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Prologue - Charles Andrews


Dec 14, 2008
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Charles stood behind the counter at Polowski's Hunting Supplies, watching the occasional customer enter, look around, and leave without buying anything for the last few hours. A glance at the wall told him it was shortly after ten, less than an hour before close. The latest customer left, leaving him alone in the store once again.

((Kinda bleh, but I figured I'd let ya say what you were up to before interesting things started to happen.))
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((That's a fine start!))

Charlie was somewhat bored- his regulars were already gone for the weekend, the last weekend before classes start (or so Charlie thinks), and he was entering the "dead hour", the last hour of the day.

Charlie decides that it's time to start some of the basic closing duties. He pulls out the broom and begins sweeping the back room, keeping his ears pealed for the door's annoying buzzing announcing that last customer that forgot some meaningless hunting supply for his trip tomorrow.

Charlie was still having some doubts about his recent argument with Mark, and he absent mindedly swept as he thought about how to approach Mark.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie's sweeping was inevitably interrupted by the buzz of the door opening, but a quick look showed him something he wasn't quite expecting.

Two people walked through the door, a man and a woman. The man was somewhere close to eight feet tall and very bulky, and was covered in what was obviously a homemade cloak, for obvious reasons. The way he moved suggested he was trying to hide beneath the cloak, probably to hide some deformity.

The woman was the polar opposite of the man, and quite frankly the hottest woman he had ever seen. She wore a tank top and miniskirt, both a medium shade of blue, and practically dripped sex appeal. She seemed to be playing caretaker for the behemoth of a man, holding the door open so he could duck through.

((Picture her as a cross between Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox or something ;) ))
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Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie sighed a sigh of relief. The dead hour had just began, and the last customer (s) were already here. Easy night coming up. Charlie puts down the broom, and walks up to the cash register, wearing his salesman's smile.

"Welcome to Polowski's Hunting Supply. Anything I can help you with tonight?"

He faced the tall one while he spoke. Surely, the beast of a man is the hunter. The girl looked like a frail super-model. Beautiful, but frail. No way she'd been in the wild one day, let alone on a weekend hunting trip.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Surprisingly, it was the woman who spoke, while the man simply turned away and started wandering the aisles.

"Umm, yeah. Daddy and I are looking for a Remington 870, 12 guage, and some slugs. We got lucky and got a moose tag this year." She said, giving him a rather obvious appraisal as she did so. "Can you help us?"
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Surprisingly, it was the woman who spoke, while the man simply turned away and started wandering the aisles.

"Umm, yeah. Daddy and I are looking for a Remington 870, 12 guage, and some slugs. We got lucky and got a moose tag this year." She said, giving him a rather obvious appraisal as she did so. "Can you help us?"

She knows her hunting. I guess I was wrong. Charlie thought to himself.

Charlie shows a more honest grin. He hasn't had a super-model hunter size him up before. True, he's no Brad Pitt (or whatever Hollywood man-whore was popular these days), but he wasn't exactly ugly either. She may not be looking at him with that in mind, but that's how Charlie thinks he's being sized up.

"That shouldn't be too much of a problem, mind if I see your driver and gun license?"

Charlie throws a quick glance down the aisle the Tall one went down. He was wearing a custom cloak, which might be used for pickpocketing. Charlie knew that the only real camera in here was aimed at the gun rack / counter, and the rest was just for show.

[[My knowledge of Canadian Gun Laws are more limited than my character. I know they have strict gun laws, but I dont know the specifics my character would know... let me know if he is asked to "bend the rules"]]

EDIT {{ I just learned that when someone stores or displays a gun, the gun is unable to fire until a safety device is removed, or the fireing pin is put in... something like that. So, I have a whole bunch of guns, none of which are loaded or easily able to fire.}}
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Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((I don't have much of a clue myself, I'll be going off of mostly common sense. Hell, I had to use wikipedia to find the name of a gun, for chrissakes XD ))

"Well I don't have a license myself, but here's dad's." The woman said breezily, passing over a pair of licenses for an Adam Scott. Charlie hasn't seen the big man's face, but the dimensions seemed to add up and the face on the card looked like it could fit easily enough, though it looked pretty well-kept, which seemed out-of-place. The woman leans in a bit closer inadvertently giving him quite the view, and whispered a bit. "My dad, he's... Not really a people person, it's why I'm around, times like these..." She said slowly, giving him a bit of a pleading look.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Woah, nice tits! Charlie couldn't help but think. But he chided himself, then focused on business.

The Canadian gun laws are too fuckin' strict anyways... this gotta be good enough. Charlie thinks to himself.

Charlie takes a moment to examines the card in detail. Height seems about right... looks a hell of a lot better in the picture. Wonder what happened to him, since then...

"This is fine," Charlie comments, returning the card. He turns to go to the cash register. "Cash, or credit? We take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express."

