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Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Very few people seem to be out on the street as a chilly fog has risen from the harbor making it difficult to see very far. The only sounds are the muffled voices and singing from the nearby tavern. Warwick leads her over to a wall where he leans in slightly and whispers quietly.

"No need to be so shy, lass. Ol' Warwick won't hurt you. A proper gentleman I am. What say you to a small kiss and than we'll head somewhere a bit warmer. Maybe even grab a bite to eat."

yeah a bite to eat sounds nice
but he's being so nice
yeah nice enough to eat
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn shook her head a bit before realizing Warwick was looking right at her. Trying to cover, she spoke. "I'm not horribly hungry..." She said slowly, leaning up awkwardly to get closer to him, closing her eyes and pouting her lips some.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn's pouted lips are soon briefly met with the warmth of Warwick's own lips as he kisses her. Pulling away quickly he has an odd look on his face though he quickly gets a devilish smile on his scarred face and says.

"We should find some place a bit warmer lass, yer chilled to the bone you are. Maybe a little wine will do you some good if you ain't hungry."

he's a devil just look at that grin
who cares if he's a devil I'm hungry
we mustn't feed from any angels but he's a devil
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

He's not a devil! Just another petitioner! I don't want to, but I know I have to, alright?

Jocelyn shook her head again. "I'll be fine..." She said, giving him another kiss to the cheek, then down to the neck, taking one last look around before finally biting him.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Warwick nods his head agreeably as Jocelyn says that she'll be fine. The kiss on his cheek brings a smile to his face which grows more mischievous as her lips travel down to his neck. His hands grab her and he gasps as her fangs pierce his throat bu the is quickly overtaken by the euphoric feeling of the kiss. The voices inside Jocelyn's head shut up as time suddenly seems to slow down and the intense feeling fills her up as well. She can feel the warmth of the blood filling her cold body as she drinks from Warwick before finally she pulls her fangs from his throat and closes the wound.

After a few moments Warwick staggers back away from Jocelyn and shakes his head as though awaking from a dream. A blissful smile spreads across his face as he leans up against the wall of the building they stand next to. He's not entirely in his right mind likely still feeling the effects of the kiss or he might notice the single drop of blood trailing down from Jocelyn's lips.
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Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"I'm so sorry," She said quietly, before Warwick could get his bearings again. "But I have to go. I hope you had fun, but you should really go get some of that food you mentioned, you don't look well." She told him, slipping free of his grip and going back towards the tavern. She may have to do that another time or two to stock up enough to make the journey, she didn't feel quite full yet...

What is her current total?
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder


Warwick simply nods his head with a smile as Jocelyn hurries away and heads back to the tavern.

see that wasn't too bad even though he was a petitioner
you said you didn't care what he was before
hey I'm not the devil here that's you

Reentering the tavern she notices that Aubrey has apparently finished his singing for the night or is merely taking a break. He and the other bard sit at a table carousing with a few of the bar maids. Aubrey doesn't seem to notice her return as he seems more interested in the blond sitting on his lap.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

I know what you two are gonna say, don't even start. She warns her inner voices, though it obvoisly distracts her as well. She did her best to ignore it, going over to a different seat at the bar and pointedly sitting with her back to Aubrey.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

The voices just start to whistle innocently as Jocelyn sits at the bar with her back to her sire. Despite this she can still hear the sounds of Aubrey and the bar maid laughing and joking. When she hears his voice call the bar maid my queen she begins to feel something stir within the back of her mind. Recognizing the signs Jocelyn does her best to push it back and soon finds herself in complete control once more.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn holds back a growl as she couldn't help but hear bits and pieces of the conversation. That tramp, I'll kill her, I'll rip her throat out and-NO! She forced the evil side of her back down, forcing herself to take a ragged breath and calm back down. Aubrey then! Listen to him, he's using your name with her, he's- She shoved it down again, harder this time. Aubrey loved her, he was only saying all that because he needed to, to help them get to England. She hoped somebody else would come and talk to her soon...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn's thoughts are suddenly interrupted by someone sitting beside her. Turning her head she is surprised to find herself sitting beside a finely dressed, handsome, young man far to finely dressed for such a place as this. The young lord, for that is what he obviously is smiles and says smoothly.

"Pardon the intrusion, milady. I couldn't help but notice you sitting alone and I can't seem to find the one I came looking for. Do you mind keeping me company for a while perhaps. Oh dear my manners, I forgot to mention that I am Sir Tinchebray."

Hearing the name almost knocks Jocelyn from her seat as she realizes who is sitting beside her. She had never met the man her father had promised her hand in marriage to but she knew his name.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Quick, say something!

"Um, and who could someone like yourself possibly be looking for in a place like this, good sir?" She asks haltingly after a moment, realizing that she had been staring. She shifted her gaze back for a moment, checking up on Aubrey casually...
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Aubrey is still oblivious to the fact that Jocelyn has returned as he chats up the barmaid. The young lord gets a melancholy smile on his face as he explains what had brought him to this place.

