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Prologue: Eve Vosmus

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Nov 10, 2008
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1108 AD; Bruges, Kingdom of France.

Eve was tired as she trudged through the filthy streets of Bruges with nothing to keep her company but her own thoughts. She barely remembered her homeland in the Pale, though she knew not the true name of her homeland. Her parents little more than a dim memory much like their deaths at the hands of Viking raiders who had taken her and sold her into slavery.

Her memories after being sold to Baltus were more clearer though no less tragic. She had spent her youth as little more than a slave to the man, who had eventually turned her into what she was now. A lowly whore on the streets of some filthy city in the County of Flanders.

Technically a direct subject of the distant king, Hugh Capet, she knew little about nobles. She was far too common to be paid attention to by such men despite her beauty.

Her thoughts were suddenly broken in upon by the feeling of being watched. Despite the feeling she knew she was alone on the dark street and shaking it off began her trek back to Baltus home once again. He wouldn't like it if she was late.

Not perfect but it's a start.
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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve shivered as the night wind cut through the meager garments that she was wearing. The meager copper coins weighed heavy in the hidden breast pouch of her dress, muffled against the clinking. It's just da wind, she told herself, There's no one watchin' you... She sped up a little, hurrying to get to the only place she's ever called home.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Speeding up through the chill air blowing off of the sea she soon found came within sight of her home. The home was rather large for a commoner such as Baltus. An important personage of the city mostly because of the services he provided immoral as they may be.

She slowed as she felt a coughing fit come on. She had been feeling especially tired as of late and she knew deep down that it was more than just a common cough. The fit passed and she looked at the blood in her hand making her wonder how long she would have before joining her parents.

Coming closer she saw a strange sight before the mansion. The carriage of a nobleman sat in the muddy streets. Despite his importance Baltus didn't receive many visitors of rank. A single servant stood waiting at the carriage not even paying attention as she walked past. The clothes of the servant and mansion spoke of someone far wealthier than she had ever imagined existed.

That's right, I just gave you consumption.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

With a shudder she carefully wiped the blood on the end of her skirt, hoping to get a chance to take it to the river tomorrow to clean some of the grime off.

When she came to the door she kept her eyes and her head down. She dropped the coppers into the collecting bowl at the top of the Cellar stairs and started to make her way down, ears open for any possibility that the bastard might be getting what's coming to him. Lawd above! That carriage looks like 'e got on da wrong end an' cheated some nobleman aaaht ov 'is pennies. I wonder which girl'll get da blame fer it?, innit.

>:3 I'm so glad i asked for Tragedy
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Baltus' odious voice came to her as she made her way further forward. He sounded pleased as he gave he began the usual pitch only to be cut off by the most noble voice she had ever heard.

"I have already stated my wish, cur. Now hurry and carry it out before I decide to simply take what I desire."

Eve has never heard Baltus stutter and falter as he suddenly seems to at the demands. She hoped that whoever challenged him so could handle himself for she had seen how cruel and strong her owner was.

Could be worse. You could have leprosy.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve cringed. She had no wish to see her master and the stranger fight, so she started to creep down the stairs, hoping to remain invisible to the men. She just wanted to crawl into her cot after the day she'd had and no beatings would keep her from it. She snuck a quick look at the stranger though, her curiosity driving that small upward flick of her eyes.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve could barely see into Baltus study as she quietly made her way past the open door way. Her master stood as though in complete awe of the man before him. She could make out little of the noble stranger as his back was turned to her. Even so his clothes seemed to be made of the finest linen accentuated by an exquisite silk cloak and gloves. He was only of average height but he carried himself with such grace and poise that he seemed to tower over Baltus.

He tossed back his hood as she looked letting his long auburn hair fall loose and spoke once more. "Hurry now, man. I haven't the time to tarry and you have already been recompensed."

Both Baltus and Eve could do little but stand in complete reverence to the noble's words, something about him seemed almost magical. The way he carried himself seemed to fill her with the most reverent feeling almost as if she had fallen in love at first glance. Though she knew deep down that it was a love that could ever be, it was impossible for someone such as him to love a simple whore she told herself as she slowly turned her eyes away to continue on.
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Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve whirled herself away, wrenching her eyes back to the dark and dirty cellar. Her master owed him something, some trinket a girl had brought back as payment. Prob'ly Lillith. That girl was always bringin' back unusual fngs as paymun'. This man 'ad regrets an' wants i' back. It 'as nothin' ter do wiv me. So down the stairs it was, she practically ran and took them two by two in her need to just get away and... cry.

Cry? Lor' luv a duck! I 'aven't cried in years an' I won't. There's nothin' ter cry about.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve makes it all the way down the stairs after tearing herself away from the scene in Baltus' study. Pushing her way into the room she shares with the other girls even as she pushes the thoughts of crying away.

Lillith looked up from her thin mattress of hay as Eve pushed her way into the room. The wispy blondes perpetually cocky grin spread even wider as she held up her newest trinket, a gaudy locket of gold, to brag.

"I see you came away empty-handed again, Eve dear. Not that I can blame your customers, it takes a bit more than just a pretty face to sway our customers."

duck? translated everything else just fine.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

It's cockney, luv. She's s'posed to sound like an uneducated yokel.

