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Prologue - Clara Jones

Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

River shook her head while she watched the slowly waking girl. "No, she'd have to be completely drained of blood first. She'll be more powerful than an ordinary human for a time, but it will wear off in a couple days." She explains.

The woman's eyes flutter open, and she looks around, confused. "Wh-where am I?" She asks, looking between the two women above her carefully.
"It's ok, you're safe." River says reassuringly. "We saved you, you can go home. But you have to promise not to tell anyone about what happened tonight alright? Can you do that for me?" She asks in a motherly tone of voice. The woman nods, looking around now that she was standing up. "wh-what hap-" She started to ask, but River cut her off. "It's better that you don't know, alright? Just trust me, go home, and don't say a word about his to anyone, promise?"

The woman nodded again, stuttering out a promise and left, much to Clara's amazement. River just watched her until she went out the door, then went back to Brick and started hefting him again. "She'll be fine now, let's get him outta here." She said calmly.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara said to River in a low voice but still sounding very grateful when she said it, "Thank you... for helping me and her..." When she asked Clara to help her carry Brick she went over to him not saying a word. Remembering the stake in him she asked River, "Is he dead and you don't want anyone to find the body?" If he was it didn't seem like the way it should be to her. Probably because she watched too many vampire movies and that made her think he should explode or something.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Don't mention it." River says with a smile as they lug Brick out onto the street again. She looks around and spots his car, moving off towards it. "He's in a state we call torpor, basically its sleeping, but he can't wake up until that stake is removed, so be careful with it." She explains. At one point a pair gives them an odd look, but River just waves at them and makes a drinking motion with a free hand, and they laugh and keep moving. "So, I don't think I got your name." She says as they reach the car, and she digs around with the keys, trying to unlock it.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Clara was looking around absentmindingly not really paying attention to the people giving them strange looks. When River asked her what her name was she seemed to snap back to reality she said to her, "My name's Clara." Then when they reached the car she said with a hint of disgust at Brick, "What are we going to do with him?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Well, first off we're getting him in this car, and then... Fuck, it's a standard. Do you know how to drive a stickshift?" She asked while they hoisted him into the passenger seat. "We need to take him to the old courthouse." She explained, giving the side of the car a slap in frustration, leaving a small dent.
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( And now I reveal something I should have earlier... ))

Clara responded to her "Er, I can barely drive myself... I usually ride a bike around but decided to drive today... We could use my car if you want." When Clara saw the dent hinting at the women's huge strength, which reminded her of another question she had. Asking her curiously she said, "After he turned me I tried to fight him again but he was still stronger then me. Is that normal?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Its not a very big dent, she's only got Potence 2, compared to your 1 and Brick's 5))

"Right, off to your car then." River says as they heft Brick again. "Yeah, he's stronger than most of us, but that's about all he's got going for him. You'll find yourself getting stronger too, if you work at it, though personally, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Which one's your car?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

(( Well she kicked Brick's ass... and that dent was just a reminder of how easily and quickly she did it... so Yeah ))

Clara said, "Uh, it's the dirty old dark green pontiach... Here I think I can trust you with my keys after all you did." After Clara gave her the keys realized River never really answered her question about what they were doing and as Clara took Brick's shoulder again to help carry him she asked again, "So what are we gonna do with him?"
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"All right. Help me get him in, then." The two of them now have the task of hauling Brick out of his car and into Clara's, though it seems pretty clear River wants to keep him in the passenger seat. Must have something to do with not taking the wood out of his chest. "We need to take him to the courthouse so he can answer for what he's done," she states. "And we need to take you there, too, so we can finish up rounding up all you newbies."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"Uh... How many more are there of us? Is this normal or something?" Clara asked. Then after River answered that question she asked again, gesturing to Brick, "What d'ya think is gonna happen to that thing?" Her disgust in Brick was obvious in her tone of voice and the way she asked the question.

(( You can fast forward after this if you want ))
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

"There seems to be an abnormal amount of newly Embraced tonight, so no. Not normal. Somebody's on a freaking rampage." Once they're both situated, she guides the car onto the road and begins making for the courthouse. "What happens to him isn't up to me, but I'd be happy to make a few suggestions." The grin River flashes at that statement is not at all friendly. "My guess is they're probably just going to finish what I started."


Pulling up to the courthouse, River does her best to get close, obviously not wanting to have to deal with lugging Brick any further than she has to. "You go on ahead," she tells Clara. "I'll have to get somebody to help me out with him. Just head around back and knock on the door there. Jack'll let you in."
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

Just before Clara got out of the car she said to River, "Thanks for everything... Just find me if you need anything." Clara followed River's instructions and knocked on the door.

(( Guess I'm going to the intro thread now ))
Re: Prologue - Clara Jones

((Pretty much.))

"Will do. Thanks for your help with him, unintentional as it was."

As Clara knocks on the back door, she finds it opened by a man who eyes her up and down for a moment before it swings open wider. "Another one trickling in. At least the flow's started to slow down." He motions her inside and once the door is shut, guides her down the hall. "We'll just get you in here and situated and hopefully we'll be done with this business soon."

He opens another door, admitting her a room where there seems to be a good deal more people gathered, some talking, some listening, and some looking bored to be there. Once she's in, Jack gives those in the room a nod and closes th door behind Clara.

**End of Prologue**