"Yes, I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound so mysterious. I was promised the hand of the Baron Holder's hand in marriage and she seems to have disappeared on the way to the wedding. I imagine that the marriage was arranged for political reasons more than for either of our benefits but I was hoping to find her and rescue her from whatever may have befallen my bride to be.

Her father hired a rather unscrupulous hunter to find her and I followed him to this town in a vain attempt to find her before he did. Unfortunately I have little more than a description of her to go on and it appears I might not have made it in time. You wouldn't happen to have seen a young noblewoman of similar age to yourself would you? Her name would be Jocelyn and from the description I have she might be similar in appearance to yourself."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Oh God, it's really him, he's here for me, what do I do? How did he find his way here? Did he ever see Aubrey before? I need to get him out of here!

Thinking quickly, she leaned in closer to him, speaking barely above a whisper. "It's me, Lord. I'm Jocelyn. They held me prisoner, but I managed to escape. I was here trying to find someone to help me." She explained, letting that sink in for a second before continuing. "They're watching the main roads, but I know a place to hide until they think we managed to escape. Can you help me get there?" She asked, pleadingly.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Lord Tinchebray's face shows his utter disbelief at what Jocelyn has just said as he sits beside her with his mouth wide open unable to say anything for a few seconds. He stands and gently takes her arm as the surprised look changes to a look of utter concern.

"Is it truly you milady? Oh what a godsend. I swear they shall not harm another hair on your head even if it takes the last breath in my body. Who has done this to you, I can have a dozen men here to soundly thrash these crude ruffians who would dare to harm my bride to be within hours."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Please, calm down!" Jocelyn urged quietly. "If you make a scene it may draw attention..."

She waited for him to release her arm and them both to sit again, before continuing, hoping he didn't notice how cold she was through the clothing she wore. "Oh, I'm just so glad to see you! Nobody's hurt me, but I feared where they were trying to take me. They wouldn't say where, so I know not who was behind all this. I'm unsure whether a dozen men would be enough. I never saw more than four or five at a time, but the faces were nearly always different. Please, we can hide for a day or two until they think we're gone, then gather more men and follow them to the source!" She pleaded, trying to appeal to the man carefully.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

"Of course, I will do anything you wish my dearest bride to be. Though I hate the thought of these rascals possibly escaping I shall acquiesce to your wishes. It would be wiser to have a clear advantage after all. Shall we go then?"

Tinchebray says as he takes his seat beside her, his hand sliding off her arm without a hint that he noticed anything wrong about her. He looks around the room carefully before he adds.

"Do you think perhaps this was arranged by your father. I have never trusted the man to be quite honest. There was always something about him unnerving."
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nods and motions him towards the door, thinking a moment. "It's possible, though I'm not sure why he would choose to. He sent me to the church to be rid of me, only called me back to be wed to you. I'm not sure what he could gain by promising my hand, then having me kidnapped..." She says. It felt like it had been forever since she had thought about her life, she was having to try hard to recall enough to make the act convincing. The voices constantly offering advice weren't helping, either...

Once they made it outside, she'd point him towards the docks and the hole Urchin had found the chest in, slipping her arm into his and letting him lead, to look more convincing in case any of the people after her were watching for them. She willed herself to warm up, afraid that he might notice if she stayed touching him the entire trip down and into their safe haven...

Spending a blood point to return a semblance of normal bodily function for a scene. Can't remember if it returns everything, or just a selected bit. If the latter, body heat is the obvious choice.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Don't really remember myself, anyways 1 BP spent to feel warmer.

Lord Tinchebray follows her quite willingly through the fog shrouded docks of the city. His face looks a little surprised at the cave Jocelyn points to as a place for them to hide from whoever might be after her. He willingly leads her carefully along the slippery rocks and into the cave as he answers her.

"Perhaps it is just the old prejudices of my father's against yours showing through in my upbringing. They have had a long rivalry among the gentry of these lands since before either of us was born."

Seeing the interior of the cave as he helps her to climb inside he looks confused as he says.

"This is a rather unusual hiding place but if you say it is safe I will trust you."

Is this one a devil?
No but you are!
I thought we both were.
No but I bet you that he is.
Re: Prologue: Jocelyn Holder

Jocelyn nods along, navigating the slippery rocks carefully. "It's safe, I've already spend a night in here. They've been searching houses for me, they don't think I would hide someplace like this..." She lied, watching him intensely. Now that it was time to actually go through with her plan, she found it incredibly hard to do so...

He doesn't deserve this, nobody deserve this... But I have to, it may get those other devils to stop following Aubrey and me... You don't really know him, even before you died, he's just another petitioner now... Awww, I don't wanna... She wailed internally, her confusion and indecision showing on her face before she finally gathered up the courage to go through with it.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" She starts, reaching out to take hold of him, pulling him in close enough to bite...
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