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Prologue - Claire Winters

Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

((car's a bit further off then you think, I think. Ah well))

The shots rang off the windshield without any appreciable damage, it must be bulletproof glass. She managed to get into the squad car herself and get it moving, though he was hot on her tail, starting to fire off shots itself...
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"Son of a bitch," Claire yelled out as a bullet popped one of the sirens of her cruiser.

Her foot pushed the gas pedal to the floor the cruiser speeding off down the road, hoping to get away from whoever was in that car. She did not have the equipment to fight whoever was inside.

A second shot hit the read left tire. The squeal of metal on pavement filled Claire's ears, and wincing she felt herself loose control of the cruiser. It spun on the road before finally rolling into a ditch.

Clair hit the steering wheel before climbing out and opening the back door.

"Come with me ma'am," she said, knowing her only chance was to flee into the darkness of the forest. So, with Eva in tow, Claire entered the darkness beneath the trees.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

((Hehe, that works better than what I had planned ;) ))

Eve got up quickly and followed Claire into the forest, the pair hearing the sound of the other car stopping shortly after the trees blocked their sight of the road. "We have to hurry!" Eve said, practically dragging the constable along through the dense brush.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire kept up easily, moving through the brush, and hardly making a sound, but she winced as she heard Eve kicking up the leaves and snapping twigs in her run.

"Try to be quiet," she said harshly.

She might be able to take on the pursuers should they come through the forest, but she didn't know how many there were, or how well armed. Besides she had a citizen with her, a victim. Her duty was to keep her safe.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Eve nodded, and to Claire's surprise, slowed down a bit and watched where she was planting her feet, doing nearly as good a job as Claire herself. They stride through the bush at a steady pace for about ten minutes, until Eve stops. "I don't think I hear anyone, i think we lost them..." She says quietly, listening intently.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire was not only surprised, but impressed with the woman's ability to be stealthy. Upon stopping though, Claire did not loosen the grip on her pistol, her finger gently set against the slide of the fire arm. Her eyes darted amongst the trees, looking for odd shapes, movement, silhouettes, anything. Her ears listened to the wind, and she felt her heart pick up a beat.

There was almost no sound.

"Someone is still out there," Claire muttered, wishing she could smell better. She envied the wolves that lived out here in that moment.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"All the animals have gone quiet..." Eve said quietly. "Like they are all afraid of something... As well they should be."

This last sentence accompanied a complete shift with Eve, changing from a soft, scared girl into a quick, manacing woman in the blink of an eye. Before Claire could truly react, the woman had put her hand on the pistol and hit the pin, sliding the top right off while her other hand was aiming a punch for the officer's throat...
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Out of reaction she squeezed the trigger, and dodged out of the way when nothing happened. For a split second she looked at the stripped weapon, then back at the woman who she had been "protecting".

"Who are you?" Claire demanded, pulling the nightstick from her belt, whilst taking notes of the best way to get out of this situation.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

The woman put her finger to her lips and hushed Claire exageratingly. "Shhhh... I'm what all the little birdies and squirrels are afraid of..." She says quietly, a wicked gleam in her eye, before lunging at Claire with renewed vigor, making barely a sound.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

She was almost impossibly fast, but Claire swung her nightstick at Eve's head, hoping to at least slow her down, but somewhere in her gut, she new that something was very wrong, and that tomorrow her rules would be shattered.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire's gut instinct was right, as the woman deftly dodged out of the way and once again went for a punch to the throatan landing it this time and leaving Claire gasping for air. "I wish I had more time to make this fun, I really do..." The woman said sadly,
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire fell to her knees, clutching at her throat and gasping for breath. She still tried to jab the end of her nightstick into the woman's stomach however, a last ditch attempt to inflict pain before she died.

She wasn't going down without a fight, even though she didn't stand a chance.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire managed to connect solidly with the woman's midsection, but she just laughed and grabbed the weapon before claire could pullit back, twisting it out of her hands. "Now now, I promise you'll feel better after..." She promises quietly, and Claire can't help but notice fangs have somehow appeared in the woman's mouth as she speaks.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire looked up in dismay, still struggling to get her breath. The woman was strong, and now she had fangs. She tried to speak but only coughed harshly.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

((More detailed chompy-feelings available upon request.)

