regularly.. well, mistakes can happen, of course.', he replies.

'So, apart from that the nightshift currently only includes myself and Mitch and since there are little valuables around this place, the camera sytem and the locks on the doors are all security around here. If we were attached to clinic, it would be different.. but well..', he adds.

'With Mitch gone and the cameras off, there will hardly be anyone notice me leaving right away, actually. At this time of night, noone is likely to call or drop by anyways - could just be that dead bodies turn up.. Well, lets see if I can get this settled by redirecting those to the clinic for tonight, blaming it on Mitch taking sickleave and leaving me alone with work to do..'
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

"Could the missing tapes be explained by a break-in? College prank and covering their tracks?" Alexander offers. "Or simply technical failure. Unreliable technology."

As Byron continues, he nods. "I'll leave that to you to handle and also to take care of any aspects that may pertain to the missing...body and also the other cadaver." Meaning, of course, the one Byron came to his senses with his teeth sunk into. "A word of advice, though. If you lick the wounds you created, they'll seal up. I'm not sure if that will make things easier or more difficult for you, but the option is there. I'm going to touch base with Adam and see if he's found anything of interest and leave you to your duties. You'll find us outside when you've finished."

And with that, unless Byron has any further questions or remarks, Alexander does just as he's stated and makes his way out of the building.

((As I've got no idea how to clean up a coroner's mess and I'm guessing Alexander doesn't either *laughs* Not to mention the Toreador isn't going to get his hands dirty *snicker*))
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron smiles, nodding.

'Easily done. Technical failure is one thing.. but well, as we are all human here, one could just forget to replace the tapes as well after the night. I guess with Mitch just not showing up today I could well have fogotten that.. I will get a severe speech on that topic, but I guess nothing else, as nothing is missing. I will remove the body from the records and thats it..', he adds with an ironic smirk.

Then he realizes what struck him wrong in his assumptions:
'Ah, I guess.. were once human, it should be. It will take me some time getting used to that. If you do not mind one stupid question: Is it true that vampires are unable to expose themselves to the light of the sun? That I will never see daylight again?', he asks, while straightly following them both out of the building - he has had enough of the morgue for this night.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

"There are many among the Kindred that have seen a sunrise after the Embrace. Granted, it was a form of suicide and was the last thing they ever saw, but the option is always there." Alexander explains softly. "And please, make sure everything you need to do to cover yourself is done, you may not have a chance to return here tonight."
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron shivers softly at Alexander's words - seeing a last sunrise has lost much of its appeal already. Well, he has always been more of a nightperson anyways, he guesses.

He nods and replies: "I have taken care of everything, I think. I will come up with something to explain the malfunction of the security system. Some might wonder if Mitch does no longer show up, but I guess that will not raise much suspicion if we could come up with a forged quitting of the job. I have removed the corpse that turned to ashes from our records - so as long as noone is showing up to request its delivery, which I guess will not happen, we should be alright. And noone will show up any more this night, as I have refused to take in more corpses until tomorrow..", he summarizes once more.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

((Ah, i heard the list before, thought you were just talking about it, not doing it XD))

"Sounds like you have everything covered then." Alexander says graciously, moving to a car. Adam was apparently walking, he was about a half block down the street already. "Do you own a car? Or would you appreciate a lift?" He asks, waiting until Byron answers before getting in.
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Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

((*blush* Now that you mention it - I indeed missed to put in the lines that show how he did the computer stuff while checking on the sec-system. Lets just assume he did ^^))

Byron follows to the car, replying:
'I do own a motorcycle.. but honestly, I am not sure if I am currenlty able to ride it in a way that will not attract attention. My body is still trembling and I feel pretty weak.. and my stomach hurts like hell..' He adds:
'I would gladly take the offer..'
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

"That's entirely psychological, it will pass." Alexander says sympathetically, getting into his car and waiting for Byron to get in before driving off, headed for downtown from what Byron could see.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron smiles, now more confident.

"If I may be so curious.. Where are we heading? I think I recall you saying, that your people seem to take care of new vampires.. but there do not seem to be so many around. So I guess the legend is wrong about a vampire's bite being enough to become one yourself? Elsewise you guys would be very busy, I think...", he adds.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Indeed, a single bite is not enough to create a new Kindred, or it would be impossible to keep ourselves secret. And we are heading for the old courthouse, barely a block away now." Alexander says with a gentle smile, turning a corner. True to his word, the courthouse appears, right about the promised block away.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron nods, obviously absorbing every information about his newfound life with eagerness and curiousity - he almost wonders that he found it so easy to accept for now.. Maybe a state of shock?
But on the other hand - it is easy to accept change.. any change.. when there is so little in your life that you hold on. And his old life is not hard to abandon..

'Ah, I see..'
Looking out of the window, he watches the courthouse draw nearer, asking softly:
'The old courthouse.. a good place to speak justice, I think. I wonder.. what might be expected of me? Does your.. I mean... our society hold special ranks..or laws maybe?'
The aura of the ancient building giving him a bad feeling.. as if he was about to be put to a test.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

"As a Neonate, not much is expected of you."Alexander explains. "The one thing I would keep in mind is to call ourselves Kindred, not vampires, and the mortals Kine. Take your clues off of the older Kindred when referring to titles, and you should be fine." He says, parking the car and walking towards the back of the building.
Re: Prologue - Byron Riggs

Byron nods softly. "Kindred.. I will try to remember. I guess I shall recognize the older.. kindred.. when I see them.", he replies.

Byron then follows Alexander, leaving the car and following in his shadow as he approaches the building. The dreadful feeling is still present - a slight tingling in his stomach. He still does not know what to expect from what lies ahead, but he hardly does have a choice when he wants to learn and deal with his new situation.
The eagerness in their search for the fugitive vampire suggests, that he better learned the rules of this society.. and quick.