"I brought back plenty, yew twit. I just did what I'm supposed ter do wiv everythin' yew brin' 'ome. Why don't yew sod off an' I'll not tell da Master abaaaht yew keepin' da pret'y fng??" she flared, bringing to bear a righteous temper on the poor girl. Lord knows Lillith deserved a tongue lashing, and maybe a little beating. "And why don't yew get up an' say what ter me face? At least I don't look like a toad wiv 'air! At least me customers don't 'ave ter put burlap over me face ter get i' up. Nuff said, yeah?"
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Lillith's cocky grin doesn't fade a bit as she slips the locket around her neck before biting her thumb towards Eve. She doesn't get up from her repose however seemingly content with having stirred Eve up. The familiar sound of Baltus coming down the cellar stairs is enough to make them both perk up curious as to what their master might want of them.

Now I know why Jack the Ripper killed prostitutes, must have been the cockney.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve clenched her fists and resisted the urge to punch the other girl. She plastered on a dutiful expression however and turned to face the man they call Master.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Baltus burst through the door and his dark eyes quickly swept over the room before stopping on Eve. A strange look passed from his face as it was overcome by his usual lust-filled grin. She prepared herself for the onerous request she knew was coming. When another familiar look passed over his face as he weighed the sack in his hands filled with coins. The greed finally won out over the lust and he grunted out.

"It will be a shame to part with such a beauty but I still have the other girls." His eyes seemed to linger on Lillith for a moment before he continued. "Let's go Eve, you've been bought and for a pretty price too. The gentleman seems to be in a hurry so don't tarry."

He hurried back up the stairs after casting another lusty glance at Lillith. The other girl merely sat and shivered in the cold of the dungeon a look of surprise on her face almost equal to Eve's own.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve's look of surprise didn't stay for long. She smirked at Lillith and held her head a little higher. The handsome man wanted her. She could hardly believe it. She hoped fervently to God that he was a good, kind Master. He looked like he could afford to be.

She was so lost in her daydreams about a warm bed and soft clothes and real food that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into the nobleman. She stumbled back, horrified at what she'd done and settled in a crouch to the floor with her head bowed submissively.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve's noble savior seemed unable to move for a split second as she crouched to the floor with her head bowed. His hazel eyes seemed to bore into her very soul as the handsome young nobleman simply stared. A look of utter fulfillment seemed to etched into his fine features as her smiled and offered his hand to help Eve to her feet.

"Come Eve. We have little time to tarry, the sun will soon be rising and...we must see that you are fed and attired more appropriately."

As soon as she has risen he leads the way from the house without a word. Leading her by the hand to the carriage and it's lush interior without a word or look back at the house of ill repute. The servant merely bowed his head and no sooner had the door to the carriage closed when it jerked to life and sped away from the only home she had ever known.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve could do nothing but stare for the first few minutes of the carriage ride, silently twisting the fabric of her skirt in her hands. Then she mustered her courage and spoke, "What is yaaahr name, sir? An' why did yew... Why did yew pick me ov all da girls there... Why me?"
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

Eve's savior has done nothing but stare at her as the carriage has jolted through the city to it's destination. His smile still full of pleasure as though he had found everything he's ever sought in life. Hearing her speak he smiles kindly before answering warmly.

"Have I not said my name already, how forgetful. You may call me Christien. Sir Christien De Louvain if you wish to know my full name. Do you believe in love at first sight my dear.

I saw you just this night as Erasmus drove me to an engagement and from that moment I have been able to think of nothing but your simple beauty. I simply had to have you with me and now here we are."

With the exception of a slight pallor to his skin he seems incredibly handsome and sincere as he speaks. His clothes spoke of riches beyond anything she had ever dreamt of. This combined with the break neck speed of the carriage through the early morning streets filled Eve with the feeling htat she must be dreaming.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

"I..." she was at a loss for words, "I dunno what luv is." She went from staring at him to to staring at her hands again. She was silent for a few moments before she looked up, unshed tears in her eyes, "I wan' ter know what luv is. I wan' yew ter show me." If this was a dream she never wanted to wake up...

I've been listening to too much Rock music lately. Sorry. Mmm. Foreigner.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

He leaned forward with an amused smile on his lips as he listens to her. "I shall do my best to show you exactly what love is Eve. I would do anything to keep you by my side but first we will have to get you fine clothes and good food and everything that might make you happy."

The carriage started to slow finally as though they were nearing their destination. A small castle sat on a cliff with the North Sea crashing on the rocks below it. Blue and red banners flew from the parapets and several torches lit up the grounds lending a warmth to the lonesome building. It was rather beautiful in that moment just before the sun begins to rise in the east.

"This is ours my dear it will be your home for now. Feel free to explore it during the day...while I am away. I have pressing business that must be attended immediately. If you have need of anything simply speak with my servant Erasmus and I shall see you soon."

The bad part is I started singing just now when I realized where that came from. Though I am a child of the 80's so I guess it's not that odd.
Re: Prologue: Eve Vosmus

She nodded, unsure of what else to do. She gave Erasmus a pleading look and looked back down. "Th... thank yew." she said to him finally. "I... I'm very 'ungry..." she trailed off.

AGH. Bad post is bad, sorry. Just... blugh.
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