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Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

The newcomer paid for both of their tabs, and left a decent tip, and her regular left another tip on the table when he got out of the washroom, heading out afterwards.

Charles' face tightened for a second when she asked if he wanted food, but he answered quickly. "I'm fine, I had a quick bite before I got here. One of the best ways to save money on trips is to avoid restaurant food, if you ever end up travelling. Although, now that you mention it, unless this place is open 24 hours, I'll probably need to find a place to spend the night. Know anywhere good?" He asks, still smiling.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Jaylene licked her lips, entertaining a thought for a moment. 'Naw, no way those two will appreciate me bringing a man home in the middle of the week like that,' she decided, though the temptation was there to steer things that way! "Last call's around two," she replied easily, "but there are a few hotels, especially off Highway 2." Damn, it was tempting to reply a little more liberally with that smile! The brunette brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, thankful for the relative dimness to hide her blush, amused as she was by her own rebellious thoughts.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Charles didn't look like he caught on, fortunately. "Alright, thanks. That's something else: Try to stay away from motels and such as much as possible to save money, but don't go so long that you forget what a bed feels like." He chuckles a bit, then continues. "So, all this chat about me, mind if I hear some about you, perhaps?"
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

"Oh, not much to tell," she admits, settling back now that there are only the 'biker' (hah!) and the golddigger here. "Just a farm girl from between Blackfalds and Lacombe -- North East of here. My friends and I decided to head to Red Deer. They're going to college, but I'm taking a year off. I'm... thinking of heading out East actually," she grinned, "Look around Toronto or Ottawa for a better college. Got some family out that way that I've never visited, but we keep in touch. I'm kind of in a rush but I'm not, you know? These days I'm feeling a little trapped in routine... kind of like you picked up on." She closed her eyes and grinned, acknowledging that kind of like a cat might give way in a staring contest. Looking back to the table, then around the bar, she eventually settled her eyes on him again. "You heading out tomorrow? I have tomorrow night off, I could probably give you a decent tour around town. I know a couple of good spots for star-gazing a few klicks east of here, too, if the city-glow is too much."
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Charles just raised an eyebrow at her, smiling gently. "I was planning on heading out tomorrow, but I can stick around as easily as not. You said this place closes at two? That's almost the perfect time for stargazing anyways. I could do some wandering around town until you get off, if that sounds alright?"
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

"Hmm, well tonight's alright I suppose. The bar closes at two, but I still need to finish cleaning up and shutting down, so it'll be a little longer than that." She cast a glance at the bartender, not sure that he'd ever forgive her for ditching him during closing. "...But... if you don't mind the wait..." she cast him a grin. "it sounds alright to me."

((Time skip forward maybe? XD I'm not sure what else to banter about for now!))
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

((Don't worry, that's exactly what I was thinking ;). ))

Charles nodded. "Sounds perfect. I assume the doors will be locked, so I'll just wait outside." He leans forward a bit to dig his wallet out of his back pocket, and looks in it for a second before digging out a ten dollar bill, slipping it under the beer pad his drink was on, and gets up. "I'll see you then." He says with that charming smile, heading out the door.

((Go ahead and timeskip yourself up to where she leaves, I'm lazy ;) ))
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

((Hawt! XD))

Surprised by the tip, almost expecting him to ask for change, she shrugged, then laughed quietly to herself as the man took off. God, what was she getting herself into?

The rest of the night was quiet, to her dismay. Only a few more customers showed up over the entire night, which at least meant that closing up was quick work. She spent most of the time wondering about whether or not stargazing with a stranger was going to get her into some real trouble, or maybe just some fun. She figured Charles couldn't be so bad... he was pleasant company, mild mannered... he seemed nice. Never the less, Jaylene left text messages to her roomies, letting them know she'd be home late. If nothing else, he'd make some decent gossip!

With everything closed up for the night, waving goodbye to bartender as she made for her car, Jaylene scanned the parking lot for Charles or his vehicle. She was still amused that she'd taken him at face-value to have a motorcycle.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Jaylene saw only two vehicles, besides the bartender's and her own. one was a Neon, of a moderate blue, not too deep or too light. The other was, amusingly enough, a Harley Davidson motorcycle. She didn't spot Charles by either one though... She stopped to try and figure out where he was, and heard the sounds of a fight coming from around the back of the building...
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Oh, well that wasn't good. Jaylene probably would have ignored the scuffle if she hadn't been invested in meeting up with Charles beforehand. She felt for her cellphone in her purse, though she didn't pull it out yet as she moved around the side of the bar. Worse came to worst, she could phone the cops, but if Charles was in trouble she would rather help him out than get his ass locked up for the one night he was in town.