Eve leaned even closer, her hand snaking around to grip Claire's hair, tugging her head back, which likely wasn't all that comfortable, given that the woman was still struggling to catch her breath. She hears "Thanks for all the help, officer," before the feeling of twin piercings punctured her neck.

The pain registered for a second before it was replaced with an infinitely more pleasant feeling. It made Claire forget that she couldn't breathe. It made her forget to breathe. Nothing else seemed to matter except the blissful, pleasant sensation that seemed to have completely taken over. Teetering on the edge of consciousness as she was already, as the blackness started to fill in at the corners of her vision, she started to struggle. Some instinct in the back of her mind reminding her to fight; that this was a bad guy and she wasn't supposed to let them win. As she tried, though, Eve only growled and bit harder, that being the last push that sent her mind spiralling downward.

Mist looked down at the fallen police officer, licking the last traces of her blood from her lips. She had been most helpful, filling her up from all the blood she'd spent this evening. Looking down at her, she cocked her head to the side.

"And maybe you can help me one last time and distract that bastard for me."

Slicing open her wrist with her fangs, she knelt down and let some of the blood trickle into Claire's mouth.

Claire's eyes snapped open. The last thing running through her head was Eve biting her. Eve. She was staring up at Eve, who's attention was suddenly snapped away by the sound of gunshots.

"That's my cue," she seemed to murmur, actually jumping back as Claire rolled to her feet, the Beast not caring where her first meal came from. "You go have fun now."

Claire lashed out, trying to grab the woman in front of her but her hand met only air. The woman had become as intangible as smoke and was slowly fading from view. With the gnawing feeling of Hunger forefront in her mind, Claire's attention was suddenly drawn to a new presence emerging from between some of the trees.

A new presence that meant fresh blood.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire blinked as the woman disappeared, but it didn't fully register in her mind. She just felt hunger. It was powerful enough to drive away most of her usual thoughts, her rationality. The taste of blood was on her lips, and she craved more.

In the back of her mind she wondered what had happened to her, but most of her didn't care.

With a small snarl she turned her head towards where the new presence was coming from, and she crouched in the shadows, feeling the hunger rise in her, clouding her mind, whilst she watched for her prey.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

It didn't take long for him to appear. Hurrying through the woods at a brisk clip was a 30ish looking man, tall and well-built. One hand held the gun she must have just heard. The other, it was hard to tell. Not that it really mattered. All that seemed important was she was hungry and something inside of her wanted nothing more than to bury her teeth into his neck and quell the ravenous feeling that was eating at her brain.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

She needed to feed, and in the shadows she bared her teeth, but held back a hiss, not wanting him to know. The urge to tear out his neck was almost blinding and was slowly consuming her mind.

Finally, as he approached, she couldn't take it anymore, and burst from the bushes she'd been hiding in, teeth bared, snarling like a rapid wolf, eager for blood.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

The rustle of the branches is his only warning before she's on him. For a big guy, he manages to dodge out of the way before she can get a hold of him. At the same moment, something hard and heavy slams into her back, knocking her to the ground as if a great weight had suddenly dropped down from the trees and landed on her. If she were still human at this point, it would have likely taken her breath away.

"Damn that woman," she hears before she realizes that he's standing over her at this point. Before she can move again, something plastic and chilled was being shoved into her face, enough of the bloodscent getting through to her, telling her that this, too, was food.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire tore into the plastic between her and the blood, and gulped down on her meal. As the copper tasting food splashed down her throat, Claire slowly felt her blood lust fizzle, satiated for the moment. Still she continued to drink surprised by how nourishing it felt, and how delicious it was.

As conscious thoughts started to come back to her she slowly began to realize what she was doing.

Claire dropped the empty plastic as the act dawned over her, and what she had just tried to do. She looked over her shoulder at the man who had... fed her, blood dripping from her scarlet smeared chin.

"What the fuck just happened to me?" she asked, somehow sensing this stranger had answers. She'd always trusted her gut before.