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Prologue - Charles Andrews

Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

The pair danced for quite some time, Ell glancing over to the door every so often, and once or twice at the clock hanging on the wall. After about ten minutes, the pair stopped and went to a booth on the one side of the place, and started chatting. Neither one had drinks in front of them that Charlie could see.

((What, don't see girls dancing together? It's what we do when the men are too chicken to ;) ))
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie smiles to himself when he sees El glance towards the door every couple minutes. Looks like she mighta been waiting for me anyways.

Charlie decides he might as well join the two. He wish he had a wingman, but his close friend Mark was not on talking terms with him right now.

Charlie takes his half-consumed Samuel Adams and approaches the two ladies.

"Hey, Ell, how's it goin'?" Charlie inquired.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Ell jumped a bit when he spoke, apparently not noticing his approach. She covered it up quickly though, smiling widely and shifting a bit further into the booth. "Charlie! I was starting to think you weren't going to show up. Did someone else stop by after me and Daddy?" She asked cheerily.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Seeing Ell move further into the booth, presumably to allow Charlie to sit, Charlie sits down next to her.

"Not exactly. Had an interesting run-in with a Samuel Adams." Charlie says, motioning to his drink.
"You must have been in the washroom when I got in- I didn't see you until just a minute ago. Thought you mighta decided to hunt somewhere else." Charlie winks.

Nice dancing, by the way. You got a natural talent." Charlie compliments.

"So, Ell, ain'tchya gunna introduce us?" Charlie asks Ell, sending a warm grin to the other woman.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Ell smiles right back. "Thank you, though it's a lot more practice than talent for my dancing." She says, holding a hand out towards her friend. "And this is my very good friend Ennie, we're almost like sisters."
Ennie laughs at that, pointing right back at Ell. "If we were sisters, I'd be very afraid for humanity!" She shoots back, and they both laugh. Ennie herself stands a bit taller from what Charlie can tell. She has long brown hair tied back in a bun, and hazel eyes that always seem to bore into whatever she looks at. She has nowhere near the generous charms Ell does, but still to looks quite nice in her conservative clothing, a shirt-and-blouse combination that almost looks like casual day at the office. Her skin is quite pale, and she seems to accentuate that readily, using deep red lipstick and a fair amount of eyeshadow.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

For sisters, they sure looked different. Ell's very modern style seemed to be a deep contrast to Ennie's conservative appearance. In fact, she looks somewhat out of place, Charlie thinks.

"Y'know, if dancing's your thing, we should swing by the Vat. Party central." Charlie comments. "Me, I'm a more quiet type, but every time I've gone I've had a blast."

"Great to meet you, Ennie. I'm Charlie." Charlie extends a hand, in greeting.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Ennie shook his hand with a smile, while Ell started talking again. Her hand was cold to the touch, distracting him from Ell's reply for a second. "-so. The Vat's too crowded on nights like these, and I like this place. It's more, private, would be the word I'd use." She says, colouring her tone while giving the place another look around.

((Couple points, to make sure you're catching it all properly. Ell said they're like sisters, not that they are sisters. And I'm not so great at describing most of the time, what I was trying to do with Ennie was make her 'quite the catch' in her own way, just outshone by a fair bit by Ell ;) ))
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"Glad we think alike!" Charlie says with a smile.

"So, what brings you to Red Dear, Ennie? Hunting?" Charlie casually asks.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"Hunting? For what?" Ennie replies, kind of confused. Ell giggles, and answers her for him. "I met Charlie here at a hunting shop, getting Daddy a new gun."

Ennie "Aaah"-ed, and turned to answer Charlie properly. "Oh no, I live here in town actually, been here for a couple years." She replied easily.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

To Ennie, he responds "Yeah, I know what you mean. I came here about ten years ago now. Been up at the Hunting Supply Store since Uncle Polowski died a couple years back."

Charlie takes a minute to reflect on that, kinda zoning out for a minute, before smiling again and saying

"Speaking of your dad, where'd he go? Turn in for the night?" Charlie asks, genuinely curious.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Ell chuckled. "He's probably hunting already, he isn't very patient about stuff like that." She explained, then shifted a bit closer to him. "So, wanna dance?" She asked coyly, nibbling on her bottom lip a bit.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"Haven't danced in an eternity. But hell, why not?" Charlie merrily replies.

