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Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Khalim just nodded, walking over to her and stepping around to her back, gently tilting her head to the right. "If it's any consolation," He says quietly, close enough that she can feel the breeze from his voice. "You won't care as you feel your life ebbing away..."

A second later, Luna feels a prickling sensation as his fangs sink into her neck, but the pain is almost instantly washed away by a wave of unearthly bliss, more mind-numbing pleasure than she has ever experienced before in her life. Her knees buckle without her noticing, and Khalim moves an arm under hers and around her chest to keep her upright, starting to move her somewhere as he does so.

She vaguely feels the thumping of stairs against the backs of her heels, but is unable to focus long enough to really register what that means. somewhere under the tremendous sensations, she feels her heart pumping faster, trying to push the reduced amount of blood through her veins fast enough to keep everything running, and her vision darkens, narrows. It goes dark completely, and she feels herself nearing death, when a warm trickle of liquid is forced through her lips, followed by the pressing of cold skin onto her lips, the trickle continuing unabated. Her mind instinctually latched onto it as a lifeline, sucking greedily and even reaching up with her hand to take hold of what she now knew was a wrist, once her limbs had revitalized enough to do so. Finally, the wrist tore itself out of her grip, and she felt herself slip into unconsciousness again, somehow knowing that she would awaken again sometime soon. The last thing she felt before her mind slipped entirely was somewhere, deep inside her soul, something broke free, and let out a roar...


Hunger. The only thing she knew, the one overriding need. She was hungry, hungrier than she had ever been in her life. Jumping to her feet and examining her surroundings, she found herself in an empty room. A sound caused her to whip around, to stare at a man, vaguely familiar in some way. he was bound and gagged, desperately trying to worm his way into a corner away from her. Every instinct screamed at her to leap over to him, to sink her teeth into his neck, to feed of his lifeblood until there was nothing left, and she would be sated...
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

(The second part of this post is filler for my own amusement, feel free to pay no mind to it.)

At this point, one could say that the consciousness known as "Luna" has yet to awaken, or perhaps had been mutated to the extent that it was hardly reminiscent of her original self. Either way, one thing was certain, the "thing" that dwelled within the form known as "Luna Ashworth" presently was nothing more than a beast with the primeval instinct to feed. And so it did, with a swift movement towards the man, a form of crazed insanity insanity in its eyes as a result of hunger, the creature sunk its fangs into the man's neck without any mercy, intent on draining the man's lifeblood to its last drop.

~Somewhere amidst a place resembling the Southern Islands~

"And so it begins, the delightful little game..."

Seated upon a regal throne like chair atop the roof of a grand, resort hotel like building, amidst the blazing sun was a grey hooded figure who appeared to be thoroughly amused with something.

"My cute little apprentice has finally transcended from her mortal flesh to become one of the creatures of the night. Such a lovely day...It appears I'll have to travel to that world sometime in the near future."

It was then that a man, looking to be around his 30s, suddenly materialized behind her carrying a tray holding a goblet in which was a scarlet liquid. Upon first glance, one might assume the contents to be wine, or a similar vintage. However, on closer inspection, one would find that the brew was far more sinister, drops of blood gathered from over a thousand people and mixed together into a drink.

Taking the cup from the servant, and thanking him for his work as he disappeared, the grey hooded figure continued to muse again the drink apparently making her more... "melodramatic", as one might say.

"Now then my child... will thou survive long enough for us to meet once again in flesh?...Or will thou become nothing more than cinders before the opportunity arises?....Come, show me the resolve of Luna "Siesta" Ashworth to fight and live! For either way, you will belong to me in the end!"

A maniacal laughter then echoed throughout the island, one that seemed it could not belong to any mortal being, such was the depth of the insanity in the voice. For, sitting above the sea of corpses consisting of every former inhabitant of the island on a regal throne, was a being that could be called a "demon", no...a being far worse...
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Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

The man gave little resistance as the creature that was Luna viciously pounced him and forced his head to the side, sinking her newly grown fangs into his neck. The blood that slipped down her throat felt like the sweetest thing she had ever tasted, and the Beast inside her calmed, allowing her to regain her senses to some extent. The first thing she noticed was that she did recognize her prey, it was the corrupt businessman she had been sent to kill in the first place. The man was still alive, moaning quietly and perfectly limp, likely experiencing the same sensations she did when she was bitten. The second thing she noticed was Khalim, standing quietly in the corner, watching the proceedings with those appraising eyes.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

As "Luna" regained herself within the form of the "beast" which had been feasting so eagerly earlier, and began to regain conscious thought asides from the need to feed, she turned to the "elder vampire" with a tinge of annoyance in her voice as she realized who her prey had been.

"While I appreciate having my first meal prepared for me... I would rather not feed from a sinner such as him if possible... "

That annoyance quickly disappeared however, and was replaced by...a "sickening" curiosity, as she remembered one question she had forgotten to ask before her conversion. Flexing her hands, she then grabbed the head of the man she had fed off of not long ago, as if to test whether or not her new found power would allow her to crush a human skull with her bare hands. The fact that her fingers were pushing down harder per second did little to disprove that assumption.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

The skull did not crush under her hands, though she gave it all she could. She did feel slightly stronger, but nowhere near the strength he had used against her earlier.

