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Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Alexander nods. "It's not the size dear, it's that the glaze cannot cover whatever surface is on the bottom. I'll keep in mind to ask the instructors though, they might have come up with an ingenious solution. Thank you Dear." He says kindly. Crystal orders some sort of glazed salmon, and the waiter leaves again. Alexander opens his mouth to say something else, but is cut of by a ringing in his pocket. he pulls out his phone and checks the caller, before turning back to Eve. "I'm sorry Dear, but I really must take this. Excuse me." He says, sounding disappointed. He quickly stands and walks a few paces away while answering. Eve can still hear his side of the conversation, however.

"Greetings... No, that isn't possible, I am in the middle... Now, you know that isn't my strong suit... Alright, alright, I'm on my way..."
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve sits quietly at the table straining to hear more of the conversation. Not that she was a habitual eavesdropper, she was just very curious as to what would call him away.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Alexander talks for a few more seconds, before hanging up the phone and stalking back to the table, obviously irritated. "My sincerest apologies, but there's been an emergency, and I have to go. Feel free to stay and enjoy the food, it's all been paid for, and I look forward to working with you two in the future." He says in a bit of a rush, before bowing slightly and walking out.

Crystal waited a full five seconds after he had closed the door before letting out a barely-contained squeal. "Did he just say what I think he did?!" She asks excitedly.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve's smile was a bit strained, "I think he did... We got it... we got the big break." she let out a breath, "Thank God. Now I wonder why he left..." she took a sip of her water as she waited for her food. "Damn curiosity..." she muttered.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"Yeah, that did seem a bit weird, almost like he was talking to his boss or something, but I thought he was self-employed..." Crystal said, obviously having listened in as well.

The food arrived a couple of minutes later. The waiter stood politely while they tested the food, before asking if there was anything else the pair needed, and leaving them again. Crystal seemed to enjoy her fish, and the salad was quite good as well. "So, what now? I thought this would take a bit longer..." Crystal mused.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve picked at her salad for a few minutes before she sighed, "I think I'd like to go home and get comfortable. These clothes are a bit restricting, and I'd rather not stay in them any longer than i have too."
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Crystal nodded. "Yeah, I can relate to that. I didn't have time to get this suit properly sized, so it's kinda bothering me too. I'll get in touch with Alexander tomorrow, and give you a call, alright?" She says, looking down at her plate, considering whether or not it would be rude to ask to get it to go.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve nodded, and left her salad there, she was a bit distracted as she made her way out to her car, fumbling with her purse to pull the keys out.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

She got her keys out of her car successfully, and hopped in. Her distraction continued most of the way home, though she kept her eyes on the road. Right up until she heard a scream come from her right.

Her head bolted to the side in time to see a woman, before she hit something with the front of her car. she was just turning off to another street, so she was only going 10 or 20, and she stopped immediately, looking back forward to see a man picking himself up off the street.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"Shitshitshitshit!" she yelled as she put the car in park and bolted out, "Oh my God are you okay sir?" she said pulling out a cell phone and dialing the emergency services. "Don't worry I'll have an ambulance here soon!"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve rushes over to the man, cell phone in hand, just as he stands and turns to face her. She gets a flash of fangs and glowing, red eyes a split second before he reaches out, her one hand grabbing her by the throat and lifting her small frame into the air, the other taking the phone from his hand and putting it to his ear.

"Huh? Oh, shit, sorry, it dialed from my pocket." He says into it, sounding appropriately surprised. "Okay, sorry. Bye." He closes the phone and tosses it to the woman who screamed, who was now walking up. "You're right, that did work rather well." He says with a smile.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve's eyes widened and she struggled, putting her hands up to the man's hand on her throat. He was constricting her airway, and she gasped out, "Why?" before kicking out with her stilettos, trying to get away.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve felt like she was kicking a wall, and the man didn't even bother to try and hold her limbs still as he leaned in close. "Because I'm hungry, and you're the first car to pass by." He said with a shrug, turning as the woman walks right up. "Yours or mine?"

"Go ahead, I just can't help but feel there's something wrong with sucking on other women." She said with a laugh. "I'll go check out the car." The man just smiled and changed hand on her throat, leaning in to bite her neck...
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Eve started to cry, "No! Please someone help me!" she sobbed and started struggling again.
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

The man just chuckled, batting aside her arms and sinking his fangs into her neck, she gasped as the bliss washed over her, but kept on fighting. Unfortunately, all of her effort didn't seem to bother the man at all, and she was soon to weak to resist...

Suddenly, she felt herself falling, followed by a sharp pain in the back of her head as she hit the ground. She lay there and moaned, turning her head to see a splash of green standing over her. There were voices, but she was too far gone to piece together what they meant.

There was the squeal of tires, and the patch of green moved closer, as she felt something warm trickle down her throat. There was a voice, but it seemed not to be talking to her...

"Yes, there's two in a green volkswagon, and one on foot. They've embraced a Kine, I'll watch over her till she awakens, then I'll go after the one on foot... Towards downtown, or maybe the college, I'm not sure. Yes, I'll be sure to, don't worry..."


Eve awakens with a start, consumed by hunger. Something is quickly thrust at her face, and she bites it, drinking deeply before it is torn away. As her mind comes back to her, she recognizes Alexander standing over her, looking concerned. "Are you alright, Dear? How do you feel?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

"Oh God! Mr. Alexander they..." she started crying, "He bit me, he bit me..." her hand flew to her neck, "What did he do to me?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

((Had ya worried, didn't I ;) ))

Alexander drew her into a hug, making soothing sounds until she had calmed down somewhat. "I'm so sorry Dear, I didn't make it in time to save you this... I'll explain what I can, but we have to start moving, alright? We can't stay here."
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

(((Yes you did you terrible person xD )))

She took a few deep breaths and stood up, "I... not here? What's going on? Where can we go?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Alexander stood with her, and together they started walking, looking to be headed downtown. Alexander let out a sigh, but it didn't seem to be one of annoyance, or impatience, he just seemed to be gathering his thoughts. "Well, to start, we're going to the courthouse downtown, where my first meeting of tonight was held, before dinner with you and Crystal. I may sound nuts, I am, and you are now as well, Vampires. Those three that attacked you, they were from a group of bad vampires, called the Sabbat. There are some among them that are not as bad, but you pretty much met the worst of the worst tonight. Are you following me so far, Dear?"
Re: Prologue - Eve Vosmus

Her eyes welled with tears again, "Vampire? Does that mean I'll never see another sunrise? Never get to paint another sunset?" her voice crackled with anguish.