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Prologue - Clara Jones

Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick just sighed. "I thought you'd be like this... Look, you want some coffee or something? I think Denny's is still open this time of night."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

She said to him in a defensive yet surprised tone, "How would you know what I'm like...?" Was he really looking to try to go out with her after all she did and the way she acted? She stood silent for a few seconds thinking about what he asked her. He did seem like he didn't mean any ill will towards her during the match and never bragged about how he beat her. She couldn't go and blame hurting her leg on him either because she refused to give up and kept struggling when she shouldn't have. She said hesitantly to him, "Uh... ok..."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Alright, uh, meet you there then?" He says, shoving off from the wall and walking to the thunderbird, which must have been his car.

((Assume you now where it is, it's right on the main strip through town ;) ))
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara responded a little slowly not really used to doing stuff with other people, "Uh... right... now...?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Oh, uh, unless you have to be somewhere else..." Brick said just as awkwardly, fiddling with his keys to try and get his door to open.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

She said to Brick again quickly trying to correct what she just implied, "No... I'm not doing anything... I'm just... yeah I'll go now." She talked awkwardly again not really being used to this. She waited to see if he had anything else left to say before going to her car.

(( <.< Fast forward if nothing interesting happens XD ))
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Re: Prologue - Clara Jones


Brick just hopped into his car, finally getting it open, and drove off. The trip to Denny's was uneventful, and she found him waiting by the door in, leaning against the wall again. "There you are." he said, his deep voice sounding somewhat releived. "All set?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara looked at him and said, "Uh yeah... sure." Still wondering what his intentions with all this was she wondered if they did look like a couple if they went inside, something she wouldn't want right now. She just sighed waited for him to take the first action to go inside.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick nodded and headed in without another word. They were seated by an older looking waitress, nametag said 'Marie', who put them off on a small table, fairly separated from the other small groups dotting the place. Brick ordered a water, and nothing else, before turning back to Clara, looking like he was having trouble finding the words in his head he was wanting to say.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara wasn't really going to order anything. She didn't have any money and didn't want to make Brick pay for her... for more then one reason. Seeing Brick seeming to want to say something but was having a hard time she wondered if she should try to help him, even if it was something about having a crush. Thinking it was probably that she said to him knowing she might end up regretting this, but doesn't want this to drag on, "Uh... it's best to not over think what you're trying to say..."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick's eyes widened a bit, and he finally spoke. "So, you been training for a while?" He said, still obviously awkward. It looked like he hadn't planned far enough ahead to actually get this far, in Clara's opinion.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara sighed knowing he was just trying to avoid the subject now. Although this did seem to be a good topic because she smiled as she talked seeming to be proud of herself, "If you wanted to include the time I've wrestled I've been training since I was nine."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

This seemed to relax the man a bit. "Wow, started early. You must have brothers then, wrestled with them growing up, right?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara said to Brick her smile fading, "I was an only child. I wrestled because I had to choose a sport in my family. They thought I'd grow out of it." She seemed to avoid the word parents and said the sentence quickly like it was just a fact and not part of her life.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Sheesh, such mood swings ;P))

Brick nodded gravely. "Ah, I see. How long until you plan on going full professional with it?" He asks, trying to turn the subject back to happier things.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( I wouldn't say it was very noticeable Shrike. She just said it in a way that made it seem like she was disconnected from that part of her life ))

Clara said looking off in the distance like she was dreaming, "Sooner or later..." Then she looked at Brick and sighed then said to him, "Brick what did you want tell me when you brought me here..." She seemed like she was getting more comfortable around Brick now and didn't seem as awkward.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick reached up, rubbing the back of his head, his attention a little more on the table than her at the moment. When he finally spoke, he was looking at her, but not meeting her gaze.

"What I wanted to tell you?" It seemed as though he were actually trying to remember. Or maybe he still wasn't over being nervous. "Well, what I wanted to tell you was that was damn impressive tonight. Even up to the end, you didn't want to quit. And it's not too many I've found that can hold their own against me." Funny how the compliment turned back around to him, though he didn't seem conscious of it. "'Course, if you've been training that long, I can see why. Maybe if you just...had a little extra going for you."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

The only thing Clara could think Brick was talking about was drugs which she would never do. It never even crossed her mind to do something like that just to get better at fighting. She said to Brick in a serious tone, "I'm not interested in drugs, Brick."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Brick looked up, surprised. "What? No, that's not what I was getting at," he got out quickly, holding up his hands defensively. "I just meant maybe if you were, y'know, stronger than you were now. You might've had more of a chance. Or maybe if we weren't playing nice on account of the audience."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara sighed then she got up and started walking away from Brick. If he was going to try to call this something other then a drug she was done with him. As she walked away she said, "Like I said Brick I'm not interested in drugs."