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Prologue - Jonas Fletcher


Dec 14, 2008
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((Couple assumptions here: you have employees, a single tow truck, and you drift between helping the mechanics and paperwork usually, driving the truck on the other guy's day off. Deal?))

Jonas let out a sigh, looking around the shop a final time before closing it down for the night. It had been a rather slow day, and he had sent his driver home early, filling in for the only tow of the day, which wasn't even back here for repairs, just out to a farm for them to do the work itself. The mechanics were still busy on that Ford Focus from last week, but they should be done by tomorrow or the next day, and then nothing...

Jones snapped out of his reverie when the work phone on the desk started ringing. Someone was calling the place, probably some teeneagers drunk driving and hit a tree or something...
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

((Yeah, deal.))

Fletch groans. He just wants to get home already. Day's been long enough without some fucking frat boy putting his car into a tree upside down. Still, money's money. After a moment of composing himself Jonas picks up the phone.
"Fletcher's Towing & Repair", he replies in a voice that has seen a few too many smokey bars in it's life time. The free hand comes up to scratch his beard. About time to trim that thing.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The voice responding from the other end is decidedly feminine. "Hi there, I don't suppose it's too late to get a tow here? I'm on... Ah, mmm... The street right in front of the college, by the lights."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch can't help but grin into his facial hair. Maybe this day is going to end a bit better than it started. Now and then the womanfolk can be very thankful, especially if they had a drink or two. Or three. This lady doesn't sound too drunk, though.
Anyway, business first. Jonas rummages around the papers on his desk for a moment to pull out a notepad. "You're in luck, I was about to close the store down. I know where that is, though. Gonna take me", he looks across his office at the watch, "about 15 minutes, maybe less."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"Oh thank god." She says, relieved. "I'll just be here waiting then. Bye." She blurts out, hanging up immediately after.

Jonas collects his stuff, grabs the keys, and head's out in the truck. Arriving right about on time, he spots a pair of people leaning against, of all things, an upturned car, a couple dozen yards into the field. It's the strangest thing. He can see the tracks in the grass, they head off the road and go nearly straight to a spot about eight feet to the side of where the car sits, which he can tell is a green volkswagon beetle now that he is close enough. It's just sitting there, as if it drove to the spot, stopped, and was picked up by something and flipped sideways, but there was nothing in sight that could do that.

The pair, a man and a woman, stood straighter and walked over as he parked the truck and got out. The woman was in her mid-twenties with brown hair and green eyes, wearing a somewhat dirtied sundress, with a tear on the side that ran from the bottom of he rib on the left side right to her navel. The man was about the same age, with similar facial features, though his face was stretched to a frown at the moment. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a jean jacket, which looked more intact, thankfully.

"Thank you for coming so fast!" The woman exclaimed. "Do you think the car can be saved?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch gets back to scratching his beard as he looks at the car. "How the hell did you manage to do that? Going to have to flip that thing upright first before hooking it up." Nothing is ever easy, Fletch sighs. Not only is the girl in company - and as such off limits, a man's got to have rules - but this looks like a chunk of work. "If the frame's not too deformed. . . And even then we could get it done", he replies as he crosses his arms in front of his barrel-like chest. People tend to think he's overweight. He's not. His muscles are just not very refined.
Dropping his hands back down he walks over to the car. "No, seriously. How the hell did you do that?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

"It's a long story." The woman said, exasperated. "We have to come back with you to pay for the tow, right? Maybe I'll get into it on the way, but basically, it's all my brother's fault." She says with a sneer for the man, who just harumphs and goes to help Jonas with the car. Once they got it rocking it was fairly easy to roll over. and then the pair wanders off to talk to themselves for a moment as he hooks it up to his truck. Best he can tell, the frame isn't damaged, the car didn't seem to twist to badly when whatever it was that happened threw it sideways.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch casts the siblings a few interested looks as the Beetle is slowly pulled up the ramp by the winch until it rests fully on the back of the car. He's proud of that truck, damnit. Better than the first he got that would scratch the bumpers of any car he towed.
With a shake of his head Fletch walks over to the pair, announcing himself with a clearing of his throat. "The car's probably going to be okay", he explains in his deep, slightly hoarse voice with a thumb over his shoulder. "I figure we drive back to the shop now to settle the payment thing. I can take one of you or both, doesn't matter."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

((So somewhere along the line, I missed replying to this. My apologies :/ ))

The woman looks over to her brother, who just shrugs. "You go ahead, I'm going to grab some food. I think I saw a Denny's on our way by, I can grab something there." He says, turning around and walking off as she turned back to Jonas. "Just us two then, I guess." She says with an odd smile, before walking around to the passenger side of the truck and hopping in.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

((Eh, it's okay. I've been gone all day.))

"Alright then", Fletch replies with a nod at the brother as he walks around the truck and opens the driver's door. As a red-blooded male he can't help but get a good look at the girl's legs before pushing himself up and into the driver's seat, eyes looking straight ahead. Distraction that late can be bad. Keep your eyes on the road, man, he chides himself. For a moment he imagines a tow truck towing a tow truck towing a green Beetle, and he snickers to himself.
"So, you going to tell me who flipped your Bug upside down", Fletch asks as he starts up the truck and puts on the yellow warning lights.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

She looks at him in a confused manner. "Who? You think a person did that?" She asks, and then chuckles. "You'd be right then. You know the game Pedestrian Polo, right?"
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch gives her a quick look as he starts driving the heavy truck down the road. "Can't say I do. Care to explain?" It's going to be a longer drive back, with the Beetle slowing them down and restricting rear view.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

He starts off back to the shop, while she gives him a look of surprise. "Never heard of it? Wow... Basically, the passenger calls out points for pedestrians who are being stupid, and if the driver runs them over, they get the points. Every once in a while someone spots someone important, crazy, or just otherwise special, and they call those as 'Win' instead of just points. We found one, but it wasn't quite enough, was it?" She said, and laughed.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas gives her a short glare before setting his eyes back on the road. "Kid, I'm not getting paid to made fun of. You don't want to tell me. Alright, then don't. 'Cause I don't have to listen to you, either." With that he reaches over to the radio and turns it on, looking for a Classic Rock station.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

She looks rather offended by this, raising her voice to be heard over the radio. "What, you can dish it out but you can't take it? You're the one who asked if a person flipped my car."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Fletch shakes his head. "Still sounds more likely than you going around and committing a hit 'n run for shits and giggles, Lady. Sounds a lot more legal as well." His fingers start to drum on the steering wheel subconsciously as "Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner comes on.
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The lady just 'Huumphs' and crosses her arms, settling back in the seat and saying nothing for the rest of the trip, looking out the window the entire time. Jonas pulls up to his shop, and as she sees the yard he uses to keep vehicles in, a small smile crosses her face. "This is a pretty nice shop you have here."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

This seems to hit the right tune with Fletch. A proud little smile shows on his face. "It sure is. Worked hard for it, too. Earned every god damn brick myself." As he parks the car and turns off the light total darkness engulfs both of them for a moment before Fletch opens the door, and the internal light comes on. "Alright, come in and we can settle this."
Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

The woman walks in, seeming impressed with the interior as well, if the glances and smiles are any indication. "Yeah, sure. Hey, I have a question. You know your car yard outside, what's the dirt like? have you ever dug any of it up?"
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Re: Prologue - Jonas Fletcher

Jonas blinks at the woman as he heads to the office. "The. . . dirt? It's just soil and dust, I think. Through here", he adds as he opens the door and turns the lights on in his office. Papers still litter the desk - bills and invoices, going in and out.