Charlie puts down the Samuel Adams, and slips out of the booth, letting Ellie out.

"Care to join us, Ennie?" Charlie asks.

[[What's the beat, DJ?]]
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((Damned if I know, I dance like I have a centipede's worth of left feet. Isn't the Blarney Stone an irish place, what kind of music do the Irish listen to?))

Ennie smiles and practically hops out of the booth. "Sure do!" She says. Ell slides out more gracefully and sticks an arm under his elbow. It crosses Charlie's mind that these two might actually be competing for his attention, as crazy as that seems.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

I musta used the right shampoo today... Charlie thinks to himself.

Charlie listens to the music, and realizes it's Desire by U2. Probably one of their better dancing pieces.

"Alright, laddies, let's dance!" exclaims Charlie, leading the ladies to the dance floor.

[[Was tempted to pick Bloody Sunday by U2 for the irony, but Desire is a better song. U2 is an Irish band.]]

[[ I also know basically nothing about dancing. My character would be much better at it than I, but also would be out of practice. Surely Ellie would be a much better dancer, having practiced. :p ]]
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

The three dance for a while, and Charlie notices a few more differences between the two women. They both seem to be enjoying themselves, but Ell seems much more focused on Charlie himself, smiling seductively and dancing closer to him than Ennie was. Ennie seemed more reserved, swinging her hips a little less and keeping a bit more distance by comparison.
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Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie happily dances with Ell. Charlie happily accepts Ell's attention, and starts returning the focus of his dancing with her. If Ennie jumped in, he'd still dance, of course. He's a nice guy, after all. But he *did* invite Ell here, and until she finds someone else, he sees himself as obligated to stick to that party.

[[That the answer you were fishing for? I was hopeing to get twice as lucky tonight... :p)
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

((They're like sisters and you though they'd share something like that? Psh, men... ;) ))

The threesome danced for a few more songs, heading back to their seat after. They were just sitting down when Ennie's hip started beeping like a suybmarine warning klaxxon. She pulled her phone off a holster and checked it, letting out a load groan.

"Emergency at work, hopefully it isn't too bad. How's my breath?" She asked.
"You didn't even drink anything!" Ell says with a laugh, shaking her head. "Like peaches, get moving!"
"I know, I know. Sorry, nice meeting you Charlie!" She says, getting up and offering him a hug, her body still strangely cold, before heading out the door at a fast clip, nearly running into a couple as they entered, moving nearly at a jog after that.

Ell watched until Ennie was out of sight, then laughed again. "What a girl..." She muttered, amused.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Izzy got the impression that no matter where she dragged Raven too, he wasn't going to be happy, but at least the Blarney Stone wasn't a regular haunt of hers and they could find a quiet table in the back to plan for their strategy. Or at least her strategy, pending on how he felt after this. As they were making their way inside, a woman hurried out. Izzy managed to catch sight of her outfit, which looked as though she'd headed here right after work, and her brown hair. There was little time for anything else as she nearly slammed into the two of them as she hurried out of the bar. Pulling up short, it looked as though she was going to say something to them when she suddenly stopped, a surprised look on her face. What surprised the blonde even more was the fact that the other woman actually hissed at the two of them, like a cat not appreciating someone getting in their space, before she backed off a couple of steps and then turned to hurry away.

A bit started by the whole exchange, Izzy turned to Raven. "What was that all about?" She glanced off in the direction the woman had gone, looking uncertain whether or not to follow her.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie warmly hugs Ennie before watching her leave. Perhaps some other time, Charlie thinks to himself.

Charlie notices a couple entering the bar. Not many people come to bars as a couple. Strange... Charlie thinks, but then dismisses it. He has much more to think about tonight, namely Ell.

Speaking of which, she's still stone-cold sober. Wonder if she believes in that "abstain from drinking" bit.

Currious, Charlie offers "Want a drink?"
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Raven shied away from the woman, watching her as she ran off. "Th-th-that was another k-kindred..." He said quietly, unsure what exactly had happened himself.

Ell shook her head politely. "No thanks Dear, most alchohol barely touches my stomach before coming right back up, I have a weak constitution. You go right ahead though, I don't mind." She explains, before leaning forward a bit, resting her chin on her hands. "So, tell me about yourself. There's gotta be something more than just standing around in that hunting store, what do you like to do?"
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