"A sinner's blood is just as nourishing as a bum's, or a doctor's, or anyone else's, for that matter." Khamir said quietly, observing her attempts. "Our clan is not gifted with supernatural strength from the outset. I had to find someone to teach me, and so shall you. Now, time is short, we must get moving." He says, turning and opening the unlocked door, exiting the room.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

A tad unsatisfied with this new knowledge, the scarlet-eyed girl settled for throwing one of her knives into the man's forehead before gathering her weapons and following after the elder vampire, apparently uncontent with leaving a sinner untouched. Regardless of what she was now, she was the "Last Siesta of the Bloody Moon" first and foremost. And that fact would never change.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Khalim led her out of the house and into the garage, talking the entire time.

"This mission will be different from any you ever did as a mortal. This is not a simple search-and-destroy mission, and your target is many times stronger than you, and well prepared. He doesn't know you are out to specifically kill him, but he knows he is hated, and defends himself accordingly."

They reach the outside door, and he shuts and locks it carefully, then kicks the door down, to make it appear as a break-in. Then they head into the garage and he unlocks one of the cars with a set of keys, climbing in. "There are many others as fresh as you appearing tonight, you need to make them your allies if you are to have any chance of success."
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth


Musing to herself in regards to what her senior had just said as she climbed into the car alongside him, Luna began to work out the murder already in her mind. Her opponent was, as stated, much more powerful than her. While she had dealt with "superior' opponents in the past, she had full knowledge of her limits and capabilities at that point. Now, in a new body with different restrictions and powers, "making the best" was not a plausible option. After planning out a skeletal outline of how she would deal with an encounter with her target, the newborn vampire then inquired for more specifics in regards to her mission.

"...Two things... First, the new embraced...have they experience in murder? Or have they yet to be tainted?... Second, may I request incendiary equipment for a worst case situation?..."

The mission had yet to begin, and the girl was already planning for the worst case scenario, in which she would kill her target as she died herself...
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Khalim shook his head slowly, backing out of the garage and starting off down the street.

"I have no clue, I assume that not too many people in this city have experience in death, so chances are slim. And you will be on your own entirely for this one, once I have finished explaining the mission, I have been instructed to leave town. To everyone, you are to appear as the persona we created for you: That of a college girl, embraced with no warning and no clue. The others will be in much the same state. If they suspect that you had any previous knowledge, or seem exceptional in any way, they will dig to find out what had happened, and it is probable they will find out."
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Wordless for a moment, Luna put her hand to her face, then moved it aside as her demeanor changed almost completely in an instant, a smile the contrasted heavily with her normal personality in place of her "killer's mask".

"Luna was coming back a day's work in the library when suddenly she was attacked by a strange man out of the blue. Next thing Luna knew, she had grown fangs and was thirsting for blood. Luna was so scared when she found out what had happened..."

The manner in which she spoke was almost... "disgustingly cute" in a sense, if not outright sickening for anyone who knew her. Thankfully, she returned to her "normal personality" before speaking once more.

"...Would that...be appropriate?...Or do you believe that to be unfitting?..."
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Khalim laughed out loud, though it seemed sarcastic. "A little exaggerated, perhaps, but you have the general idea. Go ahead and give them my description even, it won't do them any good." He says, pulling up to the library downtown. "I was going to drop you off near one of their hideouts, but starting to wander from here works as well. Remember, this is a long time goal, but the Organization is still watching. If you kill him, they'll know, and then you can decide what to do next, hmm?" He says slowly, waiting for her to get out.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

"...One cannot kill without learning one's limits and resources properly...Rest assured though...Luna has yet to fail in a hunt!"

Changing her demeanor partway as she exited the car, she once again spoke and smiled in the horribly sickening manner as she had done earlier, to show that she was to begin by searching out the rest of the newly embraced. Acting as "innocent" as could be, Luna then bid her senior vampire farewell as she waited for him to drive off before beginning her mission for real.

"With that, Luna will wish you a good night and safe travel as she returns home from her work. Luna wishes you the best of luck!"
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Khalim nods, satisfied, and drives off, leaving Luna alone on the sidewalk in front of the Library. A quick glance around shows her nobody is in sight, at least not that she can tell.

((You're Free! what do ya wanna do?))
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

((Well then, shall we have an overtypical meeting with one of the other characters?...))
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

((Was pretty much planning on it, but where you wanted to go kinda determined which NPC you'd come across. But seeing as neither one of us actualy knows what lies where in the city, either a general destination like the college, or a general direction like North, will work.))
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

(7 AM in the morning, I apologize for this one liner post in advance.)

Following the departure of her senior, Luna then began heading back towards her dorm on foot so as to create her alibi, keeping a look out for the newly embraced on her way...
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Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Luna managed to walk about two blocks before someone managed to find her. A woman, red-haired and lithe, dropped from somewhere above onto the street about ten feet in front of her. She was wearing sports clothes, and a pair of sunglasses, which looked really odd, considering the time of night. Without being told, Luna knew this woman was a vampire as well, much like one predator knows another on sight.

"Lost?" The woman asks quietly in a neutral tone.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Answering in the demeanor she had shifted to from her more natural personality, Luna began her rather..."horrible act".

"Oh no...Luna was just on her way home after a rather...scary experience..."

((Well, seriously it's sleep time for me. Yet I don't want to stop rping completely just yet...))
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

The woman didn't look impressed. "What do you mean by that?" She asks indignantly, examining Luna carefully.
Re: Prologue - Luna Ashworth

Continuing her act regardless, Luna continued to feign ignorance, when in actuality, she was already on her guard against what she believed to be another vampire.

"Luna found herself bitten by a particularly nasty fellow, who disappeared shortly after doing so. Luna is fine now though..."