For some reason, Charlie starts getting a weird feeling about these customers. Charlie knew chicks who knew guns. They were tough, through and through, and knew how to hunt in the wild. This chick seemed to know guns, but looks like she never spent a day outside in her life. Fingernails too perfect, not enough muscle. And what the heck? This guy isn't a "people person"?

((Adam Scott- From where? How old? I want to add to the "This should be OK, but something doesn't add up" category. Also, if they're American, I can have a bit of fun telling them about the gun laws. :) ))
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((Canadian, the card says he lives in Lousana, which is a town about 40 minutes East of Red Deer, population of about four dozen. Age shows as 26, but even the picture on the card looks older than that, maybe mid-thirties.))

The woman smiled brightly enough to light an auditorium, and started digging in her purse. "Mmm, cash please." She says lightly. The man was still wandering the aisles, though he lloked like he was weaving in the general direction of the counter.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"That'll be 145 loonies for the Remington, and another 20 bucks for the slugs. After tax, about 178.20."

Charlie lets her start counting the cash, as he finds the keys for the gun cabinet.

He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out his keys.

"So where you headed to, for huntin'?" Charlie casually asks, as he starts unlocking the gun cabinet.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"Downtown." The woman says as she started counting out bills. "But then again, I'm not after moose." She says in a seductive tone, giving Charlie a wink as she puts a hundred and eighty dollars on the counter.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie unlocks the cabinet and removes the Remington and a case of slugs.

"I thought it looked like you were hunting for something else... I get off in about an hour. Friend owns a pub, I could buy us a drink, if you'd like. At least show you the best bar in Red Deer."

Charlie places the merchandise on the counter. He removes the safety device from the shotgun, which prevented it from being used. He picked up the cash, and double counted it. Yup- that's a hundred eighty.

"OK, the machine says I owe you one eighty." Charlie starts trying to yank open the unlocked cash register. It's old and rusty, probably hasn't been replaced since the store opened. Opening it can be tricky.

[EDIT]: Cash should have shown as $1.80, not 2.80. Silly internal cash register is broken. Thanks DeMatt!
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Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((Damn, and I was going to point that out IC :D))

The woman smiled broadly, picking up the shotgun and checking it. Apparently, she actually did know a fair amount. "Thank you Dear." She says gently, holding out a hand to shake. "You can call me Ell, I'd be happy to join you."
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie blinks with moderate surprise, thinking She's serious?, but kept his cool.

"Great! On your way through town you probably saw the Blarney Stone Pub? It's at 50 Avenue, hard to miss. Great draft, great guys."

Charlie finally opens the damn register, and starts pulling out the change.

"Jeesus, Mark needs to get a new register." Charlie mutters to himself.

"Anyways, tell them it'll be on Charlie's tab."

Charlie hands over the change.

"And thanks for shopping here at Polowski's Hunting... It's been my pleasure." Charlie flashes a wide, honest grin.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((Done some research, have we? ;) ))

Ell's smile widens a tad, and she nods. "Nice to meet you Charlie, I'll see you there then." She says happily, and turns to leave, sauntering to the door and holding it open for her father again, who had noticed her leaving. He ducked out and she gave Charlie a final wink before leaving herself, the door shutting itself behind her.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Well, that went better than expected. Charlie thought to himself.

---Note--- I am going to assume everything goes fairly regularly until the Bar. Tell me to stop if I go too far ---/note---
Charlie finished sweeping, and finished closing the store, while wistleing to himself. It isnt every day you invite a hot chick to a bar.

Charlie locks the door behind him as he heads to his car. In the rear-view mirror, he makes sure his hair is presentable. He turns on the engine and heads towards the pub.

It's a short drive, but even so Charlie turns on the radio and notices the song "Let's Get it Started" by Black-eyed-peas is almost halfway finished.

Charlie parks the car, locks it, and heads into the pub.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

The bar was pretty busy when Charlie got there, but a good look around from the entrance gave him not hide nor hair of Ell.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Stood me up? Well, figures. That chick was outside my league anyways. Charlie thinks to himself.

Charlie sits down at the bar and orders a Samuel Adams. He looks around the room to see if anything interesting's going on.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

A few seconds after Charlie takes his first sip, he notices Ell walking out of the washrooms. She takes a quick look towards the door, then shrugs and moves to the dance floor, meeting up with another woman she seemed to recognize before they both started dancing.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Huh- don't see that every day... Charlie thinks to himself.

He indicates to the barkeep that he'll buy the next drink either one buys on his tab, and sips his Samuel Adams while he watches the dance, and listens to music.

Too bad none of his friends were around. They'd hardly believe that Ms. Supermodel agreed to come here cause of him.

[Action: Watch, Wait to be noticed. Watch El's next action]