The fact that he had been so charming occluded her expectations of him... he wouldn't start a fight, now would he?
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Jaylene walked around the side of the building and found Charles duking it out with what must have been the man who owned the motorcycle. The man was about 6'4", wearing biking leathers much like Charles was, but had the rest of the attitude to match, bald head, tattoos, the works. And he was Kicking Charles' ass quite handily. the man had him backed against a wall and was beating on him. Charles was trying to fight back, and even got a few hits in, but he was obviously being beaten...
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

"Well, sonofabitch," she muttered under her breath. Pulling her phone out, making as if she'd dialed already, she confronted the biker from a safe enough distance. "Hey, skinhead! Back off right now. I've got the cops on the line and they're already heading out here." She might have gotten into fights with kids in high school, but that wasn't the same thing as confronting someone so obviously bigger and badder than her. She could feel herself trembling all over, though she managed to hide it. It was more an adrenaline rush than true fear at this point, anyways.

'Sorry, Charles, don't mean to humiliate you,' she thought. She was well aware of how embarrassing it was to have your ass handed to you in front of an audience.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Both Charles and the skinhead turned to look at her immediately, Charles looking scared, the skinhead looking... Feral. His eyes focused on her like she was prey, with no higher intelligence at all. The scariest thing though, was the wild snarl he gave her, showing fangs where his canines should be. "Jaylene, Run!" Was all Charles could say as the skinhead started bounding towards her. He chased after him and tried to grab on, but the skinhead elbowed him right in the face without looking, barely slowed down.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

"Oh, what!" She exclaimed, turning on her heel and nearly stumbling in her work shoes, before pelting across the parking lot. "What the fuck is this!" she shouted, digging for her car keys, hoping she'd have time to dive into the car as she listened for heavy footfalls behind her. She'd seen fangs on that bastard, she was sure of it!
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Jaylene managed to fumble her keys out and get into the car with just enough time to close and lock it before the skinhead reached her. Charles was right there behind him again, this time hitting him across the back with a two by four. The skinhead roared in anger, giving Jaylene another look at his mouth and yes, there were fangs. He literally pulled her driver side door off its hinges in his rage, swinging it behind him and crashing it against Charles, knocking him a good distance before turning his attention back to Jaylene.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

The woman was already dialing 911 as the two clashed a second time, though she shrieked as the man -- the monster! -- ripped her car door off its hinges. Scrambling into the passenger-side seat, she tried to push that door open to escape the other side. Maybe she could get back into the bar in time...

No witty comebacks just now; that adrenaline had all turned to terror. She wasn't up to anything but thinking about the next move she needed to make; no way did she want to get close enough for that thing to grab her!
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Jaylene didn't move fast enough and she felt the man's hand close around her ankle, pulling her backwards out of the car. She screamed as his other hand grabbed her head, lifting her up by the hair and putting her right-side up. She caught a glimpse of Charles, lying motionless where he had landed, before the skinhead tore her head to the side and sank his fangs into her neck. She felt the twin pricks, and a wave of unearthly bliss washed over her, barely held at bay by the adrenaline in her system.
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Giving another scream that choked off as the strange sensation that accompanied the bite washed through her, Jaylene dropped her phone and pawed at his face, trying to get a thumb in his eye or something, anything to get him to back off. "N... nno," she garbled, grabbing at one of the metal rings in his skin and ripping at it. "G'doffa me," she added, trying to sound forceful but losing most of her momentum. This shouldn't have been feeling good! She couldn't understand why she felt this way; typically getting leaped by a huge man and finding him ripping her throat out was something that Jaylene figured she'd want to avoid...
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

Jaylene flailed and beat on the man, feeling herself grow weaker by the second. She must have torn a half dozen rings off of the man, but he didn't even seem to notice at all. She just feels her mind start to blur and her vision darken around the edges as she is unceremoniously dumped to the ground. The skinhead drops beside her, a broken piece of wooden board sticking out of his back. and Charles slumps down last, kneeling beside her and checking her pulse, which he can barely feel. He scoops her head up and cradles it, covering her still bleeding neck to try and buy them some time. "Jaylene? Jaylene, can you hear me?"
Re: Prologue - Jaylene Harris

She could hear him, and she wanted to reply, but the way he spoke was so... wobbly. She wasn't entirely sure what he was saying. Reminded her, sort of, of listening to someone from under water. All sounds and syllables with little meaning. She felt cold and tired, like she'd tried to sit up too quick all at once.

"Ah... I donfeelgood," she mumbled, blinking to try to clear her eyes. It'd be nice just to close them and rest for a few minutes. She didn't even care about what had just happened, she could always rest first and ask questions later.