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Prologue - Claire Winters

Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"De woman dat you were so adamantly trying to protect from me," he states, his tone borderline perturbed, "turned you into thees. A delaying tactic, nothing more. I've got to catch her before she keeps up with her ramapage." He seems to be more talking to himself than to Claire at the moment. "Go to the old courthouse and knock on the back door. Tell Jeck that Vincent sent you," a bit of a smile pulled at the corner of his lips, "so he doesn't mistake your intentions, officer."

He doesn't seem too inclined to answer the question any further than that, pausing a moment to study the surroundings before starting off in the direction that Eve seemed to disappear into.

((Trying to work in the Russian accent. Hopefully doesn't sound dumb, heheh!))
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"Bitch tricked me... used me," Claire muttered getting to her feet. As she did she noticed that she felt... young again. Still, anger boiled in her heart, and she turned a fierce gaze into the forest.

"She kept running that way... let me help," Claire said, pointing deeper into the forest as a drop of blood fell from her chin to splash across the badge on her chest.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"I do not need your help." He seemed to study her for a moment, as if just noticing her. "What I do need you to do is get yourself cleaned up and go to the courthouse. They'll take care of you there." He seems to study the forest for a moment, then mutters to himself, "Bad idea to follow a snake into its nest." He turns back to Claire. "Let's go." He turns and starts walking back in the direction of the vehicles.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire looks into the forest for a moment, but when she hears Vincent's words she knows they ring true. She wanted revenge, and she wouldn't get that by being dead.

She turned and started walking towards the car, noticing how with each step she felt more graceful then before, she didn't feel the fatigue from running through the woods, and she was hardly making any sound at all, and that was without trying to be stealthy.

It wasn't long before the road was in sight once more.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Vincent, if that is indeed the man's name, says nothing as they walk back, taking care to retrieve the discarded blood bag from the ground. He's not as quiet as she is, but it's clear that if he put his mind to it, he wouldn't be making any noise either. As it stood, his mind appeared to be on other things. Once their cars were in sight again, he turned to her, finally breaking the silence. "Remember what I said about de courthouse or our next meeting may not end so pleasantly." Without anything further, he heads for his own vehicle and, unless Claire makes to stop him, will get in and drive away.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire looks at her car, stuck in the ditch, the rear tires ruined and let out a sigh.

"Who was she?" she asked, not entirely expecting an answer.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Vincent stops on his way to his own vehicle, glancing back at her. "Her name is Mist. She has the dubious distinction of being your Sire, which makes you a member of clan Gangrel, albeit one of de more urban aligned ones. She is also a member of de Sabbat, which is why, if you wish to survive de coming nights, it is imperative you distance yourself from her."
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"Urban?" Claire asked, not entirely liking the sound of it. She had always hated cities, but let out a sigh, knowing things were out of her control at this point.

"Alright then... I suppose I should head over to the courthouse. Will there be more answers there?" Claire muttered to Vincent. She still didn't have a firm grasp on what had happened to her. Why she was like this, why she suddenly craved blood.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"There will be." He casually rest a hand on the hood of his car as he spoke to her. "Just remember what I told you about the back door." If Claire has nothing further to ask or add, the other Kindred will get into his car and head off, leaving her to her own devices, it seemed.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"Goodbye then," Claire said, crossing her arms over her chest, flicking her tongue over her new fangs, getting used to them in her jaws.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

((They can go to normal size and back pretty much whenever you want, feel free to figure it out whenever ;) ))

Vincent drove off, and Claire caught a glimpse of someone else in the backseat, just enough to tell it was a woman, and that was about it. Looking over to her squad car, she let out a sigh. The tire had blown, but other than that it was still drivable.

((No idea if cops keep spare tires in the trunk or just around the midsection, if not feel free to get creative :) ))
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire frowned when she spotted the woman in the back seat, but walked over to her cruiser anyways, popping open the trunk and pulling out the spare tire.

It didn't take her too long to change it, especially with the new strength in her muscles, but as she worked she kept a wary eye on the forest, waiting for the woman whom she had led out there to come back at any moment.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Aside from the usual complications that come from changing a tire, Claire manages to get it taken care of without difficulty. Once her cruiser is road-worthy again, she finds herself with a choice: follow Vincent's advice or don't. A quick glance at herself in the rear-view mirror also reminds her that she's got dried blood on her chin and there's some on her neck as well.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire turned the cruiser on and pulled out of the ditch, before glancing at herself again. She ignored the fast drying blood and bared her teeth... her fangs to herself in the mirror.

It was all so strange, she was surprised she was taking it as easily as she was.

She started driving towards the courthouse where Vincent had said to meet.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Winters made it about a block before the radio in her car started going off.

"Winters, do you copy? Respond, dammit!" It was the same dispatcher as before, and by the panicked quality to his voice, he must have been trying the radio while she was out of the cruiser.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

Claire blinked, the radio seeming louder than before... or was it just her. She picked up the receiver and pressed the button.

"Yes, I'm here," she said calmly, hoping that would help ease the dispatcher.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"Thank god! Where have you been, I've been trying to radio you for a half hour!" He says, relieved. "What's your status?"
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"Status is fine... found the owner of the cell phone... it was an accident after all."

Claire was never one to tell lies, and she was amazed at herself at how smoothly the words came out of her lips. Still, she didn't think much about it, what happened tonight, was something much bigger. She needed to figure it out on my own.

"Listen, I'm going down to the old courthouse, I heard someone saying they may have seen some drunk over there or something. I'm gonna go check it out, be back later on to return the cruiser," she told the dispatch.
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

"That's it? Damn, I was so sure... Copy that, be careful out there." He said, and the radio went dead once more.

The rest of the trip to the courthouse was uneventful, Claire having parked a half block away to take the last bit on foot...
Re: Prologue - Claire Winters

With her hands in her pockets Claire wandered around the back of the courthouse. She glanced around, and pulled the police jacket tighter around her out of instinct against the wind. She pounded on the door, still ignoring the blood that coated her face... she just didn't care.