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Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

The man stands up and moves over to you, before leaning down and looking you in your eyes. You finally notice that not only is he not breathing, but he had a pair of elongated fangs. As he spoke the smell of blood reached you blood that had recently belonged to the young man dead in your bedroom.

"Revenge is what I gain from this, and nothing more. Now I would love to continue this conversation, but I can't be here when the others arrive."

With that he utters a short magical phrase and with a slight gesture, you feel you're body become rigid as if it's paralyzed.
Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

Leonardo couldn't do anything as Vincent stepped over him, but as he looked at the man, his mind was still working. A vampire. If the legends are correct, this may yet serve my purposes...
Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

Vincent viciously sinks his fangs into your neck, the feeling of paralysis leaving your body, you momentarily feel a tremendously sharp pain as the fangs pierce your neck. Soon all your thoughts are replaced with an exquisite bliss the likes of which you've never felt as he completely drains the blood from your body.

With the realization that the life you have been trying to prolong through any means possible is quickly leaving you struggle feebly to break away. To no avail as you feel your frail body falls limply back into the chair dead. You almost feel like you're floating up out of your body when a trickle of something warm and coppery passes your lips. Something breaks inside your mind as you feel a ravenous beast force it's way into your mind. A beast which knows only one thing, the need to feed on blood anyway it can be found.
Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

Leonardo's eyes snapped open as he looked around feverishly. He felt renewed strength flowing through his body, and with it, a need, a hunger. Releasing a feral growl, he looked around for something to feed on.
Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

As his eyes snapped open he found himself in his darkened study, with no one around. No one around at all but wait the smell of blood came to him from the back room where the young hospice worker lay already dead.
Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

Leonardo rose to his feet, his canes forgotten and unnessicary, and followed the scent of blood back to the room with the dead worker. Kneeling over the body, he sunk his fangs into the man's neck, but there was barely any blood left, no where near enough to sate his hunger. Ripping his teeth loose and tearing a huge gash in the neck, he began to head towards the door, to go looking for more.
Re: Prologue - Leonardo MacIssac

The beast inside of him still ravenous with hunger Leonardo begins to head down the hallway intent on finding blood. As he nears the front of the house he hears a knock on the door almost as someone planned on it.

*********End of Prologue**********

(((As soon as the others have had a chance to post and Ronny knocks on your door in Chapter 1 you can begin posting with the rest of the characters.)))