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Prologue - Charles Andrews

Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"So why is she leaving and should we be concerned or should we just get a drink or two?" She does walk into the bar, taking a glance around at the other patrons before finding somewhere for her and Raven to sit, a little out of the way, but not "leave us alone" private. Leaving him for the time being, she headed for the bar to get them a couple of drinks, eyeing up the rest of the clientelle. One couple stood out, mainly due to their slightly mis-matched appearance, though no more than she and Raven, really. Still, the super model with a guy that looked to be local were enough to draw attention to themselves. Shaking her head, she put her attention on other prospects.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Ell shook her head politely. "No thanks Dear, most alchohol barely touches my stomach before coming right back up, I have a weak constitution. You go right ahead though, I don't mind." She explains, before leaning forward a bit, resting her chin on her hands. "So, tell me about yourself. There's gotta be something more than just standing around in that hunting store, what do you like to do?"

Charlie grinned widely.
"Hobbies? Sure do. I like taking apart gadgets, then see if I can put them back together."

"Made a bet with my best friend I could dismantle a car engine, but I couldnt get it back together again... Cost me the bet and the car."

"I dont have a proper education on how to put junk together, but I'm better than you're average Joe."

"There's a certain... wonder, y'know? To understand exactly how complex a toaster is, and such."

[[Aww... You know that the simple local's gunna get shot down by the supermodel. Be there as a bounce back? :p]]
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"I d-don't know, did you r-recognize her from y-y-yesterday?" Raven asked as they found a seat.

To Charlie's mild surprise, Ell seemed really interested, nodding along as he talked. "Mm-hmm. That's really interesting. Have you ever taken something apart and made it better as you put everything back?"
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"I helped a friend take apart a motorcycle, once. A real junker, like the 80's or 70's, but after some cleaning and replacing some parts, it worked a lot better. That's probably why I thought I could take apart and put together a car engine, now that I think about it. But cars are more complex."

"So how about you? Got a lot of hobbies?" Charlie asks, interested in learning more about Ell.

[[I wonder if Ell is Sabbat or Cammie... I'm leaning more and more towards cammie, but I've been wrong int the past. :p]]
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Izzy shook her head. "Well, I didn't get a really good look at her, but no. I don't think she was any of the ones that were with us last night. Then again, I didn't see too many of the others at the courthouse, so she might have been there." She's speaking quietly, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention, thanking the music for helping in that regard. "Maybe we should tell River when we get back."

The sight of the girl was gnawing at her but she also didn't want to get too distracted from her goal. She glanced around the bar again, eyes trailing to the other couple first before looking to see if there's anyone she might be able to...to what, really? Find a quiet corner or head outside for a walk and find somewhere to go necking? She held in a giggle at that thought.

Okay, focus. You can do this. Maybe it would just be easier to find an animal or two. Still, she wanted to be certain she could do this. She just didn't want to think to far ahead...namely because she was starting to doubt herself and worrying that she was going to screw this up wasn't helping matters much.

More and more, she found her attention coming back to a middle-aged guy perched on a stool close to the end of the bar. He didn't look too drunk and he looked moderately approachable. Now, how the best to do this?
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

"A few things." Ell says with a laugh. "Dancing, music, a little bit of video games, and frisbee, to name a few." She lists, smiling.

"Y-yeah, that sounds g-g-good..." Raven says, sounding a little distracted. A quick glance shows Izzy that he's entranced by the supermodel in the corner, staring openly.
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Before she gets up, Izzy gives him a light kick in the shin. It's not a jealousy thing (or so she tells herself) but more of a confidence thing. If she's going to do this, she'd prefer if Raven's attention were on her, not some other blonde who was obviously already much too into her own date.

Now, what to do about dinner? Well, when in doubt, play dumb.

Izzy headed up to the bar, presumably for another drink, even though their current ones were untouched. Thank the bottles for hiding that fact. As she approached, though, she glanced down in the man's direction and did something of a double-take. Approaching him, she chuckled a little. "Funny, I didn't think professors got to be social."
Re: Prologue - Charles Andrews

Charlie has noticed other guys in the bar staring at his date, and continues to ignore them.

"Frisbee, eh? Ever play at night?" Charlie asks, glancing out the window.

The park had some light, but at night it really messed with your sense of perception. Charlie remembered that one of his high school girlfriends liked to play frisbee in the dark, for the added challenge.